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Betraying the Millionaire
Betraying the Millionaire
Betraying the Millionaire
Ebook190 pages4 hours

Betraying the Millionaire

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Book 2 of the Surviving Hearts Series. (Book 1 – Secretary for the Billionaire)
Rick never knew he longed for a family until he met Alison and her son Joseph. Still reeling from a betrayal in the past, he has finally met someone worth risking everything for. Alison is a woman whose spirit is the purest he's ever known, and for once he sees the ‘happy-ever-after ending’ he thought he would never find. But when his past comes calling, the ruthless seductress hell-bent on ruining him, will what they have be enough?
When Alison met Rick, she never thought she could trust again. But he not only won her and son, Joseph over, he offered them a future she never believed possible. That was until the past rears its head and threatens her future. Now Alison must face betrayal. And worse still, the knowledge that she herself might be the betrayer.

PublisherMarie Kelly
Release dateAug 24, 2020
Betraying the Millionaire

Marie Kelly

A hopeless romantic and weaver of words. While I live in Canada, Scotland will always be in my heart.

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    Betraying the Millionaire - Marie Kelly

    Betraying the Millionaire


    Marie Kelly

    Special Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Betraying the Millionaire

    Special Smashwords Edition

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    Chapter One

    Alison Davidson froze, eyes briefly closing. Damnit.

    She dragged an overly bright smile to her face and turned, her hand holding an old cell phone sliding behind her back in an attempt to conceal it. However, the woman now stood before her, with crossed arms was not fooled.

    Alisha! I thought you were dancing. I thought I would just… Alison's voice, while trying to convey causality, only elicited an eye roll from the stunning brunette, who held a hand up to halt her.

    Oh, I know what you thought!

    Irritation streaked through Alisha's features, closely followed by frustration. Alison. You're meant to be having fun! How are you supposed to do that if you're constantly phoning the babysitter! If there were a problem, she would have contacted you already. The poor girl is going to think you don't trust her!

    Alison shrugged in an attempt to dismiss the comment while pulling her hand from behind her back. Of course I trust her. It's just I've never stayed away all night. Joseph sometimes wakes up and needs certain things, that's all. I'm just trying to help her.

    Alisha's lips curled with humour.

    Yeah, sure you are. There's more chance of waking him if you keep phoning. And what babysitter in the history of ever, thinks a mother is… Her fingers rose in air quotes, just helping. Her tone now became beseeching. Come on, Al, you need a night out. Have some fun! And you know how much it means for Tia to have you here. This is her engagement party, so have a drink and start enjoying yourself!

    She moved closer, voice dropping in a conspiratorial whisper. There are some really hot guys here. Jarad has the best-looking set of friends I have ever seen, and they're loaded!

    Men. The last thing Alison had any interest in was men. Her' husband,' as always, the thought chilling her blood, had made sure of that. She had thought herself happy. She had considered herself blessed with a husband who loved her, a home, and a child. But it had all been an illusion – a sham.

    Alison's world had fallen apart at the discovery her 'husband' had another wife. And even more shocking, her marriage to Darren had never been registered. The betrayal nearly destroyed her. It was only her small son, Joseph, and the support of Alisha – her sister-in-law - that kept her from falling apart.

    Alisha's eyes softened in understanding. Not all men are my brother, Al. Come on. Let's have some fun.

    However, thoughts of the past once more fired the need in Alison to be close to Joseph. Her fingers curled around the phone, dragging what she hoped was a sure smile to mouth. We will, Alisha. I just need to make this call. Promise I won't be long. Promise.

    As she spoke, she backed away, not taking notice of where she stepped. She ignored the frown that marred Alisha's perfect brow before spinning around to flee into the large hotel's foyer. Or at least that had been the plan - slamming into the man moving from the bar, definitely not.

    As the two collided, the drink he held, and the phone in her hand flew to the ground. She might well have joined them, bouncing off the solid wall of male, had it not been for hands which flashed out and grabbed her.

    Alison's downcast eyes stared in horror at the destruction she caused. The glass had smashed into shimmering fragments, and what appeared to be whisky wet the ground. Her cell had faired no better. While an older device, it was all she had. And it now lay in two parts, the screen splintered. Ruefully her mind mocked her decision not to buy the expensive case, it seeming less a luxury now.

    Words of horrified apology tripped from her lips. I... I'm sorry. So sorry. She made to drop and pick up the glass, needing to clean up the mess she made.

    However, the fingers still wrapped around her upper arms tightened, preventing her from moving. Alison's head rose, cornflower blue eyes colliding with dark grey.

    The stranger's frown softened as he took in the horror and sincere apology of the woman in his arms. A ghost of a smile curled the sides of his mouth. Steady. It's fine. I'm sure the bar has more whisky.

    Alison's look once more dropped to the ground. I... I should pick this up before someone gets hurt. Her words were supposed to encourage him to let go. But apparently, he hadn't got that memo. Steel fingers continued to hold her.

    I don't think that would be a good idea. Broken glass in dim light might yield another victim. His voice lowered to a sexy drawl. I wouldn't like to see you bleed over that lovely dress.

    A blush rose to Alison's cheeks.

    She had never been good at receiving compliments. Her head turned to find Alisha. However, she was gone. She scanned the room, finally finding her at the bar. The waiter, who had initially given the brunette the smile most men did when meeting her, was now listening intently. In seconds he grabbed what appeared to be a brush and shovel from behind the bar and headed their direction.

    Her victim, and rescuer, still held her with fingers curled around her shoulders. His look followed hers. Seems your friend has already gone for help.

    Yes. Once more, her eyes rose. And, of course, your right. Her voice trailed off on a squeak as she finally looked at him, her mouth suddenly dry.

    He was one of the most handsome men she ever saw. Darren had been good-looking too but in a different way. Darren had been all American sweetheart, captain of the football team. This one was dangerous, predatory. Every alarm within Alison began to blare. Player. She recognised his type instantly. This man had looks, money, power, and an insatiable appetite for new playthings.

    Women included.

    Her head turned to focus on a hand still holding her. Thank you. But I think I'm good. You can let go now.

    For a moment, he continued to regard her. Alison kept her averted gaze on his fingers. Then his hands dropped, she quickly moving to where her phone lay in ruins. She picked up the device, carefully examining it for any sign of life. However, there was none.

    I'm sorry. I'm not sure they serve phones at the bar.

    His unexpected words made Alison spurt a laugh before she squinted a look filled with fun in his direction, unable to stop the retort, which fell from her lips. Nope, I think this needs the ghostbusters now.

    His quick comeback, Yeah? But how you gonna call, had her giggling, he also breaking into a laugh.

    His hand thrust out, Alison taking it in a quick handshake. My name's Rick Hunter.

    Alison Davidson.

    The player once more asserted itself with that sensual drawl. Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

    Alison stiffened, aware as he took in the change. But before either could talk, the waiter and Alisha were by their side. The kindly waiter made short work of clearing up the broken glass, assuring an apologising Alison that everything was fine. His genuine smile made her determined to stuff a 20 in his tip jar – even if she couldn't afford it.

    She sidled closer to Alisha, holding out the remnants of her phone to elicit sympathy. Could I borrow yours. I need to call.

    A weary sigh escaped the other woman closely followed by a rye twist of glossed lips. Sorry. I left mine in the room. But it's by the bed charging if you want to go get it.

    Before Alison could respond, Rick's hand found her elbow and began propelling her towards the bar. His voice wafted back to a surprised Alisha. No need. She can borrow mine. And while we're at it, she can let me buy her a drink from the free bar. He Looked down at Alison, kindness in his eyes as he added. I think you need it.

    Normally Alison would have pulled herself free and made it clear she was not someone to be pushed around. However, the promise of a phone and the chance to check on Joseph kept her feet moving. It seemed silly not to take advantage of the offer, and maybe a drink wouldn't kill her. But only one.

    And if the sexy stranger thought he was going to get anything else, then he was wrong. She didn't roll that way. Oh dear Lord, had she thought of him as sexy! OK. Maybe a drink was a bad idea after all.

    What's your poison?

    Startled eyes flew to the bar, the back wall well stocked with every spirit, liquor, and mixer imaginable. However, Alison very rarely drank. And certainly not in present company. Rick was a man any woman would have to be careful around.

    But, something deep inside squirmed at the thought of asking for her usual soda. While a player, he was a sophisticated one. The idea of him laying those grey eyes on her and regarding her as a child something she could not in that moment handle.

    Grenadine and water, please.

    The words came out brightly. This was a trick she had used for many years.

    Most people believed the cordial alcoholic, and often exotic. However, it appeared Rick was not one. An eyebrow rose in surprise, though he said nothing, only adding a replacement whisky for himself.

    As the barman moved to fill their orders, Rick held out his cellphone.

    First things first. I want you to know I'm a man of my word. So why don't you make your call, and I'll wait here.

    Unable to stop the smile that rushed to her lips, she nodded, took the device, and turned to the door. Unlike the broken one in her bag, his phone was a slick piece of technology and well cared for by the looks of things. Or maybe it was so new he had not accumulated the dents and scrapes hers had.

    Alison moved outside into the cooler foyer, the hall too noisy to have a conversation on the phone. As the door shut, the sounds became muted. Daniella, the babysitter, had not seemed surprised to hear from her. She quickly assured Alison her son was asleep having eaten his dinner and played for the allotted time. Comforted, Alison rang off, a chuckle bubbling up within. Maybe Alisha was right. Perhaps she did worry too much.

    She returned to the bar where Rick waited with a ready smile. He waved away her thanks, returning the phone to the inside of his jacket. Alison averted her look as the motion revealed his lean body. This was not a man who avoided the gym.

    Rick pointed to some seats, making it impossible for her to make the quick escape she planned by holding both drinks as he moved to the indicated table. Only when she sat did he place the glass before her. Humour shone in his eyes, as though he knew what she had planned as he sat beside her. So, you a friend of the bride-to-be or doomed man?

    Her lips quirked, a note of fun in her answer. Doomed woman. You?

    Alison prayed he didn't have any follow-up questions such as 'How do you know each other.' How would she answer that? 'Oh, we were both married to the same man at the same time.' That was bound to create even more follow up questions.

    Cold tendrils of discomfort filled her belly at the memories of the past. Darren, her childhood sweetheart, and the love of her life, had been nothing but a liar, cheat, and thief. Most women, when faced with this kind of betrayal, dealt with it alone. But not her.

    His bigamy was not the only thing he had hidden. To finance the double life, he had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from his employer, the details of which had created a feeding frenzy for the press.

    When the papers broke the story of his bigamy, she had been destroyed. But she had not been the only one. Tia had also dealt with the fallout, both women hounded by unscrupulous reporters, their lives torn apart.

    Many, including Alisia, never understood how she had been able to support Tia. But Alison knew the kindly Tia, had been as much a victim as she and Joseph.

    The thought of Tia helped to ease the blackness in her belly. The other woman could have profited from the sale of her house, but instead had given every cent to Alison, her kindness in a cruel world helping Alison move on.

    Her eyes flicked to the centre of the room. Tia, looking beautiful as always, laughed, as her new fiancé, Jarad, held her in his arms. The billionaire was a lucky man to have such a woman in his life.

    Groom-to-be. I do a lot of business with Jarad. Rick’s words jarred her back to the present. Thought I would drop in and wish them both good luck.

    A quick look down Rick confirmed to Alison that he was a man who moved in the same circles as Jarad King. The suit he wore was not

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