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Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!
Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!
Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!
Ebook36 pages17 minutes

Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!

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About this ebook

A companion cookbook to the sixth and final book in the Kirk Lake Camp series, Six Is the Limit!

Murder and mayhem doesn’t mean food doesn’t have to get cooked. It does and somebody has to feed the victim’s family, the detective, the police constables, the coroner, the witnesses, the local snoops and busy bodies, the guests at the resort, the bad guy or gal, and last but not least, the former detective turned cottage resort owner herself. If Charlene can’t stick her nose into the murder investigation as much as she’d like to she can always cook.

Each book in the six book Kirk Lake Camp series has a companion cookbook.

Release dateAug 27, 2020
Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!

K.L. McCluskey

Ms. McCluskey is a Canadian author of cozy murder mysteries and short stories. Her current cozy mystery series, Kirk Lake Camp, takes place primarily in Ontario but with an ever stronger connection to Nova Scotia as the series progresses. The author has first hand experience similar to that of the main character of the Kirk Lake Camp and Back Road to Shore cozy mystery series. Her book of short stories is life on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia as seen through the eyes of a CFA, Come From Away, after having moved from northern Ontario to the Eastern Shore.She joined the Hamilton Regional Police Service in Hamilton, Ontario and was a police officer for 14 years. She started as a beat officer in Stoney Creek, then became a Detective Constable in the Criminal Investigative Division, partnered with a Sergeant, investigating crimes such as serious assaults, robberies, sudden deaths, sexual assaults and break and enters. She was promoted to Sergeant and worked in the Special Investigative Unit as a detective in the Sexual Assault Unit. She was also specially trained in Child Abuse investigations and Domestic Violence.She passed her Staff Sergeant exams and attained the rank of Acting Staff Sergeant before she left policing and moved on to another career in which she owned a water access resort in northern Ontario that included 12 rental cottages, fishing boat and canoe rentals, and a small general store.After seven years she sold the resort and taught Police Foundations at a small college in Sudbury, Ontario, before she moved to Victoria, B.C.She moved back to northern Ontario and concentrated on her work as a freelance writer going back to what she missed most, writing.Well before her policing career, she graduated from Print Journalism. She has been writing for over 40 years including her time as a police officer and resort owner. Her articles included a weekly fitness column, feature stories, and a short stint as a beat reporter for criminal court and town council.She now lives with her partner in an old farmhouse in a small community along the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, not far from Cape Breton Island.She enjoys traveling to visit her daughters and grand-children. While at home she kayaks, hikes, cycles, swims, practises yoga, and drives the back roads to explore the beauty of her new province where she gets inspiration for her writing and life in general.K.L. McCluskey is currently working on the Kirk Lake Camp murder/mystery series of books. The series will consist of six books in total and when completed will lead to the Back Road to Shore series. The books are available as ebooks and are published by An Taigh Buidhe air an Lohan (The Yellow House on the Pond in Scottish Gaelic) Publishing, a small Nova Scotia publisher, and distributed by Smashwords.

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    Book preview

    Cookbook for Murder - K.L. McCluskey

    Cookbook for Murder: The Recipes From Six Is the Limit!

    A companion to book six in the six book Kirk Lake Camp series.

    Includes a preview of chapter one of Six Is the Limit!

    Copyright 2020 K.L. McCluskey, all rights reserved.

    Published by An Taigh Buidhe air an Lohan Publishing at Smashwords.

    Cover by: copyright 2020 Arthur McBain

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents


    Introduction to the Kirk Lake Camp series.

    Introduction to Six Is the Limit!

    Chapter 1 - Fluffy Omelette with Cheese Sauce

    Chapter 2 - Orange Cranberry Cake

    Chapter 3 - Cheese Onion Pie with Carrots and Turnips Mashed and a Side of Tomato

    Chapter 4 - Corned Beef Spread Sandwich, Tuna Pineapple Sandwich, Lasagne Sandwich

    Chapter 5 - Corned Beef and Noodles

    Chapter 6 - Butter Tart Squares

    Chapter 7 - Meatloaf with

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