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Caught in His Web
Caught in His Web
Caught in His Web
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Caught in His Web

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The Caught Series, Book 2

Brooke Willows let it slip that she wanted to have sex with Jack Sands and her lot was sealed. At long last, he could get his hands on her, something he had been craving since he kissed her on her twenty-first birthday.

Brooke endured his boorish behavior because she wanted him – badly. Come what may, this time she was going to have him.

On a trip to Mexico, they both got what they wanted, only to have it shatter to pieces by Jack’s hang-up about her past. It wasn’t that simple, though. Working together on a project for the LAPD, they were thrown together once again, forcing Jack to face the demons that had chased him for the past year.

Love would bring them together, but they were both too hardheaded to notice. Brooke and Jack had to face reality - maybe they were not meant to be.

PublisherLinzi Basset
Release dateAug 29, 2020
Caught in His Web

Linzi Basset

“Isn’t it a universal truth that it’s our singular experiences and passion, for whatever thing or things, which molds us all into the individuals we become? Whether it's hidden in the depths of our soul or exposed for all to see?” Linzi Basset is a South African born animal rights supporter with a poet’s heart, and she is also a bestselling fiction writer of suspense filled romance erotica books; who as the latter, refuses to be bound to any one sub-genre. She prefers instead to stretch herself as a storyteller which has resulted in her researching and writing historical and even paranormal themed works. Her initial offering: Club Alpha Cove, a BDSM club suspense series released back in 2015, reached Amazon’s Bestseller list, and she has been on those lists ever since. Labelling her as prolific is a gross understatement as just a few short years later she has now been published forty-one times; a total which fails to take into account the three other published works of her alter ego: Isabel James who co-authors—nor does it include the five additional new works marked for imminent release. “I write from the inside out. My stories are both inside me and a part of me so it can be either pleasurable to release them or painful to carve them out. I live every moment of every story I write. So, if you're looking for spicy and suspenseful, I'm your girl... woman... writer... you know what I mean!" Linzi believes that by telling stories in her own voice, she can better share with her readers the essence of her being: her passionate nature; her motivations; and her wildest fantasies. She feels every touch as she writes, every kiss, every harsh word uttered, and this to her is the key to a never-ending love of writing. Ultimately, all books by Linzi Basset are about passion. To her, passion is the driving force of all emotion; whether it be lust, desire, hate, trust, or love. This is the underlying message contained in her books. Her advice: “Believe in the passions driving your desires; live them; enjoy them; and allow them to bring you happiness.” Follow Linzi everywhere:

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    Book preview

    Caught in His Web - Linzi Basset

    Author’s Note

    A picture containing invertebrate, worm Description automatically generated

    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for reading my stories. They are filled with dominant alpha-males who know what they want and take it - no matter the cost. All of them are gorgeous, successful, rich and women are involuntarily drawn to them. The women they love are sassy, beautiful and full of spirit. Not necessarily one of the rich and famous, these ladies know what they want and work hard to achieve success.

    The Caught series is based around the lives and loves of a group of friends in LA, beginning with Dax and Venita in book 1, ‘Caught in Between’.

    Caught in His Web, is the story of Jack Sands and Brooke Willows.

    Brooke Willows let it slip that she wanted to have sex with Jack Sands and her lot was sealed. At long last, he could get his hands on her, something he had been craving since he kissed her on her twenty-first birthday.

    Brooke endured his boorish behavior because she wanted him – badly. Come what may, this time she was going to have him.

    On a trip to Mexico, they both got what they wanted, only to have it shatter to pieces by Jack’s hang-up about her past. It wasn’t that simple, though. Working together on a project for the LAPD, they were thrown together once again, forcing Jack to face the demons that had chased him for the past year.

    Love would bring them together, but they were both too hardheaded to notice. Brooke and Jack had to face reality - maybe they were not meant to be.

    Happy reading!


    Chapter One

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    I would have thought that you’d have accepted that he’s married by now, Squirt.

    Brooke stiffened. Every muscle in her body reacted to the guttural rasp close to her ear. She took a deep breath to settle her suddenly racing heart, before she pivoted on her high-heeled sandals, to look upon the scowling man in front of her.

    What are you jabbering about this time, Jack?

    You know, it’s actually kind of sad to watch you drooling over a married man.

    I don’t...I’m not drooling over anyone, Jack Sands.

    Except one man. A man who must think I’m an idiot, if his condescending manner is anything to go by.

    Really? You haven’t taken your eyes off him since you walked in.

    Who the devil are you talking about?

    You do realize that you’re not getting any younger, Squirt? I mean, look at those little, yep, there they are...those little lines around your eyes are going to get deeper and no man wo...

    Are you saying I look old, Jack?

    Hmm, let me see.

    Brooke dragged a deep breath into her lungs as he practically pressed his face into hers, his warm breath like a blaze of fire over her skin. She gulped as the rough pad of a fingertip traced her forehead and then the laugh lines beside her eyes.

    I guess you still have a few good years ahead of you. You shouldn’t waste them on a married man.

    Brooke slammed her palms against his ripped chest and shoved him back. Stepping around him, she huffed over her shoulder as she walked toward the door.

    At least I’ll still have energy for a man when I’m forty-five. You, on the other hand, Mister Horny Toad, probably won’t manage past forty. Not with all the pussies you service night after night.

    Live while you’re young is my motto, Squirt. Are you jealous, by any chance?

    Brooke clenched her teeth in frustration, her hands fisted by her sides. The irritating buffoon sauntered easily alongside of her, clearly intent on continuing to annoy her. She flashed him a cool glance.

    Of what? Your attention to all those hussies or not being on the receiving end of your

    Jack laughed so hard he doubled over. Silently seething, Brooke ignored him and bounced down the stairs, toward the patio area outside the sports pub where the rest of their friends were gathered.

    "My appendage? C’mon, Sweets, you have a PhD. Surely you can think of a more inventive description for my cock."

    Brooke stopped abruptly, causing him to crash into her from behind. He grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from falling and the earth opened up beneath her. Where his hands rested, his fingers scorched her soft skin through her blouse. It was as if an electric current flowed through her body, taking every ounce of willpower to pull away from him. She spun around, her eyes narrowed and she glared at him.

    You mean generally speaking or yours in particular?

    Well, you’re the one that brought it up, Squirt. Mine of course.

    Very well. I’ve got no reason to be jealous of not being on the receiving end of that excessively overused dick of yours. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to trade it in, you’d probably be advised to recycle it to get any value out of it!

    Careful, Squirt, that sounds suspiciously like you’re crying out to be fucked by me.

    Oh dream on! I’ve got no interest in having your...your...

    Cock, he offered helpfully.

    "Your woody womb pecker anywhere near my pussy!"

    Jack’s knees gave out from laughing so hard and he sank down to the floor. Thoroughly annoyed, Brooke stamped her foot, tempted to stomp on his head in order to get him to shut up.

    His incessant laughter drew their friends’ attention and they drifted closer. Michael and Steven came to stand next to her and Loman stepped up to nudge Jack on the leg to draw his attention.

    What’s with the hysterics, partner?


    They looked at each other in confusion and Brooke continued to glare at the fool, nearly balled up with laughter on the floor.

    "It’s not that funny, you bloody moron! And, only you would see it as a compliment!" Squirt, that would be an insult. Mine is anything but a little...haha... pecker!

    He slowly straightened from the floor, wiping the tears from his eyes and still laughing. Brooke stared at him in disbelief. Gone was the harsh, stoic look, the constant frown between his brows and he...bloody hell, he took her breath away. He looked carefree, happy and considerably younger.

    Oh, this is so not fair! How could life be so cruel? To show me the kind of man he is, here and now...knowing he will never be mine.

    Yes, there he was. The one man she desired, wanted with a need that had consumed her every waking moment for years. A man, to whom she didn’t exist, except as an irritation.

    Dax walked over and whacked him on the shoulder. Enough, asshole. You’re embarrassing Brooke.

    Jack sobered, walked past her and grunted, loud enough for Brooke’s ears only, Always your gallant savior. He stopped and leveled a hard glare at her. I’m warning you, Squirt, stay away from him. I won’t let you hurt Venita.

    Brooke’s mouth gaped open, but before she could respond, he strode off with his long legs eating up the distance between them and the bar. Her hungry eyes followed his smooth, prowling body and she had to swallow hard. Watching the muscles in his legs ripple, those tight ass cheeks of his...hmmm...oh damn! Stop it Brooke!

    It was much later in the evening when she recalled what he had said and her eyes sought his out for the umpteenth time. As usual, his returning stare was filled with anger and...god! If only she could put an emotion to what flashed in his eyes.

    He thought she still had feelings for Dax. How was that possible? She and Dax Kaplan had gotten engaged over a year ago, after a tongue in cheek suggestion to him one night. After being part of their group since she was fourteen, their relationship was one of deep friendship. Neither one had any intimate or romantic feelings toward the other.  

    During the five years that Jack and Loman were SEALs, she became very good friends with Dax. Their engagement seemed like a good idea at the time. She did not think that she would ever find love and Dax seemed to be on the road to destruction as far as women were concerned. Both agreed they could have a successful marriage, and so, they got engaged. She left for Russia to finish her doctorate the very night they got engaged.

    Eight months later, both of them had come to the same realization. It would never work. There was no physical attraction between them and Brooke wanted sex with her husband to be dynamite. Something that would last long past her beauty and firm-ass days were over. She and Dax had never even had sex.

    Brooke twirled the ring she still wore, now on her right hand. The engagement ring Dax had given her and insisted she keep. It was a beautiful ring, now serving as a token of their everlasting friendship. She caught the anger flashing in Jack’s eyes as he noticed her playing with it, and her eyes widened.

    Why would he think she had feelings for Dax?

    First, everyone knew the engagement was absurd and, second, Dax married Venita. After his family had received threats, she became his bodyguard, posing as his fiancée for a golf tournament. At the time, Brooke was in Russia and, when she returned to find that Dax had fallen for Venita, she was elated. The newlyweds were even expecting twins.

    Brooke sighed and looked away. Of course, suggesting the engagement to Dax was more than trying to make him see that he was on a road of self-destruction from sleeping around. It was a last desperate attempt to get a reaction from Jack. To see if maybe, just maybe, there was something more in his eyes than constant irritation and disdain. But, it backfired. Jack showed no reaction the day he had been told they were getting married. Nothing, not even the twitch of an eye.

    Michael, Steven, Loman and Jack burst out laughing. It looked as though Brooke caught their laughter, at her use of ‘woody womb pecker’, because she flung an incinerating glare his way. Jack had a feeling that, had he been a piece of iron, that glare would have melted him on the spot. His grin widened and he winked at her, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed with further annoyance.

    She got up, spoke to Venita and the two of them walked toward the rest room. Jack’s eyes were riveted to her swaying hips until she disappeared through the doors.

    A picture containing whip, curlew, microphone, adapter Description automatically generated

    What’s with the interrogation, Dax? I thought I had been invited over for a relaxing dinner.

    Interrogation? I asked a simple fucking question, you ass.

    Jack frowned and looked at his best friend. Well, one of them, but he and Dax had always been very close. Until he had been stupid enough to become engaged to Brooke Willows, that is. His cock twitched, as it usually did when he thought of her. A vision of her swaying hips as she walked out of the pub a week ago, flashed through his mind, causing his overzealous appendage to swell even more. He grunted and glanced toward Venita, who was giving dinner instructions to their housekeeper, Millie.

    Well, it was a stupid-ass question.

    Dax’s eyebrows rose and he stared at Jack with a slight crinkle between his brows. Jack had been acting like a grumpy old man for more than a year and it was starting to grate on everyone’s nerves.

    Okay, forget it. Just what the fuck is the matter with you, Bud? No one can talk to you anymore. Do you need to get laid? Is that it? I can’t imagine it would be a problem for you. The past year and a half you’ve been spreading yourself around as if sex was going out of style.

    Drop it, Dax.

    Jack clenched his jaw and stared out over the ocean. Truth be known, he had grown tired of ‘spreading himself around’ and hadn’t had sex for close to four months.

    Fuck! That long?  

    It was no wonder his cock flared up every time a certain platinum blonde was around. Feeling the constriction, he shifted in his chair as his cock did the honors once again, just thinking of her. The one woman he couldn’t have.

    So, when are the little kiddies due? I need to make sure I arrange my schedule, so that I’m around when it happens.

    You bloody better. They’ll need their best uncle around from the get go.

    Two more months. Can’t you see how much I’m waddling, Jack? Soon Dax will have to carry me wherever I want to go. I can barely get up from the couch anymore.

    Dax smiled lovingly into his wife’s eyes and tugged her down onto his lap. He leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her protruding belly, his hand drawing small circles around it.

    Jack swallowed. Dax was the first of them to get married and to become a father. Maybe that was what made Jack step back and take stock of what he was doing. Fucking every pussy that was spread open before him had lost its appeal long ago. He cursed, remembering what sent him down that path in the first place and he sighed.

    It was time he found his ‘one and only’. The one who could give him what Dax and Venita had. He knew who he wanted, but he would be damned if he was going to play second fiddle in her heart for the rest of his life. No, he would have to start looking somewhere else.

    What the hell, no time like the present, right?

    Vee, didn’t you mention that Lizany was permanently back in LA?

    Yes, since that prick of a boyfriend of hers ran off with her cousin, she didn’t have anything keeping her in Florida. Luckily, she got the teaching position at a private school in Santa Monica.

    Well, then, I guess she could use a little conversation and some dinner. Why don’t you text me her number.

    Venita choked on her soda, scowled at Jack and glanced at Dax, who sat looking at him with a frown.

    You want to ask Lizany out on a date?

    Yeah, what’s wrong with that? We’ve known each other for what...four years now?

    I’m not so sure she’s ready to start dating, Jack...especially someone like you, no offense.

    Of course. I’ve got no intention of jumping her bones, Vee, but you have been giving me so much grief about changing my ways, he shrugged nonchalantly and grinned, and I’ve got to start somewhere, right?

    What about Brooke?

    He scowled and glared at her for the suggestion. Venita had been an equal partner in his business until she got pregnant and sold her shares to Loman. They had become very good friends over the years and she was like the little sister he never had.

    What about her?

    "Why don’t you ask her out?"

    Why the fuck would I do that? She’s nothing but an irritating pain in my ass. Besides, I’m not interested in being anyone’s rebound.

    Dax shook his head and didn’t even bother trying to argue with Jack. They had the same argument repeatedly for months. Jack was firm in his belief that Brooke was still in love with her ex-fiancé.

    A picture containing whip, curlew, microphone, adapter Description automatically generated

    Jack gallantly pulled out the chair and smiled at Lizany as she settled down. Taking his own chair, he leaned back and stretched his legs out in front of him. He smiled, watching the beautiful petite brunette swiveling her head from one side to the other, as she took in their surroundings. Excitement shone in her eyes.

    She caught his smile and her teeth sparkled in the candlelight as she returned it with one of her own. She was such a sweet woman, not the least bit deserving of what that asshole boyfriend of hers had put her through. Beautiful too. Not to mention that she looked very sexy in her short burgundy mini-dress and high-heels.

    This is an amazing restaurant, Jack. How on earth did you manage to get a table on such short notice? I’ve heard that you have to book a table months in advance.

    True, but it does help to know the owner.

    Ah, preferential treatment. So unfair. We poor tutors don’t stand a chance.

    Ah, but that’s where you’re mistaken, darling. A beautiful, sexy woman like you always has the upper hand.

    Lizany’s eyes narrowed and she shook her finger at Jack.

    Are you flirting with me, Jack Sands?

    His eyes widened innocently and he offered her his killer smile. Me? Hell yes. What did you think this was?

    A pity date.

    Jack roared with laughter and heads turned their way. Two sets of eyes froze on the laughing couple. Both pairs narrowed as they watched him reach out to brush her hair out of her face. She slapped his hand away and he chuckled.

    Sorry, darling, I don’t do pity dates. I have every intention of seducing you and taking you to bed tonight.

    Lizany snorted and waved his retort away. They met four years ago at a birthday party for Venita and her twin sister, Ciara. She had immediately become attached to him in a big-brother sort of way and was very fond of him.

    Of course you are and tomorrow the Titanic will rise. Come on, big guy, spill. Why did you ask me out?

    Jack contemplated her question for a second or two and sighed. Of all Venita and Ciara’s friends, he had formed the best rapport with Lizany. He sighed, ran his hands through his spiky hair and shrugged.

    Venita had been on me to change my ways. I’ve got to start somewhere and I’ve always enjoyed your company. And no, Lizany, this is not a pity date. Hell, if anything it’s on me, not on you.

    Now, Lizany was the one who

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