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Wolfden Shifters Bundle: Books 1-2
Wolfden Shifters Bundle: Books 1-2
Wolfden Shifters Bundle: Books 1-2
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Wolfden Shifters Bundle: Books 1-2

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Wolf Unchained: Wolfden Shifters Book 1

Blake lost his Omega once but now he wants Tim back. He's wasted away in prison and now there's a monstrous beast ready to rip out of his skin. If Blake doesn't get back the best part of him back—his mate, he'll lose himself. Blake will become the monster everyone says he is. 


Blake will fight his way to Tim. He'll lie, kill and steal. This time, Tim is his to keep. Forever.


Ten years ago, Tim gave Blake everything. He let Blake make a home in his heart but Blake left and never looked back. Desperation made Tim offer himself to another Alpha but that Alpha's wrong for him. Tim knows it in his bones. When Blake re-enters the picture, the fire between them burns hot and fast. The mating call between them can't be denied but if Tim chooses Blake, will he end up dooming his pack?


Wolf Possessed: Wolfden Shifters Book 2

Devon Wright's life is over. Given to a complete stranger to pay off his brother's debt, Dev knows merciless Alphas like Adam only has one purpose for Omegas like him. When push comes to shove, Dev intends to fight with every breath—except Adam is not what he expected. 


Dev soon learns that under all that ice, burns a fiercely protective heart. He's drawn to Adam in ways he can't describe. If Dev isn't careful, he'll end up surrendering not just his body but also his heart to this savage Alpha.


Luck's finally on Adam Rowe's side. After losing his first breeder, Adam intends to keep a tight leash on Dev. When he finds himself falling fast and hard for the fiesty Omega, Adam begins to see that Dev's more than just a prize. Dev's his missing half but taking the Omega as his mate might have disastrous consequences for his pack. 

PublisherFel Fern
Release dateJul 18, 2020
Wolfden Shifters Bundle: Books 1-2

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    Book preview

    Wolfden Shifters Bundle - Jane Perky


    Ten Years Ago

    Tim Green shifted one foot, then another. He looked at his wristwatch, rubbed at his arms. Cold. Most shifters were immune to extreme temperatures but an Omega werewolf? He got chills just like the average human. 

    He shouldn’t be out here this late. Tim looked at the looming woods up ahead, the tall oak trees that looked more menacing at night. His father would skin Tim if he knew Tim came all the way here, to the forest on the outskirts of town. 

    Not just shifters prowled these woods but also other predators, predators looking for a quick meal. An Omega like him wouldn’t provide much entertainment or fight. Tim took out his keys, debated getting back in his car and driving away. 

    Where the hell was Blake? Blake promised he’d meet him here thirty minutes ago. Tim risked everything to come here. He’d never broken his curfew before. Blake always teased him for being a goody-two-shoes, a rule follower. Nothing wrong with that, right? 

    Yet here he was, risking his father’s wrath to spend more time with the guy he liked. Like seemed like a juvenile word. Obsessed was better. Blake did whatever he wanted, as if the rules didn’t apply to him. Tim envied that about Blake. 

    Blake was the sort of guy his father always warned him to stay away from. Hell, if his dad knew Blake and he were friends, his dad would put bars on his bedroom window. Forbid Tim from ever leaving.

    This was ridiculous. Had Blake overslept? Maybe Blake’s old man was giving him trouble. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened. Blake’s father used to beat on him until Blake got bigger, strong enough to defend himself.

    Tim checked the time again. Blake was official forty minutes late now. It didn’t help that he had the distinct feeling that someone watching him, observing him ever since he got here. 

    Tim was about to leave when he spotted lights in the distance. Seeing the familiar car plates and Blake’s rusty black Cadillac, he let out a sigh of relief. Blake got out. Blake wore his signature black leather jacket, white shirt underneath, jeans and work boots. Blake ran his hand through his short, messy gold hair. 

    Sorry I’m so late, Blake said, walking up to him.

    Tim glowered at him because he couldn’t remember why he was mad in the first place. Why did Blake have to look so good? Smelled good as well.

    Blake squinted at him, then placed a hand over his head like Tim was a little kid. Blake mussed his hair.

    Hey, he blurted, shoving aside Blake’s hand.

    You mad, Timmy?

    He scowled. Don’t call me that. You have any idea what time it is? If my dad finds out I snuck out—

    Blake put a finger to his lips, cutting him off. I know. Want me to apologize again?

    With Blake standing this close, Tim could finally see the bruises he’d missed before. He touched a particularly nasty one under Blake’s left eye. Beneath Blake’s teasing, he could almost sense it. Blake’s agitated beast. 

    Blake and his father were kicked out from Tim’s pack because they supposedly had murderous, uncontrollable monster wolves. Violent beasts that could never be controlled by an Alpha. 

    Tim for one didn’t believe the rumors. He touched Blake’s unshaven cheek, could tell the gesture startled Blake. 

    You got into another fight? he demanded.

    I won, that’s all that matters, Blake answered in that dismissive tone which always grated on Tim’s nerves. Blake set his hand aside. Let’s stop wasting time. Strip. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.

    Blake took off his jacket, then his shirt. Tim froze, unable to peel his gaze from Blake’s ripped body. He knew Blake had been furiously working out, getting himself in shape. Blake believed in relying on himself, on his strength to survive. Tim on the other hand, had been raised to rely on his pack, on others. 

    He hesitantly approached Blake, about to touch the new scars on his chest but Blake caught his fingers. Blake blew at them, making him blush for no apparent reason.

    You’re cold, Blake said. Then the rogue leaned in close, stole a kiss from him which left Tim breathless. Tim wanted more. Blake pulled away, smile back in place. There. You forgive me now.

    Tim blistered and placed his hands on his hips. You’re impossible, you know that? Incorrigible.

    Ooh. Hard word. Start undressing, Timmy. We don’t have all night.

    You sure about this? Tim had to ask. He gave the darkened woods another apprehensive look. My pack usually runs together, never alone. Maybe there’s a good reason for that. My dad tells me scary monsters come out at night.

    Blake rolled his eyes. Tim, what are you? Twelve? No. You’re eighteen, an adult now. Besides, I’ve told you before. I know these woods like the back of my hand.

    What if we run into something we can’t handle? Tim asked.

    Blake pulled him close, his warmth comforting. Remember my promise to you? I’ll protect you with my life.

    Those words made his heart race. Tim fumbled for his clothes. In moments, he was naked. Blake had already completed the Change by then. For most shifters, changing forms hurt like hell. Blake never seemed to have that problem. Maybe it was because Blake was more in tune with his beast than most. 

    Tim reached for wolf, grunted as bones creaked. Fur covered his arms, his legs. Organs moved. He gritted his teeth. Tim fell on all fours. A tail emerged. It felt like an eternity, but finally, he was in wolf form. 

    Blake ran up ahead, his gold fur distinctive among the shrubbery and bushes. Blake turned to look at him, challenge blazing his eyes. His fears fast fading, Tim loped up to him. He nudged Blake’s side with his furry head. Then he bolted forward, ran faster, silently dared Blake to catch up with him. 

    What was he afraid of again?

    Tim’s imagination probably got the better of him. That’s all. 

    He pushed himself further, dove deeper into the woods. Blake was bigger, faster, probably held himself back and let Tim think he was ahead. It didn’t matter. Tim turned left, then right. He had no direction in mind. 

    Tim’s wolf wanted to play, explore. He felt freer than he’d ever been. Tim had been raised by an overprotective father who thought an Omega like him couldn’t survive on his own for two seconds. While Tim knew his father only wanted to keep him from harm, his old man could loosen the reins once in a while.

    He didn’t want to waste his once chance.

    Blake had always been the fresh breath of air he needed. With Blake, he didn’t feel like dead weight or an obligation. Blake didn’t treat him like a fragile piece of glass, someone so weak that Tim needed to be guarded at all times.

    Tim panted, came to a stop in a circle of trees. He looked over his shoulder. No sign of Blake. Wow. Did he manage to outrun Blake for once? Tim let out a howl to let Blake know he was here. 

    Enough games. Tim wanted to spend the rest of the evening, running alongside Blake, not from him. They could enjoy the cool night breeze. Blake could show him his favorite secret spots, places tourists and even other shifters didn’t know about. Blake promised him that.

    The bushes in front of him rustled. He wagged his tail in greeting. Tim raised his ears, then flattened them as something big, sleek and muscled prowled towards him. Not Blake. A whine caught in his throat at the sight of the massive black panther.

    Not a mere animal. It was too big. Probably another shifter but Tim didn’t like the look in the feline’s eyes. Hungry. Eager. This other shifter looked at Tim like prey, like meat. He backed away, only to yelp as his left hind leg got caught up in a branch.

    Tim landed on his ass. The panther shifter made a kind of grunting noise. Was he laughing at Tim?

    Annoyed, Tim bared his teeth only for the shifter to pad a little closer to him.

    His heart was in his throat. Tim got back to all four paws, only for the other shifter to pounce. Tim landed on his back, snarled when the were-panther dug his claws into his vulnerable underbelly. 

    Where was Blake? 

    God. He knew he shouldn’t have come here. His father’s warning kept echoing back in his head. Enter those woods alone and you’d never come back. Omegas emitted special pheromones that attracted other shifters, other paranormals. Tim should have known better.

    The panther hissed on top of him, showed him a mouthful of his very sharp and yellow teeth.

    A growl came from somewhere nearby and two hundred pounds of deadly muscle pushed the were-panther off him. Spotting Blake’s familiar gold fur, hope leaped in his chest. Blake and the werepanther tangled on the ground, a fury of claws and fur. They looked like a blur to Tim. 

    Tim unsteadily got back to his paws. Fear grabbed him by the throat. Blake’s fur had specks of blood on them, new rake marks. Tim froze in place. When did Blake receive those? 

    Then it struck him. The were-panther didn’t act on his own. Blake must’ve bumped into another one on his way here. That was why he took so long. 

    Why did Tim even doubt Blake for a second? He should never have. Blake promised he’d protect Tim. From anything. 

    Still, this particular werepanther was nasty. The shifter kept aiming his claws at Blake’s eyes, or his throat. Blake would win, Tim told himself. Even the fiercest warriors in his pack didn’t relish going up against Blake in a physical fight, even if Blake was younger than all of them. 

    Blake threw the panther shifter with his teeth, sending the big cat flying. Blood dripped from the panther shifter’s throat. Hatred blazed into those piss-colored eyes. Tim thought the cat had enough but instead, he turned his gaze at Tim.

    The cat bolted right at him. He must’ve figured Tim was important to Blake and decided to go for Blake’s weak spot instead. Tim tried to get away but he moved far too slow, he turned tail, only to feel the panther shifters’ claws digging into his left side.

    Then nothing. He heard a snarl, then a growl. Tim looked over his shoulder, only to see Blake had saved him once again. His protector pushed the panther shifter back to the ground. Blake ignored the deadly swipes aimed at him and went right for the enemy’s throat. Blake tore it out in a violent jerk, spraying blood everywhere. 

    The panther shifter stopped moving. Blake got off him. 

    Tim panted. Blake let out what sounded like a triumphant howl that made the furs on the back of his neck rise. 

    He stood rooted to the spot, unable to take his gaze of Blake. Blood coated Blake everywhere like he was drenched in it. Blake panted, eyes gleaming golden under the moonlight. He looked monstrous, terrifying and beautiful at once. A true predator. 

    Something wasn’t quite right about Blake. 

    Blake finally turned his attention to him, as if he finally remembered Tim was still there. Awe turned to pure, undiluted fear. Nothing about the boy he knew and loved remained in those eyes, only the beast. The demonic beast his father and pack mates warned him about. 

    Run, his wolf urged. Tim took a few hesitant steps away from Blake.

    Blake didn’t like that. He narrowed his eyes, let out a warning snarl. Right now, Blake seemed unable to hear reason, so Tim ran as fast as he could. Blake made him a promise, Tim remembered.

    I’d protect you. Always. 

    A lie. How could Blake protect Tim when Blake didn’t even have control of his own body?


    Blake put on his leather jacket and felt a little like himself again. No more orange jumpsuits and staring at the bars of his 6 by 9 cell day after day. For now anyway. The prison guard jerked his head towards the exit.

    His chest tightened. It felt hard to breathe. Not a trick, Blake reminded himself. Slinging his bag over one shoulder, he left that door, strode past the chain-linked fences. A couple of the inmates called out to him. Blake lifted one hand, gave them a wave.

    Blake made a single rule for himself. Never start unnecessary fights. Over the years, other inmates, shifters

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