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CEO, Please Hold Yourself: Volume 2
CEO, Please Hold Yourself: Volume 2
CEO, Please Hold Yourself: Volume 2
Ebook315 pages4 hours

CEO, Please Hold Yourself: Volume 2

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In the middle of July, the hottest time of the year in A city, a car drove into the courtyard of an upscale villa.

Wu Xiaoran slowly got out of the car with her heavy body under her arm. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and said happily, "Baby, you can come out in a month. My parents are looking forward to your arrival!"

Release dateAug 15, 2020
CEO, Please Hold Yourself: Volume 2

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    CEO, Please Hold Yourself - Ben PaoDeXiaoWoNiu



    Wu Xiaoran and Meng Ruhui ran into each other at the school gate. Both of their ears turned red.

    Then you …

    Then you …

    Tell me first …

    Tell me first …

    Hur hur, we have such tacit understanding today!

    Wu Xiaoran scratched her head and gave an awkward smile.

    Ruhui, I'm so sorry I drank too much last night. It was a friend of mine who took me to his place and didn't have the time to take care of you. I was worried to death. Now that you're alright, I'm relieved!

    You, ah, you're really not nice enough. You fell down before I could do anything. If it wasn't for your uncle coming in time to grab hold of him, I wouldn't even know where he is now, hmph!

    Meng Ruhui said as she poked Wu Xiaoran's forehead with her finger.

    What, little uncle, when did he come back? How come I don't know. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for years and I don't know how he is now!"

    Oh, I'll accompany you to see him that night. After all, I haven't officially thanked him for staying the night. I'll treat you guys to dinner tonight!

    Speaking of Wu Yaonan, Meng Ruhui's slightly nervous heart actually beat faster a few times.

    No need, come to my house tonight. He will definitely come home to see my mother today. His cooking is especially delicious, so you can have a hearty meal today!

    Alright then!

    Wu Xiaoran didn't notice the shyness that flashed across Meng Ruhui's eyes.

    When the two of them arrived at the classroom, they coincidentally bumped into Gu Heming, who came to deliver the flowers to Zhao Xinya.

    Without even looking at Meng Ruhui, Gu Heming walked past her arrogantly. In the end, as if he was intentionally trying to make her angry, he suddenly stopped and turned back to look at Zhao Xinya affectionately, Sofia, what do you want to eat at noon? I'll buy it for you!

    No need, Brother Heming, you should go back quickly!

    Zhao Xinya didn't even need to turn her head to know what Chen Jintai was looking at her with. She just wanted to hurry up and send Gu Heming away.

    Oh, it's fine. Then you can tell me after you've thought about it. I'll wait for your news. Bye bye!

    Seeing this scene, many people secretly observed Meng Ruhui's reaction.

    The result was out of everyone's expectations. Other than the moment when Meng Ruhui saw Gu Heming, a pained look flashed across her eyes as she stood at the side, watching the show from start to finish, with a playful smile on her face.

    Pa Pa Pa!

    Just as Gu Heming was about to leave, Meng Ruhui clapped her hands.

    Hehe, what a good show! Heh, heh, what a good show!

    Everyone: ?

    Gu Heming, now that I think about it, it was indeed my fault. I didn't expect you to use your love for Xinya to such an extent.

    Since that's the case, let me announce that I, Meng Ruhui, will officially break off the engagement with Gu Heming from now on!

    Gu Heming, I wish you and your Xinya a happy couple in advance!

    With that, the girl shook her hair and walked into the classroom.


    Upon hearing Meng Ruhui's words, the whole class fell into a deathly silence that could be heard even if a needle dropped on the floor.

    No one could react to what Meng Ruhui had just said.

    After a long moment, the entire class exploded into an uproar.

    What did Meng Ruhui just say? Is she canceling the engagement with Gu Heming?

    That means I didn't mishear!

    What an explosive piece of news. Yesterday, she was so heartbroken that she wanted to capture Gu Heming and not let go. How did she figure it out in one night?

    Wu Xiaoran's face was also filled with disbelief.

    Heavens, how could this girl be enlightened so quickly!


    At this moment, Gu Heming's face became as dark as the bottom of a pot.

    Meng Ruhui actually offered to break off the engagement with him!

    Although he was prepared to report this to his parents in a few days and announce it to the public when he had the chance, but it was actually Meng Ruhui who told him about it in advance.

    How preposterous!

    Excited, Gu Heming leaped forward and grabbed Meng Ruhui's wrist, What did you say just now, to cancel the engagement, did you get my consent?

    Meng Ruhui shook off Gu Heming's hand fiercely and said coldly, Hey, Gu Heming, what do you mean by this? It's my fault that I stood between you all and didn't let you all be together in broad daylight. Why did I let go of you all now?!

    You …


    Upon hearing Meng Ruhui's words, many people burst out in laughter.

    Meng Ruhui, it's really interesting. You want me to change my mind and purposely play a game of capturing people. I'll tell you, that's impossible. I only have Xinya in my heart. Hurry up and put away this pitiful little thought of yours!

    Gu Heming, I was blind in the past and couldn't see what kind of person you are, but now that I'm awake, I know what I'm doing. Since you're so heartless when you speak, then just wait and see if I want to capture you!

    With that, Meng Ruhui walked away with her head held high and her chest held high, leaving Gu Heming with a firm view of her back.

    Gu Heming's face turned ashen. He never would have thought that Meng Ruhui, who he could call upon, would do such a thing. Now, he had become the one who was dumped.

    Everyone was looking at him as if they were watching a joke. He also felt extremely humiliated. He was so depressed that he had nothing to say. He flung his head and quickly left the place.

    Zhao Xinya's expression didn't look any better. As matters stood, she became the man that Meng Ruhui didn't want. Furthermore, she could clearly feel that Chen Jintai was becoming colder and colder towards her. Now, he didn't even want to look at her.


    That night, Wu Xiaoran brought Meng Ruhui back to the Fragrant Garden District. Sure enough, when they entered the house, they smelled the fragrance of vegetables.

    After Meng Ruhui entered the kitchen and changed her slippers, she saw Wu Yaonan, who was wearing a pink apron that didn't seem out of place, busying himself in the kitchen. The man's handsome face was brimming with a happy smile.

    Wu Xiaoran ran to Wu Yaonan's side happily and shouted, Uncle, your cooking skills have gotten better again. Just the smell alone made me salivate. Tsk, tsk!

    Wu Yaonan smiled lovingly. He looked up and saw that Meng Ruhui had appeared behind him. The next second, her hand that was chopping vegetables was cut off. Ya!

    He could not help but exclaim.

    Aiya, little uncle, what are you doing? You scared me for a second, didn't I just steal a mouthful of food? Is there a need to make such a big fuss over nothing?

    Wu Xiaoran didn't notice Wu Yaonan's nervous expression and joked nonchalantly.

    Meng Ruhui covered her mouth and smiled. She also quickly went over and whispered as she looked at Wu Yaonan's cut hand.

    Little uncle, are you alright?

    I'm fine! I just scraped off a little bit of the skin and it's fine. I'll wrap it up in a bit and don't try to eat anymore. After you help me cut this dish and put it into the soup, then we can start cooking. I'll go wrap it up!

    Oh! Then go quickly!

    Meng Ruhui quickly followed behind Wu Yaonan. She clearly saw blood flowing out from between Wu Yaonan's fingers. It seemed that the wound was quite deep.

    Hurry up, let me help you!

    When Wu Shihua saw the situation, she hurriedly took out her medicine box. You're usually quite stable, child. How could you cut your finger?!

    Wu Yaonan grinned gloomily and quickly took his hand away. Meng Ruhui saw that there was no explanation, so she quickly went forward and carefully cleaned and bandaged the cloth that Wu Shihua passed to him.

    Looking at the girl's peaceful face, Wu Yaonan was in a trance. Even his fingers didn't feel any pain.

    What kind of feeling was that — very happy, very sweet …


    During dinner, Meng Ruhui could always feel Wu Yaonan's burning gaze stealthily staring at her from time to time, causing her to be a little absent-minded even while eating. She kept lowering her head to eat.

    Ruhui, are you in a bad mood?

    Hmm, no!

    Oh, that's great. You have to eat more of such delicious food. Uncle is so busy. It's not easy to eat what he cooks!

    Wu Xiaoran only thought Meng Ruhui was a little depressed about Gu Heming, so she quickly changed the topic.

    However, just as she finished, Wu Yaonan continued:

    As long as you want to eat, you can do so anytime!

    En, Wu Xiaoran was stunned for a moment when she heard his words. Then, as if she had thought of something, she excitedly asked, Uncle, can you stay at home for a little longer?

    It's not a long time, I don't have to leave!


    In Wu Xiaoran's memory, at this time in her previous life, Wu Yaonan hadn't returned, so this news was indeed shocking to her.

    Could it be because of my change, that many things have changed the course of events that have occurred? Then wouldn't the things that I faced after that not necessarily progress as I knew in my previous life?

    Thinking about this, a dark undercurrent flashed across Wu Xiaoran's eyes. However, no one noticed it, but she was still very happy for Wu Yaonan. She casually asked, Little Uncle, what will be your plans for the future?

    Oh, I have to go to work tomorrow. I'm now the chief executive of the RQ Trading Company registered in A City!

    Ah Q? Haha, this name is too funny!"

    When Wu Xiaoran heard this name, she immediately laughed.

    If someone knew the meaningful name Ran Qian that he had thought of with all his effort, they would definitely be mocked by Wu Xiaoran. He would definitely have thought it through and made up his mind.

    It was obvious that someone was also childish and adorable in this regard.

    Under Wu Xiaoran's lead, Meng Ruhui also laughed. Wu Yaonan, who was a bit embarrassed, couldn't help but to laugh, Haha, it seems like our boss isn't that rigid and giving a name is quite interesting!

    Mother Wu stood at the side and watched the three's happy expressions. She had a smile on her face the whole time, but now that Wu Yaonan had stabilized her, she felt relieved.

    After the meal, Wu Xiaoran insisted that Wu Yaonan send Meng Ruhui home. This also went along with his decision and he tried his best to cover up the smile on his face.

    Meng Ruhui also followed Wu Yaonan into the car shyly.

    The food you made is really delicious!

    Meng Ruhui was extremely shy when she thought of what happened last night. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, she took the initiative to start a conversation.



    Then are you willing … Would you like to eat my food every day? "

    The man gripped the steering wheel so hard his hands were wet with sweat.

    This... This question is so hard to answer!

    At this moment, Meng Ruhui's heart was also in a mess. When she liked Gu Heming before, although she would be very nervous whenever she saw him, she had never been as restless as the deer in her heart now.

    Wu Yaonan opened his mouth and struggled for a bit. Finally, he stopped the car at a corner and said to Meng Ruhui in a serious tone,

    "Ruhui, I know it's a bit abrupt for me to ask this question to you right now, but I must say otherwise I won't be satisfied.

    After all these years of working outside, although I have seen quite a few girls, there has never been anyone like you who could move my heart with a single sentence.

    Before I saw you, I didn't have any feelings for you, but now, I want to say that I like you. Are you willing to give me a chance to prove it? "

    But, I don't want to be Xiaoran's aunt. This is too embarrassing!

    Meng Ruhui whispered.

    I won't let her call you aunt, okay?

    Wu Yaonan asked.

    Then I'll … Let's just think about it!


    Wu Yaonan was startled when he heard that. Although he did not get a positive answer, this result was not too bad. He looked at the girl with excitement in his eyes.

    Meng Ruhui lowered her head and said, Hurry up and send me home!

    En, alright!

    Along the way, the two of them didn't say anything, but a kind of affection was faintly transmitted between them. The atmosphere in the car was also a bit sweet.

    When they arrived at the Meng house, Meng Ruhui opened the car door and got off quickly. She turned around, glanced at Wu Yaonan playfully, then slipped away into the house.

    After watching her enter the room, Wu Yaonan suddenly remembered something. He hit his head with all of his strength and said, Aiya, Wu Yaonan, why are you so dumb? I forgot to ask for your number again!

    Just as he was lamenting, Wu Yaonan raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of a middle-aged woman limping into him. Seeing that, he quickly got off the car and sprinted towards the middle-aged woman.

    After having dinner, Ning Shuying felt bored and decided to take a walk outside. Who would've thought that she accidentally twisted her ankle on her way back? This was the Rich District, and very few cars passed by, so she forgot to bring her phone when she came out.

    It wasn't easy for her to make it here, and seeing her home right in front of her, she was in so much pain that her head was covered in cold sweat as she lowered her head to catch her breath.

    When she raised her head and saw a tall and handsome boy running towards her, she immediately saw him grabbing onto a life-saving straw. Her eyes instantly lit up.

    Wu Yaonan leaped to Ning Shuying's side and quickly reached out to support her. Auntie, what's wrong? Let me show you!

    Young man, thank you so much. My foot is sprained!

    Come, let me help you sit on a chair to the side!

    Wu Yaonan helped Ning Shuying to a chair not too far away and sat her down. Then he knelt down on the floor and gently lifted up her pants. Soon after, he saw her feet swollen like steamed buns.

    After a moment, Wu Yaonan raised his head and said softly:

    Auntie, your injuries are quite severe and you'll have to use medicinal liquor to rub away the swelling. Where is your home, I'll send you back. If you trust me, I can treat it for you!

    Oh, I'll be troubling you then. My house is the front door!

    Wu Yaonan looked in the direction Ning Shuying was pointing and was instantly stunned.

    What is it?

    While he was puzzled, he started to carefully study Ning Shuying. Her face was straight, her face was kind, and her skin was extremely well maintained. When she smiled, she actually looked a lot like Meng Ruhui.


    Wu Yaonan was slightly drowsy. His handsome face, which was as smooth as jade, was covered in a slight blush. Without saying a word, he carried Ning Shuying gently on his back.

    Ning Shuying looked at the boy's side profile as she felt touched.

    Meng Ruhui had just finished changing her clothes when she heard the door open. She quickly ran out and yelled coquettishly, Mom, what are you doing? There's no one at home when I get home. How boring!

    However, the next second, she saw Wu Yaonan carrying her mother at the door and was stunned for a moment. Then, she stammered and asked:

    You … You... How did we all come back together? Mom, what happened to you?"

    After saying that, she quickly walked up to the two of them and helped Wu Yaonan bring Ning Shuying to the sofa in the living room.

    Mom, how did you do that?

    Aiya, I accidentally twisted my body when I was walking. Luckily, this young man saw me, otherwise, I would have never been able to reach my home after those 200 meters!

    Meng Ruhui: !

    To think that there was such a coincidence!


    After the medicine was brought over, Wu Yaonan picked up Ning Shuying's foot and placed it on his knee. He rubbed the medicine on her feet while kneading it regularly in a certain direction. The mother and daughter duo saw this with their own eyes, but they had different thoughts …

    Half an hour later, when she saw Ning Shuying's feet slowly become swollen, and her movements became less painful, and her pale face regained its color, she said gratefully,

    Lad, have you learned this before? Don't talk about it, it's much better now. Otherwise, this night will be more than I can bear!

    Before, when I was young, my sister's legs were swollen because she worked very hard. So I went to the hospital to see a doctor to treat her, and I learned it slowly!

    A hint of bitterness flashed across the man's eyes when he spoke of his elder sister.

    Ning Shuying saw Wu Yaonan's actions clearly, and in her heart, she added a lot of points to his impression. She also noticed Meng Ruhui's evasive gaze when she saw Wu Yaonan.

    She was suddenly enlightened.

    No wonder there was a car parked outside the door. Did they know each other? He was the one who brought Ruhui back, and coincidentally bumped into me. How interesting.

    Thinking of this, she asked tentatively, Did you send Ruhui back?


    Meng Ruhui started to cough excitedly as she spat out the water that was just about to reach her mouth.

    Wu Yaonan was also surprised. Seeing Meng Ruhui coughing, he quickly handed her the tissue beside his hand and whispered, Yes, Auntie!

    Seeing the open eyes of the boy, Ning Shuying felt that she could not be wrong about him. Just like when she picked her husband, she could tell that Meng Ruhui's father, Meng Tianrui, would definitely not be an ordinary person in the future. She decided to start a business with him from scratch.

    There was no way to compare Gu Heming and Wu Yaonan. Now, she wanted to confirm what exactly her daughter was thinking.

    Thinking of this, Ning Shuying nodded slightly. Young man, it's getting late. I won't keep you here for tea. Thank you so much for today!

    Wu Yaonan also quickly stood up and politely said:

    Auntie, there's no need to be courteous. In the future, if you find anything useful, come to my place. Just open your mouth and I won't disturb your rest any longer. Bye bye!

    As she spoke, she waved back at Meng Ruhui, not showing any displeasure at Ning Shuying's sudden departure.

    After Wu Yaonan left, Ning Shuying called Meng Ruhui and asked gently, What do you think?

    What do you mean? Meng Ruhui pretended to be confused.

    "Silly child, can you hide this from me? If Gu Heming doesn't treat you well, then we will break off this marriage. Actually, I didn't like that child's style a long time ago, but since you have always liked him, Mom can only silently pray that he will treat you well.

    I like this boy quite a lot now. His future abilities must be limitless, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

    Tears immediately welled up in her eyes as she spoke of Gu Heming and Meng Ruhui. After all, she had worked hard to pay for this relationship. Even if she put it down now, there would still be bitterness in her heart.

    Mom, I want to publish the news that he is going to end the engagement. I also want to tell my dad not to protect their family anymore. All these years, we actually raised an ungrateful bastard!

    What? What happened to Ruhui? Tell mom!

    Ning Shuying's heart ached as she looked at her precious daughter's tear-stained face.

    It's like this …

    Meng Ruhui recounted the events of the past few days in a simple manner. When she spoke of her sadness, her tears were like a flood that could not be stopped.

    What?! He dares to treat my darling like this?! Gu Hai Cheng, look at what your precious son has done. Just you wait!

    The mother and daughter pair had just finished speaking when they heard a man's angry yells coming from outside the door. When they looked around, Meng Ruhui shouted in grievance,

    Father …


    Today, Meng Tianrui just so happened to be negotiating a business partnership with the Gu family. He hadn't expected to hear about his precious daughter being bullied as soon as he entered the door. He was immediately unable to contain his anger.

    After entering the house, he comforted Meng Ruhui a little and dialed a number.

    Hey, Old He, it's so late and I'm disturbing your rest!

    After the

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