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Defiant Hearts: A Dead Hearts Novel, #3
Defiant Hearts: A Dead Hearts Novel, #3
Defiant Hearts: A Dead Hearts Novel, #3
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Defiant Hearts: A Dead Hearts Novel, #3

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As the battle between the Earth Corps and the Shadowguards comes to a costly end, Dragon and his team continue searching for survivors and the missing members of their team. What they discover will challenge the very core of their existence and will alter the course of the war dramatically. It's a war the survivors thought they had won. They thought it was over. Cadence knows, however, that is has only just begun. The rifts created by time travel and the activation of the Babylonian Stones not only stirred two warring races of demons, but also woke the old golds and brought a new global enemy to power – one that has been waiting for hundreds of years for this very moment. Ever-mutating strains of the virus threaten human existence as the world stands at the brink of domination by power-hungry ancient gods. In a war for the soul of the universe, ancient gods rage against demons, magic and science collide, and every living being must face a new species of that is more devastating and powerful than anything history has ever produced. In order to survive, humanity must stand united…and defiant.

Release dateAug 24, 2018
Defiant Hearts: A Dead Hearts Novel, #3

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    Defiant Hearts - Susanne L. Lambdin

    Defiant Hearts

    Copyright © 2017 by Susanne L. Lambdin.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form, or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the email addresses below.

    Author’s Note: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    Defiant Hearts / Susanne L. Lambdin. – 5th ed.

    ISBN-13: 978-1725174764 

    ISBN-10: 1725174766


    A Dead Hearts Novel Series:

    Morbid Hearts

    Forsaken Hearts

    Vengeful Hearts

    Defiant Hearts

    Immortal Hearts

    Dead Hearts: Bloodlines




    The Realm of Magic Trilogy

    Seeker of Magic

    Mistress of Magic

    Queen of Magic

    * * * * *

    Dedicated to Brandie, my stalwart friend.

    Chapter One

    Shadows followed Dragon and his team across the slick walls as they waded through sewage-filled water. Cobwebs hung from slimy pipes overhead, and a constant rumbling shook the walls, sending sediment, dust, and chunks of cement falling onto the team. A battle raged between the Earth Corps and the Shadowguard above ground, and the heavy bombardment sent scores of rats scurrying along the narrow embankment. With their weapons held high above their heads, the team trudged toward the ruins of the stadium where the Kaiser kept his fighters for the Death Games.

    Dragon’s objectives were simple. Find and rescue survivors, including their teammates, Monkey and Skye, kill all the Shadowguard, and rejoin the Earth Corps.

    Highbrow led the team, splashing through the sewage. His violent growl brought Dragon and the others to a jarring halt. Jaws snapped, and the crunch of bones followed. A zombie’s separated remains floated past them.

    This place reeks, Dodger said.

    The teen stepped into a hole and vanished, with only his rifle remaining visible above the water. Xena reached down and plucked a spluttering Dodger from the sludge. Noxious goo covered him, weighing down his oversized coat.

    Everyone keep up with Highbrow, commanded Dragon, glancing over his shoulder. He’s getting too far ahead. I can hear more deadheads, so stay sharp.

    Plodding forward, Dragon caught up with Highbrow at an intersection connecting four tunnels. Highbrow faced the west tunnel, twitching his tail in agitation. Dragon picked up on faint noises approaching and motioned for the team to take cover.

    The group crept back into the tunnel they had emerged from, pressing tight against the wall. Dragon held his katana ready and peered around the corner. Highbrow had disappeared. The noises grew louder as a unit of armed Shadowguard emerged from the west tunnel.

    Highbrow’s roar was Dragon’s cue to charge, and he attacked the vampires head on. Moving faster than anyone could see, Dragon’s flurries startled the Shadowguard even before Highbrow could pounce. Blaze and Dodger remained in the south tunnel, firing their weapons as vampires scattered, trying to escape through the west and east tunnels. Wielding swords in a blur of inhuman speed, Xena and Lotus also hacked down their opponents, blocking their escape through the east tunnel. The skirmish ended as quickly as it had begun; the Shadowguard floated dead in the water.

    Vampires aren’t as hard to kill as I thought, Lotus said.

    We can either take the west tunnel, where they came from, or exit through the manhole, Xena said. Dragon, can you get through to Smack and find out what’s going on above ground?

    My headset’s not working, Dragon said. I lost the connection when we came down here. He approached Highbrow. Which way do we go?

    The werepuma flicked his tail and lifted his enormous head, gazing at the manhole.

    Dodger, go up the ladder and check it out, Blaze instructed. Xena and Lotus, let’s pick these Shadowguard clean of their ammo.

    Don’t tell us what to do, Lotus said. You’re not a team leader.

    A sharp look from Dragon quieted Lotus, and she begrudgingly started retrieving magazines from the belts and jackets of the dead vampires. Dodger scurried up a nearby ladder and pounded on the manhole, denting the thick metal, but it didn’t move. Not wasting time or energy, he jumped down into the muck, sending a filthy cascade over Lotus and Xena.

    The stadium must have collapsed on the manhole, Dodger said. We’re not getting out that way.

    Then we’ll take the west tunnel, Dragon said. Highbrow, scout it out. Let’s find out where the Shadowguard came from. Bring up the rear, Xena, and make sure no one follows us.

    The giant puma led them into the west tunnel. Fresh air flowed into it, and the tide of sewage tapered off as the floor started to ascend. Rounding a corner, Dragon found Highbrow waiting in front of a door barely on its hinges. Light spilled into the room from a large hole in the ceiling as he pushed the door open wider. Chunks of cement from the collapse provided makeshift stairs that Highbrow used to bound upward out of the hole.

    Dragon and his team hurried to keep up as they climbed up into a large hallway. One side was undamaged and lined with doors—the main locker room sprawled out beyond them. Zombies moved freely through the rubble and congregated outside several closed doors, attracted by the occupants’ screams for help. A group of the infected managed to push through an open door, eagerly consuming the fighters within. Highbrow roared loudly, redirecting the attention of the undead, and then bowled them over as he ran through the hall, disappearing once more around the corner. Dragon assumed he had picked up the scents of Monkey and Skye, leaving the rest of the team to deal with the zombies.

    Xena, guard the hole and make sure none escape, Dragon commanded. The zombies don’t consider us a food source now that we’re Chameleons, but they’re going for the fighters. Try as save as many as you can. Let’s get this over with.

    He drew his blades and charged. Gunfire exploded behind him, and bullets ripped into the horde, leveling the front line. Hacking and slicing through the rotting corpses, Dragon killed everything in his path, until he came upon a familiar face. Or what was left of it.

    Nightshadow, a former Freedom Army officer, stood in the center of ten zombie soldiers, wearing dingy green uniforms. The officer had given Dragon his nickname and sent him to China 6 when he first arrived at camp almost a year earlier. As Dragon approached, several cyborg zombies with flamethrowers blocked his path. Flames shot toward Dragon; he evaded and reappeared behind the monsters. Cutting them down, he faced Nightshadow. A loud, angry snarl emanated from the former officer’s blackened mouth as he staggered toward Dragon. For a moment, Dragon locked eyes with Nightshadow and wondered if the zombie remembered him. As he lifted his swords, preparing to put Nightshadow out of his misery, Lotus brushed past him, her katana in hand, and sliced off the soldier’s head.

    Goodbye, Nightshadow, Lotus said, with contempt. She leaned down and pulled off the name tag stitched onto the soiled uniform. Thanks for the souvenir, jerk. You should have given me a better name than Lotus. I’m no flower.

    The gunfire ended; not a zombie remained standing.

    Show a little respect, Dragon said. A lot of these guys were our friends. Nightshadow did his best. He didn’t deserve to die this way.

    The ninja girl gazed at Dragon with an intense look of hatred that caught him by surprise.

    Dragon had always considered Lotus one of his best friends, and he wasn’t sure what had changed between them. Lotus looked away and joined Dodger and Blaze as they checked cells, while Xena guarded the door. The first released prisoner was a frightened vampire fighter who stepped out of his cell. Lotus drew her sidearm and shot him in the forehead, followed by the heart.

    We kill the vampires, right? quipped Lotus. Only save the humans.

    What’s your deal? Blaze pushed Lotus aside and glanced inside the cell. That vamp wasn’t a Shadowguard. He might have been a Dark Angel, for all we know.

    So you say, Lotus said. Stop telling me what to do.

    Dragon stepped over Nightshadow, angry. Don’t kill the fighters, Lotus. That’s a direct order. We’re here to help these people, not kill them.

    After ripping open another door, Dodger entered a cell and emerged with Monkey. She looked dazed and frightened, but otherwise uninjured. Lotus zipped by Dodger, and the two girls embraced. Monkey’s short red hair was matted to her head from sweat and filth. She reached over and hugged Dragon as he caught Lotus’ gaze. The hatred in Lotus’ eyes faded, and she smiled.

    I never thought we’d see you again, Dragon said. It’s good to have you back, Monkey. Lotus, give her a weapon. We need to find Skye and release the rest of the prisoners.

    Where’s Kirin? asked Monkey. And Star?

    China 6 doesn’t exist anymore. We can talk later. Lotus handed Monkey her sidearm. This place is crawling with zombies and vampires. Keep close to me. I don’t want to lose you again.

    Blaze joined Dodger and opened a few more doors, releasing some prisoners who gathered in the center of the hallway.

    Xena, take Dodger and go after Highbrow. I’m worried about him. Dragon pulled his headset off and reached into his pocket for a radio. He tossed it to Dodger. I’ve got another one. Stay in touch. Come on Blaze, let’s check out the rest of these rooms.

    Leaving Lotus and Monkey to protect the survivors, Dragon left with Blaze. Dodger and Xena ran past them, heading in the direction taken by Highbrow, and crawled through a hole where the stadium had collapsed onto their level; fortunately, the locker room wasn’t entirely blocked by cement slabs.

    The ceiling had collapsed in some sections from the weight of the upper-level cement pylons, and the twisted metal of stadium seating filled the gaps. A lone popcorn machine had survived the drop, remaining upright and in perfect condition, still half-full of popcorn. A layer of dust covered everything and what remained of the ceiling looked like it was ready to fall.

    Don’t touch anything, Dragon said. We don’t want a cave-in.

    Go check it out, she said. I’ll stay here and keep watch. Take my flashlight.

    I can see just fine in the dark, and so can you. Save the batteries. The survivors will need them to get through the tunnel.

    Dragon flipped back his long hair and slipped between a row of blue and white lockers. The metal doors were open, revealing Falcon football gear and dirty towels. He spotted a dead body on the floor, its head crushed by a cement block. A hole in the ceiling allowed fresh air in and gave him a view of the sky above.

    The showers were completely blocked off, so he searched the coach’s office. A Death Games poster featured Master Dragon vs. Aries of Athens, scheduled to fight on Christmas Eve. The fight had never happened, but Dragon couldn’t help wondering if he would have won.

    Backing out of the room, Dragon searched a storage room and then headed to the bathroom. The door hung on its hinges, and the air was filled with floating particles of dust. Blaze appeared behind Dragon and shone the flashlight at the first stall. She caught Dragon frowning and shrugged.

    I’m too nervous to wait in the hallway.

    Well, I haven’t found anyone yet, he said.

    Try shouting. Blaze cupped her hand around her mouth. Hello? Is anyone in here? The Earth Corps is here to rescue you. Come out. It’s safe.

    Legs appeared beneath the stalls. The doors opened, and a female vampire with long, blonde hair came out, holding onto a thick-bearded man in a tattered Harley Davidson shirt. Four humans came out of the second stall. Blaze gave the biker her flashlight. He turned around and helped a kid with an injured leg walk out of the bathroom.

    Master Dragon, the vampire said, bowing. It’s an honor to be saved by you.

    The group gathered around Dragon patted him on the back and thanked him, their hope restored. Blaze and Dragon followed the group as they filed out slowly.

    There are more survivors back down the hallway, Dragon said. We’ll take you all topside as soon as we finish checking the area. Go wait for us and we’ll be right back.

    What about the Kaiser? inquired the female, pushing the biker forward. The Shadowguard came here looking for us. We don’t want to go back into the arena.

    Blaze snorted. We came to kill the Kaiser and the Shadowguard. Go to the left and watch your step. Two of our teammates are waiting there and will take care of you.

    Heading to the right, Dragon and Blaze reached the collapsed section when screaming erupted behind them. They ran back to find Monkey and Lotus standing over the dead female vampire. The rest of the humans were missing.

    What have you done? asked Dragon, furious with the two girls. "I specifically told you not to kill the vampires, Lotus. Where did everyone go? Did you send them back through the tunnel?"

    Yeah, I did, Lotus snapped. What of it?

    Lotus told me what happened to Kirin. Monkey was hysterical at the news of her sister’s death. I bet Skye is dead, too, and it’s your fault, Dragon. You didn’t protect China 6.

    Dragon noticed Monkey had a scar across her right cheek that was bright red and visibly throbbing. It was nearly identical to Loki’s scar from a fight against an Old One. Like Monkey, he’d displayed the same shift in personality when he had returned.

    You two are a lot of help, Blaze said. Those people will get lost in the tunnels. Now I have to go after them.

    Walking over to the edge of the hole, Blaze jumped down to the lower level. A loud scream was followed by the sound of gunfire, and then silence.

    Come on, Dragon shouted. She’s in trouble!

    Neither of the former China 6 girls budged. Dragon shook his head and plunged into the hole. A few human survivors lay dead among the rubble, their throats slashed. Dragon wondered if Lotus and Monkey had killed them until he spotted an enormous, muscular figure, part man, part machine, heading through the tunnel with Blaze over his shoulder.

    Dragon pursued the cyborg. Blaze lifted her head, eyes beckoning him. Dropping low, he kicked the tall figure’s metal legs out from under him.

    The cyborg fell forward with a loud cry of rage, releasing Blaze. She scrambled across his back and gave him a hard kick in his ribs.

    You big ape, Blaze shouted. Kill this jerk, Dragon, and I’ll grab my weapons. The survivors haven’t gone far. We can find them.

    As Blaze ran back for her weapons, Dragon waited for the zombie cyborg to rise to his metal feet. When the massive beast turned, Dragon recognized the brutish face of Aries of Athens. His mechanical arm and legs were proportioned to match his large physique, and half his face was metal, equipped with a telescopic eye. Aries wore a Grecian breastplate and a pleated leather tunic. Though he was unarmed, he looked fully capable of killing Dragon with little effort.

    Ah, Master Dragon, Aries said in a deep, throaty voice. At long last...

    A metal fist crashed into Dragon’s chest, slamming him into the wall. Dragon scrambled to evade the follow-up strike, and Aries’ foot kicked a hole in the tunnel wall. Regaining his balance, Dragon advanced on Aries, swinging his swords high and low, and left a bloody gash across the cyborg’s forearm. Aries lifted his mechanical arm and deflected Dragon’s blows. The cyborg moved just as fast as Dragon, and he showed more intelligence than an ordinary zombie cyborg. Even with Dragon’s inhuman speed, the World Class champion kept up with him, and Aries soon began to anticipate his attacks.

    A flurry of blows caught Dragon, and he was knocked about and slammed into the wall. As Aries charged toward him, Dragon crouched and pointed both swords upward, but the tips of both blades slid without effect across the surface of Aries’ armored chest. The cyborg landed a left hook that sent him sailing, and Dragon landed on his side in the dank water.

    As Dragon pushed himself up, Aries laughed. Maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t kill each other in the arena, the cyborg said. I’ll see you soon. Without another word, Aries turned and raced off.

    Dragon? Blaze came splashing down the tunnel, minus her rifle, carrying only a broken crossbow. Her nose was bleeding, and she sported an open cut above her eye. Lotus and Monkey jumped me. I don’t know where they went. What happened? Why did you let that cyborg get away? Shouldn’t we go after him?

    That wasn’t just any cyborg, Blaze. That was Aries of Athens!

    Feeling battered and disheartened, Dragon followed Blaze back to the upper level. The bodies of dead zombies and vampires greeted them. They walked back toward the locker room, crawling through the gap in the rubble, and emerged to find the biker and crippled boy lying on the ground, throats slit. The remaining cell doors stood open. Neither Monkey, Lotus, nor the survivors were anywhere to be found.

    This is Aries’ handiwork, Dragon said, sheathing his chisa. If Aries came this way, he must have passed Highbrow and the team. Aries fights like a superhuman.

    You think Aries has been given chameleon blood? Is he like us?

    He’s a zombie. I don’t understand it. No one has come close to defeating me. Dragon grew quiet, listening. Do you hear that? The stadium is shifting. We need to get out of here before the rest of the ceiling caves in.

    The floor shifted beneath their feet, and a large section of the ceiling fell behind them, cutting off the tunnels. They ran through the hall, circling the stadium, as large chunks of cement and metal seating crashed behind them. Dragon pulled out his radio to contact anyone who had survived, but it had been crushed during his fight with Aries. Useless, he tossed it as they ran for cover.

    For a split second, a large hole to the outside appeared above them. Dragon grabbed Blaze and jumped, clearing the hole and landing on solid ground as what felt like an earthquake brought down the remains of the football stadium in a thunderous roar, sealing off the lower level and any chance of escape for anyone left inside.

    As far as Dragon was concerned, the mission was a total failure. He and Blaze barely escaped with their lives, Lotus and Monkey had surprised him with their true colors, and Aries of Athens had defeated him, physically and mentally. Dragon knew he would face Aries again, and he knew he’d have to do whatever it took to kill the cyborg.

    * * * * *

    Chapter Two

    Lachlan tried to shield his eyes from the blinding light. He lay in a morgue, covered by a white sheet on a cold metal table. Formaldehyde hung thick in the air, along with the scent of almonds. Two figures stood over a corpse on a second table; a man and a woman, each possessing golden hair and athletic builds, clad in dark clothing. The corpse appeared to be a child in furry pants and round shoes, but on closer inspection, Lachlan realized the shoes were cloven hooves. Tiny horns protruded from the child’s forehead.

    Excuse me, Lachlan said, his thick Irish lilt laced with concern. Are you two escorting the child with horns and me to the Pearly Gates or to Hell?

    The blonde man turned around. He was handsome, with a square jaw and bright blue eyes. Lachlan! It’s about time you woke up. I am Apollo, the man said, in a pleasant voice. This is my sister, Athena. And this one is no child. He is Pan. Neither of you are dead. Your days as a vampire are over. You’re like us, now.

    The Irishman was confused. And what are you? Angels or Demons?

    Immortals, Athena explained. Greek gods, once upon a time. Like you, we were infected with a virus created by Prince Balan. Get dressed.

    The tall, slender woman brought a stack of clothes and set them down beside Lachlan before returning to her brother. Lachlan hurriedly put on the black jeans, a heavy wool sweater, thick socks, and biker boots. Everything fit comfortably. He slid on a black leather coat and reached into his side pocket to find a 9mm pistol.

    Cadence is alive and well, Lachlan, Apollo said. "She returned to Colorado with the Spear of Destiny, which I’d guarded for centuries. She has slain Prince Balan with it. I’ll explain later, but if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you would stand guard, so I can concentrate on reviving Pan. We may not be alone, and it’s imperative we are not found."

    Walking to the door, Lachlan took a cautious look through the glass window into a dark hallway. He heard a loud gasp and turned to see a jolt of blinding white light projecting from Apollo’s hands into the goat-man’s body. The corpse jerked three times, then sat up and bleated. The siblings helped Pan off the table.

    This is most odd, he said, in a musical voice. I remember hiding as a statue in Buckingham Palace, but a Vescali recognized me. I made a run for it and was shot through the heart. Where did you find me?

    You were in the British Museum, old friend, on display, Apollo said. I brought you and the Irishman to this hospital. He revealed a gold bullet that had pushed its way out of Pan’s chest.

    How do you feel?

    Alive! And very hungry.

    Athena joined Lachlan at the door. We need to leave, she said in earnest. Vulcan is waiting for us. The Vescali will most likely be waiting too, so stay close.

    Pan clopped to the door as Athena and Apollo readied their weapons. The goddess led them toward a fire escape through a hallway littered with dead bodies that reeked of death. She opened the door to the stairwell, and the groans of the living dead greeted them. Pushing their way through zombies, they raced to the bottom level of the hospital and slipped into an alleyway.

    It was a cold night, the rain falling hard. Emaciated zombies scrounged around dumpsters, lifting their heads at the sound of living beings. Moaning, they staggered toward Lachlan and his companions.

    Get in, Athena said. I’ll drive.

    The streets of London were well-lit and filled with abandoned cars and wandering zombies. The creatures’ ravaged faces turned to watch the Mercedes drive past. As expected, three cars appeared in pursuit.

    Zeus’ beard, Apollo said. It didn’t take the Vescali long to find us.

    Start shooting, ordered Athena, angrily. In fact, let the Irishman do the shooting. Neither of you two relics has used a gun.

    Pan frowned. I most certainly have. It was a musket, in the year....

    Lachlan rolled down the window and fired. The furry little immortal shrugged and followed suit. With his first shot, he took out a tire and snorted as the car slammed into a double-decker bus.

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