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Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones
Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones
Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones

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In Northern California, an underground secret military base tracks multiple Alien Crafts encircling the earth. ICBMS and Jet attack force missiles are neutralized and fall to the ground. Necessary internal top secret files are missing, to prevent the destruction of the base by attacking Hybrid Humans. And Joe, the Base Commander, watches a military drone video assessing the base damage and sees the bodies of his slaughtered Native American family.
In desperation and an attempt to save the world, Joe travels around the world to Australia
and finds his closest friend Josh and his wife Amanda and summons their help. They join the team and are flown back to America with Josh placed in charge.
An Alien mother ship orbits the earth and deploys countless alien crafts to take electrical energy from the earth’s major cities grids to feed the mother ships hungry inhabitants. That leaves a swath around the world of destruction and darkness. The Aliens mind control of hybrid Human Drones and of Humans and uses them to protect their crafts from the military and local law enforcement.
Josh amasses an elite team. Along with the strength of the armed forces at his fingertips, he uses the spiritual Blue Crystal Energy held by members of his elite team to capture a Blues Craft.
The Blues Mother Craft becomes afraid of the Blue Crystal Energy and summons a planet size evil black Orb from deep space to take back the craft or destroy the earth.
Using the power of the Ancient Native American Blue Crystals, the team with 5,000 military soldiers and the remaining living tribe members join hands to create a unified Blue Energy Laser Beam that destroys the Black Orb and causes the Mother Ship to leave the earth into deep space.
Out of a darkened cave, walks one Adult Blue and two Blues children dragging a dead bad Blue. They begin waving small American Flags and state that they were born in America and are Americans!

PublisherDuane Davis
Release dateApr 10, 2020
Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones

Duane Davis

I am a retired enforcement regional Park Ranger living in Northern California. I have been writing fiction and non-fiction for over twenty years. My first passion in long distance running and my second is writing. I am celebrating my fortieth wedding anniversary in 2019.

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    Book preview

    Blues Book Three- Attack of the Hybrid Drones - Duane Davis


    Book #3- Attack of the Hybrid Drones

    By Duane Davis

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    COPYRIGHT © 2019 by Duane Davis

    All rights reserved. Self Published. For information;

    Duane Davis 1030 Roosevelt A venue Winters, Ca 95694.

    ISBN 978-0-9651311-6-2






    Chapter 4- HERE WE GO AGAIN!



    Chapter 7- The Mission

    Chapter 8- K-3

    Chapter 9- One Down!


    Chapter 11- SHINE ON!



    On top of a high rocky mountain before sunrise is a group of shirtless Native American men being filmed by TOTAL GEO MAGAZINE. They group is standing around a large campfire surrounded by Ponderosa Pine Trees. They are singing and holding up shinny blue quartz crystals into the air above their heads. They move back and forth around one large man. His face is painted with white and blue face paint.

    The flickering firelight shines on their 10 inch long blue crystals and they start to glow a deep blue color.

    The largest man in the middle has the largest blue crystal, some 12 inches long and in the shape of a double ended knife. He holds it up to a rain cloud. A beam of blue light goes from each of their crystals and converges on the larger crystal. It gets a brilliant blue color then a brighter beam shines into the sky at the cloud and then goes out.

    The morning sun starts coming up in the horizon and the singing stops. The scary sounds of distant Coyotes are heard yelping. The rain cloud starts raining hard onto them.

    One of the men puts out the dwindling campfire, by dragging wet dirt over the smoldering logs with his foot. Soon the others are helping him until it is completely covered and muddy. They all walk over to the opposite side of the mountain and walk down a single track dirt trail to a deep over hanging cavern where they live. The camera crew and a writer follow them.

    The largest man does not want them to continue, however his father allows them in and gives them an interview.

    A week later, an article in the Total Geo Magazine is titled ‘The last of the Blue Crystal Shamans’ goes into publication worldwide.

    The article is one in a series of documentaries that lists disappearing cultures and traditions in America. It is in depth report about the ability of the male Shamans in the Blue Crystal Rock Tribe to funnel their energies from within their bodies through Blue Crystals up into Rain Clouds to produce rain.

    It reads; {Who will carry on the traditions, when all the younger tribe members are moving off the reservation and going to the cities and urban areas? Is this a dying natural phenomenon that will end from mankind, before modern science has the ability and time to discover how the Blue Energy is created? It is known that only a single bloodline of male only Shamans within the tribe carry on the power to release the energy into the crystal. We have found out that they truly believe in this 100% and that belief they exercise on a daily basis on sacred rituals cast down through generations of past descendants. It is well known that the power of beliefs and suggestions will heal and can build pyramids.}

    Soon the tribe is flooded with news crews and reporters wanting interviews. The federal government installs a high fence around the entire top of the mountain, higher than the prior one, with electronic access gates and Crystal Rock Defense Center controlled surveillance cameras and regular military police patrols.

    Tourists are turned away from the base by police.


    Doctor Jordan Stevens anonymously releases a classified top secret file to a nationally recognized newspaper, who prints it as an unconfirmed Federal Government leak. It’s all over the television news. Within weeks pressure is put on Washington to confirm or deny the files. The military discredits them and an arrest warrant is issued to Dr. Jordan Stevens as the source of the leak of classified information.

    A Congressional Investigative Group holds closed door hearings with top generals and NASA administrators for a month. The final findings report stated that everything that was found out was classified and sealed.

    The general media eventually lets go of the story as unbelievable and fake news.



    On top of the high rocky mountain before sunrise is a group of shirtless Native American men. They are standing around a large campfire surrounded by Ponderosa Pine Trees. They are singing and holding up shinny blue quartz crystals into the air above their heads. They move back and forth around one large man. His face is painted with white and blue face paint.

    The flickering firelight shines on their 10 inch long blue crystals and they start to glow a deep blue color.

    The large man in the middle has the largest blue crystal, some 12 inches long and in the shape of a double ended knife. He holds it up one of the first rain clouds of the fall. A beam of blue light goes from each of their crystals and converges on the larger crystal. It gets a brilliant blue color then a brighter beam shines into the sky at the cloud and then goes out.

    The morning sun starts coming up in the horizon and the singing stops. The scary sounds of distant Coyotes are heard yelping. It starts raining on them.

    The men turn and look down towards the military base below the high mountain. There are many buildings and parked aircraft. Adjacent to them on a mountain top rests a large concrete observatory with a large metal retractable dome for a roof.

    The Crystal Rock Space Defense Center is a government base. Most of the base is built with in deep caverns out of sight. The outer base has a long runway, multiple large hangers and warehouses. An array of large satellite dishes and solar panels dots the downhill sides of the base. It has been built at the location of the old Crystal Rock Space Research Center.

    One of the men puts out the dwindling campfire, by dragging wet dirt over the smoldering logs with his foot. Soon the others are helping him until it is completely covered and muddy. They walk over to the opposite side of the mountain and walk down a single track dirt trail to a deep over hanging cavern; where they live in an assortment of fifth wheel Recreational Trailers and Dome type tent structures built by the tribe. At one end is a wooden sweathouse next to a small drainage ditch.

    The huge man wipes his face paint off and puts on his shirt, which he had tied around his waist. It is a US Air Force Officers uniform shirt and tie. The shirt has Major Emblems on it.

    Then the men go into their hidden houses, except for the Major. The uniformed Major Joe Standing Bear; a large, muscular, Native American Shaman of the Blue Crystal Rock Tribe and an ex Army Ranger, gets into his military car and drives a short distance to a secure underground elevator and parks by two armed Security Forces officers.

    He is greeted by an Air Force Sergeant Randy Amos; a tall man with a southern draw, who walks out to meet him. He and the guards stand to attention as the Sergeant salutes him, he returns his salute and they go into the oversized elevator. They descend for a while.

    Randy is there anything happening in the center today?

    Nothing is going on, looks like just another day in paradise, Sir! the Sergeant says jokingly.

    How’s the kids, they are starting preschool this week, right?

    Yeah my wife’s starting her new job today, she excited. It’s the first time she has worked since my youngest was born. I know it’s an opportunity for her to contribute with a paycheck, but I guess I’m old fashioned. I would like her to take the career slower and watch the kids grow, but it’s up to her.

    Wow, I am not the one for advice on marriage or kids. I’m married to my job and my people.

    Yeah, you are a Shaman, right, the Sergeant asks.

    Yeah my grandfather, my uncle, my father and now me. It’s kind of a rite of passage in the males in my family or a curse. I am the last male born in my line. I guess they want to squeeze as much as they can into my dumb head.

    You missed a little face paint there Major, he says pointing to a place on his chin with white face paint.

    Joe cleans it off with his handkerchief.

    Thanks, he smiles at him.

    The doors open and they walk out into a large military command missile tracking and launch center, deep inside a hidden secure location in the United States. As we look around we see five rows of computer terminals on the left and five rows of computer terminals on the right, with a center walkway toward the middle of the room. All the terminals are manned by uniformed personnel. We hear background talking and movement within the center. Beyond them on a facing wall is an 8 foot tall by 16 foot wide monitor screen. There is a blank screen with large print text,


    (Centered in and moving around on the screen.)

    Attention, one of the enlisted soldiers at the terminals yells out as Joe walks into the back of the room.

    Everyone turns to Joe at attention and a Master Sergeant in charge salutes Joe.

    Joe returns his salute and they all sit back down at their terminals.

    The Sergeant walks over and sits down on an end terminal station by the middle and goes to work.

    Joe picks up a clipboard on the wall, as he walks in. He walks slowly down the middle of the rows of terminals towards the wall screen and examines the log sheet.

    Suddenly a loud repeating alarm sound fills the room overtaking all background noises. The room becomes totally quiet, as the wall screen comes alive. A split screen shows on one side a white large image orbiting the earth with stars in the background. The other has the text,


    (Overshadows a deep blue screen with white text showing tracking data; Trajectory- Unknown, Velocity- , Estimated Size- One mile long by ½ mile wide, Shape- Cylindrical and solid, Projected Path- Fixed West to East Orbit, Point of Origin- Unknown. )

    There is a sub-screen showing a telescopic live feed of the spacecraft.

    Suddenly a third split in the screen shows text


    (Screen listing 13 North West US missile sites locations reporting in as online and tracking the object. With a military clock counting seconds, minutes and hours from the start of the threat.)

    DEFCON 2

    (Appears on the screen as the readiness level.)

    This is not a drill man your stations, Joe orders.

    Personnel become very active inside the center. Officers and other scientists in white coats flow into the center. Carts of water and food items are brought into the center. A team of camouflaged armed special OPS soldiers file in and stand by the exit doors. Suddenly all of the centers large perimeter metal exterior doors loudly close shut and lock. A green light goes out above the wall screen and is replaced by a red blinking light next to it. Soon red lighting comes on from the ceiling above

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