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The Lightworker Gift
The Lightworker Gift
The Lightworker Gift
Ebook77 pages1 hour

The Lightworker Gift

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The world is changing rapidly, particularly now that we are in the 2020. According to spiritual astrology we will enter the Age of Aquarius on the solstice of December 21st, 2020 and after that time huge changes will sweep through our world. We stand at the spiritual crossroads of change and it was for this purpose that LightWorkers, StarSeeds and Empaths have incarnated into this world at this particular time. Are you a Lightworker? if so, you need to embrace and integrate the new star codes now sweeping our world as we embrace the huge changes of the Aquarian Age. This will speed up as Jupiter enters Aquarius in January 2021 and once again when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, for twenty years. By 2044 our world will be a very different place. Are you here to assist in the light-integration? Discover more in this amazing book.

Release dateJul 21, 2020
The Lightworker Gift

Lesley Ann Crossingham

Lesley Ann is a spiritual artist and author of over thirty books, both paper and digital, all of which are in print. She has written an autobiographical trilogy called The Shaman's Door about her experiences living and working with Native American Indian people in Canada and in the United States. She has also written books on her spiritual and clairvoyant abilities, including LightBody, which has been in print for over twenty years. This book illustrates how to awaken clairvoyant sight. All of her books offer insights and information on how anyone can access their deeper, intuitive wisdom, which she says is the key to living a peaceful and contented life.Lesley is currently a book reviewer for New Dawn Magazine, and many of her reviews can be read on Amazon. She is an avid reader and writer and is currently working on more books and eBooks offering her insights and wisdom. Please contact her via her website for further information.

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    Book preview

    The Lightworker Gift - Lesley Ann Crossingham


    Navigating Aquarian Consciousness

    A complete eBook

    Smashwords Edition

    Created by Sacred Tree Books

    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    This book uses Australian English spelling with reference to the Australian Macquarie Dictionary.

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    Navigating Aquarian Consciousness

    Lesley Crossingham © Copyright, 2020

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781005511289

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or ten percent of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by an educational institution for its educational purposes, provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to the Copyright Agency (Australia) under the act.

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    ISBN: 9781005511289

    Set in Arial by Sacred Tree Books,

    Web: http://www


    Navigating Aquarian Consciousness



    CHAPTER 1 – Higher Guidance

    CHAPTER 2 - Deception

    CHAPTER 3 – The shift in the Age

    CHAPTER 4 – Aquarius or Pisces – You get to choose

    CHAPTER 5 – LightWorker Gifts

    CHAPTER 6 – Living Aquarianly – the Mirrors

    CHAPTER 7 – The LightWorker’s Code

    CHAPTER 8 – Awakening to Zero Point


    About Lesley

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    Navigating Aquarian Consciousness


    There is an ever-moving dance of light and vibration that sweeps all around it, in every moment. We are each individual, and yet united Light Beings simply dreaming of separation, limited physical form, and urges and desires that control us. Yet this is not you. It is just a limited vision you have chosen to believe about yourself that will dissolve the minute you remember your eternal, unchanging truth. The true you; the ever-eternal you lies far beyond all the stars and planets yet can be seen in glimpses through the light of a million distant world. It is a light that arises from deep within your soul and it is this light, your light that guides you gently to your blissful remembering.

    In this world of so many limitations the real you often seems just out of reach, yet as we live our lives in the glow of the ever light-filled Mother-Universe, the true matrix, we begin to see that truth was always present and has been gently revealed and uncovered over the years of our lives.

    We seem to take a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed. We can feel we are dancing on a knife’s edge, and yet we are also certain that completion and awakening is inevitable. It seems the great Mother Universe birthed us, not as bodies but as Light Beings and we see that we are of her, and she is of us. Our Mother Universe wraps us all in a blanket of stars and sings to us an endless love-melody of joy. Her lullaby gently awakens us into truth and out of the fearful dreams of separation, strife and pain.

    Mother-Universe’s song is an ever dancing movement of dancing planets, ocean tides, light movements and pulsations that we now call this astrology or the study of the astral. Yet every point of light is not separate but rather a sweet note of a whole pulsating inter-connected orchestra of pure light. This orchestra speaks directly to our own light-body in every moment, simply calling return to me over and over again. We are light beings, made up of star-dust and light energy which is why we are, and have always been fascinated by heavens.

    True astrology is about tapping into that well of astro-wisdom in order to remember and activate the light codes within. It is not about fortune telling or lucky numbers, or

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