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The Virtual Entity Part 1
The Virtual Entity Part 1
The Virtual Entity Part 1
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The Virtual Entity Part 1

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[Following is an official review of "The Virtual Entity" by Richard Street.]
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3 out of 4 stars
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The Virtual Entity by Richard Street is a little book of eerie horror. I say ‘little’ because it is laid out onto 88 pages, but if one were to change the formatting of the text, it could easily fit into 55-60 pages. It tells a story of a young couple – Danielle and David – who leave the city life behind and move into a little town of Bakewell, which sits right in the middle of the Peak District National Park in the UK. The house they purchased without viewing used to belong to David’s father’s friend and had been empty since his death. Not long after them, a removal truck carrying all of their belongings arrives. When one of the removal men comments that he did not realize there were three of them moving in, Danielle and David let the comment go over their heads. They also do not give much thought to how rushed to get away from the house the estate agent seems to be nor how the town’s people react to when they tell them which house they moved into. Soon, their first night in their dream country house dawns, and strange things start happening. Will these ‘strange things’ drive a wedge between them? Will it do something even more sinister?

I award The Virtual Entity by Richard Street with 3 out of 4 stars. I took one star off due to the aforementioned drawbacks. One may think that, due to the volume of discrepancies, more stars should be deducted. But I take into consideration that this is the author’s ‘first goose’ and, with a little more practice, slowing of the pace, and polishing, this book could become a script for a good old traditional horror film with the element of modern tech. In addition, what I took away – I cannot be sure whether the author meant it or not – is a ‘between the lines’ message about what technology does to people’s relationships.

This book does not contain any vulgar language, sensitive or erotic scenes. However, the are some scary scenes that make the reader peek what is behind them as well as some gruesome verbal illustrations (such as the description of the entity or what I named to be the ‘vomiting’ scene), so I advise caution. This book would be most enjoyed by old-style horror and Stephen King fans. As can be expected from such a genre, some religious rituals come into play when trying to dispose of the ‘entity.’ These themes are not in any way preachy; instead, just the good old ‘exorcist’ style.

But have these rituals succeeded in expelling this ‘entity’ from our realm? Or is it still lurking somewhere, injured, biding its time waiting for his next source of power?...

The Virtual Entity

PublisherRich Street
Release dateJul 4, 2020
The Virtual Entity Part 1

Rich Street

I'm an electrician who aspires to be a great author to reach as many readers as possible. I like the idea of the reader sets the price on here because i can share my work for free if that's your desire. Its not what i would call free as it gives me exposure to every reader. If you find that you like the sound of my book but can't afford to pay for one as were all struggling in these times the option is there. Either paid or unpaid i only ask for one thing in return, reviews. I like to hear what people thought and what they enjoyed. Maybe you want to see a sequel to certain books?Hobbies.CyclingRunningWeight liftingWritingMy first book is on here called The Entity Within The VR Set. It's around 22k words long, don't worry i will be making books longer my first two were to test the water of writing. Again nothing beats reviews. This lets me know whether you enjoyed my material or not. Either way i like to hear constructive feedback and i like to keep in touch with fans or readers.

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    The Virtual Entity Part 1 - Rich Street



    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or

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    CHAPTER 1 The Beginning 1

    CHAPTER 2 The Old Star Inn 9

    CHAPTER 3 The Strange Night Ahead 18

    CHAPTER 4 The Next Day 27

    CHAPTER 5 The Second Night 34

    CHAPTER 6 The Investigation of the VR Set 43

    CHAPTER 7 What David Had Seen 52

    CHAPTER 8 The Medium 59

    CHAPTER 9 The Priest Across From the House 67

    CHAPTER 10 The Final Battle 71

    CHAPTER 11 The Peace and Quiet 80

    CHAPTER 1 The Beginning

    Our story begins in the small town of Bakewell, United Kingdom.

    In the center of the town lies a lonesome terraced house soon to be bought by a young couple. When moving into their new home in the countryside, little did the couple know of the horrors that awaited them. For David and Danielle this was to be a new start, a break from the hustle and bustle of the city life, a place where they could reconnect and start a new family together. The young couple arrived at the small town of Bakewell early one autumn morning, ready for the new start that they both had been craving for the last few months. The couple had just pulled off the M1 signed Sheffield, the time was 6am and the roads were exceptionally eerie with only a few cars either going to or returning from work on the 21st of October, approaching the town of Bakewell, they could see it was very picturesque and was rightfully so famed for its beautiful landscapes. Danielle had already pointed out the strange fact that no one seemed to be going towards the town that contained their future home. The wildlife that could be seen in the country was a shock compared to the hundreds of bikes, busses and commuters that were usually witnessed in the crowded streets of the city that the pair were used to. The narrow roads heading into the town were tricky for David to drive around, as he struggled to keep his eyes off the beautiful scenery enveloping the landscape. He drove on, adoring the quaint shops and country bars, which he made sure to point out to his girlfriend. Never did the couple think that they would be moving to such a timid and secluded place.

    When they first pulled up to the house and saw the old stone-built terraced house, they could see how different life would be after they finished fully settling down. David and Danielle had always talked of moving from the smog filled cities to the fresh country air, but if only they knew what lied ahead within these walls they would’ve stayed happily in the smog. Parking the car just outside the terraced house, the couple took a look around and were quickly greeted by a suspicious-looking graveyard with a large church. However, this building didn’t rile them. Neither partner believed in ghosts or supernatural elements, rendering them only characters in children’s stories. Exiting the church view, David and Danielle headed up the stairs leading up to the new home, smiling at the mist on the windows and the cold sensation of the air on their skin. As they climbed, a big green door loomed over them. David went to turn the old-fashioned handle and almost winced at the pain from how cold it was. Unable to push the door open, he hastily rang the estate agent to ask for the keys, suddenly feeling unwell in the cold. The scared-looking estate agent who had sold the house pulled up and rushed to the door to greet the couple, she was wearing all-black, a very gothic look, looking as if she didn’t really fit in anywhere. She had apologized for not mentioning that the house was facing a graveyard and the photos did not show this on the website. Because the couple were looking to purchase quickly and had to move out, they never got to visit the town or see the house in person. Instead, they had chosen out of familiarity because they had known of the person who was the previous owner of the house. He was a friend of David’s father who had died of a heart attack in the summer, leaving the house as a bargain for the couple. They knew it would get snapped up if they did not take the opportunity, so the estate agent was happy that the couple were not bothered by this matter.

    David did mention that after the sale of his last house he would have money left over to design the house as they wanted, so the estate agent left them the keys and went on her way. They both noticed just how fast she seemed to be walking back to her car, almost as if she hated the place. David then used the front door key to open the door to what they thought would be a dream home for them. They immediately crinkled their noses at the damp smell due to the lack of ventilation and heating. The walls were styled in an old-fashioned way as an elderly person would have been in the house for years. The green carpet on the floor had a stain, documenting a previous spillage of some kind. The couple walked in further to check out the rest of the home. The living room had an old man’s worn chair looking out onto the street; they thought this must be where he watched people’s comings and goings. The fireplace was very old-fashioned, looking like something from a dickens film. It was made of dark wood with a metal-stained fire guard and coal effect pieces. They were thrilled to know it was a gas fire and not an old coal fire; this would make it cheaper as they wouldn’t have to run gas pipes to the living room.

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