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Ebook38 pages21 minutes


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Save yourself years of spending crippling university fees on your children; if you buy Patrick E. Chauvin’s Anticlopaedia, they will transition directly into the most advanced stage in life: a cynical codger. All for the price of a soda. Buy it before your neighbour does, so it’s their kid who will end up serving your kid’s table.

Philosophy, history, politics, anthropology, anthropophagy, and even the meaning of life. The Anticlopaedia is the ultimate compendium of knowledge, hate and despair. If you are afflicted with optimism, a few entries from Anticlopaedia will put you where you belong. Once you finish it, it’s over.

Note: This book contains dark and incorrect humour. It is inappropriate for children and adults without a thick skin.

Release dateJul 25, 2020

Patrick E. Chauvin

Patrick E. Chauvin, Ph.D. is a French engineer and polymath who likes to invest some of his free time writing pamphlets that extol the glory of sexual dimorphism, for this is for him the day and the night that create the convection winds that rustle and power our souls.Patrick won’t insult the intelligence of his readers by using a corny female pen name or spending more time on the cover of the book than on its content. Also, he won’t treat his readers as cattle, throwing at them things he doesn’t personally enjoy, just because they happen to be popular. Patrick does not claim to be a top-notch writer (he has weird non-native prose), but he writes with a passion of which industrial formulaic writing is devoid. Whether you like the product of his passion is entirely another matter.Some self-published authors use different pen names for different genres, but Patrick uses the same for quite different things, so please check the description, the tags and even the free pages before you buy.If you want to send feedback or hate-mail, feel free to write to

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    Book preview

    Anticlopaedia - Patrick E. Chauvin


    Patrick E. Chauvin, Ph.D.

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 Patrick E. Chauvin

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

    The reader is welcome to send feedback to the author. Patrick’s ego trips on feedback, including hateful one.

    Abrahamic religions.

    A bimillennial fraternal discussion about canonical superhero universes.

    Accent. (pronunciation)

    (1) Shibboleth used by narrow-minded idiots from all socioeconomic levels.

    (2) Shibboleth you can use to identify such idiots.


    Learning tricks to hide what you are.

    Affirmative action.

    The belief that the average weight of sumo wrestlers and jockeys should be the same.

    Alpha male.

    Platonic ideal frequently discussed by mostly straight men as a way to relieve closeted homoerotic feelings.

    Alt-right politicians.

    Bunch of elitist opportunists who are being given on a silver tray the opportunity to swindle the working class as the left turns into a new-age religion based on sanctimonious identity politics.


    Gene egoism disguised as a psychological itch that we congratulate each other on (cf. morals ).


    A modern philistine obsessed with net worth and large material possessions.


    Stateless hierarchy.


    Rich kids have the right to be rebels too.


    Political philosophy and movement that rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy between humans and pathogens.

    Angel’s turd.

    A kind of candy bar developed by Patrick E. Chauvin. It is healthy (albeit caloric), simple to make and despite

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