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Love in the Rich Family: The Elegant Ex-wife: Volume 2
Love in the Rich Family: The Elegant Ex-wife: Volume 2
Love in the Rich Family: The Elegant Ex-wife: Volume 2
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Love in the Rich Family: The Elegant Ex-wife: Volume 2

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Ji Ge had been married for three years, but her husband didn't even care to touch her. He was pregnant with Little San and Mi Mei, so he tried to make her move in front of Ji Ge.

It was fine if she moved, but she suddenly became popular after making her mental preparations. Scum husband changed his mind, the domineering CEO repeatedly expressed his goodwill, and he didn't know when he fell in love with his senior. Ji Gongle didn't even know what to do anymore.

In the face of danger, the domineering CEO could only use his trump card, "Ji Ge, this child was born by you." It meant that he already knew where he would go from here.

Looking at the little bun, Ji Ge reluctantly gave up on a large group of handsome guys.

CEO: "Man, when you are competing, you must be prepared. See, I now have beauties and a son. I would like to give my IQ a Like!"

Release dateJul 7, 2020
Love in the Rich Family: The Elegant Ex-wife: Volume 2

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    Love in the Rich Family - Lan BingQianYing



    Director Song, the few shareholders in Mu are in a bad mood. They want to withdraw their shares. Soong Haoming's secretary carried a bunch of documents and got Soong Haoming to sign it.

    If they want to leave, we can just let them leave. How much money do we have left? Is it enough to buy them back? Soong Haoming turned his pen. These stubborn old men, after realizing that their Mu had changed, started to waver. They were in a bad mood everyday.

    If we buy all of them, then there will be a problem with our working capital. Only Director Song will know about this. The secretary put the papers down.

    Do you want me to inform Director Song? The secretary pushed his glasses and waited for Soong Haoming to speak.

    Yes, let her come over. Calculating how much liquid there is left, we'll buy all the shares in those people's hands, and from now on, the Mu will be completely mine. Hahahaha, Ji Ge, once I've succeeded, I'll take you back from Mu Sixiu. Soong Haoming laughed crazily. The secretary was shocked.

    Alright. The secretary ran at a fast pace. Although Mu was the place of employment that she yearned for in her dreams, this CEO didn't seem to be in a normal rush.

    Looking at Mu Sixiu's office, it was much more luxurious than the CEO's office in Soong before. The same French leather sofa, mahogany desk, bookcase, and even some precious plants were reared inside the room. Even the top quality orchids had several pots.

    No wonder Ji Ge chose Mu Sixiu, marrying him would also bring glory to me, but now these are all mine, Soong Haoming's. Ji Ge, I want you to know, only by following me will you have more glory!

    Brother! You're looking for me? " Soong Siyu came in wearing a black western dress. She looked much more mature than she did six years ago.

    Hmm, go and calculate how much liquid money we have left. Those stubborn old fogeys want to withdraw their capital. If they have the money, we will buy all their shares. We will look for other partners then.

    Okay, I'll give you the data before I get off work in the afternoon. After a few years of training, Soong Siyu had matured a lot and her professional skills had also improved a lot. In addition, Soong Haoming had taken over the Mu, so he could only use his family members.

    How about Mu Wenhao? Did he say anything? " Soong Haoming suddenly remembered that he had another partner, which was Lu Yaqin's condition at that time, which was to give half of the shares to Mu Wenhao. Soong Haoming suddenly remembered that he had another partner, which was Lu Yaqin's condition at that time, which was to give half of the shares to Lu Yaqinang.

    No, recently, we lost contact with Lu Yaqin as well, as if she disappeared from the world. However, we also clearly stated at that time that Mu Wenhao can't interfere too much with the company's business policies. Soong Siyu didn't like Lu Yaqin. She didn't do anything, but she got 30% of the shares for Mu Wenhao.

    He's not here anymore? Go and check on her. This woman is extremely useful to us. Soong Haoming was very grateful to Lu Yaqin. She was a woman with a little head, unlike Luo Yuanyuan, who was nothing more than a good-for-nothing.

    Alright, I'm leaving, brother. Soong Siyu immediately went to the Finance Department, asking the accountants to count the funds as quickly as possible.

    The moment he saw Soong Siyu off, Soong Haoming's phone rang. He looked at Luo Yuanyuan and frowned. After calming himself down, he picked up the phone.

    Hello, Yuanyuan, what's the matter? Soong Haoming used the gentlest voice. After all these years of hiding, many things were managed with the help of Lili and Luo Ziqing. Although Lili had a big chest and no brains, she was still very loyal to him.

    Haoming, are you busy today? I made chicken soup and brought it to you. Luo Yuanyuan's soft voice was Soong Haoming's heavenly music in the past, but now, Soong Haoming no longer had that kind of impulsiveness.

    Will it be hard on you? Soong Haoming lit up a cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled it all. He was shrouded in white smoke.

    No, I'll be leaving now. We'll be there in twenty minutes. Wait for me. She loved Soong Haoming. No matter what he looked like, she loved him.

    Mm, alright. Luo Yuanyuan hung up the phone and went to prepare.

    Thinking about what happened all these years, Soong Haoming was a bit irritated. He held the cigarette in his mouth as he walked towards the French window.

    He had once enjoyed the scenery here, and it was not important anymore. Right now, he was the king of the entire city, he was high above everyone in the city, he wanted to be king, he wanted to trample on Mu Sixiu, he wanted to snatch Ji Ge back, and that was his woman!

    Soong Haoming finished his cigarette and threw his cigarette butt on the ground. He stepped on it with his shoe-wearing foot, as if it was Mu Sixiu.

    Haoming, I'm here. Luo Yuanyuan pushed the door open with her lunch box. Although the office was big, it still smelled of tobacco smoke.

    Haoming, you're smoking again. Didn't the doctor say that it was bad for the body and you weren't allowed to smoke? Luo Yuanyuan put down the lunch box, walked over and gently put her arm around Soong Haoming's waist.

    There were some things that were hard to handle at the company, so I smoked a cigarette. Yuanyuan, I promise you, try not to smoke as much as possible. Soong Haoming held Luo Yuanyuan's hand, and in front of his eyes appeared Ji Ge, with her white hair that did not affect her charm in the slightest. He already knew that the Ji had gone bankrupt because of Mu Sixiu's mistake, but why would Ji Ge forgive Mu Sixiu?

    Haoming, what are you looking at? Luo Yuanyuan saw that Soong Haoming had been staring out the window and had been ignoring her for a long time.

    The weather isn't bad today. Yuanyuan, is it hot when you come over? Soong Haoming only just came back to his senses. Although it was already autumn, the bright sun still made people feel very hot when they looked at it.

    It's not very hot. There's air conditioning in the car. Haoming, let's eat. Luo Yuanyuan tugged on Soong Haoming's clothes and pulled his hand to the coffee table.

    Luo Yuanyuan brought with her delicious dishes that she cooked personally. Her elder sister told her that if she wanted to keep a man, she had to keep his stomach. Luo Yuanyuan hadn't lived in vain over the past few years, so her culinary skills had improved greatly.

    All those dishes seemed to have an appetite, but Soong Haoming really didn't have any appetite right now. After drinking a bowl of chicken soup and eating a bowl of rice, Soong Haoming felt full, probably because he wanted to buy the remaining shares with money, so he wasn't in a good mood.

    Haoming, why are you eating so little? Before Luo Yuanyuan had finished her bowl of rice, Soong Haoming had already put down his chopsticks.

    Recently, the company's old fogeys have been making a ruckus. They say that they want to withdraw their capital. If they withdraw their capital, then there will be a problem with our capital. Soong Haoming estimated that the funds were insufficient.

    I still have some money.

    You keep all your money, it's enough for you to live your entire life. Although the Luo Group is also bankrupt, the assets your dad left for you guys will also be enough to live a good life. I don't want some money here. Soong Haoming lit up another cigarette.

    Then what should we do? My sister and I combined don't even have a hundred million. At that time, the inheritance that his father gave to the two sisters was only around 80 million yuan. All these years, he spent some money to help Soong Haoming.

    I already said that I don't need your help, I will think of a way myself. My mom doesn't have that much either, how about I sell the shares and take them back when I have money. Soong Haoming suddenly thought of a good idea. After all, he had 30% of the shares.

    You're smart. It's a good idea. Luo Yuanyuan felt that Soong Haoming was too smart. She could think of such a method. If she did not do it in her entire life, she would never be able to think of such a method in her next life.

    Bro, we've calculated that the company only has 200 million yuan in liquid funds, so buying those stubborn shares is far from enough. In the afternoon, Soong Siyu came to Soong Haoming's office and reported the funding situation of the entire Mu.

    Hmm, I've already guessed it. This way, if we can take out 10% of my shares and sell them, we will have the money to buy the remaining shares. They will be in a hurry to withdraw their funds, so we can lower the price a bit.

    Bro, if you take out 10%, then you and Mu Wenhao will only have 50% left. Soong Siyu reminded Soong Haoming.

    I know. Ten percent isn't sold at once, separately, to different shareholders. They just don't know how much shares we took out, do they? It had to be said that Soong Haoming was actually a very smart person. He was also a talent in business.

    Okay, bro, then I'll go down and prepare the plan. When the time comes, you can see where it needs to be modified. Soong Siyu's mood was much better now. Since big brother has thought of a way to solve this problem, then the economic crisis of Mu will be over.

    Ji Ge, listen to me now. Soong Haoming is going to sell his shares. Use your identity to buy back everything he sells. As soon as he received the news, Mu Sixiu called Ji Ge.

    Yeah, I heard that too. We're already working out a plan now. Director Mu, do you want to come over and take a look? Ji Ge turned in her boss's chair. This time, she was determined to win. Those shareholders were all old partners of Mu Sixiu. They were making a ruckus to force Soong Haoming to sell his shares.

    Not bad, now that the news is well-received, what are you still planning to do? Mu Sixiu started to admire his wife from the bottom of his heart when he heard this.

    Just like you said, use a few identities to talk to him and buy back all the shares he wants to sell.

    What you need to do is prepare enough money to buy all the shares held by those old shareholders and get in front of Soong Haoming. Don't let him know, I will help you. Mr Wu's plans are longer.

    Director Mu, do you mean that if we buy 40% of those shareholders and 10% of Soong Haoming's shareholders, we will be able to compete with him? Ji Ge immediately understood Mu Sixiu's intentions.

    Smart, you are indeed the wife of I, Mu Sixiu! Just do it! Mu Sixiu was extremely satisfied with his wife!


    Sister Ji, can I take a day off today? A little sister from my village came to find me. I want to see her. Wen Xiaojiao had finished washing the dishes for breakfast and was dragging the floor before she went to ask for a leave of absence from Ji Ge.

    Sure, go ahead. Since it's a weekend today and we're all at home, you can relax and go play. Ji Ge was carrying a cup of coffee and was about to go upstairs.

    Then you guys can take care of lunch. I'll make dinner later. When Wen Xiaojiao heard that Ji Ge wanted her to leave, she appeared exceptionally happy.

    It's fine, go ahead. We don't need you to cook dinner. We can just cook dinner. Oh right, wait a moment. Ji Ge made Wen Xiaojiao wait and carried her coffee upstairs.

    After going into the bedroom, Ji Ge took out her bag, took out two thousand yuan, and then went downstairs again.

    Wen Xiaojiao had already gone inside to change her clothes. Ji Ge walked to the door of the nanny's room and knocked.

    Sister Ji, I'll be right out after I change. Wen Xiaojiao replied. Ji Ge smiled and sat down in the living room to wait.

    Wen Xiaojiao came out soon after. She was wearing a floral dress with long sleeves and her hair was tied behind her head. There was a ribbon tied to her head, making her look quite fresh and natural.

    Sister Ji, you were looking for me? Wen Xiaojiao walked up to Ji Ge with a small canvas bag on her back.

    Didn't I just tell you to wait for me? Here's your little sister. You should be doing something else. Treat her to a meal, a cup of tea or something. Ji Ge pressed two thousand yuan into Wen Xiaojiao's hand.

    No, I can't take Sister Ji. I haven't used up the one thousand yuan you gave me last time. Wen Xiaojiao quickly declined to let Ji Ge have a better impression of her.

    Take it. Hiring a nanny takes several thousand months, you still need to have a bit of pocket money on you. Ji Ge pushed the money into Wen Xiaojiao's hands.

    Sister Ji, thank you. I've never taken so much money before. Thank you. Wen Xiaojiao kept bowing.

    Wen Xiaojiao took out her Nokia, the one that could smash walnuts, and called her little sister at the door.

    Hello, Xiao Hong. I'm Xiaojiao. Let's meet at that market. Hmm, hmm, alright. See you later. Xiaojiao made a call and went out to change her shoes.

    Wen Xiaojiao walked out the door, looked around and headed towards the main road. She hailed a taxi and arrived at the market. There stood a girl in dark blue cotton clothes with black pants and two braids. When she saw Wen Xiaojiao, she shouted for her.

    Xiaojiao, Xiaojiao. Here, I'm here. However, there was no joy on his face from meeting her. Instead, there was a kind of fear of meeting a ghost.

    Xiao Hong, you must have waited too long. Let's go. I'll treat you to a meal today. Wen Xiaojiao proudly waved her canvas bag in front of Xiao Hong and walked away while holding Xiao Hong's hand, talking and laughing.

    Not far away, there was a man dressed in black, wearing sunglasses, observing Wen Xiaojiao. The man didn't leave until the two of them had left.

    Wen Xiaojiao and Xiao Hong came to a hotel. It didn't look too bad, but it wasn't too bad either. It was the kind of place where consumption was average. The two of them went in and asked for a private room.

    As soon as the two of them sat down, a woman in red walked in. It was Luo Ziqing, who had been missing for a long time.

    Yaqin, oh, no, I should call you Xiaojiao. Long time no see! I don't really recognize your current appearance. Although you're not as beautiful as you were before, you're still quite pure. Luo Ziqing sat down opposite Lili, who was also Sofia, while Xiao Hong took the money and went to wait at the door.

    Ziqing, how have you been? How is Soong Haoming doing in the company? If you let him manage things properly, we'll have to count on him. " Wen Xiaojiao sipped her tea.

    I've already ordered the dishes. They will be served in half an hour. We can drink tea here without worry. Luo Ziqing glanced at Wen Xiaojiao. She admired this woman, and she was much better than her brainless little sister. She had a sense of accomplishment that made her feel like she was a match for her opponent.

    They didn't discover my identity, so they treated me fairly well. Today, when I came out, Ji Ge gave me two thousand yuan, she said that she wanted me to treat the girls from the same village to a meal, but she was a considerate person. If it wasn't for Mu Sixiu, I would be reluctant to kill her. From her canvas bag, Wen Xiaojiao gave Luo Ziqing the monitoring data of the study and bedroom, along with a small USB drive.

    Alright, we have to master Ji Ge's habit of drinking during her working hours. After that, we can plan how to get rid of Ji Ge. At the very least, we have to make Mu Sixiu hate her. Wen Xiaojiao looked down on Luo Ziqing from the bottom of her heart. Originally, her small face looked alright, but when she dressed up like this, it made people lose their appetite. Mu Sixiu wouldn't like a woman like this; he likes a woman with a clean face. Luo Ziqing had liked Mu Sixiu for so many years, but she didn't even know this clearly.

    Mn, go back and take a look. When the time comes, we'll discuss how to deal with Ji Ge. After the two of them finished their important conversation, the dishes were served. Luo Ziqing left with her bag high up in the sky. Only then did Xiao Hong enter. The interior of the room was filled with a pungent smell of perfume.

    Brother, auntie just called and you all didn't hear her, so I picked up. Auntie said that she either moved here or we moved back, in short, we are going to live together, uncle's family is coming to be guests, and seeing that our family is in disarray, I told you to give her a call. When Mu Sixiu walked out of the study room, he bumped into Mu Wenhao.

    She really can make a ruckus in one day. It's normal for her son to get married and live alone, so it's nothing if she insisted on living together. I'll go back to her. Every time Zhao Enhui had a trick up her sleeve, Mu Sixiu would have a headache. Ji Ge didn't say anything, mainly because he couldn't take it anymore.

    Hey, Mom, why are you so fast? Mu Sixiu dialed the number of his old house. The phone was just picked up by Zhao Enhui.

    I knew you'd call back, okay? Son, should I come back or should you guys come back?

    Mom, can you stop making trouble? Isn't it good to be like this now? Why do you have to live together? Mu Sixiu's tone was not very good.

    What do you mean I have to stay with you guys? I'm your mom, shouldn't you take care of me? Shouldn't your wife serve me? Are you going to put me, a lonely old woman, to the side? Back then, I …"

    Mom, let me think about it. When Mu Sixiu heard his mother say that he would raise her by taking a piss, Mu Sixiu interrupted Zhao Enhui's words. As long as he didn't follow her instructions, she would say that Mu Sixiu had rarely interacted with his mother before. Now that he had a wife and children, his mother would pester him every day.

    Alright, I'll give you an hour to discuss it with your daughter-in-law. If you can't decide on it in an hour, then I'll come. Anyway, I've already packed my things. Zhao Enhui knew her son was in for this.

    Mu Sixiu hung up the phone. Seeing the sneer on Mu Wenhao's face that he didn't have the time to put away, he was watching a joke.

    Ji Ge was teaching Ji Xiaoxiao French, so Mu Sixiu had no choice but to enter and disturb her. In an hour, his mother said she would only give him an hour to negotiate.

    Dad, is something the matter? Facing Ji Xiaoxiao, who was sitting at the door, he saw Mu Sixiu, who pushed the door open.

    Yes, my wife, I have something to tell you. Mu Sixiu was a bit hesitant.

    What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just say it. Ji Ge looked at Mu Sixiu.

    Just now, my mom called and said that my uncle's family wanted to come over. Either she came to live here, or we moved back, to let my uncle's family see how beautiful and peaceful we are. Back then, my uncle laughed at my father for betraying my mother, so my mom always kept this in her heart.

    Ji Ge really wanted to slap herself in the face. That day, her mouth was so cheap that she told Duan Lian that her mother-in-law was coming to stay. Now, she was really coming over. Although some things had happened, Zhao Enhui's temperament still hadn't changed much. Since she was coming and her uncle's family was coming to stay at home, Ji Ge felt that this matter was very strange.

    Why did your uncle's family come? I've never heard you mention it before. Ji Ge was against it from the bottom of her heart.

    My family and my uncle's family didn't care about each other in the past, and I don't know why this time. Could it be that my family came to see me as I lost my company? Mu Sixiu was adamant about being able to take advantage of others when they were in the market. However, when he met his mother, Zhao Enhui, he always felt that his strength was insufficient.

    Then why do we have to receive them? We're the ones who came to make a joke out of it, do you think we should give them the chance to do that? Ji Ge didn't understand Zhao Enhui's meaning at all. Even Mu Sixiu said that the people from uncle's family came to make a joke, but she was still welcoming them enthusiastically. Was her head pinched by the door?

    But my aunt is my mother's cousin, and their relationship is not bad. I don't know how to deal with this either. Mu Sixiu felt that a woman's way of thinking was something a man couldn't understand. Especially his mother!

    If her mother-in-law wanted to come and live at home, she couldn't not agree. But she also had uncles and aunt's family that wanted to live here, so she might as well move back to the Mu house and send Mu Wenhao, the god of pests, back. There were a lot of houses in the house, and they could be separated one by one, which was better than never seeing one here.

    Husband, you go and tell mom that we will go back to the old house to accompany her. But after uncle leaves, we will move back. That was the only thing Ji Ge could think of.

    Alright, that's good as well. We can send Mu Wenhao back. He has been plotting against us all this time, and he has no excuse to return. Now it's just right. Mu Sixiu also felt that Ji Ge's idea was good.

    Mu Sixiu called back to Zhao Enhui, saying that he wanted to go back to his old home, but that he would only move in tomorrow.

    As long as he agreed, Zhao Enhui hummed happily. She told the servants to clean up the rooms so that her son and grandson could live comfortably. As for the daughter-in-law, she just needed to stay with her son, so she didn't mind too much.

    When Wen Xiaojiao went back to her villa, she had a complicated expression on her face when she heard that they were going to move back to the old house.


    On the third day after Mu Sixiu and Ji Ge's family moved back to the old house, Mu Sixiu's uncle, Mu Danian, brought his wife, Zeng Shuqin, and his daughter, Mu Lingling, to the Mu old house.

    Mu Danian was the son of the second son of Mu, so he could only look at the house. Without the right to inherit, he had always hated the Wu Steel family in his heart, and this time, he did not have any good intentions.

    When Mu Danian arrived with his family, only Zhao Enhui was home. Everyone else had already left. He felt that he was not respected as he lowered his head.

    When they saw Zhao Enhui arranging their family in the Cloud Mist Pavilion, they became even more unhappy. This place was where the wives of Mu lived before, but now they were arranged to live with their family. This was obviously looking down on them. His face dropped a little more.

    Fortunately, the meal that welcomed them at noon was still very sumptuous, so his heart felt a little better.

    Cousin, you are getting younger as you live. You don't look old at all. Zeng Shuqin was Zhao Enhui's cousin. The two of them originally had a good relationship, but due to her husband, they left relatively lightly.

    Not at all. It's still better to maintain your cousin. Look, both you and your daughter are so young and beautiful. Your family is filled with beautiful and handsome men. When Zhao Enhui heard someone praise her youth, she couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.

    No matter how good-looking our family is, they're not as beautiful as Mu Sixiu. Look at how many women Siuxiu has always been in B City. Lili didn't know if she was praising Mu Sixiu or belittling him, but Zhao Enhui didn't care.

    After they had lunch, Mu Danian's family went to rest.

    Ji Ge looked at the documents for a while longer. When she looked at her watch, it was already past 6. She thought of someone coming to her house, so she didn't work overtime. It was better to go back and check since she was a relative.

    When Ji Ge returned home, she saw that there were a lot more people in the house. That older man should be Mu Danian, and he had a stern expression, which made people uncomfortable. That middle-aged woman was not bad, she was fat, her skin was smooth, and she even had some similarities with Zhao Enhui. The girl sitting beside her was very quiet, she didn't talk much, and when she talked about her, she only smiled.

    You're back? It's time for dinner. Mu Sixiu walked over and took over Ji Ge's bag. He instructed Wen Xiaojiao and the other servants to prepare dinner.

    Yo, this must be Siuxiu's lover. She's so beautiful, but why is her hair so white at such a young age? Mu Danian, who had been silent all this time, greeted Ji Ge when he saw her.

    You old man, Ji Ge's white hair is pretty good-looking too, unlike yours. When you have white hair, you become old. Ji Ge, right? Come over quickly. Your sister has always heard that you are very capable and wants to learn from you. Zeng Shuqin rolled her eyes at Mu Danian. This old man was becoming more and more speechless.

    Uncle, aunt, good morning, little sister. Why isn't there a little brother? Wasn't it supposed to be a family of four?

    Oh, you're talking about Wenjie right? He's going to be a few days late so he still has some matters to deal with. Once he's done, he'll come over. Aiyo, we've caused you trouble this time. Zeng Shuqin's mouth was both good at saying it and good at saying it.

    No, no. We usually don't treat you well, so we just play around for a few more days. Ji Ge also greeted them politely. She looked at the girl, dressed in a white shirt and blue skirt. She was dressed very simply but very fresh. She wore glasses and her hair fell straight down to her chest. The girl also smiled at her.

    A whole family sat around the big table. The big table in the Mu Old Hall had not been used for a long time and it was rare for them to gather so many people.

    Sitting next to Ji Ge was Mu Sixiu. Zeng Shuqin and Zhao Enhui were talking non-stop at the table. They had been separated for too long, so there was a lot of talk. Everyone else was eating quietly.

    Sister-in-law, are you born to study medicine? Mu Lingling, Mu Danian's daughter, whispered to Ji Ge.

    Yes, I'm a surgeon, master. Ji Ge smiled as she looked at her. This girl's personality seemed very gentle. She was neither as eccentric as her father nor as talkative as her mother.

    Really? I'm going to graduate this year too, but my hand is shaking so badly, I'm scared." Mu Lingling's expression was as though she had seen a corpse.

    It's okay, that's a barrier in your heart. You just need to take the first cut and you won't be so nervous anymore. The first cut is very important. Ji Ge also liked this little girl.

    Auntie, when my mom performs surgery on people, she often doesn't eat at all for a day. It's very tiring. When Ji Xiaoxiao heard the conversation between his mother and Mu Lingling, he also hurriedly answered, not saying anything.

    Do you know all about it? Are you called Ji Xiaoxiao? You're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. Mu Lingling also wanted to talk to Ji Xiaoxiao, but she was afraid that Ji Xiaoxiao would ignore her.

    Yeah, but Auntie, you're also very pretty. Upon hearing Mu Lingling praise him as handsome, Ji Xiaoxiao also praised Mu Lingling as beautiful.

    Sister-in-law, Xiaoxiao is so cute. You sure are fortunate to have such a cute child.

    I told you that dragons give birth to phoenixes, and mice have children who can make holes in themselves. This child, along with my cousin, is both beautiful and intelligent. Zeng Shuqin didn't let go of any opportunity to kiss ass to Zhao Enhui. Ji Ge felt that they had come this time to ask something of Zhao Enhui.

    Yes, yes, that child is with me. Zhao Enhui was also not courteous at all.

    I will follow my father, my father will follow my grandmother, so I will follow my grandmother. Ji Xiaoxiao also added a godly knife from behind, Zhao Enhui happily put the delicious food into Ji Xiaoxiao's bowl.

    This kid is really smart. Mu Lingling praised her from the bottom of her heart.

    How old is Lingling? I heard she's studying for graduate school. Ji Ge asked Mu Lingling.

    Me? I'm already 26 and will graduate this year. I still want to learn from sister-in-law. Mu Lingling was full of admiration for Ji Ge.

    Learn from me? Lingling, I haven't had surgery in a long time. I haven't been a doctor for a long time." Ji Ge felt a little sad at this point. Being a doctor was her favorite profession, but now she had entered the state of doing business.

    Is sister-in-law not a doctor anymore? What a pity, I heard that people at our school often talk about sister-in-law. Mu Lingling was shocked.

    Which school are you in? Ji Ge had not expected her fame to be so great.

    It's the Alice Medical School in France. I'm your junior.

    Oh, then we've advanced another step. I'm your senior now, he's your senior now. Ji Ge naughtily pointed at Mu Sixiu.

    Mu Sixiu was the kind of guy who got shot even when he was lying down. He had eaten well, but his wife sold him out.

    My cousin is also from Alice Business School? As expected, Mu Lingling shifted her attention to Mu Sixiu.

    Yes, I'm your senior. I went to be a soldier after that, so when your sister-in-law came, I had already left. Mu Sixiu grinned.

    Finally, the family had a lively meal. The only people who didn't say anything at the table were Mu Danian and Mu Wenhao.

    I also have some medical books. I'll bring them to you another day if you want. Ji Ge truly liked Mu Lingling.

    Alright, I just need this kind of book. Cousin, can I learn your Celebrity Hospital? I heard that Celebrity Hospital is the best only in B City. Mu Lingling originally felt embarrassed to say such words, but after getting to know Ji Ge well, she mustered her courage.

    Sure, your cousin's hospital just needs someone with a high education like you. Your cousin's making a ton of money. Looking at Mu Sixiu's face, Ji Ge teased him.

    Is that so? Then, thank you, cousin, and sister-in-law." Being able to enter the Celebrity Hospital was the dream of many. Mu Lingling was overjoyed.

    No need to thank me, just do your job well. Mu Sixiu never said a word to his hospital. However, he was happy that he was free. Since his wife did everything else, he could only do it on the bed.

    After dinner, everyone was sitting in the living room chatting. Wen Xiaojiao brought the fruit over and left after that.

    After chatting for more than an hour, Mu Danian could no longer hold it in. He coughed a few times, but Zeng Shuqin did not notice that his face had darkened and his cough had become heavier. It was at this moment that Zeng Shuqin reacted.

    Cousin, do you have any extra money? After a day, Zeng Shuqin finally got to the point.

    Ji Ge and Mu Sixiu were both eating fruits, causing Mu Lingling's face to immediately turn red. She looked at Ji Ge nervously. She didn't want her mother to ask this question the most.

    Money? A little, but not much. As you know, Mu Sixiu's company has been transferred out. Our family doesn't have much of a source of income. We're all eating at home! Zhao Enhui was truly worthy of being called an old fox. She fought with Zeng Shuqin for too long.

    What's wrong, what trouble did you run into? If you don't have anything to say, just say it. When Zhao Enhui heard that they were here to borrow money, she felt reassured and a smile appeared on her face. She almost said it when she was speaking – what trouble did she encounter? Speak up and make me happy.

    Cousin, we are a family, so I won't hide it from you. Your nephew didn't drive very fast after knocking him over, and even after drinking a little, that person just went to the hospital and died. He wanted your nephew to go to jail, and you know that, wuu, wuu, I only have this one son. Zeng Shuqin burst into tears as she finished her sentence.

    After the negotiation, they said they wanted ten million private and the lawyer said it would take ten years to get the sentence. You know our family is just a normal family, how could we have that much money. Your nephew is still locked up in the police station! Wu, wu, wu."


    He didn't get a chance to drink much. He was hiding his strength, so how could he be slow when he had drunk so much?

    Ji Ge and Mu Sixiu didn't say anything. Mu Lingling was also rubbing her skirt, her head lowered. It was unknown whether it was because she was sad about her brother or because she was embarrassed about borrowing money.

    Aiyo, how did you knock him to death? Didn't Wenjie also do business? No matter what, we still know some people. We just need to find someone to help us out and make this a small issue. As long as it's a small problem, it's fine. When Zhao Enhui heard that something really happened, she was overjoyed.

    We also want to, but the other family's relationship is very hard, we have no choice. I don't want Wenjie to go to jail, but we can't afford to take out that much money, so we can only trouble you.

    Sigh, what a sin, what a sin. Zhao Enhui sighed with emotion. She didn't mention the matter of borrowing money.

    Ji Ge also smiled, 10 million was quite a huge sum, and it seemed like their family was the maker of RMB. I heard that Mu Danian and his wife really doted on that son, and they often beat him up before, but they always took money to deal with him. They never blamed him, which was why that child became a hoodlum, but now, they directly knocked him down, so the family didn't think that it was his son's fault.

    Cousin, we're borrowing. We're not here to ask for the IOU. Zeng Shuqin wiped away her tears. Those tears were real, and it was also true that she felt sorry for her son.

    We are all relatives, why are you saying these words? It's too formal. Zhao Enhui held Zeng Shuqin's hand with a sincere expression.

    Then, thank you, Cousin. Zeng Shuqin secretly felt relieved when she heard this. There shouldn't be any problems, but when she heard Zhao Enhui's next sentence, she nearly fainted from anger.

    This is a hundred thousand yuan, treat it as my little favor to Wenjie. There's no need to return it, what are you borrowing it for! Zhao Enhui walked around her room, took out a cheque and handed it to Zeng Shuqin.

    Initially, Zeng Shuqin's face was filled with gratitude. She thought that this trip was not in vain. When she saw the numbers and heard Zhao Enhui's words, she almost fell to the ground.

    Cousin …

    No need to thank me, you know, we are very nervous, the whole family is eating their old books with their mouths wide open, I want to raise my son, my wife, my grandson, and I also want to raise the ancestral home. With so many servants, ah, every family has its troubles, since when did I ever want to bring my family to stay for a few days at your place. Zhao Enhui said this in a rather sentimental manner.

    Ji Ge couldn't help but admire her mother-in-law's acting skills. As for the winner of the Oscars, she was far from being able to catch up with Zhao Enhui.

    But … But that's too little, one percent.

    Alright, alright. Stop talking. If you say anything else, I will get angry. Zhao Enhui interrupted Zeng Shuqin once again.

    What are you going to do with that little money? We want ten million! Mu Danian looked at his wife being humiliated and finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

    I've never seen him act so arrogantly when he's invited. No wonder they don't have a good relationship, there's a purpose in coming here. Ji Ge and Mu Sixiu exchanged glances. Mu Wenhao had already returned to his room under the pretext that he wasn't feeling well.

    Sister-in-law, I didn't mean that. My parents insisted on coming. Seeing what her parents were doing, Mu Lingling felt embarrassed and explained in a low voice to Ji Ge.

    It's not your fault, it's not your fault. Ji Ge's words made Mu Lingling feel reassured. Her brother was usually domineering, even her parents did not care. Now that something had happened, he came to beg for help, and his attitude was just too vile.

    Oh wow, Mu Danian, do you think that my family prints money? Ten million! Even if we had to print it, we would still need a few days. It's not like you haven't heard about our family's situation, and I've told you that it's different now. If Mu Sixiu's company was here, I would need to lend it to you for a few days.

    I have so much anyway, if you don't want it, then forget it. " Zhao Enhui was not a good person. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to support such a big family by herself.

    Humph! Mu Danian turned around and left angrily.

    Hubby, hubby, wait for me. Zeng Shuqin followed him.

    Sister-in-law, cousin, I'm going back too. Thank you. Mu Lingling also stood up, said goodbye to Ji Ge and Mu Sixiu, and left with her parents.

    This is so infuriating. I was kind enough to give them a hundred thousand yuan, yet they think nothing of it. Zhao Enhui was also angry.

    Mom, don't be angry. They don't understand you. We understand you. You did quite well. Ji Ge would not miss any opportunity to improve her daughter-in-law relationship.

    "You also think that I did pretty well? Ha ha-ha, I think so too. I don't care about them anymore. When Zhao Enhui heard her own daughter-in-law praise her, she felt happy in her heart.

    Come, mother will drink some tea. This is a scented tea from Italy. It is used for beauty maintenance. Mom, when you and Aunt were together, we all thought that she was an elder sister. You are the younger sister! Ji Ge got up and made a cup of tea, passing it to her mother-in-law.

    Really? Zhao Enhui touched her face and felt that it was pretty good.

    Really, I have another bag with me. I'll bring it to you. Ji Ge went upstairs and took down the packet of scented tea and passed it to Zhao Enhui.

    Wow, it's so fragrant. I like the taste. Zhao Enhui smelled the intoxicating fragrance of scented tea and the sweet words of her daughter-in-law.

    Mom, actually, Ji Ge asked someone to bring this over specially for you. She was too embarrassed to give it to you directly, so she decided to beat around the bush. I'm going to report it! That scented tea was just arrived yesterday. " Mu Sixiu raised his hand and reported Ji Ge.

    Ji Ge, I have a handmade embroidered scarf from Su Hang. One of the scarves is too soft in color, so it doesn't suit me. It looks like it's going to get cold, so I'll go get it for you. Zhao Enhui happily carried the scented tea to her room and took the scarf that she wanted to give to Ji Ge, but was afraid that Ji Ge wouldn't want it.

    Wow, this color is so beautiful. Mom, I like it. Your eyes are too good. This is Chanel's starting this fall. There are only 2,000 items in the world, but I haven't ordered any yet. Mom, how did you do it? Ji Ge really liked that scarf. When she went there, it was already out of stock. There were only two scarves in the entire B City.

    You have to go to work. This old woman likes to go shopping since she has nothing to do. I was just going to pick up a new one the day before. I bought it when she was pretty. Zhao Enhui didn't dare to tell Ji Ge and Mu Sixiu. She had used up all of her connections just to get this scarf, yet she was embarrassed to give it to Ji Ge.

    Thank you, Mom. It's so beautiful. Ji Ge happily wrapped herself around her neck. Her skin was especially pink and tender against the color.

    Why is the food so salty today? Mu Danian tasted the food and slapped the chopsticks on the table.

    Is it salty? Ji Ge also took a chopstick and tasted it. It tasted just right. She looked at Mu Danian's face and knew he was asking for trouble.

    Uncle's taste is very light, Xiaojiao. As for the remaining dishes, lower the salt taste to the lowest. Zhao Enhui went to find someone to play mahjong today. She didn't want to see the couple's face anymore. Mu Sixiu also went out to do some work. Ji Ge, Ji Xiaoxiao and Mu Wenhao were the only ones left at home.

    Alright. Wen Xiaojiao really wanted to smash a plate of soup at Mu Danian. She had picked out the thorns all day, one day the eggs were old, the next they were unripe, the next they were cooked, the next they were cooked and the soup was tasteless.

    Mu Lingling lowered her head and ate her own food. Her parents' way of doing things made her despise them, but that was also because her parents and older brother were blood related, so she couldn't change anything and could only get used to it. She liked to be at school with everyone, so she didn't need to go home and look at her parents' power.

    Mom, aunties don't eat vegetables. Little by little, he saw Mu Lingling eating her rice with her head down.

    So salty, how can you eat it! I might as well eat for free. When Mu Danian heard this, he quickly added.

    No, no, I don't feel salty. I forgot to put food in my bowl when I was thinking just now. When Mu Lingling heard that she had not eaten yet and had her father make use of this opportunity, she quickly raised her head and placed the dish into the bowl.

    This child was really making things difficult for her in this kind of home. Mu Lingling's actions reminded Ji Ge of one thing: It was rare for Mu Lingling to maintain her heart even though she was covered in mud.

    After that, the next few dishes didn't really taste anything, Mu Danian ate a mouthful and then spat it out.

    Is this how your family treats guests? Either it's salty or it's light, I'm not eating anymore!" Mu Danian threw away his chopsticks and stood up to leave. Zeng Shuqin also left. She felt that her son was hanging in her heart. These few days, she had been feeling very haggard.

    Lingling, go and practice at Celebrity Hospital tomorrow, you should go earlier. You should get used to the environment earlier. Ji Ge looked at Mu Lingling's red face, which was about to burst into tears, and felt her heart ache.

    Sister-in-law, you still want me to become a celebrity? I thought you wouldn't let me go, my parents did that to you. This time, Mu Lingling's tears really flowed. She had been holding it in for a long time, listening to her parents throw things and scolding people everyday at home. She was about to go crazy.

    Why don't you go? You are you, they are their children, and you are a good child. It is annoying for you to stay at home. If you go out and do something, you won't have the time to think about it anymore. The hospital also has a dormitory. If you want to work for a famous person, you'd better move in. " If Mu Lingling took Mu Sixiu's car from here to work, other people would know that she was a relative. This shouldn't be what Mu Lingling wanted.

    Yes, I'll move over. I don't want to be seen as a vase by others with my strength. I want to be an outstanding surgeon like you. Mu Lingling's eyes lit up. She had never thought that her sister-in-law would be so considerate.

    After dealing with Mu Lingling's matter, the three of them continued to eat. Mu Lingling's heart thumped, and she started to talk a lot. The three of them ate in jest, but there were also the occasional sounds of things falling from the Misty Cloud Pavilion.


    Mu Danian and his wife were also quite interesting. They obviously couldn't borrow money from Zhao Enhui, but they still refused to leave, causing trouble every day. Mu Danian and his wife were also quite interesting, obviously they couldn't borrow money from Zhao Enhui, but they still refused to leave.

    Zhao Enhui either had an appointment with someone to play mahjong or she would go shopping and drink tea. In short, she would not stay at home.

    Mu Sixiu and Ji Ge both had their own things to do, and they were away every day, and Ji Xiaoxiao had his day class, and Ji Ge had lunch for him at noon, and she didn't come home, and Wen Xiaojiao was the only one who had a hard time. She had to cook for them every day, and she had to be picky, and she had to be scolded, and she couldn't stand it any longer.

    That day, when Wen Xiaojiao came back from shopping, she heard Mu Danian swearing again in the living room as soon as she entered.

    What, you want to eat this for breakfast? Where was he? Where did everyone die? "

    Aiyo, Big New Year, don't be angry. Just be content with what you have. If it wasn't for the Old Master saying that we couldn't get to the ancestral home, but could come back at any time, I'm afraid we would all have been chased out by now. Zeng Shuqin was also very angry. Her cousin had talked to her about everything in the past, but now, she couldn't even borrow a bit of money.

    He, Mu Sixiu, dares! No matter what, I am still his uncle, do you think he would dare to bear the crime of treason? " Mu Danian's voice could probably be heard ten miles away.

    It takes so long to buy a dish? Mu Danian continued reprimanding Wen Xiaojiao when he saw her enter the room.

    I walked. Since the market was so far away, of course he would have to walk for a while.

    Look, look. What did you make for breakfast? The nutrition of eggs, bread, milk, and breakfast is very important. Mu Danian pointed at the leftover eggs.

    Did you guys eat well at home? Wen Xiaojiao scoffed. If Zhao Enhui and the rest could eat this breakfast, then the family would not be able to. No one knew how sumptuous their breakfast would be.

    You! You actually dare to talk back, you're really rebelling! Mu Danian raised his hand to hit Wen Xiaojiao.

    Mr Mu, this is not your home, it's fine if you eat for free, but you are still acting high and mighty, I am the nanny of Mu Family, not your house's nanny. Since you don't like the food I make, you can bring your nanny here for you to eat! Wen Xiaojiao could no longer hold it in. She wasn't going to cook lunch today. Anyway, she just ate a biscuit outside and thought it was time to lose weight.

    This family is really too vicious. How could they treat their guests in such a manner? Seeing her husband speechless, Zeng Shuqin also came up to help.

    If you don't like it, you can go, and no one will stop you. Aren't you very worried about your son? Aren't you afraid that your son will be abused in prison? I think your son is not in prison, but here to cheat money! Since Wen Xiaojiao's face had been ripped off, she no longer bothered to pretend.

    You! Zeng Shuqin's face turned white from Wen Xiaojiao's words, to the point that she had nothing else to say.

    Also, the dishes today have been bought back. If you want to eat, then make it yourselves. I won't serve you anymore! Wen Xiaojiao pushed Zeng Shuqin away and returned to her room.

    Wen Xiaojiao called Luo Ziqing and asked her how the plan was going. She watched Mu Sixiu and Ji Ge being intimate every day and felt like a fire was burning in her heart.

    Luckily, Mu Wenhao was relatively low-key recently and rarely appeared in everyone's sight. Wen Xiaojiao was afraid that Mu Wenhao would recognize him after getting along with her for so many years.

    Hello, Ziqing. It's me, Yaqin. Is it convenient to talk on the phone? Luo Ziqing on the other end of the line was still talking lazily, probably sleeping.

    Un, it's convenient for me here. Look, are you free today? Upon hearing Lu Yaqin's voice, Luo Ziqing immediately became more spirited.

    Hmm, you don't know that Mu Sixiu's uncle and aunt are really weird. I helped them cook out of good intentions, but they were being picky. If these aunts aren't going to cook, then would they eat if they liked? Wen Xiaojiao first vented the anger in her heart.

    Hehe, it's not that Siuxiu's uncle doesn't have a good relationship with his family, why would he come back? Luo Ziqing had heard in her early years that this uncle of the Mu Sixiu family was not on good terms with them.

    I came to cheat money, but I didn't succeed. A bunch of f * ckers. Lu Yaqin couldn't help but curse.

    Alright, let's not talk about them anymore. Our matters are more important. Have you finished the plan with the information I gave you? Let me see after it is done. If it is feasible, we will implement it as soon as possible. Lu Yaqin urged.

    Yes, but there are still some areas that need to be modified. I'll send it to you in a few days after I've finished revising it. Luo Ziqing was also eager to carry out her plan. As long as Ji Ge died, Mu Sixiu would be hers. As for Lu Yaqin, she was just a springboard, so there was no value in using her.

    Alright, then contact me in a few days. Hearing that the plan was about to be completed, Lu Yaqin was extremely happy. She was about to get her male god.

    Mu Wenhao paced back and forth in his house. He was waiting for a phone call. It was a very important phone call. The phone didn't ring yet, so he was a bit anxious.

    On the headboard was a picture of a woman wearing a flowered dress, with long hair and beautiful features. Next to her was a hand that had been cut off.

    Mu Wenhao picked up the photo and stared at it for a long time. Every day, he would take the photo to view it for a long time, and that woman was the most important woman in his life. She gave him life, she gave him love, but she disappeared cleanly.

    Since he was young, he didn't see anything but Mu Sixiu being escorted by the servants to school. At school, Mu Sixiu was also the focus of everyone's attention, and he was just an illegitimate child, a son that everyone looked down on.

    Mom, I'll definitely find you. Next to the woman was Mu Wenhao's father, who was also Mu Sixiu's father. He hated him, and if it wasn't for his drunken disorder, his mother's life wouldn't have been disturbed, and he wouldn't have been brought into this world. Apart from being discriminated against, there was nothing else, and when he was on the verge of death, he had left all his belongings to Mu Sixiu.

    He was unwilling. He was truly unwilling. As a son, how could he not have anything?

    Ding ling ling ling. The phone finally rang. Mu Wenhao picked up the phone and picked it up.

    Hey, um, it's me. How about that? No? Didn't someone say that they had seen it? Then keep looking! I'm not taking money to raise you bunch of trash! When Mu Wenhao heard that there was still no news of his mother, he was so angry that the phone in his hand directly smashed onto the floor.

    The parts of his phone were scattered all over the room. Mu Wenhao screamed, then covered his head and grabbed his hair. It had been more than 20 years, did she miss him? Why had she never come to see him?

    At the thought of this, Mu Wenhao walked over to the cabinet, opened it, and took out the share transfer agreement. His hands were shaking as he said, Yaqin, where are you? The two women who had helped him the most in life had left him.

    For the past few days, Mu Sixiu did not return home during the day and did not tell Ji Ge what he had gone to do. Ji Ge was also busy with purchasing shares in Mu, so she did not have much time to take care of it.

    After she successfully saved a patient with the scalpel for the first time, her technique had become better and better. In the past, she performed surgery on the dead without any sense of accomplishment, but now, she could finally revive the patient.

    Mu Danian and his wife still refused to leave Mu House. Even though Wen Xiaojiao had made them angry, they still did not leave. That thick-skinned fellow was also incomparably shameless.

    It was very late when Ji Ge finally returned to the Mu Residence. The moment she entered the door, she was pulled over to the side by her mother-in-law Zhao Enhui.

    Ji Ge, do you know why your uncle's family has always been staying here? I've already sent people to check on their old home. Their house has been sold and they have to repay their son. His son went to gamble, owed him a huge debt, and was then chased down and killed.

    Ah? Then what do we do? Have you been keeping them? " Ji Ge knew that there was no limit to the amount of money one could put into the bet.

    We can't chase them away, but they went too far. I've been drinking too much tea recently, and the mahjong is

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