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Tamsen's Ridge
Tamsen's Ridge
Tamsen's Ridge
Ebook62 pages56 minutes

Tamsen's Ridge

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Tamsen Hayes has everything in life she could ever need; her family, her farmstead, and the love of her best friend and hunky fellow farmer, Jake Turner. However, when a blast from the past shows up unexpectedly, Tamsen and Jake’s relationship takes a turn, making her question whether or not she really wants to share her little slice of heaven with someone else after all. However, with a little help from her pack of goofy goats, and a gentle reminder from an old friend, Tamsen starts to make her way again, finding success, security, and true happiness in her little holler in the shadow of the Blue Ridge mountains.
Release dateJul 7, 2020

Wendy Dalrymple

Wendy Dalrymple writes cozy, low-heat romances inspired by everyday people. When she’s not writing happily-ever-afters, you can find her camping with her family or walking her dog. Keep up with Wendy at!

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Reviews for Tamsen's Ridge

Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

15 ratings3 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a cute and lovely romantic story, perfect for the season. It explores the dynamics and love of the couple in a sweet and cozy way. While some find it uninteresting, overall it is a cute sequel that fans of the first book will love."

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a lovely romantic story, perfect for the season and so sweet and cosy!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    such a cute sequel!! I loved the first one and was so glad that they put out this second story. It's really cute and we get to see a lot more of their couple dynamics and love in this one.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    i mean its okay but i dont know. kinda uninteresting??

Book preview

Tamsen's Ridge - Wendy Dalrymple

Chapter One

Tamsen Hayes hated Valentine’s Day.

For one thing, the weather is always awful. There’s no use trying to take a romantic stroll or enjoy a picnic in late winter, whether you’re in Franklin, North Carolina, or Tampa, Florida. It’s too cold in the mountains, and at the beach it’s too… gray. But it wasn’t the weather that truly made Tamsen hate the Hallmark-laden holiday; it was the fact that every single year she found herself upset, forgotten, or alone. She vowed that this year, February 14 would be treated just like any other day.

If you have no expectations, you’ll have no reason to be disappointed, she reminded herself.

Her boyfriend, Jake Turner, had other plans.

The day started just like any other, with Tamsen tending to her little farm in the holler, recording a vlog for her YouTube channel and working on her promotional materials. Her Rainbow Goat Girl social media brand was picking up momentum, and Tamsen was happy to have finally reached her goal of one hundred thousand subscribers. Through her marketing prowess, she had successfully figured out how to turn her little farmstead in the mountains into a profitable online business that sustained itself.

Things with Jake were going well. Like, really well. The magic of the holiday season paired with the fact that he was so good with his hands had made their first few months together perfect. It was almost hard for her to believe that just a year before she’d been engaged to someone who wasn’t really right for her, and living a much more fast-paced life. By all measures, her new way of living at the fixer-upper farm in the holler was exactly what she needed.

Tamsen had quickly learned that Jake was sentimental, something she wasn’t used to in a partner. His first gift to her, an actual key (figuratively to his heart, but literally to his home) engraved with their initials, was the first clue, but as the weeks went on, she marveled at his attention to detail more and more. The way he carved their names out in the snow, made specialty breakfasts in bed, and showed up with flowers and presents, should have made it apparent that Jake would go all out for Valentine’s Day.

That afternoon, after Tamsen was finished feeding her goats and cleaning out their pens, she set out on the two-mile journey up the road to visit Jake at his own farm. It was very convenient to have him so nearby, especially since he had been housing and helping to care for her goat Bonnie during her pregnancy in the harsh winter, and afterward as she nursed her newborn kids. She went down daily to check on them and monitor their progress, and to visit with Jake too.

When she arrived at Turner Farm that day, Jake’s red truck was nowhere to be found. He would often run errands for his animal husbandry and wholesale feed supply business, so it wasn’t really a surprise that he wasn’t there. He was often gone for hours during the day; running around the county delivering supplies to people that lived way up in the mountains, helping farmers troubleshoot homesteading problems, and outsourcing goats to clear land, so she knew it was likely he wouldn’t be there. Still, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed not to see him.

See? her pessimistic inner voice said. Valentine’s Day sucks.

Tamsen started in on her daily rounds at Jake’s sleek, modern barn to tend to Bonnie and her pair of kids. The soft white baby goats had been born the day before Christmas Eve, much earlier than she would’ve wanted if nature hadn’t taken its course. Keeping the vulnerable newborns in Jake’s modern structure instead of her ramshackle old barn during the bitterly cold months had likely saved their lives.

It had been six weeks already, and the babies were growing fast, but it wasn’t the goats that surprised her that day as she entered her boyfriend’s barn. Propped up on a stack of hay bales next to the goat pens was a Valentine’s Day display taken straight from the aisles of the nearest drug store. A dozen red roses, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a heart-shaped helium balloon, and a note were waiting for her… but no Jake. Normally, she would have balked at the idea of such stereotypical gifts, probably because she had never really received Valentine’s Day presents before. Boyfriends always seemed to conveniently break up with her

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