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Flipspace: Branching Out
Flipspace: Branching Out
Flipspace: Branching Out
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Flipspace: Branching Out

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The ISS Mockingbird is ordered to Kepler 22 to check up on a research outpost set up by the Astraeus. Colonel Ramachandra and her crew discover on the planet, Kepler 22B a form of life that doesn’t need ships to travel through space. Also present is a base established by Remote Space Conglomerated Industries. Their operations put profit before the concerns of the indigenous life. An unauthorized distress call originates from the RSCI base. Colonel Rama must risk breaching their air defenses to comply with international conventions and save lives.

Release dateFeb 24, 2014
Flipspace: Branching Out

John Steiner

John Steiner earned his Associate of Biology at Salt Lake Community College, where he is currently working as a tutor in math and chemistry. He exercises an avid interest in history, science, philosophy, mythology, martial arts as well as military tactics and technology.

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    Book preview

    Flipspace - John Steiner

    Special Smashwords Edition


    Branching Out

    by John Steiner

    Published by

    Melange Books, LLC

    White Bear Lake, MN 55110

    Branching Out, Copyright 2014 by John Steiner

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should go to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-61235-825-3

    Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Published in the United States of America.

    Cover Design by Becca Barnes


    by John Steiner

    The ISS Mockingbird is ordered to Kepler 22 to check up on a research outpost set up by the Astraeus. Colonel Ramachandra and her crew discover on the planet, Kepler 22B a form of life that doesn’t need ships to travel through space. Also present is a base established by Remote Space Conglomerated Industries. Their operations put profit before the concerns of the indigenous life. An unauthorized distress call originates from the RSCI base. Colonel Rama must risk breaching their air defenses to comply with international conventions and save lives.

    Table of Contents

    FLIPSPACE: Branching Out

    Chapter 1: Hot House

    Chapter 2: Free Parking

    Chapter 3: Walk on the Wild Side

    Chapter 4: Civilization Plan B

    Chapter 5: Tag Team

    Chapter 6: Negative Investment Return

    Chapter 7: The Memory of Trees

    Glossary of Terms

    About the Author


    Chapter 1

    Hot House

    For the second time the ISS-454 Mockingbird, a Flip-capable ISV-71 Raven, made a decelerating entry into an exosolar system. The first destination was Kepler 22c, a planet that evaded detection for some eighty years after its larger sibling, Kepler 22b, was discovered. As with the Mockingbird’s first mission, the ship wouldn’t be landing on the planet itself. Instead, the crew’s task was to dock with a space station established by the Astraeus mission seventeen months ago.

    The triangular configured Intra-Solar Vessel’s colors and its attached Flipspace Device frame with four modules were set to the standard blue and white of the Naval Aerospace Treaty Organization. In contrast, the multi-rimmed circular Kepler Twenty-Two Charlie Station, nicknamed Hot House was covered in fluorescent oranges and greens, as if covered with spilled paint, with yellow bands separating them.

    The Hot House was established by a Faster-Than-Light Vessel twenty-two hundred meters long, the station itself still seemed too big to have come from the handiwork of the Astraeus’s two thousand personnel. Around five hundred of the Astraeus crew deployed with their research stations on or near exo-planets. The remaining fifteen hundred former crewmembers disappeared without a trace. The personnel stationed in Kepler 22 didn’t yet know that.

    Attention all stations. Maggie, the ship’s AI, spoke through an air variation, resonance system running throughout the ninety-meter long vessel. Strap in for deceleration and maneuvering. Docking maneuvers in twenty seconds.

    The Mockingbird’s Xenon ion pulse thrusters fired to put it into a closer velocity match with Hot House Station. The gyroscopic motors embedded into the ship’s structure spun within their housings to reorient the vessel without fuel emissions. Smaller XIP thrusters pushed with ever so light a touch the craft toward the station’s hub. The ISV-71’s right side airlock extended out from under the back-folded wing. A soft metallic clamp rang through the ship frame as the Mockingbird completed its connection to the motionless hub of Hot House.

    Within the combat information center, as elsewhere within the Mockingbird, everyone unstrapped themselves and drifted up from their acceleration couches in the free-fall. Colonel Sumitra Ramachandra shook her hair out, buzzed short on the sides and back, and straightened up her Airman Battle Uniform.

    Major Fitch, Chief Anders, Sumitra called out. I’m thinking twenty-four hours of Stat Leave is in order after being cooped up in this bird so long. What say you?

    Chief Anders made a show of looking around in disdain before answering. I suppose these cuckoo birds earned some extra legroom and elbow space. Sure, a day’s foot flapping will do, Ma’am.

    Stat Leave was the Aerospace Defense Response’s equivalent to shore leave, whereas the term Grav Leave referred to going planet-side or moon-side.

    Since I’m needing it, Fitch said, glancing at Chief Anders. I’m guessing the rest of them were due for it a couple weeks ago.

    Alright, the colonel affirmed. "Anders, notify the crew they get until thirteen, thirty hours tomorrow to stretch out, lounge and unwind, but that we do need this rather expensive station to remain intact. Major Fitch, you and I will see what the station administrator needs."

    Roger that, Colonel, Anders affirmed, and called through the AVR system.

    Over the next several minutes, thirty-seven people collected a handful of things each and shuffled toward the right side wing housing and through the airlock shaft. Not under Threatcon status, the crew wasn’t required to don pressure suits to disembark the vessel. Inside one of four cargo bays in Hot House’s hub was as spacious as on the ill-fated Astraeus, but with thinner walls, due to the preliminary quick-build nature of station astrotecture. All the RAVs inside were strictly unmanned and shaped like egg as if squished to be aerodynamic.

    Hey, Cob, one of the crew called out to Anders by his title of Chief of the Bird. "These must bring on flashbacks

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