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Rv Living: Rv Living For Beginners and Rv Travel For The Whole Family
Rv Living: Rv Living For Beginners and Rv Travel For The Whole Family
Rv Living: Rv Living For Beginners and Rv Travel For The Whole Family
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Rv Living: Rv Living For Beginners and Rv Travel For The Whole Family

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2 Comprehensive RV Living Manuscripts

Number 1: RV Living For Beginners: A Practical Guide To Live Happy and Stress Free In Your Motorhome Full Time

Number 2: RV Travel For The Whole Family: Learn How To Make The Most Out Of Your Family Trip In A Motorhome

Many people agree with the assumption that choosing to ‘live outside the box’ is a privilege only the young have the energy for.

Not so! With the right choices and preparation, almost anyone who wants to live in an RV, experiencing the thrills of the open road and freedom that static living brings, can do just that.

Anyоnе may еasily gо rving, yоu just nееd a bit оf upfrоnt prеparatiоn, pеrhaps sоmе еxtra еquipmеnt and, withоut a dоubt, a changе in mindsеt.

A kеy fundamеntal advantagе assоciatеd with family rving is that it hеlps in tеaching yоungstеrs a nеw rеgard fоr Mоthеr Naturе.

Here Are Some of the things You will learn from Book 1:-

•Why a life on the road is a great way to live

•How to choose and maintain your vehicle

•How to collect your mail when you are on the go with your RV life

•A detailed look at how you don’t have to give up any of the advantages of modern technology just because you are mobile and how you can work from anywhere

•How to Secretly Park into the City

•Cooking and Refrigeration in your RV

•Taking Your Pet – Tips to Making It Work

•Handling Health and Medical Issues on the Road

 And lots of useful practical tips for sprucing up your RV and making it really feel like home! and much more

Here Are Some of the things You will learn from Book 2:-

•Why Gо Rving with Family

•Prоs and Cоns оf RVing with Family

•Parеnting Whilе Rving

•Staying Safе Whilе Rving With Your Kids

•Chооsing a Family Friеndly Rving Dеstinatiоn

•Chооsing thе Right Rеcrеatiоnal Vеhiclе

•Creating Your Trip Itinerary

•Rules To Live By and Never Break while on the Road

 and much more

Buy This Book Today To Get The Best Family Vacation Or Experience The Joy and Freedom Of Rv Living By Yourself Today! How long more are you going to delay enjoying the benefits and freedom that the RV life offers? The longer you delay the more you are missing! Be like many people nowadays who understand the infinite world of adventures of the RV life and who did not hesitate to make the jump towards a stress free life where each morning is a blessing to wake up and be surprise by a new environment surrounding them! Go up the page and Get this book today!

Note: This Book compiles the First and Second book in the RV Guide Books Series by Bob Cliff

Release dateJul 21, 2020
Rv Living: Rv Living For Beginners and Rv Travel For The Whole Family

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    Book preview

    Rv Living - Bob Cliff

    RV Living

    Rv Living For Beginners and

    Rv Travel For The Whole Family

    (Book 1)

    RV Living For Beginners

    A Practical Guide To Live Happy and Stress Free In Your Motorhome Full Time

                                         BY Bob Cliff

    © Copyright 2018 – Bob Cliff All rights reserved.

    The contents of this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author.

    Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly.

    Legal Notice:

    This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part or the content within this book without the consent of the author.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content of this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, —errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.


    Introduction. 4

    Chapter 1 – Thumbs-up if you Choose Freedom... 6

    Chapter 2 – Selecting Your RV.. 10

    Tips. 10

    RV Models. 12

    Chapter 3 - How to Boondock Without a Campground. 14

    Chapter 4 – Making the Move from Boondocking to Full Time RV Living. 25

    Benefits of Full-Time RV Living. 27

    Lifestyle and Mindset Adjustment. 28

    Chapter 5 - Taking Your Pet – Tips to Making It Work. 30

    Chapter 6 - Handling Health and Medical Issues on the Road. 34

    Chapter 7 – Jargon Buster. 37

    Chapter 8 – Travelling, Tips and Tricks. 40

    Customizing your RV.. 40

    Tips and Tricks to Aid Harmonious Travelling. 42

    Family Fun.. 44

    Comfort, Cost of RV living & saving Ideas. 45

    Full-Time RV Living to Save Money. 48

    Cooking & Refrigeration.. 49

    Mail 53

    Parking Area Ideas. 56

    Wi-Fi 58

    Important Tips: 59

    Chapter 9 – Basic Maintenance. 61

    Chapter 10: Finances. 64

    Banking: 64

    Taxes: 66

    Insurance: 67

    Chapter 11: Basic Amenities. 68

    Air Conditioning: 68

    Cell Phones: 69

    Energy. 70

    Heating. 71

    Chapter 12: Working. 73

    Seasonal Employment: 73

    Camp Site Work: 74

    Using Your Set Skills: 75

    Working Online: 76

    Final Note. 78


    You just did something great, you invested into knowledge towards your goal, that is not the end of it….it is never the end of it as happiness much like traveling in your RV is about the journey, not the destination. Congratulations on your investment and please enjoy this book.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to choose the right RV, as well as tips and tricks to help you enjoy the life you’ve chosen.  It will give you loads of fantastic ideas helping you to get the maximum fulfillment and minimum headaches out of your life on the road.

    This short but informative book will include:

    Why a life on the road is a great way to live and how to choose and maintain your vehicle.  How to make the best of those spirit lifting trips away from the humdrum life you left behind.  A detailed look at how you don’t have to give up any of the advantages of modern technology just because you are mobile, and lots of useful practical tips for sprucing up your RV and making it really feel like home.

    I hope you enjoy learning about this exhilarating way of life as much as I have enjoyed writing it and if you are thinking to take to the road, take it from one who knows, it’s liberating, packed with personal enjoyment and a way of life that will make you never want to live in one place ever again.

    See you on the road…

    Chapter 1 – Thumbs-up if you Choose Freedom

    Many people agree with the assumption that choosing to ‘live outside the box’ is a privilege only the young have the energy for.  This is not so!  With the right choices and preparation, almost anyone who wants to live in an RV, experiencing the thrills of the open road and freedom that static living brings, can do just that.

    This book hopes to widen your horizons, so if you are on the verge of making the decision, or you are simply looking to enrich your life, getting out of the rut of mowing the lawn every other weekend and cleaning the car, so as not to annoy the neighbors, it might be just what you need.  Hopefully we will give you the push you have been waiting for, to jump out and experience the world – not just a tiny corner of it.

    It helps if you have a touch of adventure about you. If you are the kind of individual who will always climb the final hill to see what’s on the other side, you may be the kind of person to take to RV living.  However, you don’t have to be Bear Grylls to enjoy a life on the road. You don’t even have to have his survival skills.  You do however, need to learn a few basic practical guidelines, and that’s what this book is all about.

    Don’t be afraid if you are a homemaker, and don’t be put off if you have a business you need to run from home. You can be as creative with an RV home as you can with a static home and you can also successfully hook up to all the technology you need to continue working and achieving maximum efficiency from your RV (more on this later).

    There is a wonderful freedom in realizing that you don’t have to wake up in the morning in the same place as you woke up yesterday. If you really enjoy exploring the world and feel stuck and jaded with the same old familiar surroundings, feel the urge to escape from the stuffy commuter train carriages, then, why not consider the fact that you don’t have to just follow the crowd into work every day.  It may just be time to feel that liberation you’ve been searching for, without knowing how to scratch that itch that’s been eating away at you.

    The philosophy behind successful RV living is a desire for controlled freedom.  It is controlled because you are not about to thrust yourself into the unknown without adequate preparation.  What you are about to do is set about on an adventure, while being able to live a practical, sustainable lifestyle at the same time.  You may not dislike your home at all and yet, you have an irresistible urge to fly on the reliable wings that sensible preparation brings.  You may be a newly wed, who just doesn’t want to start off in life in a small space, but would rather pick your own space to make a life in.

    Oh, but living in close quarters with my wife and family would drive me nuts, I hear you cry!  Well, consider this. There is no greater feeling of unity and togetherness than when you’ve parked up in a magnificent hacker space [small space where a community with similar interests congregate] where you can choose how sociable – or not – you want to be with fellow RV users, enjoying camaraderie, before retiring with your loved ones, excited about the travelling escapade you’ve planned for tomorrow.

    The type of person who chooses freedom and the RV lifestyle loves to know that they have visited hundreds of different interesting locations each year.  How amazing it is to be able to say, I’ve visited that place and while I was there I still managed to run my business from my RV.  That same person wants to wake up to beautiful scenes, looking out onto lakes and green hills every morning and not just when they are on vacation.

    The person who loves to RV-it, also loves to sit and watch a sunset, not just look at pictures.

    The person who wants to feel grateful again, not only for the splendor of the countryside around them, but also for RV parks with good Wi-Fi, or a great shower once they have reached the hackerspace.  We all tend to take things for granted it’s true, but when you are a born again RV’er, you will start to appreciate life again, aware of the things that make life feel good, rather than accepting every luxury life has to offer, and still feeling unfulfilled.  There is an earthy sense of accomplishment that follows the RV’er around and it’s satisfying to the point of contentment.

    How many people travel through life terrified that the next mortgage payment might not be met?  The slightest hint at work that the modern curse called streamlining the business is going to catch up with you soon, sends you into a panic that lasts until the threat is over – until the next time – The person who owns an RV has paid off their mortgage and is cooking cherry pie on the road, wearing a smug look of contentment.

    I mentioned the newly wed [above] and it is a fact these day’s with our busy lives and our mounting pressures, that two people can live together and after 10 years, hardly recognize each other at all.  Take it from one who knows – I was married twice before I discovered that freedom and intimacy could go hand in hand.  If you are the type of person who would rather get to know their wife / husband / kids, rather that just live with them and if you believe that conflict resolution is better than confrontation avoidance is a healthier way to live, then get a RV.  There is no way you want to stay in close proximity with people you are at war with.  The RV’er is aware that good relationships are formed through great communication.

    Living in a static situation can be the unhealthiest thing in the world unless you are highly motivated to go out jogging in the busy streets or walk the dog, taking it round the same old pathway day after day.  The RV’er doesn’t have to look far for the motivation to get out and live a healthier lifestyle.  You can walk in a different place every day if you like, you can jog through forests, while breathing in clean air while you do it.  The RV’er starts to appreciate the benefits of living and thriving in interesting places.

    Many single people take to the RV way of life.  It is a lot easier to find out if you are compatible with someone if you’ve invited him or her over to the RV for a cozy evening.  Rather than endless dates involving other friends, crowded wine bars and pubs, or wasted money on a non communicative environment such as a cinema, you will soon learn if you are compatible if you can’t stand the sight of them after an evening in a small space; alternatively, look at the time you will save if you are compatible.  The single RV’er is adventurous in all things, including love.

    So if you are considering getting on board with the RV lifestyle, you need to be adventurous, spontaneous and open to discovering new things.  It’s a lifestyle that will bring ups and downs just like any other, but I would rather be maintaining an RV in a beautiful and scenic location, than mending my car in a draughty, cold garage.

    Chapter 2 – Selecting Your RV

    In this chapter we will look at things to consider [tips] when approaching the exciting world of choosing an RV.  We will also look at the different types of RV with the expectation that when you are through, you will have at least a basic

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