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My Choice: The Moretti Brothers Series, #3
My Choice: The Moretti Brothers Series, #3
My Choice: The Moretti Brothers Series, #3
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My Choice: The Moretti Brothers Series, #3

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Rafael Moretti's first encounter with Muri Sato was consoling her after she lost her best friend. Since that day, he has not been able to shake the indelible impression she made on him. First, it was the sadness in her eyes; he wanted to comfort her so that pain would not be etched across her face again. As they continued to come into contact with each other at family gatherings, Rafael's thoughts of her began to intensify. Muri had a sweet personality and was incredibly sexy. It was hard for Rafael to concentrate whenever they were in the same room. As Rafael's feelings grew stronger with every encounter, so did his apprehension to approach her. The major hindrance was their age difference. He was fifteen years her senior.

A tragic event brought unknown family members to light, which unearthed more questions about his family. But through it all, Muri remained the one constant in his life. She was not only someone he could talk to, but she also provided comfort for Rafael and his boys when they needed it most. While the family turmoil brought them closer together, Rafael continued to hold his feelings at bay and kept Muri at arm's length because of his unwillingness to move past their age difference. But when Rafael takes a business trip to Vegas, it yields a chance encounter, an unexpected wedding and the entire family asking how and why…

Find out the answers in My Choice – Rafael's Story. The Moretti Brothers Series. Book Three

PublisherSage Young
Release dateFeb 20, 2020
My Choice: The Moretti Brothers Series, #3

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    Book preview

    My Choice - Sage Young


    Six months earlier...

    The phone rang once before Jun picked up the phone. Muri? he said in a strange voice as if he was expecting someone else.

    Yes Jun, it's me. What's going on? Your voice message was confusing. What the hell happened? Muri asked slightly irritated.

    Muri, thank God you are safe. Where is Kiyomi? Is she safe? he asked overly excitedly.

    Yes, we are both safe. What's going on, Jun? she asked again, now getting worried.

    There was an explosion on the Takahashi jet. There was some sort of engine failure, and the entire jet was destroyed. They found three bodies and have only been able to identify one person so far. The manifest said that you and Kiyomi were supposed to be on that plane. Thank God that you weren't. Jun paused before continuing because he knew that what he was about to say would upset her. Muri, Kimi was the stewardess for that flight. I've been trying to get confirmation of the other two people, but it's been confirmed that she died in the explosion.

    Muri started to cry uncontrollably. She began to shake as she slumped to the floor. Jun, are you sure? I just spoke with her. She started sobbing loudly.

    Muri didn't realize that someone had just walked into the room. Rafael, Dominic's oldest brother, had come by to pick up papers from Dominic and to see Marco. He knew that Victoria was reuniting with her sister. Rafael saw the distraught young woman in the dining room and walked over and tried to console her. When he knelt in front of her to ask her if she was okay, it startled her, causing her to jump.

    Rafael put his hands up in a surrender motion. I'm just making sure you weren't hurt? Are you okay? My name is Rafael; my brother is Dominic. Are you Victoria's sister?

    Rafael tried to use a calming voice so as not to upset her further.

    She looked up at a handsome man who had the same amazing gray eyes as Dominic and Marco. She stood as she tried to compose herself.

    Forgive me for my behavior, I just received some devastating news. Muri thought about her best friend, Kimi, and the tears started again.

    Hey, please don't cry, Rafael said as he held her.

    Kiyomi went in search of Muri, who had disappeared. She walked into the dining room and saw a man hugging her.

    Muri? Kiyomi asked as she lifted her head from his chest.

    Rafael turned, Hey Vic, I was trying to calm your sister down. She was really distraught. Kiyomi looked at him then back at her sister and began to speak to Muri in Japanese.

    What's wrong, Muri? What has you so upset?

    Rafael looked confused. Vic, you speak Japanese too? he asked, then realized that there was something different about Victoria. He stared as he tried to figure it out when Victoria walked into the room. What the hell… Rafael said, seeing double.

    Rafael, this is my twin sister Kiyomi, she said as she pointed to the woman standing next to her, and this is my baby sister Muri, Victoria said as she tried to clear up the confusion in the room.

    Chapter 1

    Present Day...

    The last few months had been a whirlwind for Muri Sato. Her life was finally starting to settle down. Her sister Kiyomi was madly in love with Takeo Yamada. They were recently married in an intimate service with family and shortly after gave birth to twins, a boy, and a girl.

    Her new-found sister Victoria Moretti was pregnant when they arrived in the States and had now given birth to a little boy. Today the entire family was coming together for a combined baby shower.

    Things seemed to be falling in place for her entire family. Well, for everyone but her. She still had yet to find love. There was someone she was attracted to but was pretty sure those feelings were not reciprocated.

    Rafael Moretti was Victoria’s brother in law who was about fifteen years older than her. While the age difference didn’t matter to her, he clearly kept her at arm's length. Muri surmised it was because of the age difference, or maybe he just wasn’t attracted to her. Either way, she probably needed to get over her feelings and move on. That was difficult because she saw him every week at family gatherings.

    Muri walked through Victoria’s home and couldn’t believe the transformation. The party planner created a magical theme for the combined baby shower for Victoria and Kiyomi. Muri couldn't believe that her family really did it and moved to the United States permanently. Her sister Kiyomi and her dad Ken Sato decided to make it their permanent residence after they found out about the existence of their other sister Victoria Moretti.

    The sound of footsteps brought her out of her thoughts.

    Good morning dear, so you've come early to help? Jacqueline asked as she walked into the dining room with a very pregnant Monica. Jacqueline Bouvier was Victoria’s business partner and one of her best friends. Her other best friend was Monica Moretti. She recently married one of the Moretti brothers, Marco. Her new family was so large you almost needed a scorecard to keep it straight, she thought as she laughed to herself.

    Muri kissed Jacqueline and Monica on the cheek, Yes, I'm here early, but I don't think you need help with anything, this place is absolutely beautiful. Muri said as she looked around.

    Yes, the party planner did a magnificent job, but you know there's always a few things we can tweak, Jacqueline said with a smile as they all walked on to the patio.

    Francesca will be here soon, you know she's always late, Monica said.

    Did I hear my name? Francesca said as she walked up from behind and greeted the women with kisses. I don't know why I needed to come early everything's done unless you needed me to start the party early, she said as she snapped her fingers and waved her hips.

    Everyone began to laugh.

    Yeah Fran, you always bring the ra-ra, Monica said as she smiled.

    Francesca looked at Monica as she rubbed her stomach, I don't know why we didn't just do a three-way baby shower, she said jokingly

    Because Marco and I are waiting to see what we're having, and then we will have a baby shower a few months after the baby is born. Besides, I think Vic and Kiyomi having their baby shower together is perfect. Identical twin sisters reunited, both having babies, Monica paused before continuing. I wouldn't want to impede on their celebration, Monica said as she looked around.

    Francesca frowned, You wouldn’t be impeding, Mo, you are family.

    I know baby girl, but this is their time. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to plan a huge baby shower for me in a few months, Monica said as she hugged Francesca.

    Muri could feel the love these women had for each other and felt blessed to now be a part of this family. She turned and looked at the patio and the grounds. This place looks magical, Muri said as all the other women looked around.

    It really is, Francesca concurred.

    Well ladies, the only thing we have left to do is seating arrangements. You all know the family members who can and cannot sit next to each other. All we have to do is place the name tags, and we’re done. Now that I think of it, we should probably celebrate with a drink, maybe mimosas, Jackie said with a smile as they all began to laugh.

    Except for you Monica, we have just orange juice for you, Fran said.

    Very funny, Monica said with a sarcastic smile. I wouldn’t have it any other way, she continued as she rubbed her expanded stomach.

    Muri smiled as she looked around again. While she was happy for her sisters, she was slightly envious of the type of love they were experiencing and hoped that one day she would find a man who would love and cherish her like her sisters’ husbands cherished them.

    The baby shower was in full swing. As Muri looked around, she could see that the event was filled with friends and family members. It was a beautiful day, and the weather was perfect for an outdoor affair. She smiled as she looked at her beautiful sisters, who were both glowing.

    What are you thinking about? A familiar deep voice asked from behind.

    Muri turned to see her father, Ken Sato.

    Hey dad, just looking at my sisters and how happy they are. I can't believe how much our lives have changed in the last few months, she said as she continued to look at her sisters as they mingled with their guests.

    Yes, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. All of my daughters are together and getting along, he said as he pulled Muri into a hug and kissed her on the forehead. He then released her as he looked around. So, how are you adjusting, really? Ken asked, honestly.

    I'm good. Once I go back to Tokyo in a few weeks to finalize those business dealings, I can figure out what I want to do with my life, she said with a smile

    Do you need company? he asked.

    Muri knew precisely what he meant by company. I don’t need a security team dad, I'm only going to be there a few days.

    Okay, okay, but I will always worry about you, and we didn’t leave that place on the best terms, he said in a low tone.

    I know, but that situation has been resolved, and Jun is doing a great job. He has really stepped up and we couldn’t ask for a better CEO for your company. She tried to relax the stressful look on his face.

    Ken took another swig of his drink, If you change your mind, let me know, he said before kissing her on the forehead again. He walked into the crowd of people and began to mingle.

    Muri watched her father walk away and began to scan the party, secretly looking

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