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Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement
Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement
Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement

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About this ebook

These stories all involve some form of dominance and submission. In the first story, a newly married man has his brother come to visit. At first, his wife is a little put out by having to share her new husband with another person, but then things change.
It the second story a man and wife decide to rekindle lost romance by taking a road trip for a second honeymoon. This go awry when they are stranded in a snowstorm with a biker gang.
In the third story, a wife discovers that her husband has some masochistic fantasies. She quickly learns to use them for her own advantage.
In the fourth story, a female superior court judge decides that she want more from her marriage than she is getting. Things turn out badly for her when she decides to visit an S&M club.

PublisherWanda Peters
Release dateJun 28, 2020
Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement

Wanda Peters

I write erotic books, mostly about cuckolding. I currently have over 40 titles.

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    Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enlsavement - Wanda Peters

    Title Page

    Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enslavement

    Wanda Peters

    Copyright 2019

    Smashwords Edition

    Disclaimer: These stories are a work of fiction and come from my imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is a coincidence. Each section of this book is a stand-alone story so you can read them in any order that you choose. This book is intended for a mature audience and contains sexual situations and adult language.

    Erotic Short Stories of Dominance and Enslavement

    1. Cuckolded by His Brother

    Chapter One: The Homecoming

    I had never met my husband’s brother, and I was a little anxious as I waited for them to return from the airport. We had gotten married while John was on his third tour of duty in the Middle East. I was also experiencing a little bit of trepidation knowing that he would be living with us for a while in our small apartment. I felt a little bit guilty about my desire to have my husband all to myself. After all, we had only been married for a few months, and we had not even had enough time to learn everything there was to know about each other.

    I was in the middle of chopping vegetables for a salad when I heard the door open. Roy called out that they were home and I answered that I was in the kitchen. I looked up as they entered and I almost cut my finger as I stared at the man with my husband. For a moment all I could think of was an old song by Jimmy Dean, Big Bad John particularly the phrase, He was a mountain of a man. My mouth hung a little open as I viewed his six-foot-six-inch frame. I was astonished that his arms appeared to be bigger than my upper legs and I could only imagine the muscular chest beneath his uniform. I couldn’t help but think of what he might look like totally naked, and I flushed as I realized that I was becoming moist between my legs. I could only hope that neither of them could smell the sudden lust that I felt for the last man on earth that I should be this attracted to.

    I managed to get myself together in time to reply that I was happy to finally meet him when my husband introduced us. I forced myself to look back to the work in front of me, but I was certain by the smile on John’s face that he had caught me staring at him.

    Chapter Two – Dinner

    When the sauce had simmered to perfection, and the pasta was just right I called the two men to come to the table. I had just started to open a bottle of wine when I felt two arms envelop me from behind, and two strong hands take the bottle and corkscrew from me. I had no choice but to settle back against John’s broad chest as he removed the cork from the bottle. He took much longer than was necessary and I knew he was enjoying feeling my body against him. And it wasn’t unpleasant for me except thinking of my husband watching us and wondering what I was thinking. It was a good thing he couldn’t read my mind, or I would have been in big trouble.

    With my face pink from embarrassment I moved away from John and tried to find some way to ask Roy to move from where he was sitting to the only chair that was left, the one closest to his brother. But I knew that would sound strange and so I pulled the chair as far away from John’s as I could and sat down.

    As we ate, the boys talked about various things, Roy wanting to know about John’s tour of duty.

    What is the worst part of being over in the Middle East? Roy asked.

    Truthfully the lack of pussy. Those Arab women don’t dare go anywhere that their bodies aren’t covered from head to toe and almost always they have a male escort with them. Of course, we do have some female soldiers, but the men outnumber them by at least 3 to 1. So needless to say my balls are pretty full right now. Any idea of how I might alleviate that problem, little brother?

    Now I am not a prude, but that type of conversation in front of me didn’t seem to be appropriate, but I did look to my husband to put an end to it.

    John perhaps we shouldn’t be discussing this at the dinner table. I think you might be embarrassing Andrea.

    Is that right Andrea, does me talking about getting a little nookie embarrass you?

    Well, it wouldn’t be my choice of dinner conversation, if that is what you mean.

    We can change the conversation as soon as Roy answers my question. Roy, you do know where I can get a piece of ass, don’t you? You do remember when we were younger?

    Roy didn’t answer, but I could tell that his brother had hit some kind of nerve. I marked that down to ask my husband when we were alone.

    For some reason, Roy, hit the bottle pretty hard that night. At some point, I could tell that he needed to go to bed to sleep off his drunk and so I took his hand and urged him to join me in the bedroom.

    Chapter Three – A Welcome Surprise

    I slipped out of my clothes and slid into bed with my intoxicated husband. My mind was still on John and his unbelievable body. As Roy slipped into a deep sleep and began to snore loudly, I contemplated spending a long sleepless night. But then I thought perhaps I did not need to lie here wide awake. I slipped my hand between my legs and ran my middle finger between the folds of my cunt reveling in the wet slipperiness that I found there. I slowly worked my clit with my finger, and little electric shocks spread deep inside of me. I knew that with just a little effort that I could bring myself to a massive orgasm but was that really what I wanted? And I knew it was not.

    Sliding out of bed I turned to look at Roy to see if he was still sound asleep and I was satisfied that he was. Slipping on my robe and securing it with the tie, I quietly opened my bedroom door and looked out into the living room. Our large screen Television was on the wall opposite our bedroom door, so I could easily see that it was on and playing something that I had never seen before. The center of the video showed a woman tied down to a bed spread-eagled. A large man was twisting her nipples, and she was crying out with pain. The look on her face told a story of pain and terror.

    Slowly and quietly I made my way across the floor towards where my brother-in-law was sitting on the sofa with his back to me. Halfway there I again stopped to stare at the screen. Now the camera had panned to the corner of the room where a naked man was restrained on what looked to be a tall kitchen chair. He was naked, and his arms were tied painfully behind his back. I could see that his legs were pulled up and his ankles were forced above the top rungs of the stool. The look on his face was one of pain, but I could also see the lust in his eyes as he watched what was happening to the woman in front of him. Although the volume was turned down low, I could hear the woman begging her tormentor for mercy. As the camera moved back to the bed, I could see that no mercy was going to be given her. The man was now naked, and I could see the largest cock I had ever seen jutting out away from his body. I heard a small moan, and too late I realized that it had come from my mouth.

    John turned his head and looked directly at me. Well, you might as well join me as long as you are up, John said.

    I knew that my face must be bright red from the embarrassment of being caught staring at something that I clearly should not be watching. But I forced myself to move forward, and as I reached the back of the couch, I was shocked to see that John had pulled his pants down and his cock was completely in view. I gasped as I realized that it was every bit as large as the one on the screen. Then it struck me that although the man on the screen had his face covered by a leather hood, his body could be a clone of John’s.

    Are you just going to stand behind me or are you going to come around here and join me? John asked.

    I knew this entire scenario was totally wrong, but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they carried me around the end of the couch so that I was standing in front of John. I could not take my eyes away from his gigantic piece of fuck meat. John now paused the video.

    You seem to have me at a disadvantage. Untie your belt and pull it from the loops and hand it to me. Those words were not said as a request but rather an order which I was expected to obey. Slowly my hands moved to the knot and pulled it loose. I did not even think to hesitate as I reached out and handed the tie to John. I then allowed the robe to fall open so that my body was now exposed to a pair of lustful eyes.

    I was sure you would have a magnificent body, and I sure am not disappointed. Take the robe off and throw it across the room towards your bedroom door. Again I recognized his words as something that I was expected to obey.

    But what happens if Roy wakes up and comes out here?

    Then I guess he will see his wife naked. Isn’t being caught in the act, part of the excitement? Now do as you are told.

    Never in my life had I been as excited as I was at that moment that I discovered that I wanted this man to dominate me. I did not care what Roy would think. The thought struck me that I would love to see him tied like the man in the video and forced to watch John fuck me.

    As seductively as I could, I slowly pulled the tie from my robe and tossed it the few feet to where John waited for it. I then allowed the silky fabric to begin to slide off my shoulders all the time keeping my eyes locked to John’s face hoping to see as much lust in his eyes as I knew was in mine.

    Slowly I turned completely around as I allowed more and more of my body to become exposed to my brother-in-law’s eyes. As seductively as possible I swayed my hips and was rewarded to see that massive cock begin to twitch. I had not imagined that it could grow more than it already was, but a smile came to my face as it did.

    I had waited as long as I could, and I pulled the robe completely off my shoulders and tossed it across the room as far as I could.

    Turn around slut! John demanded. Now bend over and spread your legs so I can see what awaits my cock.

    Slowly and seductively I turned so that my back was towards him. I bent at the waist and spread my legs as far apart as I could get them. Slowly I reached back with my hands and spread my ass cheeks so that John could get a good look at the pink flesh between the folds of my cunt. I quickly realized that I was sopping wet as I allowed my fingers to grasp those folds to pull them even further apart.

    Although I could not see John’s face, I did hear a slight groan that told me that he was enjoying the view. That made even more juice flow and I could even smell my musk. Truthfully, I had never in my life been that excited, and I could hardly wait for that giant cock to swell inside of me.

    Back towards me so that I can feel that slippery cunt of yours.

    I let out a slight groan of my own, hearing those words. I had never imagined that I would want a man to tell me what to do, but now I craved the idea. Using self-control that I did not feel, I inched back towards him wanting to keep him in anticipation but at the same time wanting to end my own.

    Then two rough hands grabbed me by the ass cheeks and pulled me forcefully backward. Two fingers were forced between the folds of my cunt and into my hole. I could not help myself, and I heard myself cry out with surprise and pleasure. I had mixed emotions at that time, part of me was praying that Roy would remain sound asleep and part of me was hoping that he would awake and come out to watch the obscene show of lust.

    You are sopping wet. Then I found myself pulled down on his lap with that giant cock between my legs and rubbing against my slit and clit.

    Oh God, fuck me.

    Beg for it bitch! He demanded.

    I still had a little rebellion left in me, so I reached between our bodies, grabbed his cock, and tried to position it at the entrance of my tunnel.

    His hands found my tits, and he began to squeeze each one and at the same time twisted them from side to side. The pain was unbelievable, but for some reason I wanted him to hurt me even more. I heard myself moaning from the pain and pleasure. Yes, please hurt me, John, I begged.

    His hands left my breasts and found my ass cheeks. With one motion I was lifted off his lap and roughly turned around, so I was now facing him. He pushed me down roughly against his cock and then grabbed the back of my hair and pulled my head painfully backward.

    I looked at his face, half expecting to see a look of lust or pleasure but what I saw frightened me. His lips were turned up slightly, but it was not a smile or grin but rather a sneer. His nose had flared out, and he was breathing heavily. His eyes were burning with what I could only describe as hatred. Lust and pleasure were now replaced by terror, and I tried pulling away from him, but his grip on my hair never lessened.

    I had no choice but to look up into his face and what I saw frightened me. His lips were curled slightly upward, but it was not into a smile but rather a sneer. His eyes were narrowed into slits, and a vein stood out prominently on his forehead.

    I tentatively reached my hand out to grab hold of his cock just to make sure that he was still excited and I was not disappointed for if anything it was harder than it had been a while earlier.

    His grip on my hair relaxed, and then he reached down and removed my hand from his manhood.

    I don’t understand. Don’t you want to fuck me? I asked.

    You better get back to your husband’s bed now. And with that, he pushed me away.

    I spent the rest of the night lying beside Roy unable to sleep because my cunt was not only awake but ready for business.

    Chapter Four – The Next Day

    At some point, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the sun was shining through the bedroom window and Roy was not lying next to me. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head trying to get the cobwebs out of my mind. With some effort, I managed to slip out from under the covers and make my way to the bathroom. I thanked my lucky stars that I had not indulged to the extent that Roy had the night before. Even so, it took me a while to do my morning bathroom routine.

    I slipped into the same robe that I had worn the night before and made my way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. I had barely exited the bedroom when I heard both John and Roy laughing hysterically. I was almost afraid of what they found to be so

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