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Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing
Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing
Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing
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Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing

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Embrace  challenges, act decisively in dealing and eradicating them, which help to unlock hidden blessings, rather than procrastination that delays progress and favours total failure.

Release dateAug 4, 2020
Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing

Samuel Mabusela

Author of 7 academic articles and 4 fiction novels published in many Journals. Available on Google scholar and many international bookstores. 

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    Beyond Every Challenge, Lies a Blessing - Samuel Mabusela

    Published by Moshoeu publishers, 2020.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. August 4, 2020. Copyright © 2020 Samuel Mabusela. ISBN: 978-1393782865

    Written by Samuel Mabusela.

    This book is dedicated to my family and friends who have been supportive al of my life, in many ways.



    This book is dedicated to my family and friends who have been sup- porting and loving throughout my life.

    Chapter 1

    New life away from fast lane

    HAPPINESS DOESN’T HAVE one address, and the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance by @ingram and Alan Watts respectively. Moshoeu’s life changed after leaving Gauteng for good. He stayed home, in Mapela for two weeks, doing introspection about his life, asking himself questions such as "where did my life go wrong? His mother was very supportive and she was always ready to listen. She was really a pillar of strength, advising that even if life can be difficult, he must never think of com- mitting suicide. She argued that prayer and faith in God were the only solutions to all challenges.

    Moshoeu was a witness to the challenges his mother faced in the hands of the in-laws. She went through hell, and the son adopted the tough stance after seeing her mother suffering. He knew that soon he had to dust off his miseries and start a new life again. He has lost his wife, a house in the suburbs, children and all furniture. The wife was after him with courts after court, and he was tired of that life. He de- cided to start life from scratch again. He received orders in his business, Moshoeu’s corporate gifts and branding (PTY) LTD, registered with CIPRO, selling golf shirts, t-shirts, umbrellas, cooler bags, usb’s and do- ing printing of all materials. The business was mobile and very lucra- tive, yet challenging. The entrepreneurial spirit gained a better part of him, amid all the challenges he faced and he wanted to do something there and then. His mother asked him to take it easy, and recharge be-



    fore going back to work. In his mind, being an employee again was out of the question. He was looking forward to making it in life on his own without a boss. The lessons he learnt while working were enough to teach him that he can be on his own and make it. The demand for smaller item in the business grow to such an extent that, he decided to start something. Mama, I want to open a shop in town. He said to his mother, with confidence. The mother looked at him for sometimes without saying anything. She was wondering if that was possible, given the history of this country. She could not make sense of his statement and laughed at him. Are you okay, my son? How can you even think of such a thing. She replied with a surprised voice. I mean it mama. If you look at the stock that I brought home, the only way to get it sold is by opening a business, and that will be in town. He replied, now with more vigor as he realized that, she does not trust him. I don’t want problems, only if you know that police won’t be after, is fine. But, be very careful". She replied with her usual strict voice. His son was used to her, and he agreed with on that note. He was motivated by words of wisdom, which states that ‘Ideas without action are useless’. If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there, otherwise never, never, never give up.

    He went to town the following day to look for space for his shop.

    He was met with total rejection from those who has means, those who are racists and those who were eager to help. The majority were those who believe that an African child does not deserve to won a shop  in town. One Indian man after enquiry for business space, answered that, go to Mahwelereng township for your business space. The man answered without shame, showing some sort of hatred on his face. Moshoeu did not want to reply badly to anyone, as this was a devilish temptation. He thanked the man and left peacefully. One businessman agreed through his secretary to assist him with space. They showed him the place and he agreed with them. The instalment was very high, that he thought to himself that, he will be working for them if not care-


    ful. He thought that, that was the best case scenario of economic ex- clusion. Already, somebody is running down the business before it can even start. He decided to go for it with all what he had, and was sure that he will succeed.

    He paid the deposit and rental money as required to the tune of fifteen thousand, given the keys and he went to the business site. He looked thoroughly at the space area, which was 2 rooms open enough for a shop and storeroom. He went home, arranged carpenters who will do renovations at the shop. The renovations were completed within a week, as material was sourced locally. Carpenters were paid and they left for other jobs. He started at the shop officially the following week, accompanied by his mother who opened the shop with a prayer. This gave him strength to do his best. Getting stock was not such a big chal- lenge, as he had good contacts in Gauteng.

    He registered his company with some more suppliers, who were happy to work with him again, as he used them the previous two years. He procured adequate stock for a start and placed it accordingly on their shelves. Each shelf was having its designated stock, arranged ac- cording to their popularity and ease of usage by customers. Few clothes were ordered and put in their shelves, allowing for fitting by customers. The business was fully stocked and ready for opening. Customers start- ed visiting the shop soon after opening, making their orders as per cat- alogues and orders were made. The courier service was delaying, and he decided to use taxing to make same day deliveries, which were in fact proved to be a cheaper way of transporting goods, from one province to the other. The business account was open, deposits done accordingly and financial statements were also prepared and ready. Only one staff member was hired, to do the cleaning, security and to assist customers as they came in. He also had to ensure that there is order in the shop to avoid chaos. This arrangement worked very well, to even detect those who were trying to use underhand tactics. Running a business was a challenge in South Africa. Black people buy with cash when the buy at


    a shop owned by any white person, indian, coloured, somalian and all other foreign nationals, as compared to a shop owned by a fellow South african, where they ask for credit. These action was so common that the local businesses became bankrupt. One thing common in all these ac- tions was that, blacks were damaged psychologically during apartheid, where they were made to believe that their lives are not so important. Mediocrity, jelousy, anger, hatred, copying and gossip, are the domi- nant traits, which play a major role, and accepted as norms, resulting mainly in witchcraft, murder, poverty, backwardness, stagnation and all other bad things happening to black people in general.

    His advice was that, if this could be changed, people’s lives will im- prove, as they will focus on progressive things in their lives. Compared to other africans on the continent, blacks in SA are very destructive, to the well-being of their fellow countrymen. Foreighners in SA have shown a united front in the way they assisted each other to get jobs, which citizens saw as inferior, due to their level of education, which by all standards is far above the level of education from the Bantu educa- tion system. They could do gardening, build houses, open shops succes- fully, work with their hands and this made them more succesful, while the youth citizenry, is drinking alcohol, playing cards and all other less important things. If people can embrace GOD, their life can improve. Praying to God from the heart helps to relieve these stressful kind of living. Accepting God helps one to become happy, peaceful, joy, love, faith and successful. He is the author of our lives, he is the creator of heaven and hearth, the alpha and omega, who work with our hearts, to improve lives.

    Chapter 2

    Business, adventure and challenges

    THE BUSINESS WAS RUNNING well with time, as more cus- tomers through a word of mouth, visited. Those who knew him also came from different areas to support. The printing business was the leader, as it received many customers, especially the society groups, families and some business on uniforms. Competition was also rife, with other local businesses, giving a reason to co-exist.

    Two groups from different places came nearly at the same time for printing of golf-shirts. They chose different golf-shirts from the cata- logues and the order was placed, arrangements made to get printing done also. On receiving the order after two weeks, the printing was done vis versa. The names were swopped between the two groups. Ooh my God, what is happening now? he asked, frustrated with the challenge. He looked at them again in disbelief. He asked the middle- man as to what went wrong, and there was no proper explanation as to why these mistake happened. He agreed to carry the expenses going forward, and the groups were so disappointed with the mistake. It took time to be rectified, and by that time, the customers were too angry to accept anything, except refund. The reputation of the business was get- ting damaged with that challenge. The other customers got an excel- lent service. One day as he was coming to open the business, he gave lift to three people who were coming to town. They were talking when one of them asked what type of job he was doing. The man got inter- ested to go see the business, and others joined him. Immediately they



    entered the shop, this man started manifesting and praying aloud. This took him by surprise, as he did not know the man was a priest. They prayed together and the visitors left the shop on the note. On the third month, one customer arrived in the shop, greeted them and asked to sit down on the chair. She

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