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I Put A Thug In My Heart
I Put A Thug In My Heart
I Put A Thug In My Heart
Ebook163 pages3 hours

I Put A Thug In My Heart

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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This Is A Standalone
Being evicted from her apartment and thrown into the mud, 17-year-old Alaya felt embarrassed and ashamed. Sitting at rock bottom, with everyone laughing and pointing at her, she felt like she wasn't worth saving. That was until Reece stepped in.

Being her Superman, Reece swooped in and saved the day. Taking her in, he vowed to make her see what he saw the day he saved her.

Falling for the damsel in distress, they both went down a road that changed their lives forever.

When Reece is taken away from her, Alaya has to find her own voice.

Straight from the slums of New York, Khaos knew one thing, and that was the streets. Love was too unpredictable to him. At least he knew the evils of the streets. However, when the block got hot, he needed someone that would be down to ride.

Meeting Alaya along the way, he turned the quiet and reserved princess into a gangster's one true queen. Fighting their demons together, the two take the streets by force.

With a new love interest, Alaya takes another crack at love. But will she give him a chance he so desperately wants? Or will she hold on to her past and lose out on the perfect thug? Will Alaya let this new man allow her to put a thug in her heart?

Release dateJul 13, 2020
I Put A Thug In My Heart

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I Put A Thug In My Heart - Talehia Mccants


Diamond faked moaned as her boyfriend, Travis, stroked in and out of her. She wasn’t sure what made today different, but she wasn’t feeling it or him. It was like his touch disgusted her and she didn’t want him on her.

Damn baby you feel so good, he groaned as he stroked harder.

Ohhhhh yesssss... She faked moaned again, egging him on. He wasn’t hitting the spots he used to, and she was ready for this to be over. He used to touch her body in places that made her toes curl, but now it was the exact opposite. Before he could cum someone barged into the room, making the door hit the wall with a loud bang.

Oh, hell to the no! Travis what the fuck is this? she shouted, full of rage. They jumped apart and she covered herself with the sheet.

B-baby, he stuttered, walking over to her naked. Diamond sat there confused by why she was calling baby. He told her they weren’t dealing with each other. She could see that was a lie. This was the last straw for her.

I can explain. She slapped the shit out of him, making him shut the hell up.

You got another bitch in her house and fucking her in her bed. She was about to fuck shit up real quick. She didn’t play that. When Diamond got out of bed, her eyes widened because of her noticeable baby bump.

You got this bitch pregnant, too? she yelled, hitting him. That was supposed to be her pregnant, but he made her get an abortion.

It was a mistake! he yelled back. She dropped her head when she heard him call their baby a mistake. She knew she wasn’t what he was used to being with, yet he promised her and their baby the world. She grabbed her clothes and quickly put them on. She was three months pregnant and she thought they were going to start a life together. At least that’s what he kept telling her.

Where the fuck you think you going? the woman asked, stopping her from leaving.

I’m leaving. She wasn’t going to stay and get caught in the middle of their shit. She was leaving, and Travis didn’t have to worry about her or her baby ever again. She would provide for him or her.

Quita wasn’t having this shit. She had just caught her man with this young bitch and now she was about to beat their ass. Nah, hoe she got something for both of y’all. She pulled her gun from her purse and aimed it at them.

Shock and fear filled Diamond’s body as she stood there afraid for her life. She had never been held at gunpoint and this was the scariest thing she’d ever had to deal with. Please don’t, she begged. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want her baby to die.

She laughed in her face. You scared now, huh, hoe? You thought you were going to get away with this shit? You fucked with the wrong bitch! She pulled the trigger.

Her hand flew to her stomach as she gasped. She looked at her blood-soaked hands where the realty of the situation hit her. The smell of a rotten love mixed with gun powder filled her nostrils. She tried to exhale the smell, but each time she would inhale pain. Her body crumbled onto the floor. Up until that point, she planned to keep her baby safe, things had turned out badly. Diamond fell against the wall of the room and Travis’ eyes went wide. He knew she was crazy, but he didn’t know she was that crazy. Things had escalated so quickly, he just stood there staring at Diamond’s body slid down to the floor and a pool of blood started to form. She sat there, staring up at them as blood came out her mouth. The man she’d loved for a year now had called her a mistake. He had basically disowned their child right in her face and she didn’t know what to do. She coughed up blood, seeing things become a bit blurry. Her eyes fluttered open and closed as she heard their frantic voices around her.

Did you have to shoot her? he snapped.

Fuck you, Travis! She reacted in the moment and it just happened. What are we going to do? she asked in fright. She didn’t want to go to prison.

He quickly thought for a second. We need to get the fuck outta here before the cops come. He knew someone heard the gunshots, they had to.

Diamond sat still. Was she really supposed to believe that love did this? Love the purist fucking thing God made? Nope, she wasn’t going to believe that shit at all. She couldn’t believe it and she wouldn’t. However, fate found a way to take her gift and all at the hands of love. She closed her eyes and awaited the fate she was sure to endure. The coldness of death tickled its way up her spin. She felt the whispers of death that told her to come with them, grow louder and louder. The end was here, and it was caused by love.

Travis and Quita packed what they could and fled the scene of the crime. An officer that had been called to the scene rushed into the apartment with his gun drawn and his eyes wandering around. When he found her, he rushed over to her. He checked her pulse and found it faint. He radioed for backup. There’s a savior, she needs a bus quick! He looked down and saw all the blood she had lost, trying to apply pressure to her wounds.

It looks like she is pregnant. Where’s her bus? he yelled with a panic. With the amount of blood, she was losing by the second, he wasn’t sure if she would survive this. Hold on miss, help is coming, just hold on a little longer please.

Just as she listened to the voice that mixed with the whispers of death, she couldn’t help but think that maybe love didn’t let her down and love was going to save her this one last time. Just as it had time and time before. I... Everything after that went dark.

Chapter 1

She checked out her outfit in the mirror. Today was the first day of school and she wasn’t sure if this outfit would hide her three-hundred-pound body. Being the big girl never went over well with the kids at school. For as long as she could remember, she had been picked on since elementary school and it just seemed to follow her as she got older. There were days when she would lock herself in her bathroom and just cry because the kids treated her like she wasn’t shit. They made her feel like she was the worst person alive and she hated it. Having no friends and no one to have her back left her feeling alone. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she pulled the sleeves of her t-shirt down to hide the scars on her wrist. She looked away disgusted by what she did to herself, but it helped mask the pain that she felt on the inside. She didn’t have the body society said she should have, and she hated herself for not being able to lose the weight.

She stepped away from the mirror and grabbed her Fendi backpack from the bed and unplugged her phone from the charger. Leaving out her room, she walked past her parents’ room, going to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, she saw her parents sitting at the table having coffee with their heads buried into their work. Sometimes she wished they would pay her some attention, but all they did was shove their cards and money in her face to make her go away. She rolled her eyes when they hadn’t even notice her standing at the table.

Well, good morning to you both, she said sarcastically. They mumbled ‘good morning,’ but kept their eyes on their work. She rolled her eyes again and grabbed the cereal from on top of the fridge and the milk from out of the fridge. Her mother couldn’t cook to save her life and her father was too busy working to make sure there was even food in the house. Their careers as lawyers kept them busy and mostly out of sight. Diamond fixed herself a big bowl of Lucky Charms and sat at the table to eat. She toyed with her phone, looking at the pictures people were posting on Facebook or Instagram of their new clothes and shoes. She felt like some of the shit they did was overrated and stupid. After she finished her cereal, she got up and left the house, without saying goodbye to her parents.

Getting into her car, she started it and drove away with her music bumping. As she cruised through the streets of Philly, she noticed a little had changed since they’d been gone. A few years ago, they had moved away because her father had got the opportunity of a lifetime in Miami. After he’d gotten his practice started up down there, they moved back to Philly. She sighed. Just thinking about her parents made her shake her head. She and her father used to have a super tight bond. Most times she forgot that we were father and daughter. They were more like best friends. Her mother, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of her. She was a full-figured woman, but she had that raw, explainable confidence. She could walk in a room and own it. She could make a man crumble to their knees with just a sway of her big, wide hips. She wanted to be just like her, but she fell short because she was insecure and afraid to ask her to help her. She spent her adolescent and teen years being bullied, but she never told her parents.

It wasn’t like they cared anyway, she thought.

Her thoughts were snatched when she felt her body jerk forward. When she looked in front of her, her eyes went wide, and she jumped out the car. I am so, so, so sorry. She had hit this man’s car because she wasn’t watching the road. When he got out the car her breath caught in her throat. She had never seen a man as fine as he was. He had this light skin complexion with tattoos all over him. and this beard that made him look older. She gulped as he got closer to where she was. She looked up at him. He was way taller than she was, and he looked like a Greek god. Diamond just wanted to reach out and touch him. When he opened his mouth, she noticed the shiny gold slugs in his mouth. He almost blinded her when the sun bounced off them. Damn. He had a fresh Caesar cut and he was dressed in Givenchy from head to toe. The whiff of his cologne sent her hormones through the roof. His lips were so plump she wanted to suck on them.

What the hell was wrong with me? She had never had these thoughts before in her life.

Aye, you listening, girl? He waved his hand in her face, bringing her back to reality. When he got out the car, he stared at her taking in her beauty. She twisted and pulled the strings of his heart when his eyes met hers. Demon didn’t know who she was, but he had to have her. Just now at that moment because he had shit to do and couldn’t be late.

Huh? she said dumbly.

I said it’s just a scratch, he said, pointing at the car. He was glad she hadn’t totally fucked up his ride or he’d have to hold her hostage until she worked the damages off.

She looked in the direction he was pointing and noticed that he was telling the truth. There wasn’t any damage done to either of their cars. Ohhh... she trailed off. I have to at least pay for the damage. Diamond looked up at him. She didn’t want to seem like she went around hitting people cars.

He laughed as he looked back at her. You good, ma. Have a good day. He walked away from her, leaving her speechless. He had a meeting to get to before his pops got mad for him being late. She watched him drive off before she jumped back in her car and sped off to school. She knew if her parents found out about this she’d never hear the last of it. Getting to the school, she parked and got out. There were people hanging around the school as she walked toward the entrance with her head down. She wanted to stay out of sight and get through her junior year of high school with no mishaps. Walking into the school, she found her first class and took the seat all the way in the back. The bell rung, and people started to file into the classroom. She kept her head down and she stared at her desk.

While she waited class to start,

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