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Gifted Control: Gifted, #3
Gifted Control: Gifted, #3
Gifted Control: Gifted, #3
Ebook393 pages5 hours

Gifted Control: Gifted, #3

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Her community is once again under siege. But this time her legendary powers aren't helping…


Rebecca Stevens longs for approval. Accepting that she can't avoid the destiny her gifts have thrust upon her, the teenage hero still struggles with those in town who blame her for all their troubles. And when a young ally nearly dies and is orphaned in a vicious attack, she vows to bring the insanity to a halt.


Unable to track down the perpetrator, Rebecca fears her old enemy has found another way to torment her small hometown. And her only option to smoke the villain out may be to walk into the lion's den and offer herself as bait…


Can Rebecca defeat a shadowy force that refuses to face her?


Control is the suspenseful third book in the Gifted superhero urban fantasy series. If you like determined heroines, mysterious paranormal antagonists, and emotional rollercoasters, then you'll love John R. Sankovich's page-turning novel.


Buy Gifted: Control to unearth an unseen fiend today!

Release dateAug 1, 2020
Gifted Control: Gifted, #3

John R. Sankovich

Even as a young child I was always conjuring up stories and filling them with colorful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen. Since then, I’ve progressed quite a bit to formulating longer and more complex stories and sharing them with much larger audiences. When I'm not writing, I'm an avid Carolina Panther fan, video game player, and a Walking Dead aficionado. I wouldn't be able to do this with the support of my family, wife, two daughters, and son. Along with our zoo at home with 3 dogs, 3 frogs, a turtle, leopard gecko, sugar glider, a cat, and numerous fish. You might be surprised that with all these possible distractions, I still manage to write on a daily basis.

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    Book preview

    Gifted Control - John R. Sankovich


    Rain pounded the gathered crowd. Police car lights flickered through the downpour as Rebecca strolled through the people. Tears mixed with the rain as it drenched the hood of her sweatshirt. Kellen squeezed her hand as they stepped from the pavement into the grass. Water squished underneath their feet as they walked. Rebecca was thankful for Kellen’s strength. Her father met them and hugged her. His sturdy arms squeezed her like a sponge, and he kissed her forehead. She nodded, a smile ticked at the corner of her mouth before failing. Sadness cascaded over her as the rain bounced off the canopy of black umbrellas.

    Zoey and Billy huddled under one umbrella. They both gave her a slight wave as Rebecca found a seat near the front of the crowd. Next to her sat Kellen, and her father next to him. Alex and Yasmine were on the other end and Haley stood off to the side. Her large jacket hid her face, but her body slumped and she continued to wipe at her eyes. Evan and Ulysses stood on the other side of the mahogany casket, waiting to be lowered into the ground. Trinity soldiers kept their distance as they watched over the scene beyond the fence. Even though it was a private ceremony, many people had gathered on the streets around the cemetery. Some had honored Nicole with flowers and gifts, other’s condemned her with signs and curses. Rebecca had tried to keep it small, but word spread like wildfire throughout Peakside, once she was allowed to stay.

    You may begin, Rebecca’s father spoke and everyone settled around them. He still had a demanding presence.

    The preacher nodded and read a passage from the bible. Rebecca stared at her pruned fingers, lost in thought. A small hand took hold of her hand and Rebecca looked over. Her small eyes were bloodshot, her narrow mouth was twisted and Rebecca pulled Haley into an embrace. She hugged the young girl, Kellen wrapped his arms around them both as the casket lowered into the ground. Droplets of rain bounced off of it and Rebecca couldn’t keep it in anymore. Like an angry tiger, her sadness exploded from within as she embraced Haley. Together they cried for the loss, for the innocence that will never see the light of day again. For Nicole.

    Alex knelt next to the grave and placed a rose on the lowering box, Yasmine rested her hand on Alex’s shaking shoulders. Gwen was in her free arm. Together they watched as the casket sunk into the ground.

    I’m sorry. Rebecca squeezed Haley. I tried. I failed.

    It’s not your fault. Haley lifted her head and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her jacket. I knew what she thought of you. She believed you were the one who would stop The Collector. She loved you and wouldn’t blame you, she knew the risks.

    A lump choked Rebecca as she smiled. Haley had grown up so much faster than she should have. This wasn’t fair. Thank you.

    Haley squeezed her again


    She glanced at her father. He motioned toward the hole in the ground. She patted Haley’s hand and grabbed a handful of loose dirt from a pile under a canopy and threw it onto the casket below. The sad sound of the end. She stared at Nicole’s ultimate resting spot. The night of her death was so recent, but things had changed so quick since then. She shuffled away as more people formed a line to throw handfuls of dirt onto the casket. Haley caught up to Rebecca and took hold of her hand with a vice like grip.

    What are you doing next?

    Rebecca sighed and wiped her eyes. Not sure yet.

    But will you get revenge for my sister?

    I don’t know. I hope so.

    Haley released Rebecca’s hand. Thank you.

    For everything. Rebecca flinched from Haley’s voice invasion into her mind.

    Kellen and Alex came up behind them. Alex embraced Haley and then took Gwen from Yasmine’s hands, so she could hug the girl too. Nicole was amazing.

    Thank you. Haley kept her eyes lowered as they walked towards Alex’s car. From beyond the fence, someone cursed Nicole’s name.

    You’re always welcome to stay with us. Yasmine opened the back door of the car and Alex put Gwen into her car seat. She fought him with every ounce of her small body.

    Thank you, but I’m going back home. Haley looked toward her parents, who stood near an electric car. They remained distant ever since they arrived in Peakside last night. Rebecca raised a hand toward them, but they didn’t return the gesture. Instead, Haley’s father opened the car door for his wife to get in. He then motioned for Haley.

    Haley turned back to Rebecca. I’ll never forget you.

    Rebecca knelt in front of Haley. The young girl threw her arms around Rebecca’s neck and squeezed tight. Yasmine’s right.

    You know little one, you should stay with your kind. Zoey approached and pulled the hood down from her head. I’m gonna miss not being the smallest badass around.

    Billy smiled as he stood next to Zoey. You’re always the smallest. She’s just a kid, you’re old.

    Zoey flicked Billy’s shoulder, and he winced and tipped the umbrella sideways so a waterfall of water hit her on the head. Zoey raised an eyebrow. Haley laughed, which sounded bizarre within the sadness.

    Haley. Come on, we have a plane to catch, her father said.

    Rebecca winked at Haley. My dad’s offer stands. If you want to get away again, just call any of us.

    I think they need me as much as I need them.

    Rebecca nodded and stood as Haley walked toward her parents. Her father hugged her and opened the rear door. He shut the door and turned to Rebecca and her friends. Rocking back and forth on his feet, he shoved his hands in his pockets and approached.

    Rebecca straightened, her gift pulsed as her heartbeat rose.

    Haley’s father hesitated a few feet away from their group. Black circles clung under his eyes, wrinkles crinkled at the edge of his mouth as he stared at them. Water dripped off his chin. Who is Rebecca Stevens?

    Rebecca stepped forward on shaky knees. I am.

    Haley’s father swallowed. Can I talk to you alone for a minute?

    Rebecca felt her friends close their circle around her. Yeah, sure.

    Her gift remained in reach as she followed Haley’s father to a spot they could be alone. He faced her, his hair clung to his scalp, and he wiped his face. Can you tell me what happened?

    What do you mean? Rebecca struggled to keep from looking away.

    You were with her the night she died, how did it happen? He ran his hand over his balding head.

    Um. Rebecca stared at the man and watched him as his body quivered and he clenched his fists. She couldn’t imagine how he felt.

    Please, I need to know. Is it safe for Haley? The man locked eyes with Rebecca. She saw only desperation in the man.

    Your daughter died a hero. She fought like a warrior and many others are alive because of what she did.

    The man broke down. He fell to his knees before Rebecca. Others around stopped and watched, but no one came to his aid.

    Rebecca knelt before the man. If you go back home, you can live your life like normal. I promise.

    Are you sure? The man’s voice cracked. I don’t want Haley to get hurt.

    She couldn’t break this man any further. Yes. Go home. It’s where she needs to be. Rebecca stood and offered her hand to the man. Haley needs a normal life, this is no place for a child.

    He took her hand up, wiped his nose, and pulled Rebecca into a hug. Thank you for keeping one of my daughters safe.

    You’re welcome. She had no idea what else to say to him and felt dumb standing before him as the rain bounced off their faces.

    He smiled and left, his feet squishing beneath him.

    Rebecca stood, numb, as Haley’s father walked back to the car. He waved to her friends before getting in. They drove away. From the back window, Rebecca caught sight of Haley. Avenge my sister. Rebecca raised her hand to say good bye.

    Kellen reached for her as she rejoined her friends. Time to go home.

    Rebecca nodded and took Kellen’s hand.

    Excuse me, Rebecca.

    A shiver ran through her as she released Kellen’s hand. Ulysses stood with Evan next to him. What do you want?

    Ulysses swallowed and scanned the group in front of him. Less than a week ago, they were all enemy number one, now they were less of an enemy. Cole Gibson has been asking for you.

    Oh well. She turned back to the car. I have nothing to say to him. He can rot in his cell.

    He says he has information on The Collector’s plan.

    So, do what you want to get the information, I’m not talking to him. She opened the door. The warmth coated her hands and made a dent in the chill within.

    He won’t talk to anyone but you. The grass squished in the soggy grass as Evan stepped forward.

    Rebecca’s gift buzzed in time with her racing heart. No, forget it. I wouldn’t trust anything he has to say, anyway.

    I get it, I do, but Ms. Stevens, he has hinted at something big, Evan said.

    She turned, energy bounced between her fingers as she glared at the two men. No. With a minor force, she slid Evan back to Ulysses’ side. That’s it. You guys deal with this. She got into the car and Kellen scooted in right after. He slammed the door shut before they responded.

    Do you think that’s a good idea?


    They’re letting us stay here. They could kick us out again.

    They know if they kick us out, they won’t be able to stop The Followers if they attack. She buckled her seatbelt and turned to the window. They need us here.

    That’s arrogant.

    Heat washed through her, but she shut her eyes as Alex slid into the driver’s seat. Yasmine got in the passenger seat and a moment later, Alex pulled away from the curb and into the slow procession of cars out of the cemetery.

    As they passed through the gates, people cheered and jeered at them. A few signs read Monitor all Freaks. A few others read. Ms. Stevens is our hero.

    Rebecca ran her hand through her damp hair and looked down at her hands. Energy pulsed just under her skin, and she played with it, rolling it over her knuckles. Gwen cooed and kicked in her car seat with a squeak. Rebecca smiled and tickled Gwen’s neck, and she giggled. The baby gripped Rebecca’s finger, and she closed her eyes. Energy rushed through her like a dam broke.

    Alex slammed on the breaks, and it threw everyone forward. Rebecca’s seatbelt cut into her neck, but her gift roared to life, ready for an attack. Just outside the windshield, a dog had collapsed in the center of the road. It’s brown and black fur matted by the downpour.

    Everyone okay? Alex checked on Gwen.

    Rebecca shoved Kellen. Move.

    He stuttered for a moment before Rebecca opened the door and crawled over him. The rain soaked her to the bone in an instant. Puddles splashed over her shoes as she ran to the front of the car. She found the dog. It struggled to get to its feet and growled when Rebecca approached. Its teeth barred as it curled in the center of the road.

    Rebecca stopped. Her gift rose in a shield.

    Becca, what are you doing? He could bite, Alex said. His voice muffled by the steady downpour.

    Rebecca waved him back. I’ll be fine.

    The dog stood favoring its rear paw. It limped out of the street, it’s deep brown eyes watching her the entire journey. After it reached the curb it collapsed. It growled as he licked its hind paw. Rebecca tiptoed toward the dog. It barked and lunged at Rebecca, and she fell back despite the protection of her gift. The sight of its white teeth scared her.

    Good boy or girl. Rebecca held out her open hands.

    The dog shook out his rear paw and limped further away.

    Rebecca get back in the car, Kellen said.

    Just a minute. It’s hurt.

    We can’t do anything for it. Kellen walked to her. The hood of his jacket hid his eyes. Thunder rolled somewhere in the distance.

    Maybe Chloe could help it?

    It’s a dog, not human.

    So? Rebecca stood and followed the dog. It gingerly sat in the grass a few feet away and shook in the rain. Urging her telekinesis from within, she wrapped it around the dog, and he tilted his head toward her and whimpered. She hoisted it off the ground, and it tried to bolt. Its legs pumping in the air as it growled and twisted in her mental grasp.

    Rebecca, leave it alone.

    Rebecca turned to her brother, who had gotten out of the car. You hit it.

    Yes, but you can’t just pick it up like that, you’re scaring him.

    The dog caught Rebecca’s eye as a low guttural growl came from his tight jaw.

    Put it down. Alex dialed a number into his phone. I’ll call Chloe. See if she can help it.

    Rebecca sighed and lowered the animal. The moment it hit the ground, it dashed into the bushes. Branches and twigs snapped as it escaped. She rushed after it, but after a few scratches on her arms, she gave up the chase. Dang it. Energy bubbled inside her as she emerged from the bushes. It’s gone.

    Wasn’t it hurt?

    I guess not as bad as I thought. She lowered her eyes as she shuffled back to the car. What did Chloe say?

    She said she’d never tried before.

    A smile crawled across Rebecca’s lips. We need to find it.

    Gwen cried from the car.

    Gwen needs to eat and I’m not leaving you alone out here to look for a dog who doesn’t want to be found.

    Alex, I’m staying.

    I’ll stay with her, bro. Kellen stepped onto the sidewalk next to Rebecca.

    Alex looked between them, sighed and dropped his arms. Fine. I’ll take Yasmine and Gwen home and come back to you in about thirty minutes.

    Perfect. Rebecca took hold of Kellen’s hand. He smiled at her. Gives us plenty of time.

    Alex hopped in the car, and drove off. Just as he turned the corner, a streak of lightning shot across the sky. Is that a sign?

    Kellen laughed as he flipped her hood over her head. We’ll be fine.

    She tucked her hands inside her sweatshirt’s pockets and shook back and forth. The warmth from Kellen spread as he draped his arm over her shoulder. Let’s find the dog.

    They headed to the corner and turned the direction it was last seen running.


    Wind whipped through her hair as they had been walking for fifteen minutes and found no other signs of the dog. It seemed like it had vanished into the thin air.

    Here dog. Come here, boy! Kellen cupped his hands around his mouth.

    Rebecca asked a passing man who shook his head and continued on his jog in the rain. Doggy?

    Becca, do you think we should give up? I mean… He stopped as she glared at him. We haven’t seen any signs.

    Rebecca shook her head. I’m not giving up on the poor thing. She shivered as water dripped out of the soaked hood of her sweatshirt.

    Kellen strolled to her and pulled her close. He rubbed her arms and kissed her forehead. Becca, seriously. He raised her face to his. It probably went home. I think I saw a collar.

    We hurt it. She scanned the street over his shoulder. Still nothing. We can’t leave it like that.

    It’s owner’s can take care of it. We need to get out of the rain before we catch pneumonia.

    She shrugged her soggy shoulders. I’m fine. She wouldn’t give up on it.

    I know you are, but I’m not. He sent a text from his phone. I’m letting Alex know he can pick us up from here.

    You’re going to give up on the dog? She moved away from him. "Doggy.

    Becca, think about this. We’ve walked ten blocks with no sign of it. I don’t think we’ll find it. He folded his arms. His phone buzzed in his hand.

    Fine. She sat on the curb and crossed her arms. You’re right. Rain continued to come down. She looked at a leaf as the current pulled it down the gutter.

    Kellen sat next to her. He’s on his way.

    The rain pelted them for ten minutes before Alex pulled up in front of them. Get in guys. We’ll grab some food on the way home.

    Rebecca and Kellen jumped into the warm car. Rebecca’s wrinkled fingers found the heater vent and she let out a low breath as her hands thawed. Sorry Kellen.

    No need to be sorry. I’ll always be by your side. He squeezed her shoulder and slumped back into his seat. He wiped water from his forehead.

    Alex drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as they drove. Rebecca stared at the rain drops running down the window, wishing she had found the wounded animal. Becca, it had to have gone home.

    I know. She smiled and straightened in her seat as they pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant. Really?

    It’s one of your favorites. After today, you deserve it. Alex shut the engine off and opened the door.

    They filed out of the car and entered the restaurant. Heat from the fireplace in the corner cozied up around them as they made their way to a nearby booth. An energetic waitress approached, her brown hair tucked behind her ears as she flipped open a notepad.

    Hello, I’m Melanie and I’ll be your waitress tonight. Can I get you started with some drinks or appetizers?

    Rebecca flipped through the menu and taking in the deserts first. Chocolate sounded awesome.

    I’ll get a Coke. Alex nudged Rebecca.

    A Sprite, please.

    A Coke, Kellen said.

    Okay, I’ll be back in a moment with those. She hurried away.

    Rebecca caught sight of the crowd in the restaurant. A few adolescent girls poked their heads over the edge of their booths to glimpse their local celebrity. A few people in the shadows whispered among themselves. Overall, Rebecca felt at least thirty sets of eyes on her. She focused on the menu to block out the surrounding sensations.

    The waitress returned and placed the three drinks on the table. Appetizer?

    Yes, can I get an order of mozzarella's sticks? Kellen asked.

    Of course. Anything else?

    Can I get an order of fries. Kellen smiled at the waitress.

    For you? The waitress stared at Rebecca.

    She shook her head. No, thank you.

    I’ll be right back.

    Off the waitress went again. Rebecca found what she wanted and closed her menu. Her stomach groaned as she looked at Kellen. He was on his phone. Alex was texting on his. She sighed. It was a nice service.

    Yep. Kellen set his phone down. I think she would have liked it.

    I think so. She ran her hand through her wet hair, water dripped down her neck. What happened was Rebecca’s fault, and Nicole would have been alive if she didn’t fail her that night. She grabbed some napkins and tried to dry her hair without success.

    The waitress returned and stood before them, her pink lips stretched in a wide grin. Are you ready to order?

    Alex set his phone down. Becca, you first.

    The Sirloin steak, medium rare. A baked potato and veggies.

    I’ll take the bacon cheeseburger with extra fries, Kellen said.

    I would like the roast beef sandwich with fries and can I get an order of chicken fried steak to go?

    Got it. So I’ll bring out the to go order at the end.

    Thank you.

    The waitress collected their menu’s and strolled away. A young girl replaced her. She smiled and waved at Rebecca. Her pale blue eyes sparkled in the lighting as blush tinted her cheeks.

    Hi. Rebecca leaned forward.

    The girl giggled and ran back to her table and dove in her mom’s lap. The mom mouthed her apology as she slid the child onto the seat next to her.

    Fans are everywhere, Becca. Alex fiddled with the silverware in front of him.

    It’s okay.

    Kellen’s phone buzzed. He picked it up, and wrinkles creased his forehead.

    Everything okay? Rebecca brushed her wet hair out of her eyes.

    Yeah, just this is weird. He showed her his phone screen. I setup an alert for anything super power like and this showed up tonight.

    The news site showed an image of a blue car overturned, its roof was caved in. Someone smashed the door inward so bad that it was off the hinges. Glass stretched out behind it across the street. Just a car accident.

    Yeah, but… He zoomed in on the image.

    He turned it back to her. This time she saw what caused the alert. A large fist impression was clear in the dent of the car door. Is it that mohawk guy?

    I don’t know. It happened in Taylor Valley, so it’s possible.

    Excuse me? Rebecca turned to the voice of a woman. Her graying hair tied in a bun, displaying her pearl earrings. She peered at Rebecca through her glasses at the edge of her nose.


    The woman remained silent as she stared at Rebecca for a moment.

    What can we do for you? Alex looked at her.

    I just wanted to see the so-called hero up close. The woman pressed her glasses up on her nose. You don’t look so special.

    Rebecca’s gift pulsed as her heart raced. She clenched her napkin as she chewed on her lip. Um. Thank you.

    The woman turned and stormed away from the table. Her earrings swung back and forth.

    That was weird. Kellen took Rebecca’s hand. Don’t listen to her. Some people have no manners.

    Kellen, you don’t have to worry about me. I knew there were people who hated me, but it’s fine. I can take care of myself.

    The waitress returned with their food already packed in to go boxes. She ran away without a word.

    Hey, we wanted to eat here. Alex stood.

    We don’t serve your kind here. A gigantic man approached Alex. Now get out.

    You can’t do that.

    The man pointed at the sign on the wall. We can refuse service to anyone. I choose not to serve your kind.

    Alex clenched his fists, and Rebecca mentally held him back. He glanced at her, and she shook her head. He relaxed and opened his hand. He grabbed the boxes of food and turned to leave.

    Oh, you have to pay for that boy. The man grabbed Alex’s shoulder.

    Alex spun and threw the boxes at the man. They broke open and crashed off the man’s enormous chest and fell to the ground in a mess. The man looked down at his feet, then up at Alex. Alex straightened to his full height.

    Clean up your mess, freak. The man kicked the fries off his foot.

    Leave them alone. They saved this city from those dangerous guys, someone spoke up.

    If it wasn’t for Rebecca, we could all be dead, another person spoke up.

    Neither of them showed themselves, but a few people agreed. Unable to see Alex stand up for her alone, she joined him. Energy danced along her fingers as she stood next to Alex. The man towered of them, but his glare remained on Rebecca for a moment before storming off. Just don’t come back. We don’t serve your kind.

    Kellen slid out of the booth and they all left the dining room.

    Before they could open the door, the waitress approached. Tears rimmed her eyes. I’m so sorry.

    It’s okay. I knew this could be hard for some people to accept. Rebecca handed her a napkin from the nearby table.

    The waitress nodded and wiped her eyes. He’s the boss.

    Rebecca touched her arm. It’s not your fault. Some people can’t hide who they are.

    Thank you. The waitress’ smile returned.

    Rebecca left through the door Kellen held open for her.

    The rain came down in sheets and they ran for the car.

    Look at the freaks, scared of the rain, maybe they’ll melt. Some man stood at the curb with a cigarette clung between his teeth.

    Rebecca lashed out and flicked the cigarette back into the man’s face and he batted away at the fiery end.

    Rebecca. Kellen ushered her into the car. That wasn’t called for.

    She shrugged as she slid across the seat as Kellen filed in behind her.

    Alex fired up the car and sped out of the parking lot. The man at the curb cursed at them as they pulled away from the restaurant. Alex drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as they drove down the street. I’m sorry for the way I acted back there.

    It’s fine. You did what you thought was right. Rebecca’s stomach gurgled as they passed by a few fast-food restaurants before they turned down the street to their house. Alex pulled into the driveway and stared through the windshield. The rain pelted the glass, the windshield wipers kicked water back and forth. The headlights glimmered on another car in the driveway. She recognized the license plate.


    What? Kellen peered through the window.

    Ulysses. He’s here. I already told him no. She flipped her hood over her damp hair and kicked the door open.

    Alex shut the car off as Rebecca bolted against the gusting wind. The porch light turned on as she climbed the steps. A chill prickled along her arms as she opened the door. Dad?

    In here.

    Rebecca’s shoes squished as she made her way to the kitchen. Ulysses sat with her father. Evan stood guard in the corner. His eyes glimmered in the small light hanging over the table. She tilted her head toward Evan, and he smirked. Nice to see you again, Ms. Stevens.

    My name is Rebecca. She raked her hair with her hand and folded her arms. Kellen and Alex joined her.

    What’s going on? Kellen protectively put his hand on Rebecca’s shoulder.

    Nothing I can’t handle. She kissed his cheeks. Can you make me some pizza rolls or something, please? I’m starving. She shot a look at Alex.

    Of course. Kellen brushed past her and headed for the refrigerator. He made a show of it as he yanked the door open and tossed the bag onto the counter.

    Rebecca grinned at his show. Warmth flooded from her heart as she turned back to Ulysses. I already answered you at the funeral.

    Ulysses eyed Kellen, bothered by him being here and it caused a ton of joy for Rebecca to see his reaction.

    Anything you tell me, I’ll end up telling him anyway so spit it out. Her gift bubbled just under her skin as she waited for his response.

    Kellen slammed the microwave door and pressed the buttons.

    Ms. Stevens this isn’t something to be taken lightly. Ulysses sipped his coffee.

    Dad? He nodded and pointed at the empty chair. His eyes were steady as she took the seat. Adrenaline ran through her at the ashen appearance of her father. What did they have?

    There’s a problem.

    She squirmed under the gazes from everyone in the room. Kellen leaned on the island. Alex remained in the shadows of the doorway. What?

    Let me show you. Ulysses pulled out a tablet and turned it on.

    The screen flickered to life, and she saw a grainy image of a figure stalking through the shadows. A thug broke into a nearby car and he stopped and looked over his shoulder to something out of sight. He dove for something in the car and the thug was yanked from the car with nothing touching him and dragged into the shadows. The image remained dark until another figure emerged from the shadows again. In the light, the only thing they could see was a tuft of blond hair hanging down into the person’s face.

    What? You think I’m out doing superhero stuff? She folded her arms over her racing heart. Everyone stared at her. She huffed. I’m not. It’s not me.

    Who else has telekinesis? Evan spoke up from his corner.

    I don’t know, we’ve seen a lot of crazy things in the last year. Rebecca sat in the chair and ran her hands over her face. Can I see it again?

    Ulysses pressed the play button again. She had no idea how to explain it. Maybe there was someone else out there with her same power. Was that even possible? She sighed, this looked bad.

    If it’s not you, then we have another problem. There’s someone out there hurting people.

    "Looks like they’re doing your

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