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Alpha Male Blast from the Past
Alpha Male Blast from the Past
Alpha Male Blast from the Past
Ebook54 pages30 minutes

Alpha Male Blast from the Past

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My future used to look so promising. I graduated from high school at the top of my class and got into Princeton. But then I flunked out of the Ivy League school. Now I'm prancing around in a skimpy French maid outfit while waiting on sleazy rich guys at Parisian Dream. Ag, more like Parisian Nightmare.

I don't think things could get any worse until I find myself waiting on Gerald Holland, my former best friend. And it turns out he's still a little—okay, very—salty about how I rejected him in high school. But though he acts like he hates me, he also acts like he still wants me...



He's treating me like a charity case. If I had a little more pride, I would tell him to take back his money. But I have a stupid amount of student loans to pay off for my one semester of college, so I keep the cash. "What do you do nowadays?" I ask. Gerald definitely had a glow-up after high school. He lost all of his baby fat and now looks like the stereotypical handsome rich guy from a romance novel. Chiseled cheekbones, a strong jaw, and a sleek blond haircut straight out of an expensive salon. His emerald-green eyes are the same though.

"I design apps," he says. "I recently sold one to Google for a pretty penny."

That explains the custom-tailored suit and Rolex.

He grins. "Not bad for someone who had a 2.0 GPA in high school, eh?"

"Not bad," I murmur. I should be glad for Gerald—and I am—but his success makes my failure all the more painful. In high school, people expected great things from me and expected nothing from Gerald. Yet I'm a Princeton dropout and he is a Rolex-wearing tech mogul.

"I bet you regret rejecting me in high school."

I glare at him. "Did you just come here to rub your success in my face?"

"That's one reason. The other reason is I had a burning desire to see you in a sexy French maid outfit." He glances at my cleavage and legs, making me blush. "A wet dream come true."

PublisherIsla Chiu
Release dateSep 14, 2020
Alpha Male Blast from the Past

Isla Chiu

When I manage to tear myself away from taking Buzzfeed quizzes and watching unhealthy amounts of TV, I write romance and smut. My works feature alpha males, sexy times, and/or my sarcastic sense of humor. I hail from Cleveland, aka the best freaking city in the world, and believe LeBron James is the perfect human being. Despite all of my efforts, I have never truly been able to quit caffeine. My favorites include Taylor Swift, Florence + the Machine, and SHINee. I love to hate/hate to love k-dramas. If I say I’m on a diet, I’m just lying to you and myself. One of these days, I'm going to get hypertension from an excess of salt, both literal and figurative. If I'm awkward around you, I probably don't know what to say to you and/or I think you're hot. And despite what anyone says, Forrest Gump so deserved that Oscar over Pulp Fiction.

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    Book preview

    Alpha Male Blast from the Past - Isla Chiu

    Alpha Male Blast from the Past

    Isla Chiu

    Published by Isla Chiu, 2020.

    Alpha Male Blast from the Past

    Isla Chiu

    Published by Isla Chiu, 2020.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. September 14, 2020.

    Copyright © 2020 Isla Chiu.

    ISBN: 978-1393664031

    Written by Isla Chiu.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. September 14, 2020.

    Copyright © 2020 Isla Chiu.

    ISBN: 978-1393664031

    Written by Isla Chiu.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Well, this is humiliating

    Guess who's coming to lunch


    What they say about your first time...

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    Further Reading: He Knows What He Wants: A Romance 5 Book Bundle

    Also By Isla Chiu

    Well, this is humiliating

    Asigh leaves my chest when I glance at the clock. It’s 11:00 PM, an hour until my shift is over. I only have one more guest to attend to, thank God. I just hope this one doesn’t try to grope me like the last guy. At least once a week, I have to tell one man that Parisian Dream is not that kind of club, though it is easy to make that assumption because all of us servers have to prance around in skimpy French maid outfits and stroke our customers’ fragile egos. However, we are not paid to stroke our customers’ limp dicks. If they want that particular service, they can go to the Thai massage spa across the street.

    Long night, babe? Arlene, one of my fellow servers, asks.

    Yeah, I say. My last customer refused to tip me because I wouldn’t assist him with the tiny bulge in his pants.

    She scowls. Asshole.

    How about your night?

    My last guy was almost a gentleman. He only ‘accidentally’ touched my butt once.

    King Arthur would be so proud of his chivalry, I deadpan.

    Sometimes, this job makes me want to exterminate the entire male population, Arlene says.

    Oh, don’t be so negative, Arlene. I give her a shit-eating grin, imitating our boss Nathaniel. Just smile more.

    Ugh, your imitation is so spot-on that I have to stop myself from stabbing you.

    Well, Arlene, while I would love to annoy you all night, I have to go attend to one last customer.

    See you around, babe.

    Before I walk into the private room, I take one deep breath, then two. I wish I could quit this job, but as much as I hate it, it pays a hell lot better than minimum wage. And when the customers aren’t total assholes, I get good tips. Painting a smile onto my face, I open the

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