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Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover
Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover
Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover
Ebook41 pages41 minutes

Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover

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About this ebook

Fangirl, Sophie Hughes, gets the opportunity of a lifetime to meet her dream man, A-List action star, Everett Amsden. What starts out as a photoshoot and quick interview becomes the stuff of fantasy. There’s more to the actor than any of his fans could ever imagine... except for his biggest fan.

Release dateJul 10, 2020
Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover

Rosalind Artis

Rosalind Artis is the product of the combined skills and fantasies of two anonymous authors. She is the voice through which they tell their stories of sexual scandal and taboo. Rosalind, between her muses, has 30 years of experience writing for pleasure, personal commission, and for film and television.Please enjoy all Rosalind has to offer, and if you find yourself satisfied, a review is greatly appreciated.

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    Vol. 1 Celebrity Lover - Rosalind Artis

    Celebrity Lover


    Rosalind Artis

    Version 2.4 – July, 2020

    Published by Rosalind Artis at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2020 by Rosalind Artis

    Enjoy other titles by Rosalind Artis at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Interview

    Heart racing in her chest, Sophie could barely catch her breath by the time she was told to step around the barrier and meet him - Everett Amsden, A-List Actor, and hottest man in the known universe - who Sophie had spent countless hours staring at when making content for the fan site she ran. Sophie wasn’t paid to do it, to keep up on every photoshoot, interview, and paparazzi sighting; she just loved doing it. Now she was going to meet the man it was all for. She couldn’t believe the opportunity, and was convinced she looked raving mad by the time her blue eyes landed on him, going wide in disbelief that he was there, in the flesh, in front of her.

    Here he is! said an assistant with a microphone attached to the ear. Everett put on that smile he wore so well; the one that charmed and made man and woman both swoon. He knew what it did to people. What it would do to a little weirdo who stayed up all night to see if he so much as breathed… who knew?

    And the weirdo with the fan site came around the corner… and she wasn’t strange at all. Everett was still smiling but his breath was trapped against the roof of his mouth. He felt foolish all of a sudden, that he didn’t know the funny fangirls could look like that. Like an angel.

    This girl’s too pretty to be a weirdo, he said, a charming laugh in his mouth.

    Sophie knew her laugh was probably too loud, inwardly cringing, and tried for the thousandth time to swear to herself she wasn’t going to be so bloody awkward. Still, she blushed a bright, pretty red and had to fight to bring her eyes up to him, and look at Everett Amsden, who’d just said she was too pretty. 

    Thank you, uhm, that’s so sweet of you. I guess I’m guilty as charged, though, she tried to jest through where she felt absolutely inadequate in his presence, I’m Sophie Hughes, I uhm, run your main fan blog. I swear I’m not too much of a weirdo!

    He was looking at her sort of dreamily. Fascinating.

    No, no, I was only joking anyway, he said, and as soon as he waved a thick arm fitted in a seven-thousand-dollar suit, everyone was as over it as he was. His waving arm was accompanied with a step toward her; it fell around her shoulders with weight and tugged her confidently against his side as they followed a guide toward a professional set, ready for the photo-op with the lucky winner. He looked down at her, hungry.

    "I know

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