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Armored Piercing: Armored Piercing, #1
Armored Piercing: Armored Piercing, #1
Armored Piercing: Armored Piercing, #1
Ebook204 pages2 hours

Armored Piercing: Armored Piercing, #1

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About this ebook

The world hunts Makarov Guryev, the former Russian president who ran a failed coup in Ukraine. Ousted by State Duma and a warrant issued for his arrest, he goes off the grid. Two years later, he re-emerges as the leader of the Reapers, a dangerous terrorist group. With vengeance on his mind and his hatred for the US still burning hot, he is the most dangerous man on Earth.


The United States and United Kingdom join forces to create a taskforce to hunt down Guryev: Grey Wolves. When the Reapers emerged, the Grey Wolves were the first response. They were inching closer to locating Guryev, until one day they were all slaughtered. Their deaths were laid on the feet of two Wolves: Soap Kent and Gerald Price. These two individuals disappear soon after and become two of the most wanted fugitives in the world.


To make matters worse, a Canadian base in Afghanistan is attacked by unknown forces, unrelated to Guryev. Casualties are high, but the Canadians survive the attack. Captain Sipho Morgess wishes to hunt down this mysterious group but is promptly ordered to stand down. Disobeying his superiors, he leads a group of soldiers to pursue their attackers. On a quest for revenge, they quickly realize they are in over their heads. This new enemy is unlike any they fought before. Now being branded fugitives, will they defeat this secret enemy or will this suicide mission be their last?

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PublisherSipho Moloi
Release dateMay 21, 2019
Armored Piercing: Armored Piercing, #1

Sipho Moloi

Ever since he was a child, Sipho Moloi has been writing sci-fi and military stories. He wrote fan fiction for Resistance 2 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. There are three important factors in his writing: gripping plot, intense action, and compelling characters. His current work in these two genres are The Invasion of Planet Earth and Armored Piercing. 

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    Armored Piercing - Sipho Moloi

    News roundup

    April 17, 2014

    International News Network

    12:00 pm

    Tensions continue to brew between the Ukrainian government and their people. Citizens are furious over the President’s decision to jail the investigative team who was looking into his finances. This was viewed as an effort to derail the fraud investigation against him. Also, Morok Vilvutonski is facing backlash for ‘cozying up’ to the Russian President, Makarov Guryev. Russia has made it clear that they want to annex the country, which would have serious ramifications if successful.

    April 20, 2014

    International News Network

    6:00 pm

    A rally protesting the government quickly turned into a shooting range. Ukrainian citizens came under fire from police forces after protesting in front of the capitol building in Kiev. This has sparked a civil war with citizens bearing arms and now fighting against government forces. There are also reports that Russia is planning to send its troops into the country.

    May 2, 2014

    International News Network

    6:00 pm

    Just over several hours ago, one of the most devious plans of recent history has been brought to light. Russian president Makarov Guryev had conspired with Ukrainian president Morok Vilvutonski to start the Ukrainian Civil War. Vilvutonski ordered military forces to shoot down protestors, and when the situation reached a certain peak, Guryev would send in military forces to take control of the country. This plot was foiled by a group of resistance fighters led by Sipho Morgess, a Captain of the Canadian army who incidentally was taking a vacation in the country. Thanks to their efforts, the Ukrainian Civil War was ended swiftly.

    May 6, 2014

    International News Network

    12:00 pm

    Earlier today, the speaker of State Duma made a statement regarding Makarov Guryev’s duty as a president: State Duma has voted to impeach Guryev and has issued a warrant for his arrest.

    6:00 pm

    Though Russian officials have recently launched a nationwide manhunt on Guryev, the former president is nowhere to be found.

    October 26, 2014

    International News Network

    3:23 pm

    Just a few minutes ago, US General Goodman Shepherd announced that he would be leading the new international task force, ‘Grey Wolves,’ which is comprised of elite operatives from England and the United States. This task force will lead the charge in the manhunt for Makarov Guryev.

    November 13, 2014

    International News Network

    12:00 pm

    New information on the Makarov Guryev manhunt has arisen. The Grey Wolves task force conducted a raid on the hideout of the former Ukrainian president, Morok Vilvutonski, and recovered a personal laptop that contained crucial information: Vilvutonski transferred large sums of money to an offshore bank account and has been keeping constant communication with Guryev through email. According to the task force, this new information suggests Vilvutonski has been helping Guryev evade the authorities and there may be others aiding the fugitive.

    January 1, 2015

    Canadian News Network

    11:00 pm

    It’s a new year and the Conservative party has a new leader: William Sogobi Carper, a well-respected businessman and a five-year MP. A Conservative representative said the party needs ‘new direction’ and the previous party leader ‘gracefully agreed’ to step down and resign as Prime Minister. All of this comes after ten years of scandals under the previous leadership, including the recent fraud allegations.

    January 30, 2015

    Canadian News Network

    6:30 pm

    In a conference earlier today, Interim Prime Minister William Carper provided his vision for not only his party but Canada: ‘Today, I see a party in moral shambles, a callous government, and a broken economy. Tomorrow, I see a party owning up for its mistakes and redeeming them. Tomorrow, I see a government that looks after its citizens, not its paycheck. Tomorrow, I see a flourishing economy propelling us into a new age.’

    October 20, 2015

    Canadian News Network

    11:00 pm

    Tonight is a big night for the Conservatives as William Carper has won the federal election with a majority government. With the progress Carper has already made as Interim Prime Minister, Canadians are excited for what the new Prime Minister will do next.

    February 12, 2016

    International News Network

    12:00 pm

    Today, a disturbing video was posted online. The video was titled ‘Uprising’ and it showcased a masked individual who spoke in Russian and claimed to be a leader of a new terrorist organization called ‘The Reapers.’ The individual stated that the group would target US interests in the near future.

    March 15, 2016

    Russian News Network

    12:30 pm

    In one of the most shocking moments in our country’s history, five thousand tourists and over dozens of security personnel were killed in cold blood in the St. Petersburg airport. Video feed shows eight men dressed in US military gear mowing down everyone in their sights. The US government has denied responsibility, but the Kremlin is considering war with the US.

    March 26, 2016

    Russian News Network

    12:15 pm

    The men who massacred the St. Petersburg airport are confirmed to be Reapers pretending to be US soldiers, in an effort to start a war with the US. It is also confirmed that our former president Makarov Guryev was among the shooters.

    March 30, 2016

    International News Network

    7:45 am

    Dozens of Grey Wolves task force operators were killed today. The people responsible for their deaths are Gerald Price and Soap Kent, two members of the task force. Their motives for betraying the task force are unknown, but now they are both on Interpol’s most wanted list and are deemed fugitives who are armed and dangerous.

    April 3, 2016

    American News Network

    12:01 pm

    A Marine Corp battalion was ambushed by the Reapers in Yemen. The battalion suffered high casualties but was able to hold off against the attack. Officials say their location was supposed to remain secret, but somehow the Reapers were able to figure out their route. This is the first attack on US forces commenced by the Russian terror group.

    April 8, 2016

    American News Network

    5:34 pm

    The Reapers have ramped up their attacks against US forces across the Middle East. Their most recent attack was on the 55th fleet of the US Navy, where they had destroyed every ship in the fleet during an hour-long battle. The Reapers’ coordination is unprecedented, which has made them difficult enemies to fight. Military experts fear the Reapers will soon be ready to launch a full-scale invasion on US soil.

    11:15 pm

    General Goodman Shepherd has received a blank check from the UN Security Council. In a statement, Shepherd said: ‘I will do everything within my power to put an end to this war. I will spend every penny of this check to ensure these Reaper thugs never see the light of day again.’

    April 10, 2016

    International News Network

    12:01 pm

    Just over an hour ago, the director of the FBI held a press conference claiming that former Russian president, Makarov Guryev, is, in fact, the leader of the Reaper terrorist group. Guryev’s whereabouts are still unknown. The FBI, along with CSIS, MI6, and Russian GRU, have been working tirelessly to find Guryev. All that is known is that Guryev isn’t in Russia or the US. So, once again this question is asked: where is Makarov Guryev?

    Chapter 1

    April 11, 2016

    Base Armada


    11:00 am

    Base Armada was an airfield-turned-military installation for the 22nd Battalion of the Canadian Tactical Operations (CTO), a Canadian military task force with Joint Taskforce Two (JTF-2) training. The battalion was overseen by Captain Sipho Morgess.

    Sipho was in his mid-thirties, black, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He had been in service for sixteen years and had been a part of the task force for twelve years. He was a man who believed in serving his country and fighting the battles that needed to be fought.

    Sipho was in the lounge with Lieutenant Macoy Lachowster, one of his childhood friends. Macoy was in his mid-thirties, Caucasian, with light brown hair and brown eyes. He had served just as long as Sipho and joined for the same reasons he had. He also enjoyed the prospect of going on adventures, even if those adventures involved getting shot at. He and Sipho had been through many battles together, which had solidified their relationship. They viewed each other as more than friends, but brothers who would do anything for one another.

    Sipho and Macoy were watching the news on the United States’ fight against the Reapers.

    What a mess, man. A whole fleet destroyed in mere seconds. A US fleet no less! How do they even do that? said Macoy.

    Beats me, but after all what Guryev did in Ukraine, he must be capable of anything, replied Sipho.

    Will we have to fight them?

    Probably. One conflict zone is here in Afghanistan.

    Macoy grunted. I wonder if ‘The Young and the Restless’ is on today.

    Sipho shook his head disapprovingly. I can’t believe you watch that ridiculous TV show.

    Macoy raised his hands in defense. Hey! It’s a good show! My wife loves it and it’s great when we watch it together.

    Just as great as watching ‘Paw Patrol’ with Tyler?

    Macoy made a look of disdain. Let’s not talk about that show.

    Sipho smiled mischievously. Why? Your three-year-old son loves it, and doesn’t he enjoy it more when he’s watching it with his father?

    I prefer to let my wife do that, but since you’re so interested in the show, why don’t you take over that role for me when we head home on rotation?

    I prefer to let your wife do that.

    Macoy leaned back. Ah, I really feel like talking to her.

    You just did five minutes ago.

    It doesn’t feel like that. Boy, do I love her.

    Sipho grunted. Oh really? I didn’t realize that six years after you married her.

    Oh, don’t be jealous, man! You’ll find a woman that will make you feel the way I do for Michelle.

    Sipho frowned. I did, twice, but I messed things up with the first one and the second one left without saying goodbye.

    Macoy frowned and Sipho sighed.

    Then Sipho’s talkie beaked. "Captain, come in. This is Patrol 1, over."

    Sipho picked up the talkie. I read you, Patrol 1.

    "I got eyes on a large convoy heading our way."

    Is it our guys?


    Alright, standby. Macoy, let’s go.


    Sipho and Macoy went to the Command Center. Many operators were at their stations looking at computer screens and there were a few TV screens on the walls that showed satellite and drone footage.

    Sipho immediately gave orders. Alright, people, I want satellite and camera footage on that convoy pronto and notify Eagle 20-20 and the Air Force on the situation. And try to make contact with this convoy.

    In one minute, one screen showed satellite footage and another showed camera footage of the convoy.

    Those tanks are M1 Abrams and the helicopters are MH-53 Pave Lows, commented Macoy.

    So, they’re Americans? asked an operator.

    Are we scheduled to receive an American convoy? asked Sipho.

    No, sir.

    Is it just me or are they in attack formation? asked Macoy.

    Sipho examined the footage closely and slowly realized Macoy was right: the tanks and helicopters were travelling in a V-shape.

    Captain, Eagle 20-20 is on the line.

    Sipho picked up a headset. Sir, I’m glad you were able to respond so quickly.

    "I hear there’s an American convoy heading your way?"

    Yes, sir. We weren’t scheduled to receive them, were we?

    Negative, this is the first I’m hearing of this. Have they tried to communicate?

    Sipho looked at an operator who shook his head. Negative. They haven’t responded and they’re in attack formation.

    Are you sure? The Americans are our allies.

    I’m positive, unless that’s how they greet allies these days.

    I see... Remain on alert and update me on the situation.

    Yes, sir. Over and out. Sipho placed down the headset.

    So, what’s the plan, boss? asked Macoy.

    It was true, the United States was an ally of Canada, but why did this convoy not respond to their hails and why were they in attack formation? Sipho had been in incidents of friendly fire before, but something about this situation did not sit right with him.

    Lieutenant, prepare our anti-air and anti-vehicle defenses. Everyone else, keep monitoring the footage and notify me when the Air Force responds. I’m going to join Patrol 1 and get a look on this convoy with my own eyes.

    Sipho exited the main building and headed towards the lookout tower.

    Captain, this is Command, the convoy just stopped two hundred meters from the perimeter.

    Sipho grew uneasy. Copy that. Patrol 1, watch your six. I’m coming to you.

    There was a thunderous bang and, in ten seconds, the lookout tower exploded.

    Sir, the convoy is opening fire!

    Code black! Code black! shouted Sipho.

    Three missiles zoned above and blew a few holes in the building. A volley of cannon fire blew up the front gate, a few more walls, and nearby ground. Clouds of debris and smoke began to form, causing low visibility.

    Sipho ran back inside the building and rushed to the Command Center. Someone, give me a sitrep on that convoy!

    The tanks are advancing and closing in fast, replied an operator.

    What about the Pave Lows?

    They’re hanging back and holding fire, but they did just fire three missiles before.

    Tell me we got through to the Air Force.

    "Yes, sir, but we have a problem: all

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