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Birth of Love
Birth of Love
Birth of Love
Ebook42 pages30 minutes

Birth of Love

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About this ebook

He loved with all his heart.

She had other plans.

Can one-sided love survive?

The story of Milton & Alice is a short story prelude to the full-length novel, Sweebriar, A Love Triangle Romance.

Release dateAug 2, 2020
Birth of Love

Paula Judith Johnson

Authenticity is essential to Romance author, Paula Judith Johnson, especially in the historical romance genre.    “I’m an avid history buff! My late husband, Wayne, and I were involved with many mountain man-era black powder clubs for over 20 years. I’ve carried that excitement and passion with me ever since and often use those experiences when writing about the early 1800s.” Paula Judith Johnson is the author of esteemed romance novels, such as her historical Sweetbriar, A Love Triangle Romance, which is a 2020 Book Excellence Award Finalist. Her two contemporary romances are Starting Over, A Second Chance Romance, Book 1 and Second Time Around, A Second Chance Romance, Book 2. Her fourth novel, Brewer’s Betrothal: A Love Triangle Romance, is the first in a trilogy that returns her readers to the era of 1812 America. This novel pulls in a few characters from Sweetbriar for cameo appearances.  Paula Judith finds that on some mornings, the words flow effortlessly. Those mornings are rare jewels she cherishes. Other mornings, scrape along a barren, rock-strewn path picking up little pebbles, one-by-one. Either way, she loves the process of walking alongside her characters, crying with them over their losses, and rejoicing with them in their triumphs. “After all,” she says. “They are my friends. I hope they become your friends, too.” Fun Facts About Paula Judith Johnson: While involved in mountain man-era black powder clubs, Paula Judith regularly participated in shooting reproduction muzzle-loading rifles, pistols, and shotguns. She also enjoyed activities that included throwing Bowie knives, tomahawks, and spears. Paula Judith boasts many competition prizes and is especially proud of placing 1st in woman’s rifle and 1st Overall (rifle, pistol, knife & tomahawk) at the last Fort Clatsop Muzzleloaders rendezvous.

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    Book preview

    Birth of Love - Paula Judith Johnson

    Chapter 1

    Ifidgeted on the hard chair as my father looked over the papers spread across his desk. I could barely read any thought or emotion on his face at all, and though I knew the soundness of the plans and finances—I’d stayed up well past midnight to get every last detail in perfect order—I knew his penchant for finding something wrong. A missed account number, or worse, an entirely new angle overlooked by me meant lengthy explanations at best or throwing everything out and starting from the beginning again.

    The gray sky outside the grimy office window seemed streaked with ashes from a thousand London fireplaces. A dreary day, and were I a suspicious man, a dreadful omen to the start of my venture.

    After countless minutes of pained silence broken only by the crackling fire in the grate and the ticking of an aged grandfather clock, my father cleared his throat, shuffled the papers together into a neat stack, and lifted his steady gaze to meet mine. And then he smiled. Leaning back in his chair and clasping his hands together over his stomach, he nodded once. I could detect a sort of pride in his voice as he rumbled out two words: Well done.

    My relief must have showed quite plainly on my face, because my father laughed. Weren’t expecting that, were you?

    I laughed, too, in a wheezy sort of way. No, sir. I was certain you’d find something wrong with my plans.

    It’s a solid business venture, Milton. All sides and issues accounted for, clear budget, moderate and achievable growth goals. Yes, he said, rapping the desk with his knuckles. Well done, indeed. You’ve been in contact with the original owner, I presume?

    Yes, sir. We’ve met a few times to discuss the transaction, and he was more than happy with my original proposals. I haven’t yet shown him these updated plans, but I’m scheduled to meet with him as soon as we conclude this meeting.

    Father’s eyes sparkled and he nodded again. Smart lad. Yes, I daresay this venture has quite the possibility for expanded profits. I would be more than happy to invest in your new business, Milton. More than happy.

    My heart clambered into a frantic military trot, and for a moment I forgot to act as a professional. Do you mean that, Father? Truly?

    "I do indeed! The costs are clearly laid out, as are the risks and benefits. Yes,

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