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Heartbreak You: The Heartbreak Duet, #2
Heartbreak You: The Heartbreak Duet, #2
Heartbreak You: The Heartbreak Duet, #2
Ebook234 pages3 hours

Heartbreak You: The Heartbreak Duet, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Our story didn't exist, it was broken before it began.
Kisses were covered with lies.
Lies were covered with kisses.
Hate turned into lust.
And lust turned into fantasy.
That's what we were, a fantasy.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Now it's time to move on. But how can you when your heart wants to say stuck in the fantasy?
When even through all the lies and kisses, you still have lust.

PublisherT.L Smith
Release dateAug 25, 2020
Heartbreak You: The Heartbreak Duet, #2

T.L. Smith

T.L. Smith is a USA Today bestselling author who loves to write about characters with flaws so beautiful and dark they’re hard to turn away from. Her books have been translated into several languages. She can be found in her home state of Queensland, Australia, or off traveling the world—sitting on a beach in Bali or exploring Alcatraz in San Francisco or walking the streets of New York.

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Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another good read. So good when the woman actually stands up for herself in these stories
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Not as great as the first one, but still amazing. It was the perfect ending.

Book preview

Heartbreak You - T.L. Smith

Chapter One


T hea. Lucy’s voice is soft, and I angrily wipe away the tears that are streaming down my face. I don’t know why I’m crying. Now is not the time. I need to move, not sit here, wiping at tears that aren’t deserved. I hear sirens coming closer.

Lucy touches my arm and squeezes. Thea, I loved him.

I scrunch my nose up as Lucy lays her head back, slouching on my couch, my hand firmly on her leg holding the blanket in place. I know it’s helping and can’t move it because the pressure is slowing the bleeding, although the blood has seeped up and through my fingers and is now pooling on top of my hand.

Don’t worry. I shake my head. 

I loved Atlas, Thea, not Benji. She closes her eyes, her face seeming to go ghostly white. I love him, Thea. And I hate that he loves you, she states.

As the sirens grow louder, I shudder.

Finally, I hear a knock on my door and yell, In here.

The door is pushed open and in walks two EMT. They take over the pressure, and I manage to move away as they assess her. Before too long passes, they have her on a gurney and are wheeling her out of my home.

The next to arrive are two detectives who walk in and immediately look over at Nicholas, who’s still on my floor covered in blood. 

They question me. 

Ask me questions I can’t answer for what seems like hours while they mark out the crime scene in front of me.

Tears stream down my face as the coroner steps in, removes Nicholas’s body, leaving the floor covered in blood and an outline drawn by detectives.

Hours pass, as detectives mark out and take photographs of the crime scene. More detectives arrive, take samples, then leave. This seems to go on forever, but time for me seems to be at a standstill. It’s like watching a slow-motion movie playing out in front of me and not knowing how to stop it. 

Having no idea of time, or even if it’s the same day, I watch as everyone leaves my house after they have finished their investigations. This is when I finally look over at the spot—the place where Nicholas died on my floor—and wonder how I’m meant to get the blood out of the carpet. My eyes then move to my couch, which is smothered in Benji’s blood, and I know I will need to purchase a new one.

After a thorough investigation, the detectives ruled the death of Nicholas was self-defense and Atlas was cleared. The injuries to my sister and Benji were caused by Nicholas, therefore the detectives investigating were happy to close the case. Although they were not happy with Atlas moving the body, Atlas does what Atlas wants so it’s no surprise there.

My hand flies to my mouth at that thought. Benji. Oh gosh, even with what he did to me, I would never wish death on him. 


Benji loved my sister so fiercely it scared me, and I don’t think I can ever find a love like that. 

I had hope for Atlas. That somehow, in some way, even with our rocky start, the ending would be so much better for us.

He gave me false hope.

Then he crushed it. 

And crushed my heart along the way. 

Somehow, I manage to crawl to my bathroom. I have to get to the hospital and check on my sister, but as I look down at my blood-stained clothes I know I have to change.

My hands rip at my clothes, tearing them from my body and dropping them in the corner before I stand in the shower. I let the cold water wash away all the blood, squeezing my eyes shut because I don’t want to see it wash down the drain. 

When I manage to open them, I’m hesitant to look down. Once I get up the nerve, I check, and the water is running clear. I finish washing, then get out and quickly dress before walking to the door to head to the hospital.

When I open my front door, Sydney, Atlas’s assistant is standing there, her hand raised ready to knock. She looks me over, and then quickly rights herself before she glances at me in the eyes. Atlas has decided your debt has been paid and he no longer requires to see you. My hand clenches at my side. You still have your job, though. She turns to leave. 

Sydney. She stops and spins back toward me. 

Yes? she questions. 

Does he hate me? 

Yes. With that one word answer, she turns and slides into her car, the driver taking off without hesitation. I don’t have time to dwell on that little confrontation. Let’s face it, I shouldn’t care if he hates me or not, but for some reason I do. 

Arriving at the hospital, I head straight to Lucy. She needed stitches in her leg and lost a lot of blood, so she will have to stay in for observation for at least a day. When I step into her room, she looks away as I enter. 

Have you heard anything? I ask, referring to Benji. 

"What do you care? What do you care, Thea?" Her voice is raised.

I never wanted this, I say, shaking my head, my eyes glassy from all the tears I’ve let slip. 

It’s because of you that this has happened, she says in a voice that’s so vicious, I have to take a step back in case it somehow grows a hand and slaps me in the face. 

I’m sorry about your husband, I tell her in a small voice. 

I don’t care about that. I get all his money now, so it’s a win for me.

The doctor enters the room, and he looks to me, asking me if I’m family, before he starts speaking to her. You’re pregnant.

My eyes fly open at his words.

Lucy’s eyes go wide as well.

Then, as if she’s possessed, she turns her head slowly, eyebrows slightly slanted as she looks at me. You should leave because when he gets here, and I tell him I’m pregnant, I need that moment to be between us.

Slowly, I shake my head as the doctor steps out.

Lucy touches her stomach. "He will want me now, not you," Lucy spews out. 

Lucy… I step forward, but she holds up her hand, halting my progress. 

Don’t, Lucy me. This baby and I will do great with Atlas as the father. 

But he isn’t the dad, I tell her.

Is she delusional from the blood loss? She’s making no sense.

Benji was his cousin. So this baby will be the most important thing to him now Benji is dead. She says ‘dead’ as easy as she breathes, as if her husband’s death hasn’t affected her at all. 

Cousin? Oh, my God. 

How did I not know, and how come he never told me? 


"Get out," she yells.

When I take a step back, she instantly calms, as if my presence is so bad it gives her anxiety. 

That’s not fair—not fair at all. 

Turning, I head outside and sit by her door with my head on my knees. I don’t know what to do or where to go. 

Reaching for my cell, I call Atlas, but he doesn’t answer. 

I message Atlas, telling him to call me. Again, he doesn’t answer. 

Then I send something I know I will regret later. 

Me: She’s pregnant!

I wait. I don’t know what else to do.

My eyes are heavy as the morning sun rises, and I feel my stomach start to growl. My legs are sore from sitting in the same position. Once my eyes finally open there are a pair of black boots standing in front of me. Looming over me, Atlas looks at me with an intense, fevered stare in those beautiful amber eyes. His face is clenched, his posture is stiff, and that vein I often see throbbing in his neck is pulsating angrily. This is when I realize I can do nothing to change the outcome, and I hate that fact more than I care to admit. 

Atlas. I say his name, and his face reddens as I speak.

He looks past me to the room where my sister is lying in her bed. She was sleeping last time I looked in on her. 

She in there? he asks, not looking at me. 

"You came for her?" I ask incredulously, somehow managing to stand. 

Looking back at me, he snarls, Not for you, that’s for sure. I hiccup unintentionally. You’ve brought nothing but wrong turns and bad decisions into my life since the minute I let you in. I should have killed you when I had the chance. 

I step closer to him. There is still time. Go on, do it. Put a knife to my neck and slice. I regret the words the moment they leave my mouth, but anger’s taken hold, and his eyes show a flicker of pain before they return to hate. 

Maybe I will when you least expect it, he spits out then turns, walking to the door, not looking back.

I stay on the wall, listening in to the conversation. 

You came. I knew you would.

Is it true? Atlas asks. 

Is what true? Lucy states, sounding so much more polite than when she speaks to me. 

"Don’t play with me, Lucy. Today is not the day for your games," he says, and I imagine he’s running his fingers through his perfectly styled hair.

With my back to the wall, I slide to the floor, not sure if I should leave.

Why do I feel the need to always look out for Lucy, even after everything she’s done? I have no answer to this question, and the only person who can change that is me. 

Standing, I turn and look into the room.

Lucy’s brows bunch together when she sees me. 

I’m leaving, I tell her. And I’m not coming back this time, Lucy. 

She flicks her hair over her shoulder. I never wanted you to save me, Thea.

My eyes shift to Atlas, who’s looking at Lucy, but I speak to him anyway. I’m giving two weeks’ notice. Thank you for giving me my job back, and… I trail off as I look to Lucy, who’s glaring at me as if I can’t get away from her fast enough.

Atlas keeps his back to me, not once looking my way. I bite my tongue as I turn and walk away.

Why should I finish what I was going to say when that man doesn’t seem to care? 

Did he ever care, though? 

Or, was he simply a great pretender? 

I feel it was the latter. 

As soon as I arrive home, I walk up to Tina who’s sitting on my doorstep. She glances up at me, and her face instantly falls. 

I can’t talk now, Tina, I manage to say. My eyes are heavy, my body is sore, and I’m afraid to walk into my own home. Will I have nightmares? Especially after seeing everything that has happened in there. Will you stay the night? I manage to ask.

Tina nods and puts her arm around me as we walk inside. 

I try not to look, I do, I really do, but when Tina lets out a gasp, my eyes instantly go to the spot I know she can see. The blood on the floor, the lines in the shape of a body, my couch splattered in red.

Tina turns to me, with her eyes wide. You go to bed. 

For some reason, I go to step toward the blood like it’s calling me, but Tina places her hand out to stop me. Go to bed! I’ll be there soon. 

Heading off, I strip out of my clothes and lie in my bed, and that’s when I hear her cleaning. The carpet shampooer is working overtime, the vacuum buzzing away, and I also hear her dragging the couch outside.

Much later, when she crawls into bed beside me, I’m still awake but dozing. Her arm goes over my hip, and that simple movement instantly soothes me. Soon after, we both fall asleep, and I dream of a man with angry, tormented eyes. 


Chapter Two


O kay, tell me. I know this isn’t paint, so no lying about it. 

It’s not paint. I bring the coffee to my lips. 

Why did you come here? I ask, confused. I never texted Tina to tell her I needed her, even if I am glad to have her here with me right now. 

I couldn’t sleep, and when I rang your cell the other night, Atlas answered and said you were asleep and you would be home by yourself since he had to work... she pauses. He said it as if he didn’t want you to be alone. I thought it was sweet, but I’m guessing this was before whatever happened here?

I nod. She rang when I was happy, when I saw a future with Atlas.

You were sitting out here all night? I ask.

She shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

It’s Lucy’s and her husband’s blood. Plus… I shake my head. It’s their blood, I tell her, not able to finish the sentence. 

Okay, where is Lucy? 


Well, at least the bitch didn’t die. Tina smiles, but I don’t. I can’t bring myself to have any sort of emotion. Because people did die, and my house is now forever tainted to prove it. I look back where the blood was, which I have been avoiding, and see no trace of it. 

You cleaned it all? 

I threw out the rug and the couch, there was no saving them. The floor looks like there was never any pool of blood or a dead body, but when I look in that area I know otherwise.

I’m moving, I tell her. I gave notice, and I’m leaving this city, Tina. I can’t do this shit any longer. 

She looks down, her hand twirling the spoon in her coffee, and she’s not answering me. 


Is it because of him or Lucy? 

Both, I reply honestly. 

Okay, have you thought of not moving, but going on a long-ass break instead? She shrugs. You’ve never traveled, and if you sell your house, you can leave all your stuff at mine, so you have something to come back to. 

I’ve never thought of traveling. 

Tina stops stirring her coffee and smiles as she looks up at me. Now is the time. 

Maybe, I say.

She shakes her head. No maybes about it. 

I hear a knock on my door, and Tina gets up before I have a chance to answer it. 

Nope, nope… not allowed, I hear her say.

Standing, I walk up behind her to see that Lucy’s at my door and my mouth goes wide at the sight of her. She has on a dress showcasing her legs, one of which is bandaged due to her wound.

You going to deny a pregnant woman access? Lucy asks, touching her belly.

Tina laughs, then stops as realization sets in. Oh, God, you aren’t joking. Fuck me! You will be the worst mother to ever grace this earth. Lucy, give that poor child to someone who will care for it. Tina crosses her arms over her chest, pushing up her ample breasts.

Lucy hasn’t spotted me yet as she turns her nose up at Tina and replies, I have Atlas now… he’s going to help me. She smiles as she says it and I cringe when I hear it.

 Atlas, the man who loves your sister and not you? Tina bites back with laughter. You did always want to be like Theadora. I guess having a man who loves her should do it for you.

Lucy’s eyes narrow and she looks behind Tina, finally noticing me. You going to let your friend talk to me this way? Her eyes pin me to the spot. 

Tina looks back to me when I say nothing, then she glances back at Lucy. Now, what do you want? Before I kick you out, pregnant and all. Tina smiles as Lucy looks down at the floor then back to me, ignoring Tina. 

He asked me to move in with him. To live with him, she says, smiling. Thea, I need my baby things, I know you kept them. 

Nope, nope, nope, not a chance. Goodbye. Tina attempts to shut the door, but Lucy stops her, putting her hand between the door and the frame. I will cut your hand off and not care one iota, just try me, Tina threatens. 

Thea, I want my things… the ones you kept.

I didn’t keep much. Our mother had a box for each of us containing our favorite clothes, and photographs from when we were babies. I kept Lucy’s here at my house. I also kept mine, so when I have my own child one day, I can pass something down even if it is small. 

Spinning around, I walk away, going to my closet and pulling out the box. When I step back out,

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