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The Biology of a Word From God
The Biology of a Word From God
The Biology of a Word From God
Ebook74 pages50 minutes

The Biology of a Word From God

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According to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the word biology is derived from the greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and living organisms.

Is there a connection between the bible and science?
Is life simply ordered by our words?
If the body can naturally build and repair itself, is it really hard for God to indeed heal us?
Is there truly power in receiving a word from God?
Is it possible to receive a word from God and see it through the lens of Biology? Specifically, the characteristics of life.

Of course it is!

In this book you will discover that faith and science can coincide. There are several biblical examples that can prove it.

The characteristics of life are:
1. Life can work.
2. Life can respond.
3. Life can reproduce.
4. Life grows and develops.
5. Life can adapt and respond.

Get ready to take a journey with Tyneise as she reveals the kingdoms of life, and how life is ordered. You will analyze miracles and healings that occurred in the bible after receiving a word from God and His son Jesus, that incorporates the five basic characteristics of all living organisms.

Release dateAug 14, 2020
The Biology of a Word From God

Tyneise Seaborough

Prayer General. Chief Mobilizer of the Lord’s Army. Fire Initiator.Tyneise Seaborough serves faithfully as a minister of Branded Hearts Church in Savannah, GA, where she is submitted, licensed and ordained under the leadership of Pastors Kenneth and Denise Rouche’. She has served as the youth pastor for the past eight years before being transitioned into her current role as the leader of the intercessory prayer team.Tyneise is often categorized as one full of faith that is sure to deliver a convicting message straight from the heart of God. She has been serving and ministering in children’s, youth, and college ministries since the tender age of 16. Her passion is to encourage youth to stand as men and women of faith, standard, purpose, and integrity. Others describe her as a prayer warrior, modern day Paul, a howitzer, dynamite, a preaching machine, John crying out in the wilderness, and “a ball of fire”.Tyneise comes in the power of Elijah and the spirit of Ezekiel, while possessing ancient prayer mantles. She displays an undeniable heavy prophetic mantle which she ministers under. She comes from a dynamic lineage of ministers. The gift of healing flows through her and miracles/signs/wonders follow her ministry. Documented proof of vision returning, testimonies of abnormal cells being healed, the mute beginning to speak, the lame walking, and blood pressure being regulated.

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    The Biology of a Word From God - Tyneise Seaborough

    The Biology of a Word From God

    Tyneise Seaborough

    Published by Seaborough Enterprises Publishing, LLC

    Savannah, GA

    © 2020 Tyneise Seaborough

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    Most scriptures used in this book are the NIV version. All other versions have also been referenced to.

    Seaborough Enterprises Publishing’s electronic edition ISBN: 978-0-9841235-9-9


    This book is dedicated to the Almighty, the Ancient of Days, and the true and living God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.


    First and foremost, I would like to thank my husband, George Seaborough, and my wonderful, little creative Sabrea, for gracing me much space to write this book in a 30-day window.

    Secondly, I would like to thank my amazing family, who always give me support and words of encouragement to keep going no matter what I’m working on.

    To my amazing brother, Frank King, my accountability partner, you always check in with me on a weekly basis, and when the deadlines were established for any project I’m working on. Love you!

    Table of Contents

    Understanding Biology 101


    Jesus, the life-giver

    Receiving a word from God

    Understanding Biology 101

    According to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the word biology is derived from the Greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/and is defined as the science (study) of life and living organisms.

    In this section, we will look at the basic principles of life and the characteristics of life as we dive deep to study the meaning of life.

    When I transitioned from high school to college, I chose the career path of Biology/Pre-Med in order to become a pediatrician, which I determined that I would be since the fifth grade.

    Well, something weird happened during my college enrollment. I had to enroll in a Biology of Fishing class.

    A what!!!??

    Yes. You heard right! A class geared towards fish.

    Who wants to take a class about fishing? Certainly not me. Can you sense the lack of enthusiasm about this class?

    We dissected fish, had to learn the classification of the fish that we studied. We went on random trips to rivers to collect specimens that we had to know details about.

    This was not what I signed up for. There was no way I had I ever envisioned this when I thought of becoming a pediatrician. I wanted to enjoy a life surrounded by wonderful little babies. No one informed me that I would have to start out with irrelevant classes like this.

    But as I begin to ponder on life, I realized that the concept of life is quite fascinating.

    We wake up in the morning to bright beams of light peeking through our windows. The magnificent rays giving us warmth daily is a blessing.

    The skies progressively darken, and the lesser light appears in the evening. We are stargazed by the magnificent sparkling stars that light up the sky.

    The roars of the ocean as it runs out from shore and then comes back in.

    Swaying Trees. Chirping Birds. Creeping caterpillars transforming to beautiful butterflies. Seeds sprouting up into beautiful plants. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

    Who doesn’t enjoy the wonderful expressions of God and His glory throughout His creation?

    Have you ever taken the time to study the process of transformation that takes place through a butterfly? I don’t give it that much thought, yet I’m fascinated to see the end result.

    I, for one, am not a pet lover. I can tolerate fish or turtles. And that’s about it! However, my family has a guinea pig. Two years later, and I’m still afraid to touch it or reach inside his cage to give him food. I literally distract him on one side of the cage to put more food in his bowl. LOL!

    Yep! I’m that bad.

    So to really think about caterpillars, which I think are really gross, it’s not something that I choose to dwell on. However, I marvel at the fact that they

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