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Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess
Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess
Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess
Ebook23 pages11 minutes

Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess

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In the e-book IDENTITY SUSPECTED AND OTHER STORIES FROM VARON BURGESS, we get to explore three flash fiction pieces from Varon Burgess. The first of these flash fiction pieces is “Gifted Heist”. “Gifted Heist” is a flash fiction piece surrounding two thieves named John and Lea who possess super-human abilities and are going after an ancient diamond that is safely guarded in a museum. This piece contains mostly action. The second flash fiction piece is “Our Song”. “Our Song” focuses on five kids ranging between 12-16 years old fighting off zombies while trying to find somewhere safe to hide. The kids are named Seth. Melissa, Cristian, Micah, and Hunter. They get aid from two ex-military soldiers in finding safe ground. This piece has mostly the action and suspense genres featuring a small amount of romance. The third flash fiction piece is “Identity Suspected”. “Identity Suspected” is a story about a young man named Jake who is a blogger. His blog is centered around tracking down and arresting “meteor humans”, which are humans that got affected by a radioactive meteor that landed in his hometown. The meteor responded to some people in unnatural ways, causing them to mutate and obtain unnatural abilities. The police want all of the “meteor humans” in custody and that is what Jake’s blog is helping with. This story mostly focuses on the action and suspense genres.

PublisherVaron Burgess
Release dateJun 28, 2020
Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess

Varon Burgess

Varon Burgess is a novelist who really enjoys writing action, adventure, mystery, suspense, comedy, horror, and romance. He is currently earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. His biggest project on hand right now is a medieval fantasy series known as The Pieces. It has the perfect mixture of all the above genres mentioned. It is predicted to be ten books long and he just knows that everyone is going to enjoy the ride that The Pieces has to offer. An author such as he genuinely enjoys telling stories that people absolutely fall in love with, creating characters that people get attached to, and creating worlds where people fantasize all the time about living in. He genuinely believes that everyone should keep their imaginations forever. It gives us somewhere to get away from the stresses of the real world and offers us our own world to play in for a little bit to unwind. So, no matter what anyone tells you, don’t ever grow up and don’t ever shut down your imagination, it’s a huge piece of what makes you, you. Be sure to go follow him on his LinkedIn account @:

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    Identity Suspected and Other Flash Fiction Pieces from Varon Burgess - Varon Burgess

    Identity Suspected and Other Stories from Varon Burgess

    Varon Burgess

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Copyright Notice

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Copyright 2020 Varon Burgess

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Page 1: Title Page

    Page 2: License Notes

    Page 3: Table of Contents

    Page 4: Gifted Heist

    Page 9: Our Song

    Page 14: Identity Suspected

    Page 18: Author’s

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