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Rebirth: Revenging Girl: Volume 6
Rebirth: Revenging Girl: Volume 6
Rebirth: Revenging Girl: Volume 6
Ebook382 pages6 hours

Rebirth: Revenging Girl: Volume 6

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In her previous life, she mistakenly loved this useless man. She was used, deceived, and finally abandoned. She was treated like a forsaken person, and in the end, she couldn't even rest in peace.

Before she died, she was filled with hatred. She met her master and used her life's worth of memories to exchange for a second rebirth. He once again returned to thirteen years old. He met the son with a gloomy heart in his previous life. He met a similarly elegant master. Those misunderstandings and misunderstandings all had the chance to start over. She … And what should he choose?

"If we do it again … I will not let go. "

Release dateJul 7, 2020
Rebirth: Revenging Girl: Volume 6

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    Rebirth - Li SuEr



    After a while, Empress Su Ying, who had changed into casual clothes, finally appeared as well. The emperor, Zhong Liyuan, sat with her on the seat of honor, while Qi Rou and Song Mingyue sat on the same seat that they had been at from the start. Just as he sat down, there was a rustling sound from outside, followed by a number of people. And the leader of the capital was none other than — Song Zhongyong!

    It seemed like Song Qing'er's information was completely useless. It was Song Mingyue who misunderstood. It turned out that her first two moves were about two things. Song Zhongyong had not only participated in the Nangong Banquet's framing of him, but he also wanted to at this critical moment not only disgrace his reputation, but also burn his bones to ashes and bring him to eternal damnation! They already said that tiger poison wasn't enough to feed on, but he really wasn't even comparable to a beast! Song Mingyue's expression was cold. Qi Rou also became more and more unhappy. However, because Zhong Li Yi and Su Ying were present, she didn't let out her anger.

    Song ZhongYong always had a arrogant attitude. He would only humble himself in front of the emperor Zhong Liyuan. If he didn't know this person, just by looking at his appearance, one would think that he was fooled by his upright appearance! He shook his sleeves, bowed to Zhong Liyuan, and then sat down on the other side without saying a word. At the same time, his eyes coldly swept over Song Mingyue. That cold gaze did not carry any trace of emotion. It was as if he was looking at the air, or perhaps it was a thorn in the side that was about to be pulled out.

    Even though things had come to this, Song Mingyue couldn't help thinking about what she had done wrong to be treated as an enemy by her father. She lowered her head and took two deep breaths, trying to suppress the raging emotions in her heart.

    Following that was the feast of the empress, which the empress had dragged out in a fit of rage. From the looks of it, he did not suffer much. At least, he did not lose an arm or a leg. There was no need to think about it, it was the result of him talking without restraint. As I said before, he was indeed a righteous man, but it was hard to say what his temperament was. He was clearly well-dressed and had delicate features, but from the way he raised his hand, there was a hint of vulgarity. It was also because he had just suffered a moment ago, but he didn't dare act rashly. He only respectfully bowed to the two seated on the throne, then said, Many thanks to Your Highness for not remembering this lowly person earlier. This servant will definitely take care of you … Take care of your own mouth, and don't speak nonsense again …

    As he spoke, he kept looking at Song Mingyue, who was sitting up straight. It had been a long time since he had seen Song Mingyue, and upon seeing her as delicate and righteous as she was today, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Although he did act a little unrighteously towards Song Mingyue, that was only because she refused a toast and refused a drink. Such a beautiful little girl, even if she couldn't love him without a doubt, like glue, it would be great if she was kept at home as a beautiful vase. "While he was thinking of the beauty of the scene, his expression suddenly turned frivolous again.

    Song Mingyue looked at the happy state of the feast and coldly harrumphed. She raised her head, her eyes filled with disdain. She was very good-looking, especially her eyes, as if she could speak. At this moment, what was in her eyes was saying — You don't deserve it. Even if a person's eyes couldn't truly speak, their eyes were still ice-cold. Their long and thick, curling eyelashes trembled as their eyes reflected the brilliance within the hall, filled with the light of a candle flame. However, that chilliness was bone-piercing. It was almost like an ancient ice mountain. Even without touching it, one would still feel bone-chilling cold just by looking at it from a distance. The Nangong feast was originally immersed in a beautiful dream, but now that it was suddenly looked at like this, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over it.

    Hmph, because I said that your father was a rich and powerful tax payer, I decided to show you no mercy. You can't talk so much nonsense in the future. Otherwise, you won't end up as simple as slapping your own face. Empress Su Ying's expression was grave and her makeup was light, but the majesty on her face didn't diminish in the slightest. He first said a few heavy words to get him to his feet, then looked at Emperor Zhong Laiyuan who was sitting beside him. He smiled amiably and said: Today, I asked you to come here again, not for anything else but to turn everyone into friendship. Although you are not a distinguished noble family, your father's estate had still contributed a lot to the Great Yin Dynasty. Princess Changle, on the other hand, was not only a relative of the royal family; she had also helped her master to bring honor to the kingdom. Regardless of what you two had in the past, from today onwards, forget it!


    These words surprised many people, even Qi Rou and Song Mingyue were confused. However, with power in their hands, any lie could be told however he wished with the blink of an eye. On the other hand, Song Mingyue was not surprised by such a decision. It would be better if they could act in broad daylight, and as long as the Minamiya Family still dared to do something behind his back, they would not give up. And like that, she could do whatever she wanted to him. He didn't object and even acted as if he was very grateful towards Emperor Zhong Li Yuan and Empress Su Ying. He truly was magnanimous and willing to negotiate.

    He didn't know if the feast had been prepared or if it had been stimulated by Song Mingyue's disdainful gaze. Even though he had just been slapped, he didn't have any memory of it. Hearing the empress's words, he had no intentions of settling things. If it wasn't for Song Zhongyong giving him a threatening look, he probably would've said something infuriating. However, even if he didn't say anything, his eyes were still unconvinced. He mumbled something, didn't agree nor deny it. He just kowtowed two more times and left.

    Qi Rou sniggered from the side, her tone not very pleasant. Esteemed empress's words are flippant. My family's little Mingyue and Young Master Nan Gong are complete strangers, and they have only met a few times during the training in the mountains. If there really is a conflict, then it is certain people who want to make use of this opportunity to cause trouble.

    Hmph, what Princess Xian said … Do you not place this old one in your eyes at all!? It was unknown whether it was because his words stabbed into a sore spot or because he felt like he had been slapped in the face and ignored. Song Zhongyong, who had been standing at the side silently all this time, suddenly snorted coldly. His gaze was also lost to Qi Rou as he coldly swept his gaze over Song Mingyue, Song Mingyue! Do you even know your name! Could it be that the daughter that my Song Family raised is like that, liking to be powerful and powerful? After so many days, as my father, I have never said a word about you. I just hope that one day you will be able to think things through yourself and come back obediently. In that case, he would let bygones be bygones. But I've been waiting for you for so long, and your stubborn nature hasn't changed. As your father, I have no choice but to exterminate my relatives!

    Sometimes, he really felt that anyone could become the Prime Minister. Song Zhongyong's words seemed to be filled with righteousness and deep love, but in reality, they did not connect the front and the back. To put it harshly, it was just nonsense. Song Mingyue no longer had this so-called father in her heart. When she heard this, her face did not turn red nor did her heart jump, but she indifferently glanced over and asked: Father, look, I am still calling you father, what is this so-called 'what' or 'what' you are referring to? Where did you come from? Besides, what matter was there to climb the ranks of the nobility? Mingyue truly didn't understand these words. Not to mention that Princess Changle has done a great service of her own, even if Mingyue accepted the princess as her mother, it would still be done right under your noses, father! "

    She looked at Song Zhongyong blankly, and her flushed face, which was originally trying to pretend to be righteous, suddenly turned somewhat pale. He paused and his lips moved. Just as he wanted to say something, Song Mingyue snatched his head away: Mingyue, I really don't understand what father means! What do you mean I don't know my ancestors? It's your idea that I recognise Princess Xian as my godmother. Besides, I don't have a mother to begin with, so why? Father, you don't even allow me to have a godmother? Am I going to endanger your position as my biological father by taking on a godmother? If that's really the case, is it because I like 'climbing the ranks of the dragon and riding the phoenix,' or because your father doesn't even put me, his daughter, in his heart?

    You – you are an outrageous person!

    Song Zhongyong was shaking in anger from the fight, but he couldn't think of any good words to refute. He could only shakily extend his arm, pointed at Song Mingyue's face, and cursed.

    Oh, Prime Minister Song, aren't you usually quite eloquent in the imperial court? Why did he fail to discipline his own daughter? Besides, I've listened to you for so long. Although I don't understand that there is no conflict between all of you, it is obviously you, Princess Changle, who is more reasonable. Although filial piety was the first priority, I still couldn't see what the princess did to the Song Family. What do you mean, 'I don't know his name?' While the several people were in a state of tension, Zhong Liyuan suddenly spoke. Today, he was going to sit back and watch the fight, from time to time adding fuel to the fire. This was the most beneficial to him. As an emperor himself, these simple little tricks were not difficult to pull off.

    Your Majesty … This … Song Zhongyong thought that the Emperor Zhong Liyuan had never been interested in this matter. Even if he was sitting here today, it was surely the Empress, Su Ying, who had called him to hold the fort. Who would have thought that not only would he be extremely interested, he would even say it out loud in such a matter-of-fact manner. How could the Son of Heaven disobey? He didn't dare say anything further and hurriedly knelt down. No matter what, this subject is still the father of Princess Changle. If she were to openly leave home like this and stay with Princess Xian, wouldn't that mean she wouldn't give me face? Wouldn't she be saying that my Song Family had treated her unfairly?! This is not because this subject is unreasonable, but because this subject's daughter has passed away at such a young age and this subject is busy with official affairs, causing her to be lacking in discipline and be lawless in everything she does.

    Motherless as a Child... He had the face to raise it. In his previous life, this was definitely Song Mingyue's weakness. Once she was lifted, it was as if her throat was choked. However, in this life, she already had a new life. Although going to her mother was still an eternal pain, it would no longer cause her any substantial harm. Instead, it would attract her even more hatred. Besides, this Song Zhongyong really didn't care. His mother and Princess Xian were good sisters who had been together for many years. To say that his mother had died early in front of everyone was to poke at the sore spot of Imperial Concubine Xian, Qi Rou.

    Song Mingyue turned her head to the side and saw that Qi Rou had the same gloomy expression on her face.


    Qi Rou felt Song Mingyue's gaze, and her ice-cold gaze immediately softened. She was a well-bred princess of your country, so it was reasonable for her to curse like a shrew. Thus, when she heard Song Zhongyong's words, she only gave him a few innocent looks. When she noticed that her goddaughter was looking at her, she quickly became gentle again. She reached out her hand to pinch Song Mingyue's hand, smiled, and didn't say anything.

    The sky had already turned completely dark. The gate outside the palace was not closed, and the outside was dark. The thick dark clouds mixed together, and only two or three stars could be seen. Song Mingyue sat at a very low position, but she still couldn't tell where the moon was. Ninety-nine red candles as thick as arms were lit inside the hall, illuminating the hall as if it was day. No one spoke for a while, until they heard the empress cleared her throat and said, Everyone says that it's hard to break a family affair with a magistrate, so I'm not sure if you're right or wrong. What do you think, Princess Xian? "

    Now the situation was made clear. The black and white kept their mouths shut, while the emperor and empress were purely here to watch the show. Qi Rou was slightly displeased, but she forced herself to calm down. I don't have any opinions. What I want to say, my daughter has made it very clear. However, there were some people who did not understand the situation and spoke rather harshly — calling themselves old and disrespectful, calling themselves shameless. Don't you know what you've done? Do I have to pretend to have a clear conscience and look calm? Is it really so innocent?!

    Song Mingyue didn't have the heart to speak up to comfort Qi Rou, but when she spoke, she moved closer to her and held her hand under the table, silently giving her strength. Actually, as a junior, she didn't need to be so forceful to obtain such a good pity. However, this was still her godmother, so she wasn't willing to use her as a tool. Even if she was to be hated even more by Song Zhongyong, she did not care at all.

    As soon as he finished speaking, before Song Zhongyong could say anything, Nangong Dian laughed out loud. His emotions were very changeable. He started to size up Song Mingyue lustfully, but as he thought of something, his face became cold again. He disdainfully curled his lips, and swept his gaze towards Song Mingyue. He raised his neck and coldly said: What Princess Xian said is right, and I agree with her words. Didn't he know what he had done? Could it be possible to pretend to be magnanimous and pretend as if nothing had happened? Aren't you afraid of knocking on the door when you go to bed in the middle of the night … Princess Changle?!

    It was really funny, the tone of a grudging wife. If it wasn't for the fact that the one attending the banquet was a man who hid himself very well, he would have thought that he was an abandoned grudge. What kind of nonsense was this? It was true that Song Mingyue had purposely given the Nangong Family hope, but she had also maintained her standard and had never shown any signs of overstepping her boundaries. To meet him in broad daylight and then to have fun in the evening, was this his true intention? He had never paid the price, so how could he have suffered any injuries! It was precisely because he had not been injured that this loud and forceful accusation seemed to lack strength from his mouth.

    On the other hand, Zhong Li Yuan clicked his tongue. His expression gradually became somewhat ugly. He was a monarch above tens of thousands of people, and no one had ever dared to guess his intentions. Everyone present didn't know what state of mind he was in. He only heard two 'tsk tsk' and his gaze suddenly became gentle again. However, his tone was still cold: Young noble Nangong, why do you say that?

    Your Majesty, please seek justice for this lowly one! I am indeed in love with Princess Changle and I vow to be in alliance with her. Although this was exactly what the empress had said, this ill fate had indeed happened! This lowly one met the princess when she was at her lowest. He gave her warm care and spent a period of time that even deities would have to be envious of … Originally, I had hoped to marry her as soon as the princess's ban was lifted. But who knew that once a princess was released from her confinement, it was likely that this vile character would once again sully her noble identity? This caused her to turn hostile! The little person knew that her status was low and did not dare to reach the top. However, she had gone too far by humiliating the little person time and time again. This little one is the same … We were forced to such a state and had to request for the Holy Judgement! The words of the banquet were like flowing water, fluent to the point that it did not have any emotional fluctuations. He must have put a lot of effort into it.


    As he was speaking, he once again knelt in front of the hall, and kowtowed three times consecutively with a 'dong dong dong', I hope Your Majesty can give me a chance to testify. In order to wait for this day, I have made full preparations!

    Oh? Zhong Li Yuan's brows twitched. He was obviously very interested, Submit it.

    The two asked and answered each other, leaving the others outside. As for Empress Su Ying, she also didn't know what Zhongli Yuan's plan was. She never planned on letting Zhongli Yuan get involved in this matter. She was an extremely strong person. She was afraid that she would be despised if she did not do well, so why would she deliberately show weakness and ask for her husband's help? Zhong Li Yuan's decision to stay behind today was also something that he had brought up himself. Su Ying thought he had come, so she ate tea on the side and watched the show. Who would have thought that she would become the one with the decorations on the side, while Zhong Li Yuan became the one to lead the show? After all, they had been husband and wife for decades. Even if they were the most respected person in the world, they were still sharing the same bed. How could they not guess his intentions?

    In all likelihood — he had other plans. It could be seen that the Emperor was out of the ordinary today, so Su Ying had already sized him up in her heart. She was the person who would agree the most. Hearing Zhong Liyuan's words, she also nodded: Okay, since you're being so logical, then hurry up and bring me the things you 'prepared'.

    Just what was going on!?

    Why is it different from what we said, why is there evidence? Qi Rou was the person with the least information in the room. No matter if it was Song Zhongyong or Nangong Yue's little tricks, they did not know a thing or two about the Emperor's earlier request, and Song Mingyue's mantises that were behind them did not know a thing. Qi Rou was a bit flustered. She spat and said sternly, You have really wasted a lot of thought. If you were to spend one tenth of all these thoughts on me, this daughter of yours, even if you all are destined to die, you still wouldn't end up like this! As she spoke, she turned to look at the empress sitting in her high chair. Your Majesty, think twice! If you ask him to splash the dirty water now, you'll get a lot of talk if you wash it off later. You all have seen the suffering I have suffered for the past few months, don't tell me you want her to feel wronged again?

    Where did Princess Xian come from? Wasn't there an old saying that cleared one's mind? If Brightmoon really had nothing, then how could it be a mistake to prove her innocence before the empress and His Majesty's very eyes? Normally, everyone would praise you for being so righteous, but now that you've come to such a critical juncture, why is it that you're so confused? If Song Mingyue really did something wrong, and she did it wrong, you will be blamed for it! "

    Song Zhongyong was probably angry from being choked just now, and his tone right now was very irritable. As a courtier, this kind of tone was indeed inappropriate. However, Song Zhongyong was still a first grade prime minister and was on equal footing with Princess Xian. Plus, he was Song Mingyue's father, so although this was a bit unreasonable, it wasn't good for him to say it openly.

    However, Qi Rou was a girl after all. She had never been scolded like this before. Besides, she had always been extravagant, and never had she been wronged like this before. She slapped the table abruptly as blood rushed to her head, Good! I'll put it here today. If little Mingyue does something that goes beyond half a point, I will immediately break off all relations with her and not be her godmother. I'll exchange her for you from the beginning to the end! However … if little Mingyue is not wrong and is wrongly accused, then in the future, you, Song Zhongyong, are not allowed to say that you are her father! From now on, little Mingyue will officially live in our Prince Xian's Residence. The rest of our lives have nothing to do with you!

    She was so angry that her voice became sharp. Before the person on the other side could recover from his shock, he continued, There's more! Not only that — you apologize to me, like the moon, like the emperor! The first was to plead guilty to being unworthy of being a father, the second was to plead guilty to not being raised, and the third was to recognize you as a mid-rank official of the imperial court, someone who could not manage all the trivial matters of the family and came to delay the emperor. Song Zhongyong, do you dare?!

    When a person was forced to such an extent, they would always erupt, and the limit for women was naturally lower than for women. Song Zhongyong was shocked. He did not expect Qi Rou to have such an excessive reaction. The purpose of his visit today was to demoralize himself, and to bring Song Mingyue back to the manor. No matter what Song Mingyue did, she was still a beautiful girl, so he naturally had to make good use of her. Who knew that Qi Rou would erupt like a madman? In the end, it was all because of her guilty conscience and she didn't dare to reply for a long time.

    Zhong Liyuan found it interesting, and seeing that Song Zhongyong was not willing to speak, he coughed twice and said: Song Chuanqing, why are you suddenly not saying anything? Although the two of you lost your composure earlier, this isn't the time for the court to act and I can let bygones be bygones. On the contrary, the louder and more sonorous your voices are, the more I feel that all of you are magnanimous. However … Just now, your sister-in-law, the wangfei Xian, dared to make such a bet. Why did you suddenly stop talking?

    This... Your Majesty, this subject does not think it appropriate.

    After hesitating for a while, Song Zhongyong could only muster up the courage to reply.

    The emperor, who was sitting on the high platform, flicked his sleeves. He was wearing a set of long robes today, unlike the dazzling dragon robes that shone with golden light when he first went to court. However, even though it was an Azure Robe with the Cloudwater Marks, it still looked extremely majestic on his body. Zhong Li Yuan's attitude was kind as he smiled and said: Oh? How can this be seen?"

    It has always been about the flesh and blood, blood is thicker than water. [No matter what happens in the future, I will always be Song Mingyue's father. This cannot be changed.] Besides, what's more … The reason why this subject was so harsh to her was for her own good. Even if you do not take my intentions into consideration, you should not treat this official's good intentions as nothing more than useless trash!

    Or they could say that they were important officials of the imperial court, and their reputation didn't diminish even after so many years. With just a few words, he was able to turn black into white. However, he did not have the ability to refer to a deer as a horse. Although she didn't really want to admit it, Song Mingyue felt that her sharp tongue was inherited from him, Song Zhongyong.


    You're quite skilled at glib tongue. It's no wonder that after so many years, Prime Minister Song was still able to stand tall no matter how resentful the people were." There was no reason why women should not be involved in politics in the Great Yin Dynasty. There were also precedents of women being accepted as officials. Qi Rou was a princess from a foreign country, so her status was even more expensive. It was just that she was usually a good wife's helper and never brought up these matters. Even if he said it once in a while, it couldn't be wrong. It could even be said to be … It hit the nail on the head.

    In fact, the prestige that Song Zhongyong had in the past few years was no longer as great as it was in the past. When he was young, he was still hot-blooded. Although the things he did couldn't be considered beautiful, at least they were done for the country and the people. However, if a person was immersed in the power field for too long, it would inevitably remain the same. If he, Song Zhongyong, had not changed his mind at first, he would not have had such a magnificent garden in the back. After so many years, his heart was no longer in court or politics. Instead, he was thinking about how to win over the people and consolidate his rights.

    The complaints of the people were not for a day or two, but the Prime Minister had such great authority that most people only dared to be angry, not to say anything. Only Qi Rou, who was born in a rich and powerful family, did dare to say such words. With her words spoken, it was obvious that even the palace maids serving her sucked in a breath of cold air. Song Zhongyong was so angry that his neck was flushed red. He was unable to say anything for a long time. In the end, he simply ignored it and only kowtowed to the emperor. Your Majesty, I beg for your mercy.

    This was a direct disregard. Zhong Liyuan had originally been looking forward to Song Zhongyong's interesting response, but in the end, he was rendered speechless by a woman. He couldn't help but feel disappointed in his heart. He picked up the tea that Su Ying had brought and carefully sipped it. He said with a smile that was not a smile, What the two of you said earlier made sense. As for the things that my sister-in-law accused Song Aiqing, I feel that the rumors among the people are believable, so there is no need to put them to heart. However, today's matter is family business, so there is no need to involve yourself in political matters.

    Yes, yes, the Emperor is famous. Song Zhongyong's heart sank. He had been worried that Qi Rou's words would enrage the Emperor, or perhaps cause him to make use of the situation. Now that he knew that he was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was a person who was able to restrain his emotions, so he respectfully bowed and obediently retreated to the side.

    Zhong Li Yuan's gaze swept across the people in the hall and continued: No rush, I haven't finished speaking. Although my sister-in-law's words are a bit over the top, I feel that the bet that my sister-in-law proposed just now is not without reason. After all, what she said about the bet was the same price for both of you, wasn't it? What flesh and blood is connected, blood thicker than water is true. But, you personally said that Song Aiqing annihilated her kin for a great cause, right? What's the difference between severing ties and destroying one's relationship through righteousness?"

    Just as he finished speaking, Song Zhongyong's face turned pale again, his dry lips moved a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but was immediately snatched away by Zhong Li Yuan, Alright, don't say anymore, Song Aiqing. It's getting late now, so don't procrastinate anymore. That … South... South …"

    Your Majesty, this young master's surname is Nangong.

    Oh, okay. Young Master Nan Gong, don't just stand there. Aren't you ready? Now that I have also promised, I will quickly go and present it to you."

    Nangong Yue truly had the spirit of a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger. She was not afraid of the emperor and did not know if she was really that confident of herself. He kowtowed a few times, unable to stop the smile on his face. How could he not feel wronged at all? He quickly retreated and whispered a few words into Song Zhongyong's ear. Although Song Zhongyong was not very willing, he still ordered a few words from the palace maids beside him. Then, he heard the voice from the banquet, Everyone, please wait.

    He was somewhat unwilling to let her go. His bold eyes bumped into Song Mingyue and he said, Little Sister Mingyue, I can still give you a chance. As long as you say that you're willing to marry me now, you can take it back and let bygones be bygones, okay? We've always been friends, haven't we?

    Song Mingyue could not help but look at him with disdain. She only

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