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Take Me
Take Me
Take Me
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Take Me

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Passionate Temptations, a Standalone Series

Kacey thought her boyfriend would become her husband, not her ex. But the 22-year-old has a lot to learn about men. When she moves in with two guys, they are more than happy to teach her.

Jason and Diego were looking for a new roommate. They thought they would get someone their age to be a wingman or a rich jock guy who would never be home, but would make his rent on time. Instead, they get a temptation on two legs.

When Kacey loses a bet, everybody wins.

PublisherFiona Masters
Release dateSep 1, 2020
Take Me

Fiona Masters

Fiona Masters is a librarian by day and a smut writer by night.

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    Book preview

    Take Me - Fiona Masters

    Take Me


    Fiona Masters

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter One

    Kacey put down the last box and fell onto the bed, exhausted. She knew she should start unpacking but was too worn out to even contemplate it. The last few days had been far too taxing, both physically and emotionally. The image of her boyfriend in bed with his so-called psychology tutor still haunted her. She had come home early from classes that day and discovered them together, only to find out that the affair had been going on for months.

    There was a knock on her door, and she opened her eyes. Jason, one of her new roommates was standing in the doorway, holding two beers in his hands. Thought you could use a cold one, he said, holding one out.

    That sounds so good, she replied, rising from the bed, and taking the cold bottle from him. Come on in, she offered, removing a box from her only chair, before sitting back on the bed. She tipped the bottle back and took a long swallow. Thank you, she sighed.

    Hey, no problem, he said, his full lips breaking into a dazzling smile. You going to be able to fit all this in here? he asked, looking at the mound of boxes.

    It’s really not as much as it looks, she replied. I should be fine.

    He rose and began looking at the labels on the boxes. If you need any help moving this stuff around, just let me or Diego know, he offered, taking another sip of his beer. We’d be happy to give you a hand.

    She was still a bit uneasy about having two male roommates, but the house was so beautiful, the price was right, and the room’s immediate availability had all combined to outweigh her fears.

    Kacey watched him as he moved about the room. He certainly was handsome, she thought. He ran his fingers through his tousled black hair, and she watched the muscles bunch in his strong arms. Her eyes skimmed down his lean torso to his muscular thighs.

    You offering me up for hard labor? a voice asked from the doorway. Diego, the other resident of the house stood on her threshold. His blond hair and hazel eyes contrasted with his roommates features, but that was where the differences ended. He was just as good looking as Jason and also in great physical shape.

    A couple of hours later, she was putting her things away in the bathroom, when she paused and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She fingered the long fiery red curls that tumbled over her shoulders and stared into her large green eyes. Why hadn’t Greg loved her? She had been good to him, had kept their apartment clean and tidy, cooked for him, never denied him sex, even when she didn’t really feel like it and yet she hadn’t been enough for him.

    Tilting her head she examined her body, her full 36C breasts, trim 28 inch waist, flat stomach and long shapely legs should have kept him interested, she thought. She twisted around and examined her rear, still high, firm, and round she confirmed. His new girlfriend Tracy, who she liked to call Tyra, had dyed blond hair and fake boobs. I guess he likes that better, she thought dejectedly.

    At twenty-two years of age, she had hoped she would be in love with her future husband, not mending a broken heart. Well, I guess things don’t always work out like you hope, she thought, hanging her new shower curtain.

    A couple of weeks later, she walked into the house with a heavy heart and tears threatening to flow. Before leaving the campus that day she had seen Greg and Tyra sitting on a bench kissing and cuddling. She had tried to concentrate on some reading during the short bus ride home, but her eyes had kept clouding.

    Hey Kacey, come on in here! Diego called out to her from the living room as she passed by. Walking back to the room, she saw Diego and Jason sitting at the coffee table with a bottle of Tequila, some limes and salt. Come do some shots with us, he invited, smiling widely.

    Maybe a drink would do her good, she thought. It was Friday night, she had no classes tomorrow, she could have a shot or two. She walked in the room, dropping her books onto a chair and joined her roommates.

    After picking up a lime and sprinkling some salt on her hand, she accepted the brimming shot glass from Diego. They were each ready to go and on the count of three they each licked, drank, and sucked. Kacey screwed up her face at the bitter drink and sucked on her lime.

    Ew! she exclaimed, to which Diego and Jason both laughed. The first one is always the worst, she gasped.

    As Diego began pouring another round, Jason said, We were hoping you would be home soon. We were thinking about doing some body shots.

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