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Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)
Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)
Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)

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Paula Freda, writing as Marianne Dora Rose, presents "Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story), a non-graphic and wholesome inspirational romance, that begins where the author's "The Persistent Heart" ends with the story of Jacklyn, Debbie's infamous rival. She marries Jeffrey, a young, handsome, goodnatured, God-fearing, bank executive. Married eight years, she has never doubted his love, his patience and his kindness. But in the past few months, something has changed, and Jacklyn is terrified that she is losing his love. Excerpt: ..."Jeffrey, why do you hate me?" She was sure he heard her the first time. He didn't answer, didn't look at her, kept his gaze fixed on the road ahead. But she saw his shoulders flinch despite his silence. Her next question would have been, Is there another woman? But she had no need to ask. The private investigator she had hired a few months ago assured her there was no other woman, or man. "Are you planning to leave me?" she asked instead.At last a reaction. A wearisome sigh followed by "I'm tired, Jacklyn. And I need to concentrate on the road. If the silence bothers you, turn on the radio."Best he wasn't looking at her, she thought. He'd see the sadness on her face blaze into outrage. She was tempted to turn on the radio to its highest volume on a station blasting wild music with incomprehensible lyrics. That would get his attention, for the instant, then his cold glare, before he lowered the volume or turned the radio off. She'd have accomplished nothing except risking their having an accident. Suddenly, she felt ugly and unwanted, and sank against the passenger door, tired and weary. She pulled the ermine cape closer about her and closed her eyes. "I think I'll take a nap. I guess I am tired, after all." She didn't see Jeffrey finally turn his head to look at her, or see the despair filling his eyes.

Release dateSep 4, 2020
Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)

Marianne Dora Rose

About the AuthorDorothy Paula Freda, is also known under her pen names Paula Freda and Marianne Dora Rose. Herbooks range from Fiction and Non-fiction Adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Poetry, Articles, Essays and How-to-Write Instructional complete with Lessons and optional assignments.Homemaker, mother of two grown sons, and former off-the-desk publisher of a family-oriented print small press, (1984 thru 1999), The Pink Chameleon, that she now publishes on line, Paula was raised by her grandmother and mother, and has been writing for as long as she can remember. Even before she could set pencil to paper, she would spin her stories in the recording booths in the Brooklyn Coney Island Arcades for a quarter per 3-minute record. She states, "I love the English language, love words and seeing them on display, typed and alive. A romantic at heart, I write simply and emotionally. One of my former editors kindly described my work, '...her pieces are always deep, gentle and refreshing....'" Paula further states, "My stories are sensitive, deeply emotional, sensual when appropriate, yet non-graphic, family fare, pageturners. My hope is that my writing will bring entertainment and uplift the human spirit, bring a smile to your face and your soul, and leave you filled with a generous amount of hope."

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    Book preview

    Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story) - Marianne Dora Rose

    Heart's Conquest (Jacklyn's Story)

    By Dorothy P. Freda

    (writing as Marianne Dora Rose)

    © April 23, 2020 by Dorothy P. Freda

    (Pseudonyms - Marianne Dora Rose aka

    Paula Freda)

    Smashwords Edition

    Bookcover and interior photos licensed by

    Dorothy P. Freda from and

    ID 124764662 © Dmitry Belyaev |

    ID 101111234 © Fsstock |

    (Wikipedia photos credits listed at end of this book)

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof. This is a work of fiction; names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


    With thanks to my Dear Lord Jesus and his Blessed Mother Mary whose strength, guidance, and her Holy Rosary, are my anchor in this troubled world, I dedicate this book to my husband, Domenick, whose love, patience and kindness over 48 years kept my dreams and view of the romantic alive and vibrant.

    The Lord is our anchor, the anchor we cling to, that keeps our souls afloat, no matter how stormy the sea. Jesus, Son of God, our lifeline. His mother Mary, Blessed Lady, our lifebuoy. Joseph, our cloak, and the Holy Spirit, our wisdom, the map, the path to the Lord.


    Married eight years to Jeffrey Bradford, a young, handsome, good-natured, God-fearing, bank executive, Jacklyn has never doubted his love, his patience and his kindness. But in the past few months, something has changed, and she is terrified that she is losing his love.

    Jeffrey, why do you hate me? She was sure he heard her the first time. He didn't answer, didn't look at her, kept his gaze fixed on the road ahead. But she saw his shoulders flinch despite his silence.

    She had no need to ask her next question. The private investigator she'd hired a few months ago assured her there was no other woman, or man. Are you planning to leave me? she asked instead.

    At last a reaction. A weary sigh followed by I'm tired, Jacklyn. And I need to concentrate on the road. If the silence bothers you, turn on the radio.

    Best he wasn't looking at her, she thought. He'd see the sadness on her face blaze into outrage. She was tempted to turn on the radio to its highest volume on a station blasting wild music with incomprehensible lyrics. That would get his attention, for the instant, then his cold glare, before he lowered the volume or turned off the radio. She'd have accomplished nothing except risking their having an accident. Suddenly, she felt ugly and unwanted, and sank against the passenger door, tired and weary. She pulled the ermine cape closer about her and closed her eyes. I think I'll take a nap. I guess I am tired, after all. She didn't see Jeffrey finally turn his head to look at her, or see the despair filling his eyes....

    Heart's Conquest

    (Jacklyn's Story)


    Jeffrey pushed the upholstered dining chair back and stood up. Let's go," he said. His tone brooked no argument. He waited for Jacklyn to join him.

    But the party is not over. There's still a couple of hours left.

    I know, but we have a long ride ahead of us, a lot of transitioning, and then the flight tomorrow night. We haven't even finished packing. Come on, let's go.

    Jacklyn eyed him coldly. Brusque, insensitive to her needs, when had he stopped loving her? She persisted, This is our final Christmas party with the bank's downtown branch. I've made a lot of friends since I became the wife of the branch's Executive President. I want to say goodbye to them. Her features tightened with determination. You go, if you like, I'm staying to the end. She glanced away, to emphasize her decision, and waited for him to leave, but he didn't move. He was not the violent type, nor forceful. Never had been. Not in the eight years of their marriage. Or the two years they'd dated before the wedding. But his next words sent a shiver up her spine.

    If you want me to create a scene, I'll be happy to oblige, he said, gripping the back of her chair, fingers digging into the upholstery.

    She looked over her shoulder and up, and met his gaze, frigid to the core. They were attracting the attention of the bank's echelon seated at the table with them. Only a few minutes ago they had been applauding as he received the yearly Excellence Award in The Performance of His Duties as the Executive President of the Bank's downtown branch, and wishing him the best in his transfer to the San Diego division. He'd never discussed with her his self-initiated transfer. When had he stopped caring what she thought about what he did and didn't do?

    The band had resumed playing. She glanced down, debating how far she dare oppose him. How about one last dance, she pouted and eyed him coyly, her flawless features her best instrument of persuasion, especially in her green velvet strapless gown. His gaze riveted hers. She swallowed nervously, not relishing the idea of embarrassment as he dragged her chair back. She held on to its sides. All right, Jeffrey.

    She smiled at the Executives and their wives. We have to leave, she excused. Jeffrey's right. We have a long ride ahead of us and we haven't yet finished packing, not to mention the flight tomorrow night.

    Everyone at the table nodded their understanding. Jeffrey let go of her chair as he accepted handshakes and well-wishes. That gave her time to stand up gracefully and join him. She hoped the dance music had muffled their verbal exchange.

    The girl behind the coat check counter smiled warmly at Jeffrey as he handed her the tickets. Jacklyn didn't miss her sidelong glance at him as she located his coat and the ermine cape and slipped them off the hangers. She couldn't blame the girl. Tall, in his late thirties, Jeffrey retained his slim figure and youthful face. He was handsome, especially so, dressed elegantly in his dark grey tailored vested suit.

    He'd responded favorably ten years ago when she'd transferred to him her advances toward David, the Manager of the Loan Department, where at the time she worked as a data entry clerk. Sadly, her original coveted target had fallen in love with one of her co-workers, a holier-than-thou female, and the least attractive in the whole department. An hour ago, after accepting his Excellence Award, Jeffrey had named David as his successor.

    Ready? Jeffrey asked, holding her ermine cape for her to slip into. She loved this cape, white and furry soft and smooth. She tilted her head to the side and brushed her cheek against it as Jeffrey placed it over her bare shoulders. He had gifted the ermine to her on their fifth wedding anniversary.

    He hardly glanced at her as he shrugged into his black cashmere coat. There was a time when he couldn't take his eyes off her. When had he stopped loving her?

    They barely spoke as he drove to their weekend home in the Hamptons. She hated leaving it, though their new home in San Diego was completed and ready for them to move into. Built by the same architect to the same specifications as the house they were vacating, it was equally beautiful, spacious and elegant, with a similar large Grecian contoured pool in the back yard. Their penthouse apartment in the city served them during Jeffrey's workweek at the Bank. Empty as of yesterday, it awaited new renters.

    Her husband hailed from a wealthy family. Until retirement, his father had been the Branch's Executive President, as well as one of the Bank's Board of Directors and funders. Luke Bradford doted on his son and long ago handed him his inheritance, stating he wanted to be alive to see Jeffrey, the eldest of his three sons, enjoy it. Jeffrey's brothers had followed different careers, one in the Military, and the other in Scientific Research. Luke had not skimped on their education.

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