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What Happened to Tara
What Happened to Tara
What Happened to Tara
Ebook308 pages4 hours

What Happened to Tara

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All the power sources have gone out in Northern Canada. There is no electricity, cars die in the middle of the road and cell phones are useless. Fifteen year old Tara and her family, along with the people in the small town of Mores Lake are fleeing south, hoping that its a local phenomenon. Tara is sure that everything will return to normal within a few weeks. Rather than follow her family to safety, she runs away with the local bad boy. He promises her they will camp for a few days until the power comes on and then return home.
With stars in her eyes and the innocence of first love, Tara follows Will into the bush. She soon finds that all is not as promised as Will becomes "Snake", and she is sexually abused by him and his followers. When her sole supporter disappears and the house they are squatting in burns to the ground, Tara flees into the bush.
Alone, and afraid to ask for help, Tara is soon lost. With a Canadian winter about to descend, wild animals prowling and starvation threatening, she curls up beneath a sheltering tree.
What happens to Tara before she finally returns to her home and parents is a true Canadian adventure.

PublisherJ.M. Johnson
Release dateApr 12, 2020
What Happened to Tara

J.M. Johnson

J.M. (Joanne) has been a storyteller all her life. When she was a child, she loved to tell stories to keep her siblings entertained. Her brother told everybody that she was their TV. As often happens, dreams get pushed aside in the day to day of real life. Now, in retirement she has pulled out all those scribbled short stories, poems and half finished novels. It is time to follow the dream, complete the wish list and share those imaginings with the world.Joanne lives in Alberta, Canada and grew up in northern B.C. She currently spends her time writing, singing with her chorus of barbershoppers and spending time with her grandchildren.

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    What Happened to Tara - J.M. Johnson


    Stan Morrisson hammered on his daughter’s bedroom door. C’mon, Tara. Today is the day. Rise and shine.

    Only silence greeted him, so Stan shrugged and continued down the stairs. He shivered in the early morning chill. As he entered the dark kitchen, Miriam gave him an enquiring look.

    Are they up?

    Danny is, but Tara’s pulling her usual teenage shit. I’ll go up and roust her again in a few minutes.

    His wife stuffed another jar of fruit into her basket. I wish we didn’t have to go, she said. If only the lights would come back on and we could go back to normal.

    Stan hugged her tightly and she leaned against his chest. I wish we didn’t have to go, too, he said. But you know we’ll be better off on the farm. Ever since that EMP, or bomb, or whatever it was killed all the power last month, things are getting worse every day.

    She patted his arm and gave a weak smile. I know. But maybe Tara’s right and we should wait a few more days. It’s a long walk to the farm.

    It is a long walk, Stan agreed. That’s why we can’t waste any time. Besides I want to make sure my parents are okay.

    They stepped apart and Miriam commented, I could have sworn I left a bag of apples on the counter last night. I thought we could eat them on the way. We’ll have to pick some more before we go.

    Maybe they’re in the pantry. Stan turned towards the stairs ready to warn his twelve year old son about running in the house, when Danny shouted.

    She’s gone! Tara’s gone!

    What do you mean, she’s gone? Miriam turned and stared at him. Where would she go?

    Stan ran up the stairs, taking them three at a time. He burst through the bedroom door, the door with the princess crown still on it from when she was three, and stopped in confusion. The bed hadn’t been slept in. Its covers were pulled tight and the pillows were undisturbed. The closet door stood open, a jumble of shoes and bright coloured clothes spilling out. The top of her dresser was uncluttered, cleared of the usual lipsticks and make-up.

    It looks like she was packing. He started to say, but Miriam cut him off.

    Her backpack is gone. It was right on that chair by the window.

    Stan ran his palm over his bearded chin. That crazy girl. She’s probably hiding somewhere, hoping we’ll change our minds about going to my parent’s farm. He reached for his wife’s hand, but she had moved to the closet and was surveying its contents.

    Typical teenager. Nearly the end of September and she’s wearing sandals. She rummaged through the mess on the floor, then pulled one of the dresser drawers open I don’t know what she was thinking. She continued. None of her sweaters have been packed, but she took her bathing suit. Her voice faded and Stan stepped closer.

    He reached for her hand, but was interrupted by Danny thundering back up the stairs. Her coat is gone, he reported. And her winter boots.

    All three of them gazed out the window at the late fall flowers blooming through stalks of uncut grass. A few leaves on the birch tree across the street showed a touch of gold. Winter was not far away in Northern B.C. Even in mid-September it was already knocking at the door.

    Miriam swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. Why would she take her coat and boots and leave her sweaters? She slammed the drawer closed. Doesn’t she know how worried we’ll be?

    She can’t have gone far. Stan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. I’ll go look around the neighborhood. Danny, you get on your bike and check with all her friends. Somebody will have seen her.

    Danny nodded. I’ll try, Dad, but most of her friends have already left town. Everybody’s running South.

    Yeah, I know. His dad patted his shoulder. That’s what we’re trying to do too. Do your best, Son.

    I should have paid more attention. Miriam said softly Obviously she was more upset than we thought.

    Stan grunted. Oh, I think we knew how she felt. I think the whole neighbourhood knew after that screaming match you two had.

    She’s scared. Tears came to Miriam’s eyes. That’s all. If I hadn’t been so busy, I might have reassured her more.

    The door slammed behind Danny as Stan was shrugging his shoulders into his coat. Don’t blame yourself, Hon. We’re all scared. Besides, he gave her a quick hug. We’ve all been working like dogs, she knew that. I’ll find her and drag her ass home. When your sister gets here, tell her we’re leaving tomorrow instead.



    Tara tiptoed down the hall, her backpack slung over one shoulder. A buckle swung free and tapped the wall. She froze. There was no sound from her parents’ room. She stepped over the loose middle stair and breathed a sigh of relief when she finally reached the front door. There was a slight click as it locked behind her. She stood on the porch for a moment considering what she was about to do.

    Ever since the power had gone out a month ago, her life had been miserable. Nothing but carrying water from the town cistern, picking apples and listening to theories about the reasons for the blackout. No phone, no car, no way to escape, until Will had come along. Camping with him and a bunch of kids sounded like a lot more fun than being crowded in with her grandparents. Yes. This was definitely the right decision.

    She stepped carefully onto the sidewalk and shuffled through the dark towards the garage. She almost tripped over the wheelbarrow before feeling the back fender of her bike. She adjusted her backpack, securing the loose buckle. As quietly as possible, she pushed the bike through the yard and onto the street.

    She giggled nervously under her breath. Her dad would have a fit if he knew her plan. She’d be locked in her room for a month. She smiled grimly remembering that if she stayed, she wouldn’t have a room to be locked into.

    Away from the house, Tara jumped on her bicycle and pedaled towards the appointed meeting place. Her heart pounded with excitement. She was actually going to meet Will, the boy she had loved since sixth grade. Not even her best friend Julie realized how much she had yearned for him to notice her. It had taken a catastrophe, but at last her dream had come true.

    She might have ridden past him if he hadn’t reached out and grabbed her handlebars. For a moment the bike tottered, but he held it steady.

    Hi. He released his hold. I wasn’t sure if you would come.

    I wouldn’t miss it. Suddenly she felt shy. I really needed to get away.

    Of course, you did. He stroked her bare arm. What are you wearing? He stood back and she heard a click. A bright light made her blink and she lifted her arm to cover her eyes. Didn’t I tell you to dress warm? The flashlight clicked off.

    She blushed, glad he couldn’t see her face. Well, yeah, but it’s so warm out. And I brought jeans and stuff.

    Did you bring a winter coat? Or boots?

    Ummm. she was lost for words. He sounded angry.

    Of course not! Girls! It’s warm today but in a few days, you’ll be wishing for the coat. Where is it?

    In the hall closet.

    He reached out his hand. Give me your key and I’ll go get it and your boots. You’ll have to carry them in the basket. Do you have a sleeping bag or blanket?

    No. My mom packed them all for when we go to my grandparent’s farm.

    His hand was still extended. Okay, give me the key.

    I can go.

    No, I can be in and out in five minutes. You wait here. He gave a low whistle and an unfamiliar boy appeared beside him. Bobby will keep you company.

    Hesitantly, she dropped her house key into his palm. What had been a romantic rendezvous had quickly become something more serious.

    Will disappeared into the darkness and she was left feeling exposed and silly. She hugged herself, ashamed of the short sleeves and tight leggings that seemed like such a good idea half an hour ago.

    The boy sniffed and said, I’m Bobby. Me and Snake are friends.


    Yeah. That’s what Will wants to be called now. And he gets quite pissed if we forget.

    Oh. Silently she absorbed this bit of information. Then she asked, "Who’s ‘we’?

    There’s ten of us right now. Plus, Snake and Biff of course.

    Tara frowned. She had forgotten that where Will went, Biff was close behind. When he was sixteen, Biff had adopted the nickname he now favored. Before that, he had been Leonard. At six and a half feet and with a heavy black beard he dwarfed most of the other boys in town. Only Will Thompson seemed to tolerate him, and she had often wondered why.

    Bobby sniffed again and she had the urge to hand him a tissue. Unfortunately, there were no pockets in the tights. He continued. Guys come and go. Some of them get tired of the camping life and some just wander off.

    Just guys? No girls? Alarm crept into her voice.

    Before Bobby could answer, Will was thrusting her coat into her arms. Here, let’s go. He stuffed a paper bag into his backpack. In the complete darkness, Tara hadn’t noticed the bikes lying on the grass behind her. Will’s shadowy form bent down, then he stood beside her straddling the bar. Don’t fall behind, he warned her. I don’t want you getting lost.

    Bobby left her side for a moment, reappearing with his own bicycle.

    Her eyes soon became accustomed to the dark, but everything looked different at this time of night. There were no street lights to guide the way. No blue reflections shone through house windows. There were no traffic sounds to break the silence. It felt like the world had disappeared. Tara’s bike bounced through a giant pothole. Something small bounded out in front of her. Was it a cat? She pedaled slower. Behind her, Bobby slowed down too.

    Will stopped his bike and waited for her to catch up. Something wrong? He asked.

    I don’t know. I’m a bit nervous that’s all. She stopped beside him. Bobby says it’s just boys.

    Yeah, they’re doing the same as you. Getting away from scrounging around the town or following their lame parents. Don’t worry it’ll be fun.

    He reached out and gave her a one-armed hug. Here you are making a grown-up decision for yourself, and I’m going to look after you. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.

    She swallowed You promise?

    Of course. I remember when nobody would talk to me back in junior high. You always acted friendly and gave me a big smile.

    Tara nodded. Will had been that skinny kid with the drunk for a dad. But she had always thought he was the smartest, cutest boy on the block. She was surprised he remembered that.

    Before she could speak, he started slowly pedaling away. Now come on. He said. The others will be wondering where we are.

    They rode side by side for a while, then Will moved ahead. Bobby followed silently. None of them spoke, saving their breath for the uphill climb. Soon they left the small town of Mores Lake behind them and the street became a two-lane highway. Tara could make out the shapes of cars pushed into the ditches. She wondered if one of them was Will’s Mustang. Before the blackout that red car had been a familiar sight in town. Tara had often been awoken by the rumble of the powerful engine as Will pulled into his own driveway across the street. She had laid in the dark and imagined herself seated beside him on the leather seat.

    Even without his car, Will Thompson was a dream come true and she was not going to be left behind. She swerved around a truck and a tractor that had collided. She recognized the road that led to the lake and knew they were moving west. She and Julie had often ridden out here. This part of B.C was dotted with small lakes, fed by the glaciers that covered the nearby mountains. Their lake was cold and deep, but boasted a fine beach where the residents of Mores Lake picnicked and teenagers partied. Tara slowed, expecting Will to turn, but he kept going.

    Finally, after what seemed like hours, they turned into an overgrown lane and she could make out the flicker of firelight ahead of her.

    Exhausted, she coasted to a stop next to Will. He had already laid his bike down and was talking to Biff.

    Tara shuddered as he leered at her. With the red firelight dancing across his face, she thought he looked like a devil.

    Will took her hand and drew her close.

    Her exhaustion was forgotten, as she thrilled to his touch. Oh my god. She couldn’t wait to tell Julie that Will Thompson was holding her hand for the whole world to see.

    Well, she amended to herself. Not the whole world, but a bunch of his the dark.

    She hardly noticed the other boy drift away until Will pulled her forward.

    C’mon, he said, You can sleep over here next to me. He pulled the heavy backpack off her shoulders and dropped it beside her bike.

    Next to you?

    Well, you’d be pretty cold without a sleeping bag or anything, so you’ll have to share mine.

    She blushed again. God, she was such an idiot. He had told her to dress warm and prepare for camping and she didn’t even think of grabbing a sleeping bag. She knew exactly where hers was, piled in the basement, waiting for the move to Grandma’s. Even the blanket from her bed would have helped. Now he would have to share his bed. She wouldn’t blame him if he sent her straight back to her parents tomorrow.

    Will led her to a pile of brush with a sleeping bag and pillow perched on top of it. It was close enough to the fire to be warm, but far enough away to be private. He removed his jeans and jacket and pulled the top of the sleeping bag back.

    Come on. He lowered himself to the ground. Without covering himself he lay down and patted the narrow space beside him. You can’t stand there all night.

    I’m sorry I’m such a bother. She whispered. Maybe I could just sit by the fire with the others. Even as she said the words, she remembered Biff’s evil grin. She hugged herself with both arms.

    Will laughed. Oh, come on I won’t hurt you. And you’ll be a hell of a lot warmer here than sitting over there on the cold ground. He shrugged. Or I suppose you could try to find your way back home.

    Seeing no choice, she tentatively lowered herself into the open sleeping bag with her back against him. His bare legs pressed against hers and his arm went around her shoulders. He casually cradled her breast.

    You’re no bother. He whispered back Isn’t this kind of nice? Warm and cozy. His hand moved lower and Tara felt his fingers creeping under her shirt. Something hard was pressing against her bottom.

    She gulped and tried to pull away. Will, please don’t do that.

    Have you ever kissed a boy, Tara? He began stroking her belly. Goosebumps ran up and down her arms.

    No, not really. I’m not allowed to date.

    You’re not at home now. He reminded her. You’re allowed to do anything you want. Do you want to kiss me, Tara?

    I guess so. She tried to free herself but succeeded only in wiggling closer to his chest. I…I mean, yes. Of course!

    He laughed softly. Okay. We’ll have to discuss that possibility tomorrow. For now, relax and go to sleep. He patted her stomach, then withdrew his hand and turned so his back was against hers.

    Tara pulled the sleeping bag tighter and buried her head in her arms. Will had promised to kiss her, hadn’t he? All her dreams were coming true. Her skin burned where he had touched her.

    Suddenly, she heard Julie saying, You be careful, Tara. That boy is bad news. Her mom’s voice echoed. Stay away from him, Tara. That boy is trouble. She snuggled a little closer to his back, trying to drown them out. He likes me. She argued. He says he’ll look after me. I’m safe here. Finally, she drifted off to the sound of boys’ laughter and Will’s soft snores


    Snake, formerly known as William Thompson woke early. The sun was coming up over the trees and the air smelled of wood smoke. The girl beside him was still asleep and he turned towards her, pressing his erection into her warm ass. She didn’t stir, so he began to move gently against her, cursing the leggings and his underpants for being in the way.

    Her eyes popped open and she tried to squirm away, but he held her hips firmly. Do that again, Sweet Cheeks. He moaned as he felt himself come.

    Tara threw back her cover and crawled out onto the ground.

    He grinned and reached out a hand. C’mon, Tara. I couldn’t help myself. You’re so beautiful and warm. Come back in here with me. That’s a great way to start the day.

    She shook her head, but he could see the softening in her eyes. Really? You think I’m beautiful?

    Of course. I wouldn’t want an ugly girl, would I?

    Hesitantly she crawled back into the sleeping bag. He pulled it up over their shoulders, careful to keep the lower part of his body away from her. His pants were wet, but he could feel himself rising again. She stiffened when his arms tightened around her and he suppressed a groan of frustration.

    What happened, Will? She whispered. I don’t want you to think I’m that kind of girl.

    Of course not. He stroked her arm. I was just overwhelmed that’s all.

    I should have brought my sleeping bag, Tara shifted and Will closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

    Don’t worry about that, Sweet Cheeks. This is kind of nice, isn’t it? Me and you together. We can pretend to be mom and dad to all those other kids.

    She giggled. I don’t know about that, Will Thompson. We’re way too young to be parents.

    It’s just a game. He gently brushed her breast and she stiffened. But now we had better get up before someone notices what we’re doing and gets jealous.

    They untangled themselves and Will pulled her to her feet. We have a busy day in front of us. Are you ready to meet your new family?

    Give me a minute, Will. I need to find my jeans and change.

    He chuckled as he strode over to the fire. His erection was gone for now, but he looked forward to another encounter very soon.

    He saw Biff grinning at him from the shelter of his own blanket. With a shrug and a tilt of the head, Will indicated that the larger boy should follow him into the woods. They stood side by side, pissing onto a fallen log.

    Well? Biff winked. How was she?

    Will turned to face the fire where Tara sat combing her long hair. She’s pretty scared right now. He said to his friend. For now, we treat her gently.

    I can be gentle. Biff leered in her direction.

    The two boys stood in the shadows of the trees watching Tara as she tied her waist-length hair into a loose braid. Tendrils escaping from her grasp reflected the morning sun in shades of

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