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Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension
Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension
Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension
Ebook80 pages44 minutes

Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension

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About this ebook

Hypertension and its causes, treatment, symptoms can be treated by changing our lifestyle. In this book, we are suggesting two simple but very difficult to follow lifestyles to reduce and/or stop hypertension. We are so confident that this book will reduce and /or stop hypertension over a period of 63 days to one year's timeframe. If this not achieved we will refund 50% of the cost of the book. I have provided a link in the ebook where you can contact me with your feedback about this book.

Our goal is to give a happy, peaceful, enjoyable life for the reader and we have tried our best to explain the benefits of following this simple technique in 20 plus chapters. All these chapters explain different benefits which will accrue to the reader once he/she practices it as mentioned in the book. If it is a family means both the partners can participate in this fun-filled lifestyles.

This ebook is not for people who are very happy and enjoying their life, it is for people who are suffering from hypertension. If this ebook didn't help you to reduce hypertension please contact the author with your feedback. Please follow the steps and remember all the 20 plus chapters points while practising the two lifestyles.

Life is counted in hours if you multiply a person lives in this world by the number of wakeful hours. So in this wakeful hours, we need to work most of the hours to keep us healthy and strong. If we are not sick then that itself is called living and that it not enough, we should strive to be healthy and strong. We need to work on becoming more and more strong on a daily basis. Since you do not have any medical condition is not enough for human beings. We need to use each and every hour of our life to become stronger.

How do we become stronger? by following good habits, yes that is the simplest answer. Here we are suggesting two of those good habits that make you become stronger and live a peaceful life. Mentally stronger is what we are focusing and once you achieved it, you will focus on physical strength. This is done by regular exercises as everyone knows. But many people are so lazy that they ( including the author ) forget the goal of human beings, that is is become more and healthier by the day.

The more you grow the healthier and stronger you should be. By this, you live longer plus you live happier and enjoying the life and being an inspiration to a whole lot of crowd which is bound to follow you. There are two types of hypertension in this world, one is primary whose cause is unknown and the other one is secondary. Primary hypertension is caused mainly due to stress in our lives and not following the good habits of living. This book is about releasing the stress in life by following some of the lifestyle changes we have suggested, mainly two changes in life.

You will be surprised how simple we can make our lives enjoyable and stress-free by following the suggestions done in this ebook. These suggestions are from a 2,000-year-old book called "Thirukurral" by the Greatest of the great poet "Thiruvalluvar" in Tamil. This book of poems has been translated in most of the languages in this world and one of the most translated books in this world.

I am taking the best of the best to make human lives easier and happier ones in this world. I will be writing more of this type book s to make human beings life a meaningful one.

Enjoy! Live Happily! Be an inspiration! and Save the World from pollution in all forms.

Release dateJul 11, 2020
Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension

Krishnamoorthy Muthiyalu

My name is M.Krishnamoorthy, I have a wide background of life experiences, starting my life as a cowboy, rearing cows and buffaloes, becoming a sportsperson and being the captain of all sports in the school days. I was the captain of Basketball, Kabbadi, Volleyball, Cricket, Badminton, table tennis and Kho-Kho as well.I was an average student in my class, getting an average of 35% in school but my grandpa, made fun of me stating that I am only good in all the sports only and not good in studies. I made a challenge with him and then next monthly test I came fist rank in studies. Which shows that studies are just memorizing and nothing more than that.Later became a general manager of a software company, there I learnt coding standards for writing code. Life is also having standards which need to be followed otherwise you will end with lots of bugs as in a software program. Bugs in life mean illness as we did not follow the good habits or life good standards not followed.I have written this book for the sole purpose of making people's life a happier one. The benefit of this book is that one can live a peaceful, happy and enjoyable life forever. Nearly 1.13 billion people are suffering from Hypertension, according to the WHO website. I want to see a change in those people's life. The entire population will be happy to have read this book and get their high blood pressure reduced to a great level.You can definitely be happy as I have taken the advice of the world's greatest poet "Thiruvalluvar". From his book "Thirukurral" which is more than 2,000 years old, I have taken the advice on how to live life.This is God's gift to human beings and people who follow the simple lifestyle he has suggested will make their life a lot easier and meaningful. I am a great admirer of J.Krishnamurti as well, and I feel he is one of the best human beings after Thiruvalluvar we got in this world. They can be treated as Gods as they have done a lot of good things for humanity in this world.I am so confident about the advice of this book of Thiruvalluvar's, you can really see the difference in your life and so will many people around you. You will live a life of content and meaningful, if you did not see eye to eye of what I see, please do not follow the advice.Thank you.

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    Book preview

    Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension - Krishnamoorthy Muthiyalu

    Go After Your Stressors

    To Reduce Hypertension


    29th 06 2020.


    Medical Disclaimer:


    1) Hypertension And Its Enormous Destruction Pattern.

    2) Earth's Patience Towards People.

    3) Importance Of Forgetting Bad Things.

    4) Are You The Mightiest Of Mighty?

    5) How To Be Inseparable From Good Habits?

    6) Becoming Equal To Gold.

    7) Life-Long Fame Versus One Day Happiness.

    8) What Is Goodness In Life?

    9) The Winning Strategy.

    10) How To Become Better Than A Pious Man?

    11) How To Become A Person Better Than A Seer or Wise Men?

    12) Love and Truthfulness.

    13) Becoming A Philanthropist Without Giving Out Your Money.

    14) Achieving Your Life’s Goal By Following This Technique.

    15) Poverty Will Not Touch You In Your Life By Following This Technique.

    16) Showing-off Your Wealth, On You, Will Not Be Required.

    17) Human Resources Management ( HRM ) Within Yourself.

    18) A Righteous Life Is Yours.

    19) Happiness In Your Entire Life And In The Next Life Too.

    20) Why Do You Hurt Others When They Do Good To You?

    21) You Can Decide Your IQ Level Here.

    22) IRON MAN'S Suit Is Equal To The Technique.

    23) Go For The Stressors.

    Medical Disclaimer:


    The information provided in Go For The Stressors To Reduce Hypertension eBook is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects mentioned in the title. It is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. You acknowledge and agree, that all materials provided in this book, are provided for informational purposes.

    This book does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read in this book. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor.

    The mention of any product, service and/or therapy in this book, is not an endorsement from us. Trade, proprietary, or company names appearing in this document are used only because they are considered necessary in the context of the information provided. If a product is not mentioned, the omission does not mean or imply that the product is unsatisfactory.

    All trademarks remain properties of their respective holders, and are used only to directly describe the products being discussed. They do not sponsor or endorse us. Their use in no way indicates any relationship between this book, its author or publisher, and the holders of said trademarks. Website addresses of different organizations in this book are provided solely as a service to readers. Provision of a web address does not constitute an endorsement of these organizations by the author and publisher, and none should be inferred. The author and publisher of this book is not responsible for the content of other organizational web pages.

    Neither the author nor publisher, its owners, officers, employees, agents and assigns directly or indirectly practice medical services. They also do not represent or warrant that the information in this book is accurate, complete, true, current or non-misleading and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness of use for a particular purpose.

    Never stop taking your prescribed medications without consulting your doctor.

    The author and publisher DO NOT provide any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, either by phone, email, or online.

    You agree to hold the author, publisher, agents, co-authors, contributors, affiliates and employees of this book harmless from ANY and ALL liability for all claims or damages due to injuries, including attorney fees and costs incurred by you or caused to third parties by you, arising from the use of this eBook. The reader assumes full responsibility for the appropriate use of medical information in this book. You are responsible for your own actions and results.

    The descriptive statements and all the products mentioned in this book, have not been evaluated by The Central Drugs

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