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Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3): The Andersons, #3
Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3): The Andersons, #3
Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3): The Andersons, #3
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3): The Andersons, #3

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Kristy Matthews will never forget her first boyfriend. They dated in high school and she thought they would be together forever. Their relationship ended abruptly and she decided she would never do love again.

Michael Anderson did some stupid things in his past and that included letting Kristy go. After seeing each other at a few family gatherings it has him wondering if he can re-ignite the flame that once burned between them

PublisherKaemedia LLC
Release dateAug 7, 2020
Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3): The Andersons, #3

Casamore Jones

Casamore Jones was born and raised in Spanish Town Jamaica. She currently resides in Deltona Florida with her husband. Her mom got her hooked on books at an early age. By her teenage years she had developed an obsession with romance often reading more than three books per week. In 2014 she decided to start writing the budding stories in her head. When she's not busy crunching numbers in Corporate America, she's busy crafting a fresh perspective on familiar romance tropes. Casamore also writes clean contemporary small town romance as Kady Edwards Campbell and YA Urban fantasy as K. A. Edwards.

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Reviews for Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Out of all the Anderson Men, I think I liked Michael best. He seemed like such a calm and sweet person whom only wanted the best for the only woman he'd ever truly loved, Kristy. He had only seen hurt and dysfunction from his parents and didn't want to ever be in that type of relationship. By breaking things off in their teens, he thought he was freeing her to a better life, yet he didn't consider that he was her better, as she was his.

    Kristy was used to people loving and leaving her. Her mother left her and she never knew her dad. She grew up with her Aunt and cousin, and they actually gave her a lot of love and she had opportunities that she might not of had if she was with her unstable mom. She didn't see the good and ran from love. Michael loved Kristy, yet they both had to see the error in their thinking and just do what was best for each of them in their relationship.

    Another good read in this series. Looking forward to more from this author.

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Old Flame (The Andersons Book 3) - Casamore Jones

Books by Casamore Jones

The Andersons Family Romance Series

We Can’t Be Friends

I Can’t Forget

Computer Love

Note from the Author

Hello Readers,

Thank you so much for reading a copy of Old Flame–Book Three in the Anderson Family Romance Series. I really had fun writing about Kristy and Michael’s story. It has been clouded with misunderstanding. Michael is ready to love, and Kristy is afraid to love. They both have a powerful chemistry that just will not allow them to keep their hands off each other.


XOXO Casamore Jones

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13



Jamaica, mid-1990s ...

Michael Anderson pulled his dad’s pickup truck to a stop outside the house where Kristy Matthews lived. She came jogging through the open Spanish Architecture style iron gates to the front passenger door. He leaned over and unlocked the door. She flashed him a dazzling smile as she hopped into the cab of the truck.

So, where are we going? She asked.

It’s a surprise. He said, then showcased his dimpled smile. A signature of all the Anderson men in his family.

Forty-five minutes later, he pulled into the sandy parking lot of Hellshire Beach. It was an extremely popular seaside hangout frequented by the islanders and sometimes tourists. The scent of fried fish and festivals from the seaside restaurants, was wafting through the Caribbean Sea breeze. The sun had already set, and the last lights of daylight were disappearing as dusk fell across the sky.

Aww, I’ve never been out here right after the sunset. Kristy said in awe. It’s beautiful. She climbed down from the truck as hues of purple, pink, blue and orange streamed across the sky. Michael watched her with earnest as she enjoyed the view. He had exited the truck and the cool sea breeze swept over him. He had bouts of anxiety as he thought about the news, he had to break to her.

They both made their way down to the beachside. The ebb and flow of the tide roaring louder as they got closer. They saw seaside restaurant huts, and some mangroves stacked against the shoreline. Michael walked over to a low stone cut wall which looked like the foundation remains of a building. Pulling himself up unto the edge, he sat with his feet dangling off the side. Still standing, Kristy nestled herself between his legs.

She turned to look up at Michael as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She sighed; he was her haven. At nineteen, he was the one person whom she could depend on without feeling like a burden. He was her best friend, then he became her lover; he was also her stability in her shaky world. Her father had left her mother when he found out she was pregnant, so she never knew him. The early years were a rough start. Her mom constantly struggled to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. They ended up moving in with her Aunt Katherine and her cousin Francine. Her mom did not stick around for long, though. A few weeks later, she was off chasing a new man and had left her with her aunt. Some of these men were abusive, but she did not care, she was only interested in the fast life. She would pop in occasionally, but it was a very nomadic existence.

Michael lived down the street from her Aunt Katherine’s house. They became friends at age seven and ended up attending the same high school. Their friendship blossomed and eventually they both admitted their feelings for each other. She felt safe with him and could not wait to marry him. Even dreams of them starting a family of their own. She knew nineteen was a bit too early for a proposal, but this evening was giving her all the feels. She gazed into his eyes and he stared back at her with a fierce longing and something else. She could slowly feel the mood shifting.

Michael slowly lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. It was slow and sweet. She could feel the familiar claws of desire digging into her core. He broke off the kiss and mumbled in a husky tone, I have something to tell you.

She felt her body give a slight shiver as she surfaced from her desire induced haze. Another chill crept up her arms, but this one had nothing to do with the breeze blowing from the Caribbean Sea. The familiar feelings of fear started a full riot in her stomach.

What’s wrong? she asked as she pulled out of his embrace.

I’m leaving... He replied

Ok, when are you coming back?

You don’t understand, I’m leaving permanently.

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