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She's Obsessed
She's Obsessed
She's Obsessed
Ebook216 pages4 hours

She's Obsessed

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In the suburbs of Chicago, Jayceon and Leah were all set to start their new lives together as husband and wife. In Jace, Leah thought she had married the perfect man until she accidentally stumbles across his deleted secret that quickly turns her sanity, and their marriage, upside down.


The night before Jayceon marries Leah, he hits the record button on his iPhone when the curvaceous dancer—Jessica Fox—from his bachelor party makes her way back to his hotel suite. Soon after, the nasty recorded mistake comes back to haunt Jace, and the stripper, in the worst way possible.


The life Leah planned with Jace rapidly spins out of control when she becomes obsessed with the X-rated video, and the girl in it. Leah will do whatever it takes to right her new husbands wrong, even if it means getting rid of Jessica Fox for good . . .

Release dateJul 31, 2020
She's Obsessed

Nick Haskins

Nick Haskins is the author of My Husband’s Wife, Betrayed, She’s Obsessed, and his new book series, Dark Waters, released in 2023. Nick was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, where he currently resides. After years of aspiring to become a professional screenwriter, he began to shape his creative dreams and released his first African American fiction book, On the Edge of Heat, in 2011. In addition, Nick has been actively working on his first feature film and developing a new streaming series. Readers can visit Nick’s website at, email him at, or follow him on social media @iamnickhaskins

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    Book preview

    She's Obsessed - Nick Haskins

    Other Novels by Nick Haskins


    On the Edge of Heat


    My Husband’s Wife


    Dark Waters

    She’s Obsessed Copyright © 2020 by Nick Haskins

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author, except for brief quotes used in reviews.

    Special book excerpts or customized printings can also be created to fit specific needs.

    ISBN-13:.. 9781544035239 

    Printed in the United States of America

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

    Distributed by Kcin Publishing Group

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    Cover by Angel Bearfield

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    ²Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, ³because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. ⁴Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. ⁵If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.



    She’s Obsessed is dedicated to anyone who has ever read my books. It is a dream come true for me to share my work with you. Thank you all for supporting me!

    Thank you, Mommy (Ollie M. Haskins), for loving me unconditionally and for allll that you do for me!




    Every guy seated around the large circle watches in awe while the dancer performs. The dudes standing in the back bob their heads as their mouths swing open like starving greyhounds, their eyes bucked as if they’d just seen the face of God. As the exotic dancer performs all her special high-priced tricks, she captivates her audience. The Miami bread dancer will earn the bands she’ll walk away with tonight.

    Each spectator observes her moves with more than their eyes as Jessica Fox makes her way up and down the shiny silver pole mounted in the middle of the room. She claps her ass in their faces, tits bouncing to the beat. The bachelor party erupts when she flips upside down and springs her legs wide for her famous helicopter move. She is in rare form, knowing she has every pair of eyes in the place on her voluptuous body.

    She rounds her ass to the music as Drake and Future’s Life Is Good blares through the hotel suite. The dollar bills being shoved down her skimpy bikini top quickly turns into fifties, right after the twenties, and Hennessey starts to flow.

    Her hips ask every man watching, You want it, don’t you? with their lips being too busy cheering her on to answer.

    Damn, Jace, she sexy as fuck! Look at her up there...

    He only hears every other word his best man spoke; Jace’s eyes, ears, and every other part of his body focuses on the sight prancing in front of him.

    Jayceon McCall is tall, 6-foot-3 1/2, to be exact. One hundred sixty-five pounds, light almond skin, nice masculine chiseled features, neat taper, full beard, straight teeth, muscular body, and tatted. He’s the lucky groom walking down the aisle in less than twenty-four hours to recite his nuptials to his loving fiancée, Leah Sheppard.

    Jayceon and Leah met one Sunday afternoon after Easter Sunday service. In their short conversation, they quickly realized they had a lot in common, starting with the fact that neither of them could remember the last time they attended church.

    Jace could tell from how Leah looked up at him when they first met that she was digging him, so he wasn’t about to let her leave without first getting her number.

    "Why don’t you let me get your number? Lemme take you out or somethin’."

    As Leah tapped her number into Jace’s phone, he eyed her closely, thinking She’s just right

    By the time Leah’s mother and Jayceon’s grandmother said their goodbyes, the two seemed already inseparable. Three years later, Leah happily accepted Jayceon’s proposal and the 2 ½ carat diamond he slipped on her finger.

    Devon chips his teeth when he asks, Why she keep lookin’ over here at you like that? as the dancer keeps her gaze fixed on Jace.

    Jayceon’s smile spreads from one side of his face to the other as he sits in a white t-shirt with Mr. Groom printed across the front that Leah’s mother insisted he wear. He says, You’ll have to ask her that, bro, enjoying all the extra attention the dancer gives him.

    You pretty muthafuckas ain’t shit, man. Jace’s inebriated groomsman Devon – a short, stocky-built, brown skin dude – sits to the right of him, ignoring the fact that he’s already had too much to drink, too much to smoke, and way too much Jessica Fox.

    Damn, look at those titties. And she got some thick thighs and a fat ass? Man, I need some of that right now.

    Suddenly, Devon’s excited, drunk mind has him up out of his seat, heading right for the main attraction. When he reaches out for Jessica Fox, she swiftly pulls away from him as if his palms are on fire. He doesn’t follow the no touch rule, nor do the two big black guys who ran to her aide.

    As soon as Devon gives the dancer the instructed fifty feet, the party, the partygoers, and Jessica Fox gears up for round two. She returns with new tricks and dips, driving all the men crazy!

    Once the floor show is finished, Jace walks over to where the dancer’s bodyguards placed Devon. He asks, You good? before sipping the liquor in his glass.

    I’m good, bro; I ain’t on that stuck-up bitch. She ain’t shit but a dirty-ass stripper from the burbs anyway. And why the fuck is she comin’ over here? Devon’s sore shoulders tense up. Her and her fake goons want some more of what I gave ‘em earlier? The Fuck! An embarrassed Devon spits venom as the dancer makes her way through the mini crowd.

    Congratulations, Mr. Groom. Even with the blare of the baseline, her voice is soft and sweet.

    Thanks a lot...I appreciate that, says Jace, with instant sexual chemistry sparking between the two.

    Jessica Fox never even acknowledges Devon standing next to Jace. She disregards him and his mean mug. To her, he is a non-mutha fuckin’ factor.

    Well, I’m out of here, but I wanted to say goodbye first. Her pouty lips say, Enjoy your night, Mr. Groom, before she turns and walks away.

    Yeah, I’ll try...

    Snap, snap, snap. Damn boy, she got you like that? You in a goddamn trance. Devon snaps his fingers, trying to regain Jayceon’s attention after Jessica Fox walks off with it. You still here with us, bro, or are you headin’ out with the dirty dancer? And what was all that extra about? Devon mocks, ‘Enjoy your night, Mr. Groom.’ ‘Oh yeah, I’ll try.’ Man, who you supposed to be? Standin’ there with ya mouth wide-open.

    Man, Devon, shut yo ass up! You just mad her security was about to throw you outta here earlier.

    "Fuck her and them big ugly, old-school gangsters! I wasn’t causing no harm; I just wanted to see what she was throwin’ up close. She said she a entertainer, so entertain me, goddamn it..."


    Three Hours Later . . .


    Oh, what a night, thinks Jayceon as his toes curl. The liquor was flowing, the illegal party favors were being passed about, and now the sexiest stripper in Chicago is riding his ten-and-a-half-inch dick just like he likes it: balls deep.

    Jayceon wanted the dancer in the nastiest way, and she knew it. Keep in mind that he’s still all set to marry Leah in a few hours, but not before he blows Jessica Fox’s back out.

    He caresses her curvaceous body when he tosses her over, leaving his handprints on her cocoa-colored skin. Then, when he slides back inside her walls, he flaps around in her gushy pussy as she releases wails of lust into the moist air.

    Jessica Fox throws her ass back to receive all of what Jace is giving, creaming down his shaft as he squeezes her hips. He buries his dick deeper, enjoying every minute spent inside the stripper. He is taking full advantage of his last night of freedom, and what better way to do it than to bone a bad bitch with a big fat ass like Nicki Minaj. However, after he busts inside the magnum, he’ll dismiss the dancer for the final time tonight. Jace plans to forget about Jessica Fox and return to his everyday life as if sex with the stripper had never happened, except his iPhone is recording their every dirty move...



    Leah, if your damn nervous fiancé texts me one more time, me, him, and you are going to have a problem today.

    Girl, what he want now?

    He wants me to ask you if you remember where he left his watch because apparently, it wouldn’t only be bad luck for him to see you before the wedding, but I guess he can’t text you either. That’s the only explanation he better have for textin’ me a hundred and fifty times.

    Leah’s best friend and matron of honor, Trina Hamilton – basic chick: thin, 5’7", dark skin, long weave – is in an upscale salon off Lakeshore Drive getting ready for Leah and Jayceon’s wedding in a few hours. So far, everything was in place. The church is beautifully decorated, the fresh rose petals are all set to be thrown by the pretty little flower girls dressed in pink, and Leah’s twenty-four-inch sew-in is cut and curled exactly how she envisioned it would be.

    The esthetician says, Keep your eyes closed, please, as she carefully applies Leah’s hybrid lash extensions.

    Trina, text Jace back and tell him to check on top of the sink in the downstairs bathroom.

    Trina rolls her eyes. Girl...

    Leah is a thirty-year-old sales agent working in her mother’s privately owned real estate firm. When her parents divorced, she and her mom moved to Chicago’s Northside from Columbus, Ohio, in route to a new start that didn’t include the man that tore their family apart: her father. Leah’s dad seemed to set up residence at every other address around town besides theirs. Feeling her daddy’s abandonment from the womb messed Leah up more than she’ll ever admit to anyone, including herself. Her mother still hadn’t realized the outrageously priced meaningless counseling sessions were no help since Leah was so high most of the time that she didn’t hear a word the quacks spoke. With her mom working ninety hours per week – and her dad still out making babies in every zip code – cocaine, and the little yellow happy face pill, had become the only therapist and parent she depended on.

    Being an only child, Leah had become a loner. Other than Trina, she didn’t have girlfriends...or boyfriends for that matter. She never trusted anyone long enough to get close, but she handled Jayceon a little differently for some reason. It could be because it was lust at first sight for Leah. Her panties started to stick to her wet pussy lips, just watching how the words fell from his mouth. She thought he was so sexy, with a lot of swag. Leah was into Jayceon from the start but didn’t take anything he said to heart; they were just having fun, getting to know each other, and sexing like jackrabbits. Back then, she believed she and Jace’s good times weren’t too much more than just that. Her daddy had indirectly taught her long ago that just because you let a man fuck you in every hole won’t make him love you, so she didn’t take any of what Jayceon was giving serious until he did. Once he broke down the many layers of compacted concrete that surrounded her fragile heart, Leah opened herself up to the idea that she was better than her mother’s sad song or her father’s sickening lifestyle. 

    Despite all the years of problems and turmoil with her parents, failed relationships, and drug abuse, Leah now lives a life she can be comfortable in. She’s in love, has a big bank account, and keeps the rage from her childhood controlled the only way she knows how. Her motto is a blunt a day will keep the shrinks away that are still trying to get into her head – per her mother’s checkbook – to solve her problems at two hundred fifty dollars per hour.

    Leah is a beautiful light-skinned female – the pretty redbone type. She stands 5-foot-3 inches and weighs one hundred thirty-seven pounds. She has perky c-cups, a little waist, and a nice juicy booty. With a BA degree from Ohio State, Leah is sexy and smart, so finding a man was never her problem; keeping one, on the other hand, was a different story. That is until she fell for Jayceon. He showed her a new way of life, teaching her what love was really all about. After taking her time to learn more about the man she was falling in love with, Leah quickly discovered she had a good dude that would never hurt her in any of the ways she watched her father hurt her mother time and time again. She trusts Jace, allowing him to do his own thing without keeping the leash too tight. She did, however, warn him enough times for him to know, "Don’t come back home smelling like another bitch; and keep your hoes off my phone, out of my DM, and off your Instagram pic comments, and we’ll be just fine."

    Leah accepted the fact that all men cheat; the way she figured, it was in their nature and their dick heads, so she let Jayceon do him; she just better never, ever find out about it...

    Once her lashes are finished, Trina says, Leah, you look so pretty; I think you’re ready. Trina admires Leah’s freshly beat face and the Brazilian hair flowing to the center of her back.

    You’re right, T. I think I am ready. Leah gives herself one last look before standing up, ready to leave the salon and marry her man. 



    One Month Later . . .



    Today 6:08 PM

    sup bro u at the spot?


    aight im bout to come that way


    Read 6:08 PM


    Jayceon texts Devon as he whips through the rundown side of Chicago blasting his music. He has to talk to someone, and since all his sensible, more logical friends were either busy, ignoring his text messages, or both, Devon would just have to do.

    When he pulls up in front of Devon’s apartment building, he shuts off his engine and just sits there. He looks down at the black diamond band circling his finger before looking up and staring out the windshield at the brink, twenty-story building in front of him. Everything is cool between him and Leah; Jace’s guilt is messing with him. He thinks I’m trippin’ as he gets out.

    He presses the number 5 from the panel of numbers at the security door and waits for Devon to buzz him in. He stands outside the neglected building with his blue work pants sagging off his ass. Jace is a FedEx delivery driver coming off a double shift,

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