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Prohibitted Knowledge: Hidden History, #10
Prohibitted Knowledge: Hidden History, #10
Prohibitted Knowledge: Hidden History, #10
Ebook343 pages4 hours

Prohibitted Knowledge: Hidden History, #10

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About this ebook

There is a "forbidden knowledge" or "cursed" that is elbowing its way. Although large academic institutions and political and financial power try to stop it, committed, prepared and enlightened women and men are bringing it to light in schools, laboratories, archaeological campaigns or historical studies.

In this book the reader will discover, among many other destabilizing issues, that:

–Eminent microbiologists and astrophysicists defend that our DNA is artificial and we are probably the creation of an alien civilization.
–There is remarkable evidence that beings from other worlds visited us in the remote past, being taken by gods.
–The traditions and sacred books of various religions –including the Judeo-Christian– describe contacts with extraterrestrials.
–On Earth, other humanities lived in a remote past.
–On the face of our planet there were disappeared civilizations with enormous technological development, long before the Egyptian and the Sumerian.
–Scientists already have proof that life exists after life.
- It is fully accepted that there are countless parallel universes where life forms can exist.
–The UFO phenomenon constitutes proof that these dimensional intelligences have been with us since the beginning of time.

Release dateOct 10, 2020
Prohibitted Knowledge: Hidden History, #10

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    Book preview

    Prohibitted Knowledge - Miguel Pedrero


    Very personal introduction:. .


    Chapter 1: Our DNA is extraterrestrial

    Evidence of a transcendent truth:

    Beings from another world created life on Earth

    Chapter 2: The Alien Gods of Antiquity

    In the distant past, entities visited us coming from other planets

    Chapter 3: Beings from other worlds in the Sahara... 10,000 years ago

    Expedition to the alien paintings of Tassili.

    Chapter 4: Extraterrestrial Contacts in the Bible

    Encounters with UFOs and humanoids in the Old Testament

    Chapter 5: Jesus, an envoy from another world

    The Messiah protected by an extraterrestrial civilization

    Chapter 6: Thousands of Earth planets in our galaxy

    Space telescopes discover more worlds like ours.

    Chapter 7: We Will Be Star Gods

    We will create intelligent life, we will travel toother dimensions and we will conquer the galaxy


    Chapter 8: There were other humanities

    In the night of time, the Earth was inhabited by amazing civilizations of which only snippets have come to us

    Chapter 9: The Garden of Eden was in Algeria

    The truth about the Earthly Paradise of the Bible and the beginnings of religious thought.

    Chapter 10: Druidism: The Atlantean Religion

    The mysterious origin of the Celtic gods

    Chapter 11: Easter Island: vestiges of a missing continent

    The first Easterlings came from a civilization that disappeared under the waters

    Chapter 12: Chinese, Vikings, and Celts arrived in America before Columbus

    The best evidence of an uncomfortable truth

    Chapter 13: The Pagan Way of Santiago

    Hidden origins of a magical pilgrimage whose birth is lost in the night of time


    Chapter 14: God exists: scientific evidence

    The universe and life arose from intervention of a Creative Intelligence

    Chapter 15: There is life after life: the evidence

    Research shows that our consciousness  is independent of the physical body

    Chapter 16: Soul Transplant

    The enigma of cellular memory and its relationship with the conscience or spirit.

    Chapter 17: Intelligences of parallel universes in our world

    The UFO phenomenon and more enigmatic events could have its origin in other regions of space-time

    Chapter 18: UFOs: interdimensional contact

    How they influence our minds to achieve a global shift in consciousness

    Chapter 19: Dreams: doors to other dimensions and to self-knowledge

    How to use the message of our dream experiences for your own benefit

    Chapter 20: The premonitory dreams of planet Earth

    Planetary consciousness can forecast future events


    A very personal introduction


    AT THE END OF THE 17TH CENTURY the world began to change like never before. This revolution that was born in Great Britain, immediately spread to France and then to the rest of the Old Continent and America was called the Enlightenment. About a hundred years later, in 1789, the Enlightenment gave birth to the French Revolution, which meant the definitive fall of the Old Regime, commanded by the nobility and the clergy, to give rise to a new western society where the bourgeoisie, scientists and intellectuals came to occupy the peak of the social pyramid.

    The eighteenth is considered the century of enlightenment, because the enlightened movement prevailed, which sought to know and dominate the world through the use of reason and scientific knowledge. Until then, absolutely everything from diseases to natural phenomena was explained using the concept of divinity. God, in his omnipotence, was responsible and there was nothing more to talk about.

    But the enlightened movement, based on Descartes' philosophy - we must only accept clear and evident truths - and on Newton's physics - which conceived of nature as a kind of clock, so that we should only understanding the pieces to have absolute knowledge - defended that the laws that governed our reality had nothing to do with God, and that by using the rational method their operation could be discovered, applying them even to the field of politics and economics.

    What the West is today, from a social, economic, scientific, political or military point of view, we owe to the Enlightenment. Much have changed since then, the power structures and, therefore, the world view that power intends to transmit to all mortals. If before it was the priests who held the domain of knowledge, today they are scientists. Like priests, they also use a secret language that only they understand, and they are the ones who dictate what it is and how we should interpret reality. If the scientific establishment says that something is in a certain way, anyone who opposes that interpretation, or even doubts, will become a kind of lone fool or outcast of knowledge. The mainstream media, the most powerful educational and academic organizations, and the most influential cultural and political institutions are responsible for conveying the scientific truth. It is what I call politically correct culture, which aims to offer a mechanistic vision - still based on Newton's nature clock -, cold, distant, statistically based and with no room for emotion and heterodoxy.

    However, with the birth of quantum physics at the beginning of the 20th century, Newton and his watch were definitely blown up, because it was discovered that the world is the closest thing to magic: the subatomic particles - that make up matter - are in the entire universe at once and they only collapse to shape what our brain captures when we contemplate them, but they are still a kind of wave of infinite dimensions. Therefore, we change matter-reality just by observing it and consciousness is what determines how the world is structured. Furthermore, quantum points to the existence of infinite parallel universes in which other life forms most likely dwell.

    The same happened with the development of astronomy –the existence of dark matter and energy, the Big Bang, black holes... -; with the application of the most modern technology to archaeological investigations; with certain findings that throw to the ground a good part of what was taken for granted regarding the most remote antiquity; and add and continue ...

    Suddenly, that mechanistic vision, which adapts reality to a kind of box diagram, fell apart.

    Scientific progress is advancing at such a speed that what is true today is tomorrow found to be uncertain. There are no more clutches to hold on to. The world is constant change and everything is relative. And the subjective matters, a lot, because as we know thanks to quantum physics, it is the consciousness of living beings that determines reality, since whenever there is an observer, those quintillions and quintillions of subatomic particles collapse in points to shape a table, a chair, our mother, a plate of lentils or the Moon. No one knows why it happens, but that's how the world works.

    However, the scientific establishment still rests on some old dogmas, sons of Descartes and especially Newton. And anyone who dares to question them will be accused of defending the thesis of the Old Regime, of the era of darkness, when religion and priests justified any phenomenon by resorting to God. But there are more and more archaeologists, physicists, biologists, paleontologists, doctors, chemists, historians, etc., who show evidence of the unreality of well-established scientific dogmas, given by certain ones for decades or even hundreds of years. These champions of knowledge challenge the establishment and, with everything against them, launch investigations that directly attack the materialist-Newtonian vision of reality.

    That is precisely what I intend to show in this book, that there is a forbidden knowledge or cursed that academicism refuses to accept, but that it is elbowing its way. Although the great academic institutions, the mass media and the political and financial power try to stop it.

    –Because it presents a very opposite reality to the one that these institutions try to spread– committed and prepared women and men are bringing it to light in schools, laboratories, archaeological campaigns or historical studies.

    In this bundle of pages in your hands you will discover, among many other destabilizing issues, that:

    –Eminent microbiologists and astrophysicists defend that our DNA is artificial and we are probably the creation of an alien civilization.

    –There is remarkable evidence that beings from other worlds visited us in ancient times, being taken by gods.

    –There are hundreds of Earth-like planets outside our solar system, in which intelligent life can exist.

    –The traditions and holy books of various religions - including the Judeo-Christian - describe contacts with aliens.

    –On Earth, other humanities lived in a remote past.

    –On the face of our planet there were civilizations with enormous technological development, long before the Egyptian and the Sumerian.

    –Scientists already have proof that life exists after life and that our consciousness is independent of the physical body.

    –It is fully accepted by physicists and astrophysicists that there are infinite number of parallel universes where life forms can exist.

    –The UFO phenomenon constitutes proof that these dimensional intelligences have been with us since the beginning of time.

    –Some findings in different fields of knowledge point to the existence of a Creative Intelligence, God or whatever we want to call it.

    –Dreams are an open door to self-knowledge and the exploration of other dimensions of existence. Ultimately, what I now call forbidden knowledge 50 years from now will be established and orthodox knowledge, waiting for new Robin Hoods in science to dare to crack it again. Because this is how the world works. The visionaries, those who go beyond what is established, who are not afraid to face orthodoxy, who do not accept the principle of authority and who imagine and think without taking into account established dogmas, are those who end up changing the paradigm and will be remembered by the history. Immobilists and conservatives will surely live a more comfortable existence, but they will be buried by the weight of time.

    One of the latter, an academic defender of the essences of current dogma, once starred in a friendly and heated discussion with the writer. At one point, we had the following dialogue:

    Okay, let's think you're right and the UFO phenomenon has no hints of reality, I said. But I would like you to let your fantasy fly for a moment. Imagine that one morning you get up, open the blind and find yourself in front of you a flying saucer and a small, big-headed alien being, greeting you from inside the aircraft.

    That is not possible, because UFOs do not exist, laughed my interlocutor.

    - Yes, but it is only a game of imagination. What would you do if it happened?

    –Well, close the blind and go back to bed because UFOs don't exist –it came from his soul...


    Chapter 1

    Our DNA is extraterrestrial

    Evidence of a transcendent truth: beings from another world created life on Earth

    IN 1953, HAROLD UREY AND STANLEY MILLER, two scientists from the University of Chicago (USA), carried out an experiment, described by the press at the time as the most surprising of all trials.

    Both researchers had created a mixture of simple molecules of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor, which they put into a bowl of water. Their intention was to reproduce the primordial soup, in which life on Earth was presumed to have been born billions of years ago.

    Then, they subjected the mixture to a series of electrical sparks, in order to simulate the primordial rays that, according to these researchers, acted as triggers for the emergence of the first living cells. In reality, the experiment only generated several amino acids and hydroxy acids: two molecules that must assemble to make the proteins, macromolecules essential for the operation of any cell. However, nothing explained how the first of these macromolecules were formed.

    On the other hand, the configuration of a protein is not enough for the emergence of a living cell. It needs the so-called nucleic acids, which contain the genetic code (DNA and RNA), in charge of transmitting instructions to the cell for its own reproduction.

    In short, the most surprising essay in history, which we have all studied at school as proof that life arose by chance and spontaneously, only managed to form inert compounds, which did not clarify anything about the birth of the first cells alive: the basic units of all beings, capable of absorbing nutrients - food - and reproduce in new cells.

    The same year that Urey and Miller conducted their famous trial - in 1953 - biologists James D. Watson and Francis Crick made one of humanity's greatest finds: They discovered the structure of DNA in the form of a double helix, which greatly complicated plus the explanation that life had been born on Earth by chance. For their achievement, Watson and Crick received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962, becoming in their own right two of the most influential scientists of the 20th century.

    Scientists in favor of the alien hypothesis

    DNA molecules - deoxyribonucleic acid - are made up of two twisted strings, connected by a series of rings, formed by four enormously complex organic compounds, which can be combined in pairs in infinite sequences and are held by sugar compounds alternated with phosphates. In short, an engineering work of overwhelming complexity, of which we are still practically unaware of everything, despite the fact that the scientists involved in the so-called Human Genome Project managed to identify and map the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes by which any human being. At the moment, we only have our genetic map, but we have not even begun to decode it.

    The Human Genome Project, endowed with a budget of 280,000 million dollars, was launched in 1990, under the auspices of the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health, James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA with Francis Crick, was the director of this great scientific initiative, receiving numerous awards for it. Watson and Crick expressed in their public appearances the consternation caused by the complexity of the operation of our genetic code. The first was much more cautious in his statements, but Francis Crick was always characterized by making his opinions known in a clear and emphatic way, without half measures or ambiguities. Thus, few were surprised when in 1973 he published an article with the award-winning chemist Leslie Orgel in the magazine Icarus (vol. 19). In this work he defended a theory that many of his fellow scientists already knew: that life on our planet had been inseminated by the deliberate activity of an extraterrestrial civilization.

    Francis Crick was aware - like many other geneticists - that the double helix DNA structure seemed to have come out of nowhere, as they had not beenfound intermediate steps prior to training. Therefore, he deduced that the only possibility is that it had reached our planet already formed. The probability that living extraterrestrial organisms landed on our planet on board a meteorite or by spores pushed into our world due to the pressure exerted by the radiation of a star –as the panspermia hypothesis defends– is practically null according to Crick, because no living organism would resist the rigors of such space travel.

    Orgel and Crick wrote in Icarus: "As an alternative to this theory of the nineteenth century - panspermia - we consider directed panspermia, the theory that conceives that living organisms were deliberately transmitted to Earth by intelligent beings from another planet.

    We conclude that it is possible for life to reach Earth in this way..."

    A ship landed on Earth 3.8 billion years ago

    Our solar system was born only about 4.6 billion years ago, but other solar systems in the universe may be over 10 billion. Therefore, both scientists wrote, this circumstance makes possible the existence of technologically advanced societies somewhere else in the galaxy, even before the formation of Earth. In fact, the latest findings of extrasolar planets - located outside our solar system - fully agree with them. For example, the planet PSR B1620-26b, located 12,000 light years from Earth and unofficially known to astrophysicists as Methuselah, since its age is estimated at 12.7 billion years. Therefore, even before the birth of Earth, life could have existed in Methuselah.

    In their paper, Orgel and Crick suggested to the scientific community to consider this new 'infectious' theory, namely that a primitive life form may have been deliberately planted on Earth by a civilization from another planet. But how would it have come into our world? Orgel and Crick suggested that the microorganisms that made the emergence of life possible could have been introduced into a spacecraft specially designed for such a mission. They would therefore travel under all kinds of measures to preserve them properly, until the cosmonave had reached its objective. In this case, the Earth.

    The nearly 300 scientists, from 22 countries, who met in 1986 at a Congress on the Origins of Life held in Berkeley (USA), concluded that the hypothesis of the fortuitous primordial soup could no longer be followed accepting even as a remote possibility, because in that case there should be a wide variety of genetic codes. However, the discoveries in the field of genetics came to demonstrate, as these scientists wrote, precisely the opposite: That the whole of life Artistic representation of the extrasolar planet PSR B1620-26b, located 12,000 light years from Earth and unofficially known to astrophysicists as Methuselah. (NASA and G. Bacon –STScI-) on Earth, from bacteria to redwoods to humans, evolved from a single ancestral cell. But how did this ancestral cell arise? Most attendees agreed that the supply of organic precursors for life was increased from space", although others, less cautious, were convinced that a fully formed cell had reached Earth from the cosmos.

    In 1989, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Manfred Eigen and his team from the Max Plank Society for the Advancement of Science (Germany) succeeded in sequencing RNA-ribonucleic acid, which contains genetic information from DNA for use in synthesis of proteins–, finding that the origin of life took place 3.8 billion years ago, with an oscillation of plus or minus 600 million. According to Eigen, at that moment the primordial gene could appear. But he added that if our genetic code were more than 3.8 billion years old, this would only be possible in the case of an extraterrestrial origin of it.

    Photo:Artist's rendering of the extrasolar planet PSR B1620-26b, located 12,000 light-years from Earth and unofficially known to astrophysicists as Methuselah. (NASA and G. Bacon –STScI-).

    In search of the ancestral geneticist

    With the passage of time, Francis Crick continued to think the same as decades ago regarding the origin of life on our planet. Not long before his death in 2004, the famous journalist Michael Drosnin was able to speak to the scientist on this matter:

    -Michael Drosnin: Is it possible that our DNA comes from another planet?

    -Francis Crick: I published that theory a long time ago. I called it directed panspermia.

    -M. D .: Do you think then that life came in a meteorite or in a comet?

    -F. C .: No. Any living thing would have died on such an accidental journey through space. -M. D .: Are you saying, then, that our DNA came here in a vehicle?

    -F. C .: It is the only possibility.

    But Francis Crick has not been the only internationally renowned scientist to defend such a theory, based on the data we have. One of the greatest astrophysicists of all time, Sir Alfred Hoyle, former director of the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge (UK), thinks more or less the same. In his book The Intelligent Universe (Grijalbo, 1984) he wrote:

    Evolutionists confess that the probability that the appropriate atoms and molecules come together properly to form just one single protein molecule is one in 10-113 (that is, ten followed by 113 zeros!). This is a number greater than the total number of atoms that is calculated for the entire universe. Mathematicians consider that any event that has a probability of occurring less than one in 1050 never happens. Furthermore, life requires more than just a protein molecule. Just for a cell to stay active, 2,000 different proteins are necessary, and the probability that all of them appear randomly is only one in 10-40,000. This calculation dismisses the claim of spontaneous creation.

    Fred Hoyle defends his thesis using a metaphor that is more than descriptive: The possibility that the amino acids of a human cell can unite at random is mathematically absurd. The lack of credibility of chance is mathematically demonstrable with this analogy: What are the chances that a tornado going through a pile of trash that includes all parts of an airplane, accidentally causes them to come together and form another airplane ready for take off? (...) This means that it is not possible for the cell to come into existence through coincidences and, therefore, it must have been created. (...) Life cannot have happened by chance. There is an Intelligence coexisting with the universe, and that Intelligence and the universe need each other.

    Next, the astrophysicist lashes out at the scientific community, which tends to deny the obvious because of a series of centuries-old dogmas that are meaningless: Actually, this theory - that life was created by some kind of intelligence - is so obviously one is amazed that it is not accepted as self-evident. The reasons are psychological rather than scientific. Matter cannot generate life by itself without deliberate intervention.

    As for the hackneyed primordial broth hypothesis to which we alluded at the beginning of this chapter, Hoyle is skeptical, not humorless:

    If there was a basic principle of matter that somehow led to the organic systems towards life, their existence should be easily demonstrable in the laboratory. For example, one could take a bathtub where to prepare the primitive broth and fill it with any of the chemical elements of biological nature that pleases him. Then you can pump the different gases that you like best over these chemical elements, or through them, and irradiate with the type of radiation that occurs to you.

    Then let the experiment continue for a year, and then see how many of the 2,000 enzymes (proteins produced by living cells) have appeared there. I will give you the answer, so you will save time, problems and expenses to do the experiment. You won't find anything at all, except possibly a bonded sediment made up of amino acids and other simple organic chemicals.

    The prestigious zoologist Richard Dawkins also supported the theory of directed panspermia as a probable answer to the emergence of life on our planet. Dawkins, one of the staunchest advocates of Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories, became known for The Selfish Gene (Salvat, 1976), a work

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