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Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition – Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness
Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition – Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness
Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition – Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness
Ebook82 pages2 hours

Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition – Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness

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About this ebook

Christmas time is here! The most magical time of the year. Never a better time has come. What better a day to enjoy with your little one?


In this book, you will find stories to put your kids to sleep. And perhaps put you to sleep as well? Stories of joy, stories of splendor. Christmas is the time of year where everyone gathers together around a fire, singing songs and laughing. And after a long day of celebration, nothing puts someone to sleep like a good bedtime story.


In this volume of bedtime stories, there is a tale to capture every child's heart.

  • You will find stories of love. The love of family, the love of friends, and the love of Christmas!
  • You will uncover stories of wonder. The same wonder that's alive in your heart as a child.
  • Discover stories of magic. The magic of Christmas! The same magic that brings Santa down your chimney and makes reindeer fly.
  • Dive into tales of fantasy. Grand journeys across snowy lands to discover what might have been forgotten long ago beneath the snow.
  • Yarns that will have you yawning. Your eyes will grow heavy, and your kids will drift off into a land of dreams. If you aren't careful, you'll drift off along with them.
  • And epics that your whole family will love. Tales that will become memories for your family. Stories your children will ask you to tell over and over again.


Bedtime Stories for Kids will fill your holiday with everything that Christmas stands for. While you read these stories to your kids, you'll feel like a child again too. You'll remember when you were little, and your parents tucked you in on Christmas Eve. The way you were so excited to just wake up the next day that you didn't want to sleep. So hopeful that you'd get to see Santa, you didn't want to close your eyes for a single moment. You'll feel that magic, and that joy will fill your heart again. And just like you'd slowly drift off to the sound of your mom or dad's voice, you'll send your kids to sleep with dreams of sweets, presents, and Santa magic.


So scroll up and click "Buy Now", tuck your kids in, turn to your favorite tale, and let the magic begin. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!


Release dateJul 12, 2020
Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition – Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness

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    Book preview

    Bedtime Stories for Kids - Kaizen Mindfulness Meditations

    Bedtime Stories for Kids

    Christmas Edition

    Fun and Calming Christmas Short Stories for Kids, Children and Toddlers to Fall Asleep Fast! Reduce Anxiety, Develop Inner Peace and Happiness

    PUBLISHED BY: Kaizen Mindfulness Meditations

    © Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

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    Legal Notice:

    This book is copyright protected. This book is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, and reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, — errors, omissions, or inaccuracies

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: The White Tree

    Chapter 2: Two Elves in the House

    Chapter 3: The Sleigh Ride

    Chapter 4: The Christmas Gift

    Chapter 5: The Christmas Forest


    Thank you


    Thank you for purchasing Bedtime Stories for Kids: Christmas Edition.

    The following chapters will explore all that makes Christmas special in the form of several bedtime stories. These tales will have magic and wonder around every corner, while also being soothing enough to send a grizzly bear off to sleep. Each chapter has its unique themes and messages, but they all share one thing in common. Christmas magic! It’s everywhere, on every page. As it should be. This is the one time of year where magic comes to life all over again. So why not share it with your kids? Every story will capture your children’s hearts and send them drifting off with sweet dreams of winter wonder.

    I hope that these tales will become a favorite for you and your entire family. That your kids will be enthralled with every mystical moment and will beg for you to read more. And once it’s over, they’ll beg you to read another. And with time, I hope that these stories will become a part of your family. That the characters will become dear to you, and the magic will come to life. As you read each word, I hope it jumps off the page and dances around your home, filling it with Christmas joy!

    There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much fun and heart warming stories as possible, please enjoy! Merry Christmas!

    Chapter 1: The White Tree

    Suzie was a little girl once, and now she’s all grown up. But even though she is a grown-up now, she still loves Christmas. Suzie has two children, and they love Christmas too. Today is Christmas Eve, and Suzie has tucked the little ones into bed. But they don’t want to sleep yet! It’s Christmas after all. They want to stay up and see Santa! Maybe even hear the tapping of reindeer hooves on the roof.

    Mama, mama!

    We want to hear a story, Mama!

    You have to go to sleep, my little ones. Or Santa won’t be able to come and give you presents. You want your presents, don’t you?

    We want presents! Dustin called from his bed, bouncing under the heavy blankets.

    Presents are nice, I guess. But Mama, we wanna meet Santa! Lucy was the oldest. And she was also the most curious. Always asking her Mama questions, like a smart girl.

    We all wanna meet Santa, sweetie. But maybe, if you’re good, Santa will visit you in your dreams.

    Mama, did you ever meet Santa? Dustin calls, bouncing all over the bed in his Christmas Elf pajamas.

    Well, climb under those blankets kiddo, and I’ll tell ya.

    You met Santa, Mama? Lucy asks, tugging on her mother’s sleeve with a big smile. The little girl was hopeful.

    I sure did, Lucille. Lemme tell you all about it. When I was a little girl, no older than Dustin is now-

    I’m six and a half! Dustin yelled, waving his favorite stuffed tiger through the air.

    You sure are bud! Mama says. She sits down in a big red rocking chair and begins to tell a story.

    When I was six and a half, I took a trip to see Grandpa Woodsy, that’s your Great Grandpa. He lived far away back then, on a super tall mountain. Sooooo tall that you couldn’t see the top. And the mountain had lots of little fluffy clouds. It was so beautiful. So high up that only big birds lived up there. Birds the size of cars! And during the winter, the whole mountain was covered in bright green trees. I took a trip to the mountain to see Great-Grandpa just before Christmas. I didn’t like the mountain when I was little. It was always so quiet.

    How’d you get to the top of the mountain, Mama? Dustin asked.

    I had to climb. I’d jump on top of the big rocks. Like a billy goat! Baaa! Their Mama told them.

    All by yourself? Lucy asked.

    No way, Jose! I’d climb with the goats. And Great-Grandpa Woodsy! Nana and Pop would drop me off at the bottom of the big stone giant. That’s what Grandpa Woodsy called the mountain!

    Was it really a giant, Mama?

    "Absolutely! It was a giant that fell asleep a long time ago. But when he didn’t wake up the birds made nests in his ears, and the trees grew on his back. Great-Grandpa Woodsy and I would climb allllll the way up the stone giant’s back. We’d start when the sun first kissed our heads, and by the time we got to the top, the sun was saying goodnight. It took us allllll day, and I was

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