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The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth
The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth
The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth
Ebook130 pages2 hours

The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth

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About this ebook

Nkosingiphile Gideon Lukhele was born on the 5th of December 1989, the second child of Charles and Baby Lukhele in the township of Tembisa on the East Rand of Johannesburg. He grew up in the mission house with his grandparents and cousins, because his grandfather was a pastor and leader of the St John’s Apostolic Mission in Tembisa. As a child he was very different from his cousins, as spirituality could be observed in his life from a very young age. He would imitate his grandfather’s preaching and at times would stand next to him in church while praying for people and he would also want to lay hands on their heads just as his grandfather did. At the age of 12 years he became the Sunday school teacher at church and was very passionate and faithful about his work.

In 2009 he found himself battling with thoughts about his future, so he did some research on the internet and came across an online Bible school and enrolled for the course. He discovered a lot from the lessons he studied online and certain things started changing in his life. He started seeing life in a very different way. After completing the online course he was on fire to share the knowledge that he had gained and which had changed his life, with the whole world. He has since been involved in missionary work and believes that the end of all things is at hand and people need to be prepared....

Release dateJul 10, 2020
The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth

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    The Mighty Cleaver Of Truth - Nkosingiphile Gideon Lukhele




    Copyright © 2020 Nkosingiphile Gideon Lukhele

    Published by Nkosingiphile Gideon Lukhele Publishing at Smashwords

    First edition 2020

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by Nkosingiphile Gideon Lukhele using Reach Publishers’ services,

    Edited by Nicola Jenvey for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631





    Chapter 1. Understanding The Times

    Chapter 2. The Everlasting Gospel

    Chapter 3. Fear God

    Chapter 4. Give Glory To Him

    Chapter 5. Worship Him

    Chapter 6. The Hour Of His Judgment Has Come

    Chapter 7. How To Study The Bible

    Chapter 8. Babylon

    Chapter 9. The Fold Of Christ

    Chapter 10. The Testimony Of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 11. Are The Dead Really Dead?

    Chapter 12. Modern Sorcery

    Chapter 13. Worshipping The Beast

    Chapter 14. The Seal Of The Living God

    Chapter 15. The Faith Of Jesus Christ


    The mighty cleaver of truth is a series of messages to prepare people to stand true to God as we approach the final events of Bible prophecy. This truth comes from Revelation 14:6-12, the messages the three angels give as the final warning to a perishing world. The mighty cleaver of truth is designed to bring people nearer to God and engage in an intimate relationship with the Father Himself. We look into quotations by the divinely inspired author on this truth:

    We are to stand on the elevated platform of eternal truth. The edge of the sword of truth is not to be dulled. We must take a straight forward course, using the truth, as a mighty cleaver, to separate from the world men and women who will stand as God’s peculiar people. 6 Manuscript Release, p.280

    We are a peculiar people in the world’s eyes, but God is looking for that and it can only be achieved by the cleaver of truth. We are to be fully separated from the world and wholly given to God.

    We want the cleaver of truth to do its work for us. . . . We are here as probationers and we must pass under the hand of God. All rough edges and surfaces must be removed and we must be stones fitted for the building. We are brought into church capacity with defects of character, but we must not retain them. We must be fitted and squared for the building. 3 Manuscript Release, p.232

    The work of the mighty cleaver of truth is to prepare us to be fitted for the heavenly courts, all rough edges and surfaces in our characters must be removed; we need not retain our defects but must overcome them before we can see our Lord face-to-face. God will help us experience this mighty cleaver of truth in our lives as we go through this book.

    Note: Unless indicated all quotations are taken from Ellen White’s writings and the King James Version (KJV) Bible

    Chapter 1

    Understanding The Times

    Ecclesiastes 3:1: To every [thing there is] a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

    What we understand from Scriptures is everything has its timing and purpose; nothing should be done without understanding that. The chapter looks to understand the current times and thus know what to do.

    1 Chronicles 12:32: And of the children of Issachar, [which were men who] had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.

    The children of Issachar were blessed with the gift of discerning the times and this meant they could distinguish what Israel ought to do. We need to understand our times, as too often we live without purpose because we are not clear of the times in which we are living. What was one thing Jesus said it was important to discern?

    Matthew 16:3: In the morning, [it will be] foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering. Oh [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?

    It is normal to discern weather conditions to predict the day. This is part of our daily life, but what is important is discerning the signs of the times. What times? The times in which we are living. The Gospels reflect the disciples were sufficiently concerned that they had to ask Jesus for the signs of the times. What was their concern?

    Matthew 24:3: As he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? And what [shall be] the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?’

    The disciples were concerned about the end of the world and asked Jesus for the signs so they could know and understand how to tell whether or not they were living in the end times. They wanted to understand the end times; can we really know the specific day or hour of Jesus’ coming?

    Matthew 24:36: But of that day and hour knoweth no [man]; no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    The day and the hour can never be known. It is something we need to be clear on this point and avoid any predictions of the day and hour of His coming. The purpose of the signs is to indicate the closeness of the end and the coming of Jesus Christ; akin to travelling on a long journey where you know your destination is close from the signs around you. How can we tell we are in the end times? What signs do the Scriptures offer?

    Matthew 24:4: Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Take heed no man deceive you’.

    Deception is one of the key things for the end times; it will come in every conceivable form. Jesus warns we need to be careful that no-one deceives us. However, deception has a sleight of hand that sometimes we cannot tell if we are being deceived. We believe everything is right when the opposite is true – even the deceivers are deceived by the trickery they play on others.

    2 Timothy 3:13: But evil men and seducers [will] wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

    Beside the different ways deception will be experienced, the most deadly is the one happening in the Christian Church today. What did Jesus say about it?

    Matthew 24:5: For many shall come in My name, saying, ‘I am Christ’ and [will] deceive many.

    Some people will profess to be Jesus and possess His power. Others will claim to have greater than Jesus has. These people, who profess to be Christ or Christians, will deceive many.

    Matthew 24:11: Many false prophets [will] rise and deceive many.

    We look at today’s world and witness numerous people claiming to be prophets sent by God. They are deceiving God’s people and too many people who profess to be God’s children, admire and worship these people as if they are infallible. They believe the falsehoods spoken by these false prophets are God’s desires even though what they say contradicts His word.

    Matthew 24:24: For there [will] arise false christs and false prophets and [will] show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they [will] deceive the very elect.

    The false christs and prophets receive powers to perform signs and wonders primarily to deceive the elect. However, anyone claiming they have an intimate relationship with Christ can be deceived by the so-called miracles if they are not careful; if the miracle working power is not from God, it is obviously from Satan.

    What else will we notice from the Christian Church?

    2 Timothy 3:1-5: These know also in the last days, perilous times [will] come. For men [will] be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that [is] good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    The churches will display a form of godliness lacking His power; the gospel that transforms lives to be Christ-like. This will make the end times difficult and dangerous, because you will witness behaviour that is not Christ-like. Christians will love pleasure more than they love God and introduce disobedient children and covetousness among other things into the Church.

    What other signs will the world and churches experience?

    Luke 17:26-27: As it was in the days of Noah, so [will] it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat; they drank; they married wives; they were given in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.

    Before Jesus can return, the world will sink to the level of despair as during Noah’s time. People will give into their appetites and passions, confusing their powers of reason and mimicking the behaviour that had happened in Noah’s days.

    Genesis 6:11: The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence.

    Corruption and violence filled Noah’s world. Are we not seeing the same today? Corruption is evident in government and policing. Violence is strangling the world, particularly violence against women and children and high murder rates are prevalent across the globe. Even worse is witnessing corruption and violence in churches – people coming to church with guns and threatening others to benefit from the tithes and offerings parishioners have given. It is particularly painful when we see this behaviour among people who profess to be Christians.

    Genesis 6:5: "God saw the wickedness of man [was] great in the

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