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Sweet Marriage in Golden Age: War Young Pet's Addiction: Volume 7
Sweet Marriage in Golden Age: War Young Pet's Addiction: Volume 7
Sweet Marriage in Golden Age: War Young Pet's Addiction: Volume 7
Ebook498 pages7 hours

Sweet Marriage in Golden Age: War Young Pet's Addiction: Volume 7

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In the chaos of the night, she had mistakenly provoked the young master Zhan, who possessed monstrous power in the capital, and mistook his identity.

When they met again six years later, she would never have imagined that he would become her brother-in-law!

At the entrance to the Civil Affairs Bureau, she took the initiative to climb on her brother-in-law in order to take revenge on her sister, who had bullied her before.

"You kicked Lu Yaqing, and married me. How about it?"

"Very good!"

After she had succeeded in digging her way through the wall, she left with a pat on her butt …

Release dateJul 13, 2020
Sweet Marriage in Golden Age: War Young Pet's Addiction: Volume 7

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    Book preview

    Sweet Marriage in Golden Age - Lu SanSheng



    The presidential palace that was originally silent suddenly became noisy!

    Fire, fire!

    A room on the east side of the presidential palace was suddenly on fire. This room was the room Zhuang Ren stayed in before. The fire was fierce and uncontrollable!

    Fortunately, this room was not connected to the other rooms. Before the fire spread to other places, the room was immediately controlled! Therefore, other than this area which was burning brightly, there was nothing else that needed doing.

    A subordinate rushed into Zhuang Ren's office's study room to report the situation, President, something happened!

    Zhuang Ren raised his head calmly and asked, What happened?

    The subordinate lowered his head and reported, A fire suddenly broke out in a room of the presidential palace. A person was even burned to death!

    Zhuang Ren casually asked, Oh? Was there such a thing? Is he really dead?

    In fact, he was not surprised at all, because this fire had been created by him. It was all for the sake of uprooting those who had snuck into the presidential palace and wanted to rescue Zhuang Lee!

    The subordinate replied affirmatively, Absolutely.

    Zhuang Ren, who was sitting on the swivel chair, suddenly stood up, Let's go! Let's go over and take a look!

    He also wanted to see how tragic the death of the person who was going against him was!

    Zhuang Ren went to the fire with his subordinates. The one who was burned to death was in the open space in front of them with a white cloth covering his body.

    Zhuang Ren said to the person beside him, Take off the white cloth!

    When the white cloth was removed, there was only a charred corpse below, and it was impossible to determine its appearance. Zhuang Ren stared at the charred corpse in front of him. Judging from the bones, the person burnt to death was a woman.

    Moreover, this woman's figure was almost the same as his own! But... Would the person Ye Heezhan sent be so weak? It seemed like someone was thinking that they were smart and wanted to trick him!

    Zhuang Ren curled his lips with a smile that wasn't a smile as he waved his hand and instructed the subordinate beside him, Carry this corpse down and dispose of it.

    The subordinate who had begun to report respectfully asked, Mr. President, do we not need to verify this person's identity first?

    Zhuang Ren: No need!

    Since Zhuang Ren said so, his subordinate didn't dare to ask anymore. He instructed the people beside him to follow Zhuang Ren's orders.

    In the distance, Gu Han was holding a pair of binoculars as he closely observed the situation over there. It seemed like the trick of finding a corpse to fool around might not be enough to dispel Zhuang Ren's doubts!

    Just as Gu Han was thinking about what to do, a gunshot rang out from Zhuang Ren's direction!

    In the telescope, Zhong Qin gripped an exquisite handgun and valiantly walked out! She aimed at Zhuang Ren, but that shot did not hit Zhuang Ren.

    Zhuang Ren was able to detect it in time, and pulled his subordinate to his side to block the shot for him. Zhuang Ren, who had escaped death, wanted to retreat!

    Zhong Qin rushed to Zhuang Ren before the guards from the presidential palace arrived and held him back with her gun.

    Gu Han was too far away to hear the other side. He was worried that something might have happened to Zhong Qin, so he immediately put away the telescope in his hand. Prepare your pistol and quickly run in that direction!

    After holding Zhuang Ren hostage, Zhong Qin shouted at Zhuang Ren, Don't move!

    Zhuang Ren was very cooperative and didn't move at all. He just let Zhong Qin hold him, Don't be rash! As long as you let me go, I will satisfy whatever you want.

    Zhong Qin mocked, I haven't even made a move, and you're already begging for mercy! He's really afraid of death."

    Zhuang Ren said without a care, A real man is able to submit!

    He had never felt that it was shameful to submit to someone under such special circumstances. Keeping his life was the most important thing.

    Zhong Qin was too lazy to waste her breath on Zhuang Ren, so she directly said, Take me to Zhuang Lee! This time, if you dare lie to me again, I won't forgive you!"

    Zhuang Ren quickly responded, Alright, alright, no problem. I'll bring you there right now!

    Zhong Qin did not dare to let down her guard. She pointed her gun at Zhuang Ren's temple and said, Lead the way, don't let anyone else come.

    Zhuang Ren listened to Zhong Qin's request and told his men, You are all here, no one is allowed to follow us.

    One of his subordinates hurriedly said, But Lord President, what if this person hurts you?

    Zhuang Ren glared at his subordinate and said, Are you not going to listen to what I say? If anyone dares to follow us here, I will be the first to do so.

    The subordinate who had just started talking immediately lowered his head, This subordinate would not dare.

    The scene suddenly became as silent as a cicada, and no one dared to express an opinion.

    Zhong Qin held Zhuang Ren hostage and left. Now, no one followed. Zhuang Ren led the way honestly while Zhong Qin followed closely behind, occasionally checking the surroundings.

    The journey was smooth, and it could be said that they were unimpeded!

    Zhuang Ren brought Zhong Qin directly to the basement where Zhuang Lee was locked up. When Zhuang Lee heard the sound of footsteps, she directly said, You don't need to wait any longer, I definitely won't agree.

    Zhong Qin raised her eyebrows in puzzlement. Why would this person ask Zhuang Lee to agree to his request?

    Zhong Qin, who kidnapped Zhuang Ren into the basement, didn't have time to think about it. Worried that Zhuang Lee wouldn't know her identity, she directly told Zhuang Lee who was in the basement, Zhuang Lee, it was young master Zhan who asked me to save you.

    Zhuang Lee had spent most of her time at the Shadow Base, even though Zhong Qin spent most of her time outside on missions and rarely came back. However, Zhuang Lee had met Zhong Qin twice, so she still had some impression of her.

    As for her, since she was a newcomer, Zhong Qin probably didn't notice her.

    Zhuang Lee nodded and replied, Senior Zhong, I've seen you before.

    Zhong Qin couldn't help but glance at Zhuang Lee twice before saying, It's good that you know her. Get up. I'll take you out of here.

    Although this Zhuang Lee was in a sorry state right now, it was hard to hide her noble temperament! Why hadn't she noticed such a little beauty in their base before? It looked like he was a rookie!

    Zhuang Lee looked behind Zhong Qin and asked hesitantly, Senior Zhong, Gu Han, did he not come? Since Ye Heezhan already knew about her arrest, there was no reason why Gu Han didn't know.

    Zhong Qin stared at Zhuang Lee who asked about Gu Han in confusion. Gu Han had a strange expression on his face when he thought of the mention of Zhuang Lee. It seemed like she had been too busy during this period of time and had missed out on a lot of gossip!

    Seeing that Zhong Qing did not reply, Zhuang Lee called out again, Senior Zhong!

    Zhong Qin hesitated for a moment, shook her head and replied, Special Assistant Gu, he's busy.

    Right now, they were still in the presidential palace, and they were not out of danger yet. It was best not to expose Special Assistant Gu. If something unexpected happened, there would still be someone to help him.

    Zhuang Lee's pitch-black eyes instantly dimmed as she smiled despondently. Gu Han wasn't busy at all, he didn't want to meet her at all, right?


    Zhong Qin hurriedly said, Zhuang Lee, get up. Let's leave this place first and chat later.

    Zhuang Lee lowered her head to look at the heavy iron chains on her feet and feet. Senior Zhong, I have chains on my feet and my hands, she said to Zhong Qin.

    Zhong Qin immediately stared at Zhuang Ren, who was being pointed at by her gun.

    Zhuang Ren said tactfully, The key is on me.

    Zhong Qin clenched the gun tightly and said to Zhuang Ren, Take out the key.

    Zhuang Ren quickly took out a key from his pocket without saying a word, Here, the key is here!

    Zhong Qin was worried that Zhuang Ren was playing some tricks, so she took the key from Zhuang Ren and threw it to Zhuang Lee, Zhuang Lee, open the chains on your hands and feet. I'm looking at this old fox.

    If it wasn't for Gu Han's help, she would have already been tricked by Zhuang Ren.

    Yes. Zhuang Lee stretched out her hand with great difficulty and finally picked up the key that Zhong Qin threw to her. But the chain was too heavy, and the two hands were locked apart.

    Therefore, it was very inconvenient for Zhuang Lee to move about. Even if he got the key, he wouldn't be able to insert it into the keyhole for a long time.

    Zhong Qin looked very anxious as she said to Zhuang Ren, Go open it for her.

    Zhuang Ren did as he was told and walked in front of Zhuang Lee. Zhong Qin followed behind him, pointing the gun at Zhuang Ren to prevent him from playing any tricks.

    Zhuang Ren surprisingly cooperated with Zhuang Lee and helped Zhuang Lee to unlock the iron chains on her hands and feet!

    He looked at Zhuang Lee thoughtfully and then said to Zhong Qin, It's all open now, is it okay?

    Zhong Qin nodded in satisfaction. Not bad. Bring us out of here now. When we safely leave the presidential palace, I will naturally let you go. "

    As for whether Zhuang Lee would let Zhuang Ren off or not, it was none of her business!

    Zhuang Ren stood up honestly, Alright, alright, no problem. I will do as you ask.

    Zhong Qin ignored Zhuang Ren and lowered her head to ask Zhuang Lee, Zhuang Lee, how do you feel? Can you walk by yourself?

    Zhuang Lee rubbed her swollen wrists and ankles, gritting her teeth as she stood up while leaning against the wall. I'm fine!

    She was no longer that delicate princess of before, so these injuries were nothing to her!

    Seeing that Zhuang Lee said it was alright, Zhong Qin walked in front with Zhuang Ren, the hostage, while Zhuang Lee followed behind. Zhuang Lee had been locked in the basement for too long. When she walked out, she couldn't get used to it for the time being.

    Zhuang Lee covered her eyes with her hands to make herself feel better.

    The moment the three of them walked out of the basement, Zhuang Ren took advantage of Zhong Qin's inattentiveness to directly escape. Zhong Qin raised her gun and was about to shoot Zhuang Ren's leg.

    A group of people rushed out and surrounded Zhong Qin and Zhuang Lee with guns.

    Zhong Qin held the gun in her hand and pointed it at Zhuang Ren's head, Old fox, you set me up again!

    Zhuang Ren's previously timid face changed as he said with a smile, I advise you to put down the gun in your hand. Otherwise, if you shoot me once, I guarantee that the two of you will become hornet's nest under so many guns.

    Zhong Qin angrily gritted her teeth, It's best that you don't fall into my hands in the future, or else I'll never let you off!

    Zhuang Ren sneered, I wonder if you still have a future!

    Zhuang Lee, who had been silent all this time, stood in front of Zhong Qin. If you want to kill me, then kill me first!

    Zhong Qin had come to save her, which was why she was in such a dangerous situation. Even if she did her best, she couldn't let Zhong Qin get hurt!

    Zhuang Ren looked at the stubborn Zhuang Lee with a complicated expression.

    Zhuang Ren gathered his thoughts and said coldly, You think I won't kill you?

    Zhuang Lee looked into Zhuang Ren's dark eyes and said implicitly, You are the President, who else can you not kill? Whoever you want to die will die, right?

    He was even able to kill his own biological brother, much less this niece of his. However, Zhuang Lee was very clear that no one would believe her even if she told them all the facts that she knew.

    Because of this, even in front of so many people, Zhuang Ren had nothing to fear! He wasn't worried at all that she would expose his true identity!

    Suddenly, a few smoke bombs were thrown in front of Zhuang Lee and Zhong Qin. They were all shrouded in white smoke. When the white smoke dispersed, Zhuang Lee and Zhong Qin had already disappeared!

    Zhuang Ren kicked the subordinate beside him angrily, Trash, a bunch of trash. You can't even catch two women!

    A masked man took Zhuang Lee and Zhong Qin out of the encirclement and quickly led them out of the presidential palace.

    Thank you very much. Zhong Qin politely thanked the masked man who had saved her and Zhuang Lee.

    The masked man didn't say anything, but waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to thank him.

    Zhong Qin stared at the masked man doubtfully. Why does this man look so much like Special Assistant Gu? But if it was Special Assistant Gu, why did he have to cover his face? How strange!

    Zhuang Lee's gaze never left the masked man who had intentionally distanced himself from her. It was as if she was looking at a stranger.

    After the masked man confirmed that Zhuang Lee and Zhong Qin were safe, he planned to leave without saying a word.

    Only then did Zhuang Lee, who was behind him, shout at the masked man's back, Gu Han, you still care about me, don't you? Why? Why did you hide from me?"

    Ever since Gu Han sent her back to the base, every time she went to see Gu Han, Gu Han would always avoid her! Either something is going on or we just missed it.

    Therefore, she didn't tell Gu Han about her decision to take revenge for her father!

    The masked man stopped walking and his back clearly shook.

    Zhong Qin, who was at the side, was shocked. Emma, I didn't expect that this masked hero was really Special Assistant Gu!

    Zhong Qin smiled awkwardly at them. About that … You guys take your time, I have to leave first. "

    Although she really wanted to stay and watch the gossip. But seeing that Special Assistant Gu even used a mask, it could be seen how complicated it was. It was better for her not to get involved. Let the two of them settle it together!

    After Zhong Qin finished her sentence, she immediately slipped away.

    Gu Han, who was covering his face, just stood there without any intention of turning around!

    Zhuang Lee looked at Gu Han's back with a lonely expression, Gu Han, you just intend to keep your back facing me, right?

    After a long while, Gu Han finally opened his mouth and said, Ah Lee, forget about me! We are not suitable!

    Gu Han had been thinking a lot during this period of time. Although the person who killed his parents was Zhuang Lee's father, it had nothing to do with Zhuang Lee. However, he was still unable to do so!

    He no longer had the chance to avenge his parents. If he was with his enemy who killed his parents, his parents in the underworld probably wouldn't be able to rest in peace, right?

    Therefore, he could only let Zhuang Lee down!


    Zhuang Lee's body visibly trembled as she asked with a trembling voice, Why?

    They had clearly been fine before, but why did it suddenly become inappropriate?

    Gu Han still had his back facing Zhuang Lee, There's no reason, it's just inappropriate. It's better for everyone if we end it now. "

    Zhuang Lee took a few steps forward and hugged Gu Han from behind, Han, I don't understand! We made up that time. Why did you suddenly avoid me that night after you sent me back to the base? Furthermore, you are so cold, and even intentionally not seeing me!

    Gu Han hardened his heart and broke Zhuang Lee's embrace, You only need to know that we are finished!

    Then, Gu Han left without looking back. Zhuang Lee wanted to follow her, but she was unable to do so. Her pride did not allow her to lower her head for no reason.

    She didn't even understand what happened, why Gu Han did this to her!

    Ji Rongsheng only stayed in the hospital for three days before she insisted on leaving. He really didn't feel safe leaving Old Madam Ji alone in the house after what had happened to Ji Min!

    Seeing Ji Rongsheng's insistence, the hospital did not urge her to stay any longer. Furthermore, with the condition of the Ji Family, returning home to recuperate would not be a problem at all.

    If there's a problem, there's a family doctor watching. Furthermore, Ji Rongsheng's body wasn't seriously injured. It was just that her wounds hadn't fully healed yet. As long as he recuperated properly and didn't move about recklessly, there shouldn't be any big problems!

    On the other hand, because of Ji Min's matter, Old Madam Ji's condition wasn't too good. The old man that was originally brimming with vigor had instantly aged quite a bit. It was as if a person had suddenly lost the meaning to survive!

    In order to take care of Old Madam Ji, Ji Rongsheng brought Yu Ning, Lu Qingge, and Ye Heezhan from small western-style building side and moved back to the main building to live with Old Madam Ji! Yu Ning, Lu Qingge, and Ye Heezhan did not have any objections.

    At lunchtime, the family sat in the dining room.

    Old Madam Ji had just sat down and had only eaten two mouthfuls when she stood up and said, You guys eat slowly, I'm done.

    Ji Rongsheng wanted to advise Old Madam Ji to eat more, but after some thought, she gave up. After all, forcing Old Madam Ji to eat more was useless. Because Old Madam Ji was a problem in her heart, and most importantly, she had to put it down.

    But how could it be so easy to put it down?

    Yu Ning, who was at the dining table, said worriedly, Rongsheng, your mom can't continue like this.

    Ji Rongsheng nodded worriedly, Yes. But I've thought of all the ways I can think of! "

    Ye Heezhan said straightforwardly, Old Madam Ji, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass this stage.

    Because everyone knew how important Old Madam Ji thought Ji Min was. Now that Ji Min said it was nothing, it was all gone. Old Madam Ji's heart was in a mess!

    Ji Rongsheng clenched her fists angrily. It's all that damned murderer!

    If that person didn't kill Ji Min, Old Madam Ji wouldn't be in this state right now. At the end of the day, it was still the murderer's fault.

    Speaking of that person, the chopsticks in Lu Qingge's hand also stopped, Ah Zhan, how's the investigation on that person's real identity? She was more eager than anyone to find that person!

    Ye Heezhan slightly hesitated and shook his head, No progress at the moment!

    Ji Rongsheng said to Ye Heezhan, Ah Zhan, if you need any help, feel free to tell Uncle Ji. Although I am not as strong as you, I can still do my best for you.

    Yu Ning patted Ji Rongsheng's shoulder and reminded her, Ah Zhan and Qing Qing already got married and received their certificates, yet you still call us Uncle Ji?

    Ji Rongsheng realized her slip of tongue and hurriedly said, Yes, I'm really confused!

    Lu Qingge lowered her eyes in embarrassment. Ye Heezhan held Lu Qingge's hand under the table and calmly said, Dad, mom, I was rude.

    He should have changed his words a long time ago. Actually, he was worried about Lu Qingge's feelings, which was why he called her a different person.

    Ji Rongsheng said, The family is not rude. Anyway, do you need my help with the murderer?"

    Ye Heezhan immediately shook his head, No need.

    Lu Qingge looked at Ye Heezhan, who had a strange reaction. Ah Zhan, what's wrong?

    Ye Heezhan saw that he was acting a little abnormal so he explained, Dad, take care of yourself. Leave the rest to me!

    Yu Ning smiled gently, Rongsheng, Ah Zhan is so considerate, so don't worry about it. Why don't you spend more time with your mother!

    Ji Rongsheng shook Yu Ning's hand, I made a slip of the tongue just now, and you said I did. Then shouldn't you change your mind?

    Yu Ning pulled her hand out and said coquettishly, It's not like we have a license. She didn't even have a wedding, so speaking of her and Ji Rongshengming, they weren't even on the right track!

    Ji Rongsheng held Yu Ning's hand again. Now that you put it that way, you should remind me of something that I should always do. It's time for me to do it.

    Yu Ning looked at Ji Rongsheng with a puzzled expression. What's the matter?

    Ji Rongsheng smiled mysteriously. You'll know when the time comes.

    Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan looked at each other and smiled. They seemed to have guessed what Ji Rongsheng said they should do at the same time.

    After dinner, Ji Rongsheng came to look for Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan.

    Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan weren't surprised that Ji Rongsheng came to find them at this time of the day, so they invited her to sit down.

    Without wasting any time, Ji Rongsheng went straight to the point. I'll need your help this time.

    Lu Qingge smiled and said, Dad, you're going to propose to my mom, right?

    Ji Rongsheng scratched her head in embarrassment. At my age, isn't it a bit inappropriate to do all this?

    He actually felt that this didn't quite match what he had done at his age. He had also mustered his courage to do such a thing. After all, he owed Ning Ning too much, and he wanted to make up for it now. He didn't want to give her anything that he should have.

    Lu Qingge hurriedly said, How could that be!? Love has no age. Besides, you owe my mother a wedding. If you don't propose to my mother, I might not be willing to give her to you. "

    Ji Rongsheng said, That's good. I was embarrassed! Do you have any suggestions for marriage proposals and weddings? "

    Ye Heezhan and Lu Qingge looked at each other and smiled. Ye Heezhan said, Dad, leave this matter to Qing Qing and me.

    Lu Qingge nodded in agreement. Well, we will definitely organize a wedding for you and Mom that will be unforgettable for your entire life. Dad, just wait and be your groom.

    Hearing Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan's words, Ji Rongsheng nodded in reassurance, Then I'll leave it to you.

    No, I have to go back to my room first. Otherwise, since I've been out for so long, your mom would probably be suspicious!


    Ji Rongsheng settled the matter that had been weighing on her heart. She waved happily at Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan, then went back first.

    Leaning on Ye Heezhan's shoulder, Lu Qingge said with a smile, Ah Zhan, I'm really glad that I didn't bring my mother back to the Hua Country back then!

    If she really brought her mother back to Hua Country then, when she found out the truth of the matter, she would know that they misunderstood Ji Rongsheng. Not only her, even her mother, Yu Ning, would feel regret for the rest of her life.

    Ye Heezhan gently touched Lu Qingge's head, There are a lot of things that might not be true even if you saw it with your own eyes!

    Ye Heezhan recalled the person he saw in the pinhole camera of Gu Han. Ye Heezhan thought that was the reason why he didn't want to come to a conclusion so easily.

    Lu Qingge suddenly thought of Ye Heezhan's abnormal behavior during dinner. She raised her head and asked, Ah Zhan, do you have something to hide from me about that person's real identity?

    She kept having the feeling that Ye Heezhan knew something about that person and just didn't tell her.

    Ye Heezhan lowered his head and stared at Lu Qingge, who was in his arms, as he asked, Qing Qing, do you believe me?

    Lu Qingge replied without hesitation, Of course I believe you. She had never doubted him, from beginning to end.

    Ye Heezhan sincerely said, Believe me, don't ask me anything now. After we're done here, I'll give you a reasonable explanation when we return home."

    Lu Qingge nodded. Yes.

    Ye Heezhan lowered his head and kissed Lu Qingge's forehead, Qingqing, thank you.

    Lu Qingge hugged Ye Heezhan's waist tightly, I should thank you! Thank you for staying with me."

    Otherwise, Nanbao would disappear and lose the child in his womb. Without Ye Heezhan, she probably wouldn't be able to survive at that time.

    Ye Heezhan smiled, Speaking of which, dad reminded me of something.

    Lu Qingge said half-jokingly, What did Dad remind you of? You don't intend to propose to me, do you?

    Ye Heezhan tightened his hold on Lu Qingge, That's right, I still owe you a wedding! A wedding that belongs to us!

    Lu Qingge shyly lowered her eyes, as if Ye Heezhan was surprised when she went to stop Ye Heezhan's and Yu Fei's wedding and asked her to marry him. She and Ye Heezhan had indeed yet to get married!

    Ye Heezhan whispered in Lu Qingge's ear, When we find Nanbao, I will definitely give you a century of wedding ceremony. When the time comes, let Nanbao and Bei be our flower boys, okay?

    Lu Qingge nodded. Yes.

    No matter what, she will definitely find Nanbao!

    Lu Qingge and Ye Heezhan were very efficient in organising Ji Rongsheng's wedding for her. In just three days time, all the preparations for the wedding had been completed.

    It was an auspicious day for them, so they discussed the matter with Ji Rongsheng. They decided to set the wedding date for tomorrow instead of the next day.

    Yu Ning was still being kept in the dark and didn't even know that there was going to be a big surprise waiting for her tomorrow!

    For the sake of luck, and also for the sake of tomorrow's surprise, Lu Qingge intentionally pulled Yu Ning to sleep with her tonight. Let Yu Ning and Ji Rongsheng not meet the day before the wedding.

    Yu Ning felt that although the two of them had reunited after a long time, they hadn't been alone together these past few days. Therefore, since Lu Qingge had asked her to accompany her tonight, Yu Ning was extremely happy as well!

    After Lu Qingge and Yu Ning finished their bath, Yu Ning took the initiative to help Lu Qingge blow-dry her hair. Sitting in front of the mirror, Yu Ning looked at Lu Qingge in the mirror and was very pleased, You'll grow up in a blink of an eye. Mom never would have thought that I would be able to see you grow up.

    When she'd jumped off the bridge ten years ago, she hadn't thought she'd survive. It was a great surprise to her to be able to wake up and see Lu Qingge and Ji Rongsheng again.

    In the mirror, Lu Qingge smiled. Mom, I will always be by your side, accompanying you as you slowly age!

    Yu Ning smiled and shook her head. Mom doesn't dare to ask for so much. Being able to see you again is already the love of the heavens.

    Lu Qingge said excitedly, Mom, you and Dad will live for a hundred years.

    When it came to this topic, it was somewhat sentimental. Yu Ning simply changed the topic, After sleeping for ten years, I feel like I missed out on a lot. Is the change in Hua Country huge now? "

    Lu Qingge said, Yes, it really has changed a lot.

    It was a rare opportunity, so Yu Ning and Lu Qingge happily chatted with each other. Oh yeah, how's Lu Group? Your grandfather, is he well? And Lu Yuan, how is he doing?

    Lu Qingge looked at Yu Ning who had asked quite a few questions in a row. She couldn't help but laugh. Mom, why are you asking me so many questions at once? Which one do you want me to answer first? "

    Yu Ning said seriously, Then you answer one by one, I want to know.

    "Actually, after I woke up, I felt that I had let down the people from Lu Family. When I first came to the Lu Family, it was only to avoid your father. Lu Yuan likes me, but he always respects me. All those years we've been a couple with no real names!

    But he did treat you as he had promised me. Your grandfather, Lu Fengsheng, was also very nice to me. Although the child who knew that you weren't from Lu Family was very angry, he accepted it later on.

    he was also like a granddaughter to you, and he even told me that he would leave you his Lu Group in the future. Later on, I even chose to one day die, and entrusted a child who wasn't related in any way to Lu Family to them to take care of!

    Now that I think about it, I was so irresponsible. not only to you, but also to apologise to the Lu Family father and son … "

    Lu Qingge pulled Yu Ning, who was slightly choked with emotions, and said, Mom, didn't we say that those things would be over, so we won't mention it anymore?

    Don't worry, Grandpa is in good health. It was just that he was getting on in years, so now he had to abdicate and live on for a long time. The Lu Group Group has developed quite well in these few years, and is quite famous in the Hua Country and clothing industry. "

    Yu Ning then asked, I'm not here all these years. How does your grandfather treat you?

    Lu Qingge smiled as she said, Grandpa is especially good to me. Originally, Grandfather wanted me to take care of Lu Group Group. But I had no interest in managing the company, so I turned down my grandfather's good intentions.

    Yu Ning nodded repeatedly. That's good!

    You still haven't told me how Lu Yuan is doing.

    Lu Qingge's expression faltered slightly before she said, Lu Yuan, he's living a good life. Right now, he is the General Manager of Lu Group Group, and the management of Lu Group Group is very orderly.

    Yu Ning looked directly at Lu Qingge. What about you? How have you been these years without Mom? "

    When she asked about Lu Qingge earlier, Lu Qingge intentionally kept her mouth shut. But the more it was like this, the more she wanted to know. Although she knew it might not be good, she still wanted to know about Lu Qingge's past!


    A complicated look flashed through Lu Qingge's eyes, but she quickly calmed down. She smiled and said, Me? Not bad. Besides missing you too much.

    Yu Ning said with a serious expression, You're not allowed to play sloppy with Mom.

    Lu Qingge knew that it was impossible to not say it, so she started to talk. When I was eighteen, Lu Yuan knew that I liked clothing design and sent me to study abroad for a few years. Didn't I tell your mom that I met Ah Zhan the moment I returned from abroad? And then everything went quite well! "

    Yu Ning sighed, A child like you will pick out some good stuff to tell your mother, and keep those bad things to yourself. Lu Yuan thinks that after I die, I must have married Yuan Mengni into Lu Family, right?

    Lu Qingge nodded. There was no way she could hide this from her mother, Yu Ning. Yu Ning already knew about Yuan Mengni's existence, and that Yuan Mengni and Lu Yuan had a daughter.

    Yu Ning didn't say anything, but her eyes were already wet. My Qingqing, even if you didn't report your worries, you would have hidden those bad news from me. Mother knows that all these years, you must have suffered a lot. "

    However, what she didn't know was that Lu Qingge's suffering was something she couldn't imagine. Lu Qingge had almost died that year. If it weren't for the fact that she was lucky and managed to survive, they would never have met again.

    Lu Qingge couldn't hold back her tears and hugged Yu Ning who was beside her emotionally. Mom, I'm really fine. I feel really satisfied to see you again and recognize Dad. The only thing I wish for now is for you and my dad to be together happily! "

    Yu Ning nodded her head vigorously, I will. You and Ah Zhan must get along well. It's rare for people to meet someone who knows how to be warm and cold! "

    Lu Qingge said, Mom, I know. Some people might not be able to meet someone who knew how to be warm and cold even after spending their entire lives, so she was extremely lucky.

    Lu Qingge extended her hand to wipe away the tears on Yu Ning's face, Mom, it's getting late. Go to sleep, or we will become national treasures tomorrow. "

    Yu Ning nodded. Alright, let's go to sleep.

    The next day, Yu Ning got up and went downstairs.

    Lu Qingge had already prepared breakfast for Yu Ning. She called out to her mother, Mom, hurry up and come for breakfast. I made it.

    Yu Ning said with a smile, What a great day it is today! You cooked it yourself!

    Lu Qingge set down her chopsticks and said, Make breakfast for your mother. You don't need a good day, you can cook for her anytime.

    Yu Ning walked over, looked around the restaurant where she and Lu Qingge were, and asked in puzzlement, Where's your dad and Ah Zhan?

    Old Madam Ji had been up late recently and hadn't had breakfast with them. Therefore, she didn't ask Old Madam Ji!

    Lu Qingge pulled out a chair for Yu Ning. They had breakfast early in the morning and went out on some business. Mom, why don't you try and see if I can make breakfast?

    Yu Ning smiled as she sat down. These breakfast dishes look very appetizing.

    She picked up the egg and took a bite. After tasting it, he nodded his head, The taste is really not bad.

    When Lu Qingge heard Yu Ning say it was delicious, she was very happy. Mom, it's delicious. Just eat more.

    Yu Ning took another big bite of the egg and mumbled, Mmm mmm, I want to finish all of them.

    Lu Qingge spoke according to the plan, Mom, after breakfast, come with me to a place!

    Yu Ning asked, Where are you going?

    Lu Qingge smiled as she poured Yu Ning a cup of hot milk. If you go, you'll know.

    Yu Ning couldn't help but burst out laughing. Like your father, he's weird. Your dad lost his temper yesterday, so why did he do it? He said he was going to do something important today and that he wouldn't tell me anything.

    Lu Qingge: I think dad wants to tell you after he's done. This will give you a pleasant surprise!

    Yu Ning said, You're almost 50 years old, how can you be different from young people? What is there to be surprised about? As long as your father and I can be safe and sound! "

    Lu Qingge hurriedly said, Mom, maybe my dad really has some surprises for you. At least look forward to it.

    Yu Ning smiled helplessly. Alright, alright. I'm looking forward to it.

    On the other side, Ji Rongsheng and Ye Heezhan had rushed over to the wedding site early in the morning, so they had made preparations in advance!

    Ji Rongsheng had changed into a groom's uniform with a red flower on her chest. Because he was too nervous, this person was in the venue, walking up and down!

    Ye Heezhan was wearing a white suit, which was completely different from his usual black suit. Just like those princes who came out from the fairy tales, they gave people an indescribable feeling of beauty!

    Ji Rongsheng anxiously looked at the entrance to the venue and muttered, I wonder where Ning Ning and the rest are now?

    Ye Heezhan looked

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