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Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management
Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management
Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management
Ebook1,205 pages13 hours

Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management

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This vintage book contains a comprehensive guide to propagating plants, specially designed for the novice or home gardener. With clear instructions and helpful diagrams, this book walks the budding gardener through every step from preparation and planning to cutting, layering, dividing, seeding, and beyond. This classic guide is highly recommended for those looking for an accessible introduction to the world gardening, and it would make for a worthy addition to collections of related literature. Contents include: “Cutting, Layers, Division, and Seed”, “Fungus of the Cutting Bench”, “Propagation of Roses by Cuttings”, “Propagating Roses in the Southern States”, “Propagation by Layering”, “Propagation by Layering in Pots”, “Propagation by Layering in the Air”, “Propagation by Division”, “Propagation by Seeds”, etc. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new introduction on the history of gardening.
PublisherWheeler Press
Release dateAug 6, 2020
Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management

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    Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management - M. G. Kains



    A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of

    Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters

    on Nursery and Greenhouse Management


    M. G. KAINS

    Formerly Professor of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State College

    and Lecturer on Horticulture, Columbia

    University, New York



    Formerly Associate in Pomology, College of Agriculture,

    University of California




    Copyright © 2013 Read Books Ltd.

    This book is copyright and may not be reproduced or copied in any way without the express permission of the publisher in writing

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    A Short History of Gardening

    Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture more broadly. In most domestic gardens, there are two main sets of plants; ‘ornamental plants’, grown for their flowers, foliage or overall appearance – and ‘useful plants’ such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits and herbs, grown for consumption or other uses. For many people, gardening is an incredibly relaxing and rewarding pastime, ranging from caring for large fruit orchards to residential yards including lawns, foundation plantings or flora in simple containers. Gardening is separated from farming or forestry more broadly in that it tends to be much more labour-intensive; involving active participation in the growing of plants.

    Home-gardening has an incredibly long history, rooted in the ‘forest gardening’ practices of prehistoric times. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved whilst undesirable species were eliminated. Eventually foreign species were also selected and incorporated into the ‘gardens.’ It was only after the emergence of the first civilisations that wealthy individuals began to create gardens for aesthetic purposes. Egyptian tomb paintings from around 1500 BC provide some of the earliest physical evidence of ornamental horticulture and landscape design; depicting lotus ponds surrounded by symmetrical rows of acacias and palms. A notable example of an ancient ornamental garden was the ‘Hanging Gardens of Babylon’ – one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

    Ancient Rome had dozens of great gardens, and Roman estates tended to be laid out with hedges and vines and contained a wide variety of flowers – acanthus, cornflowers, crocus, cyclamen, hyacinth, iris, ivy, lavender, lilies, myrtle, narcissus, poppy, rosemary and violets as well as statues and sculptures. Flower beds were also popular in the courtyards of rich Romans. The Middle Ages represented a period of decline for gardens with aesthetic purposes however. After the fall of Rome gardening was done with the purpose of growing medicinal herbs and/or decorating church altars. It was mostly monasteries that carried on the tradition of garden design and horticultural techniques during the medieval period in Europe. By the late thirteenth century, rich Europeans began to grow gardens for leisure as well as for medicinal herbs and vegetables. They generally surrounded them with walls – hence, the ‘walled garden.’

    These gardens advanced by the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries into symmetrical, proportioned and balanced designs with a more classical appearance. Gardens in the renaissance were adorned with sculptures (in a nod to Roman heritage), topiary and fountains. These fountains often contained ‘water jokes’ – hidden cascades which suddenly soaked visitors. The most famous fountains of this kind were found in the Villa d’Este (1550-1572) at Tivoli near Rome. By the late seventeenth century, European gardeners had started planting new flowers such as tulips, marigolds and sunflowers.

    These highly complex designs, largely created by the aristocracy slowly gave way to the individual gardener however – and this is where this book comes in! Cottage Gardens first emerged during the Elizabethan times, originally created by poorer workers to provide themselves with food and herbs, with flowers planted amongst them for decoration. Farm workers were generally provided with cottages set in a small garden—about an acre—where they could grow food, keep pigs, chickens and often bees; the latter necessitating the planting of decorative pollen flora. By Elizabethan times there was more prosperity, and thus more room to grow flowers. Most of the early cottage garden flowers would have had practical uses though—violets were spread on the floor (for their pleasant scent and keeping out vermin); calendulas and primroses were both attractive and used in cooking. Others, such as sweet william and hollyhocks were grown entirely for their beauty.

    Here lies the roots of today’s home-gardener; further influenced by the ‘new style’ in eighteenth century England which replaced the more formal, symmetrical ‘Garden à la française’. Such gardens, close to works of art, were often inspired by paintings in the classical style of landscapes by Claude Lorraine and Nicolas Poussin. The work of Lancelot ’Capability’ Brown, described as ‘England’s greatest gardener’ was particularly influential. We hope that the reader is inspired by this book, and the long and varied history of gardening itself, to experiment with some home-gardening of their own. Enjoy.


    For the past twenty-two years the original edition of this book has been the standard American text on plant propagation. It has been, and still is, relied upon alike by commercial and amateur plant propagators and by teachers in farm schools, agricultural and forestry colleges for its succinctly stated principles and methods. Now, however, it is out of date and out of print; for during these years, especially during the past five, so many important discoveries and improvements in methods have been made that nurserymen and greenhousemen as well as teachers, students and experimenters have demanded a new, adequately illustrated volume to replace it and thus bring the scattered information between the covers of one book.

    For the better part of two years, therefore, the authors have been reviewing the plant propagation literature of the world, collecting material, collating processes, culling out the effete, conserving the important and cooperatively condensing the vital into the present all-embracing volume.

    In order to elucidate the text to the fullest possible extent they have scrutinized more than 2,000 photographs and line drawings from which they have chosen nearly 600 pictures that have been made into 350 plates to illustrate the text. Used singly or in combinations of two to six or more they constitute a pictorial exegesis which, step by step, makes the subject clear, even to the novice.

    The text has been so arranged that the propagator, whether professional or amateur, can get a clear exposition of whatever subject interests him, without being annoyed by pedagogical material. On the other hand, the teacher, the experimenter, and the student will find abundant reference to text and illustrations in the 50 practicums placed toward the close of the book.

    Professional propagators, teachers and amateurs will also find the plant lists and condensed rules for propagation of special value when they have unfamiliar plant material with which to deal; for thus they can gain information with which to start and proceed in the development of new plants.

    Finally, the index not only covers the entire text but lists the tables, section subjects, illustrations, important variety names, institutions and the authors whose work has been cited. Thus it will be easy to trace the location of any desired item by looking for any of these various keys.

    Among the many persons to whom the authors are indebted for help are Doctor W. W. Robbins, Head of the Division of Botany, College of Agriculture, University of California, at Davis, for suggestions, and to Doctor William Crocker, Director of The Boyce Thompson Institute of Plant Research at Yonkers, N. Y., for scanning and editing the text on seedage, spores and germination; to Doctor W. P. Tufts, Head, and Professor Leonard Day, both of the Pomological Division of the College of Agriculture, University of California, and to Doctor H. B. Tukey, Chief in Research at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, for reviewing the manuscript on rootstocks; to Professor W. L. Howard, Director of the College of Agriculture, University of California, for information and the illustrations on layerage-propagation of fruit tree stocks; to Doctors P. W. Zimmerman and A. E. Hitchcock, of The Boyce Thompson Institute of Plant Research for scansion of the text on methods of cuttage propagation, especially the chapter on growth substances; to Professor A. F. Camp, Horticulturist in Charge of the University of Florida Citrus Experiment Station at Lake Alfred, Fla., for reviewing and extending the section on citrus stocks; and to the late Doctor F. V. Coville, Botanist of the United States Department of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., for bringing the information on blueberry, rhododendron and other acid-tolerant plant propagation up to the date of his passing.

    In addition to these the authors express their thanks to the nurseries, greenhouse construction companies, experiment stations, colleges and other institutions credited throughout the text for photographs and drawings from which many of the illustrations have been made.

    M. G. KAINS,           




    Sexual reproduction. Natural and artificial pollination. Fertilization. Secondary effects of fertilization. Limits of crossfertilization. Seed dissemination—wind, water, animals, man. Fleshy seed handling. Propagation by spores. Asexual reproduction. Natural and artificial methods. Life cycles of plants.


    Control factors—water, temperature, time of sowing, oxygen, light. Size of seed. Delayed germination. Freezing. Trial grounds. Seed analysis. Stratification, old and new methods. Dry storage. Oxygen effect on stored seed. Vitality of seeds. Seeds in the tropics. Green manure effect on germination. Time seeds need to germinate. After-ripening. Seed counter. Aids to germination—enzymes, sulphuric and formic acid, clipping, soaking, hot water, mechanical helps, scarification. Orchid seed treatment. Longevity of seeds. Annuals. Perennials. Mushrooms.


    Purposes. Purity. Sample-taking. Weeds. Origin of seed. Germination vs. guesswork. Conditions which affect viability. True value of seeds. Longevity. Damping-off. Seeds as disease carriers. Seed treatment to increase stands of plants. Sterilization of seeds and soil by heat and formalin. Noxious weeds.


    Definition and discussion. Cuttage. Value of shoot for cuttings. Summer propagation. Rooting cuttings in dry climates. Stock plants. Blind eyes. Blind vs. flowering wood. Suckers. Water sprouts. Kinds of buds. Origin of cutting. Roots and polarity. Rooting media. Rooting response of cuttings. Cutting type influence on variation in rooting. Stem cuttings of fruit trees. Aëration factor in rooting cuttings. Method of striking greenwood cuttings. Leaf removal from greenwood cuttings.


    Definition and discussion. Ornamental plants propagated by division. Types of layers—tip, compound, continuous, serpentine, Chinese (or pot), mound (or stool), runners, laying down the whole plant, date palm. Rough division. Tubers. Dahlia storage experiments. Sweet potatoes. Bulbs. Hyacinth propagation. Bulb growing in America. Lily growing. Lily bulb disease. Care of bulbs and corms.


    Root cuttings. Sports or bud variations. Hardwood stem cuttings. Preparation of stem cuttings. Callus pits. Fall callusing. Burying hardwood cuttings. Broad leaf evergreen cuttings. Coniferous hardwood cuttings. Vegetative propagation of hollies. Softwood cuttings. Condition of plants for cutting making. Shading and watering softwood cuttings. Parts used for softwood cuttings. Transplanting outdoor-grown cuttings. Rose propagation—seeds, suckers, layers, cuttings, grafts, buds. Rose stocks from softwood cuttings. Dormant-wood rose cuttings. Ringing roses. Keeping soft cuttings alive for long periods. Leaf cuttings. Tuber cuttings. Grape hardwood cuttings. Blueberry tubering. Rhododendron and other acid-soil plants.


    History of organic growth substances starts with Sachs’ surmise that they exist. The term Hormone applied by Starling to these materials in animals and by Fitting to plants. Proof that they are formed in leaves furnished by the Wents, father and son. Inorganic growth substances discovered by Zimmerman and Hitchcock. Their practical application to plant propagation. Present and prospective results.


    Factors essential—light, heat, humidity, water, air, media. Coldframes. Hotbeds. Hotbed heating—fermenting materials, flues, water, steam, electricity. Glass and substitutes. Ventilation. Propagating ovens. Bottom and air heat. Greenhouses. Types. Materials. Pitch of roof. Partitions. Ventilation. Glass. Painting. Benches. Walks. Shading. Plants—fruits, flowers, vegetables, ornamentals. Unheated greenhouses. Working greenhouses.


    Growth requirements. Soil mixing. Flower pots. Pot washing. Containers other than pottery. Care in potting. Shifting pot-bound plants. Flats and seed pans. Feeding. Paper cones. Repotting. Clean foliage.


    Definition and discussion. Hardening-off. Bottom heat. Transplanting apple and cherry seedlings. Balling plants. Warm climate transplanting. Boxed plants. Staking. After care.


    Infection of stock. Essential precautions. Effects of gas on plants. Measuring cubic contents of greenhouses. Calcium cyanide. Avoid entering house being fumigated. Influence of weather on fumigated plants. Fumigating tender plants. Curtains. How much cyanide? Wet method. Fumigating box.


    Graftage, stock and scion defined and discussed. Necessity for graftage. Unreliability of seeds. Cambium defined and located. Importance of graftage. Physical strength of graftunions. Limits of graftage. Common rules.


    Graft classification—inarching, bridge (or repair), root, stem, herbaceous, mixed, end-to-end, saddle, adjuvant, cutting, Biederman’s, bark, splice, Smith’s, notch, crown, modified crown, side, veneer and cleft. Whole vs. piece root. Callusing apple grafts. Graft wrapping machines. Root graft storage. Dibbling. Relation of scion to growth. Planting machines. Incubator boxes. Root vs. top grafting. Tools. Grape grafting. Seedling vines as scions. Phylloxera. Cactus grafting. Pecan propagation. Grafting conifers. Blueberry grafting.


    Care of top-worked trees. Grafting waxes. Raffia. Waxed string. Waxed bandages. Rubber strip. Grafting pots and heaters. Paraffin as grafting wax. Wound dressings. Wrapping grafts. Grafts stored in moss and charcoal.


    Effects of stock on scion, and vice versa. Fruit chimeras or graft hybrids. Budding vs. grafting. Influence of stock propagation methods. Pedigreed trees. Need for stock breeding. Incompatibility of stock and scion. Budding. Uncongeniality of stock and scion. Budding uncongenial grafts. Quince stocks. Root grafted vs. budded trees. Whole vs. piece root vs. budded apple trees. Selection of scions. Shipping scions long distances. Budding vs. grafting nursery trees. Root stocks used in the United States. Commercial apple stocks. Apple seed and seedlings. Hardy stocks for tender varieties. Slow maturing stocks. Dwarfing due to stocks. Pears on apple stocks. Paradise and Doucin stocks for dwarfing. Pear stocks. Double working. Quince stock for pear. Spring budding pears. Pear propagation. Stock uncongeniality. Almond stock for peach. Seedling peaches budded in summer. June vs. August budding of peach. Peach stocks. Plum stocks. Japanese apricot as stock. California stock tests. Cherry stocks—mazard, mahaleb, pin and Japanese cherries. Identification of cherry stocks. Seed for cherry stocks. Cherry grafting and budding. Citrus stocks—grapefruit, sour, sweet, trifoliate orange, commercial, Chinese and rough lemon, tangerine, lime. Citrus stock production. Propagation of rootstock seedlings. Persimmon rootstocks—kaki, dateplum, American persimmon. Walnut stocks. Filbert stocks. Hickory and pecan stocks. Almond stocks. Chestnut propagation. Avocado propagation. Rose stocks—hybrids, manetti, odorata, multiflora.


    Bud grafting defined. Condition of the nursery. Budding knives. Seasons for budding. Stock dressing or trimming. Preparing stocks. Budwood for June or summer use. Cutting the ligatures. Budding tape and rubber. Budding types—shield, annular, veneer, chip, flute, plate patch, H, prong (or spur), dormant (or spring), summer (or June), late summer (or fall). Cutting back stocks. Bud wood. Top-working black walnut. Budding old peach trees. Stock sucker’s influence. Texas winter budding of peach. Top-working of peach. Mango budding. Yema, grape budding. Summer budded vs. winter grafted roses. Shield budding blueberry.


    Clon stocks. Own roots defined. Standards and dwarfs. Production of nursery trees. Conditions for planting a nursery. Laying out rows. Nursery care. Types of roots. Seedlings produced by four methods. Pear propagation. Pear seedling culture. Olive stocks. Nut stocks.


    The American nursery industry. Laying out a nursery. Shelters. Digging stock. Soils and their care. Effects of nitrogen on soils. Cover crops for nursery soils. Winter protection of nurseries. Storing stock. Nursery tree trimming. Cost of nursery stock. Buying and handling nursery stock. Official tree grades. Packing for shipment. Reducing nursery stock losses during and after storage.


    How to identify plant enemies. Soil disinfection. Calcium carbide. Live steam. Fungicides and insecticides. Fumigation.


    Legislation. Quarantines. State regulations and quarantines.


    Care of trees previous to planting. Preparation of the soil. Tree-setting board. Orchard Planting systems—square, hexagonal, quincunx. Squaring the field. Laying out the rows. Sighting and stake placing. Planting. After care of the trees.






    To facilitate the location of each of the 350 figures throughout the book, the authors have departed from the usual space- and time-wasting List of Illustrations and have indexed both halftones and line drawings by means of key words (several in most cases) that will readily come to mind. The searcher will thus save time and annoyance when he desires to find any specific illustration. In the index the numbers that follow the contraction Fig. refer to pages, not figure numbers.

    The tables have been similarly indexed, but the first number that follows the word Table is the number of the table itself.



    1. Plant propagation is the multiplication or increase in number of plants in the perpetuation of the species. As applied by man, it includes knowledge of the proper time, place and manner in which best results may be secured. Fundamentally it is based upon (a) certain natural laws or principles which constitute the science, and (b) certain methods of manipulation which constitute the art of the processes as a whole.

    2. Art and science contrasted.—Art is merely the knowledge of methods without reference to reasons whereby results may be secured. It is the actual doing of the operation, the HOW. It therefore implies skill gained through practice. Science deals with the underlying reasons for certain forms of procedure, or answers the question WHY? and the conditions which affect the process without considering the skill involved in manipulation.

    To illustrate: A workman in a nursery may easily transplant 4,000 potted dahlia plants in a day of 10 hours without knowing anything specific of the underlying principles; whereas, the proprietor may know the principles and give proper orders for their application without being able to transplant half as many plants in the same time, yet he may be a master workman because of his knowledge of both the art and the science. The art is best acquired by following the example of a skilled workman; the science best from books and instructors.

    3. Methods of propagating plants naturally divide themselves into two general classes—sexual and asexual propagation or reproduction. Below are given the methods or divisions of plant propagation.


      I. Seeds (Seedage—Sexual Propagation).

        A. Requiring Preparatory Treatment before Planting:

    1. Chemical—Honey locust, asparagus, alfalfa, hard seed.

    2. Mechanical—Canna, sour or bitter clover.

    3. Scalding—Honey locust, Kentucky coffee tree.

    4. Soaking—Black locust.

    5. Stratification—Black walnut, peach, cherry.

        B. Requiring no Preparatory Treatment:

    Many annuals and perennials.

    II. Spores (Asexual Propagation).

    III. Buds (Asexual Propagation).

        A. On their Own Roots:

    1. Parts not Detached Before Rooting.

    a. Suckers—Red raspberry, blackberry.

    b. Runners—Strawberry.

    c. Layers (Layerage).

    (1) Tip Layerage—Loganberry, black raspberry, dewberry.

    (2) Simple layerage—Spirea, pyracantha.

    (3) Continuous layerage—Filbert, snowball.

    (4) Mound layerage—Quince, apple (Paradise or Doucin).

    (5) Pot or Chinese layerage—Rubber plant, oleander.

    (6) Compound layerage—Grape.

    (7) Laying down—Apple, plum, cherry.

    2. Parts Generally Detached Before Rooting.

    a. Separation.

    (1) Bulbs—Hyacinth, Easter lily.

    (2) Corms—Crocus, gladiolus.

    b. Division.

    (1) Rhizomes or rootstocks—Canna, iris.

    (2) Crowns—Lily-of-the-valley, asparagus.

    (3) Offsets—Houseleek, artichoke, pineapple.

    (4) Tubers.

    (a) Fleshy underground stems—Irish potato.

    (b) Enlarged roots—Sweet potato, dahlia.

    3. Parts Always Detached Before Rooting (Cuttage).

    a. Root cuttings.

    (1) Common—Blackberry, horseradish.

    (2) Tuber—Sweet potato.

    b. Stem cuttings.

    (1) Hardwood—Pyracantha, privet.

    (2) Semi-hardwood—Privet, oleander, veronica.

    (3) Softwood—Privet, geranium, coleus, begonia.

    (4) Tuber—Irish potato.

    c. Leaf cuttings—Begonia rex, bryophyllum.

        B. On the Roots of Other Plants (Graftage):

    1. Scion grafting.

    a. Root grafting.

    (1) Piece root graft

    (2) Whole root graft

    b. Top Grafting.

    (1) Cleft graft—Apple, pear.

    (2) Saw-kerf or notch graft—Apple, pear, walnut.

    (3) Bark graft—Apple, pear, walnut.

    (4) Side graft—Apple, pear.

    (5) Whip graft—Apple, pear.

    c. Bridge grafting—Apple, pear.

    d. Inarching or Grafting by Approach.

    (1) Inarching proper—Pear, orange, mango.

    (2) Cordons—Apple, pear.

    (3) Living braces—Apple, pear.

    (4) Living arches—Ornamental trees, etc.

    2. Bud Grafting (Budding).

    a. Shield bud or T bud—Peach, plum.

    b. Flute bud—Nut trees.

    c. Ring bud—Nut trees.

    d. Patch bud and its modifications—Nut trees.

    e. And others.


    4. Seedage is Nature’s most common method of disseminating and propagating higher plants. Most farm and garden crops are thus propagated because they produce viable seed freely and give rise to plants true to type or whose exact parental form is not essential (cereals, most vegetables, forest trees and seedlings for graftage).

    Seeds often offer the readiest and least expensive means for the reproduction of species. Seedlings usually vary somewhat in their characteristics; hence dependence cannot always be placed on them to furnish exact reproductions of their parents.

    5. Sexual reproduction is carried on by the use of seed bodies (seeds) which result from the fusion (fertilization) of two or three masses of protoplasm, male and female, hence the term sexual reproduction. Seeds are fertilized ovules; structures which when matured include rudimentary plants (embryos) protected, while dormant, by seed coats and containing nutrients either in or around the cotyledons to supply the needs of growth.

    Seeds include the following parts: 1, Embryo, 2, seed coats, 3, and often endosperm. This last, when present, results from the fusion of three protoplasmic masses, one from the pollen tube and two from the ovule (Fig. 1). A seed is essentially a young plant in the resting stage or in a state of arrested development.

    FIG. 1.—A, Developing embryo, B, germinating pollen grain; C, embryo sac, showing fertilization process, fertilized ovule; D, end section of germinating pollen tube; E, pollen grain.

    6. Mechanism for seed production.—Seeds are produced by flowers (Fig. 2). The ultimate purpose of flowering is seed production to perpetuate the species. Examination shows the flower (apple, tomato, violet) to consist of four sets of organs arranged in whorls (or often spirals) about a central axis. The lowest whorl, called the calyx, consists of usually green, leaf-like structures (sepals). The next, composed of generally delicate, colored petals, is the corolla. Above the petals (when present) are stamens, usually thread-like and each almost always bearing a yellow or brown body (anther) at its apex. The center whorl is a group of pistils (often reduced to only one).

    FIG. 2.—Complete flower. A. cal, calyx; cor, corolla; st, stamen; p, pistil. B. Front and back of stamen. a, anther; c, connective; f, filament. C. Pistil. ov, ovule; sty, style; stig, stigma.

    Flowers that contain all four whorls are called complete (pear). The two outer sets are non-essential organs since they do not play a direct part in reproduction and in some plants, one or both are partly or wholly lacking—Euphorbia without calyx; Croton without corolla, pepper family lacking both. The two inner whorls (stamens and pistils) are the essential organs. A flower which contains both sets of essential organs is perfect, though it may lack one or the other or both the outer whorls. If one of the sets of essential organs is missing (some varieties of strawberry, lack stamens, Fig. 3) the flowers are imperfect. An imperfect flower may be either pistillate or staminate, depending upon the presence of pistils in the one and stamens in the other.

    FIG. 3.—Strawberry flowers. A, Perfect; B, Imperfect or pistillate—lacking stamens.

    FIG. 4.—Monœcious flowers (cucumber). A. Pistillate; a, ovary; b, longitudinal section showing c, stigmas. B. a, Staminate; b, longitudinal section; c, stamens; d, corolla.

    When a plant bears both kinds of imperfect flowers separately it is monœcious (cucumber, Fig. 4). In Indian corn the tassel consists of staminate flowers and the young ear of pistillate flowers (Fig. 5). When individual plants bear flowers of only one sex they are diœcious, or of two households (holly, date palm, hop). In plant propagation and culture whenever fruits or seeds are desired of sexually differentiated species, plantings must include both sexes to insure pollination. For example, pistachio and holly trees will produce no fruit or seed (exceptions rare) unless at least two individuals, a staminate and a pistillate tree, grow near enough together for the pollen of the former to be transferred to the pistils of the latter.

    FIG. 5.—Flowers, seed and fruit of corn. A. Flower; B, pistil; C, Kernel; D, pistil enlarged showing developing embryo.

    The typical stamen consists of two parts: a slender stalk-like filament which at its free end bears one or more pollen sacs or anthers (Fig. 6). Filament and anther both present many differences in shape, size, color and manner of attachment each to the other and to the rest of the flower. These are of considerable importance to the plant classifier in establishing natural relationships. The anther is the essential part of the stamen. It produces pollen grains, the male reproductive bodies. The filament is of use only as it holds the anther in the most favorable position for the disposal of pollen. In many flowers it is wanting.

    A nearly mature typical anther examination will show a wall of sterile tissue enclosing several locules or sacs, more or less completely filled with minute pollen grains (Fig. 7). In most plants there are four locules in each anther. As the anther approaches maturity, however, two of the walls separating the locules usually break down so that at the time of pollen dispersal each anther has but two large locules. In the early stages of anther growth each locule is filled with delicate tissue, the cells of which are known as mother cells. Each one of these eventually divides to form (usually) four daughter cells, which each later develop into a pollen grain. Upon reaching maturity the anther opens (dehisces) and liberates its pollen.

    FIG. 6.—Stages of seed development. A, essential organs of flower—pistil and stamen; B, pollination—anther splitting and releasing pollen, seen falling on stigma of pistil; C, germination of pollen grains on stigmatic surface and beginning growth down style; D, fertilization; E, embryo in early stage of development; F, mature fruit containing developed embryo.

    FIG. 7.—Anther. Development and growth of pollen grains.

    Microscopic examination shows a pollen grain to consist of a mass of protoplasm surrounded by two walls.¹ The inner wall is a thin elastic membrane (intine). The outer wall (extine) is thick, more or less rigid and acts as a protection for the contents. It is sometimes absent. In some species this outer is characteristically marked. Careful examination at the time pollen grains are liberated from the anther shows that the protoplasm usually contains several more or less distinct structures, two or three nuclei, whose substance is relatively dense. These are the generative nucleus and the tube nucleus. Usually these nuclei may be distinguished from each other, either in form or size.

    FIG. 8.—Van Tieghen cell, glass ring fastened to microscope slide with paraffin or balsam.

    A typical pistil consists of three parts, ovary or enlarged base, style or stalk, and stigma, its tip which is receptive to pollen. In many flowers the style is lacking, the stigma resting directly upon the ovary. Within the ovary one or more ovules may be developed from the tissues of the interior surface. Their number and attachment vary greatly, from two (peach) to thousands (poppy). They may stand erect on the bottom, be suspended from the central axis, or attached along the sides.

    FIG. 9.—Cross section of pistil showing: A, position of ovules in ovary and B, C, ovules.

    Ovules vary widely in size, structure, and shape (globular, elongated, flattened, oval). Many are so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye; some are more than an eighth of an inch in diameter. Each is attached to the placenta of the ovary by a short stalk (chalaza) through which food is carried from the placenta to the nucellus (Fig. 9).

    A high power microscope shows a typical, fully formed ovule to consist of delicate tissue, differentiated into a central portion (nucellus) and an enveloping layer (integument) grown together at one point originating in a single narrow area not completely inclosing the nucellus but leaving a small opening (micropyle). One of the cells in the center of the nucellus develops into the embryo sac. When the seeds separate from the placenta they show a small scar (hilum) at the point of rupture (Fig. 10). The slight ridge made by the chalaza is the raphe.

    FIG. 10.—Sketch of bean seed showing parts.

    7. Pollination and fertilization.—After studying pollen and ovule separately as they exist in the flower the next step is to bring them together. This step involves pollination and fertilization.

    Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same or another flower. Fertilization is the actual union of male and female elements in the ovule. Every species of plant has some distinctive method to effect this transfer. Where the pollen from one flower fertilizes the ovules of the same flower (garden pea) the process is known as selfing. Anthers need merely to close in and deposit their pollen upon the stigma. Many plants, however, have cross fertilization—by wind (Indian corn, Fig. 5), insects (clover), water (eel grass) or other means.

    In some cases they have developed peculiar devices and habits to secure it. Some flowers (bean, orchid) are so shaped that self pollination is prevented; others (dandelion, tomato) mature their stamens and pistils at different times. Some are self sterile, that is, fertilization does not usually follow pollination with their own pollen, such as almond, cherry and certain varieties of grapes, plums, pears and apples.

    These facts explain many phenomena observed in crop production. For instance, rainy weather during corn blossoming is likely to cause a poor set of kernels because corn is wind pollinated. Dry weather is necessary that the pollen may fly. Clover is pollinated largely by bumble bees; hence when these insects are scarce a poor seed crop is almost certain, and when there are no bumble bees red clover seed production fails entirely.

    FIG. 11.—Artificial fertilization of lily. Note that anthers have been removed previous to their maturity.

    8. Artificial pollination (Fig. 11) is merely transferring pollen from stamen to stigma by human means. It is practiced where cucumbers, tomatoes and other fruits are raised in greenhouses, except where bees are kept for this special function. It is also practiced in all crossing and hybridization to produce new varieties of plants. The flowers are not allowed to self-pollinate; but pollen is used from flowers of plants with the desired characteristics.

    Artificial pollination has been practiced also in determining the proper pollinators for various varieties of fruit trees. When determining pollinators and when creating new varieties it is necessary to remove the stamens of the flowers to be used as the female parents. This emasculation is done with tweezers or the nails of thumb and middle finger. The corolla and sometimes the calyx tube are pinched off along with the stamens (Fig. 12).

    FIG. 12.—Correct and incorrect stages for emasculating flowers for artificial pollenation.

    Pollen is collected and cared for as follows: Stamens with ripe pollen are removed from the desired flowers and placed in petri dishes in a warm place for 24 to 48 hours to dry. It is separated from the anthers by using a fine screen, placed in a glass vial and corked. When to be applied the vial is opened against the thumb and inverted. Some adheres to the thumb and may be brushed on the stigma of the emasculated flower, or applied with a fine camel’s hair brush (Fig. 11).

    FIG. 13.—Diagrams showing growth of embryo and endosperm in shepherd’s purse.

    Pollination is ordinarily followed by germination of the pollen grain. The grain absorbs moisture and food from the stigmatic surface and swells. The outer coat (extine) of the grain bursts and the inner one (intine) begins to protrude as a tube which enters the stigma. An excretion of enzyme into the tissues of the style takes place and the reserve materials stored there are gradually digested as the tube grows and advances. The pollen tube usually enters the ovule through the micropyle.

    The time required for the pollen tube to make its way from the stigma to the ovule is influenced by length and structure of style, temperature, species of plant and many other factors. In some cases it takes only a day or two, in others it may require several months. In some fall flowering woody plants (witch-hazel) pollination takes place in the autumn but the growth of the pollen tube, checked by cold weather, does not resume until warm spring weather.

    9. Fertilization.—Once through the micropyle, the pollen tube penetrates the nucellus and enters the embryo sac where it disintegrates and discharges its protoplasmic contents into the embryo sac. The tube disappears. If not already divided (in the pollen tube) the generative nucleus divides into two sperm nuclei. One of these unites with the egg cell of the embryo sac thus causing fertilization. The cell resulting from this fusion develops into the young plant or embryo.

    The egg nucleus of the embryo sac fuses with one of the sperm nuclei from the pollen tube resulting in the body (zygote) which will develop into a new plant. The other sperm nucleus fuses with a protoplasmic body in the embryo sac formed by the union of two nuclei. The result of this triple fusion is the nuclear mass which will develop into endosperm (Fig. 13).

    10. Seed development.—The plant starts its life as a result of fertilization when the male (or sperm) nucleus of the pollen tube from the pollen grain fuses with the egg (or female) nucleus in the embryo sac of the ovule (Fig. 13). The cell which results from this fusion is the beginning of the new individual.

    As the ovule develops, its parts become differentiated and its coats (one or two integuments) become more or less hardened into the testa or impervious covering of the fully ripened seed (Fig. 14).

    Internally a typical seed consists essentially of an embryo and one or more cotyledons. These last characters have suggested two of the chief groups of plants: monocotyledons (plants with only one cotyledon) and dicotyledons (those with two—conifers normally have more than two).

    FIG. 14.—Parts of seeds. A, Bean. B, Castor bean.

    In the corn seed (a monocotyledon) the embryo is embedded in the endosperm or albumen of the seed. In dicotyledonous plants, (bean) it is differentiated into three main parts; 1, Hypocotyl, terminating in the radicle or primary root with its tip directed to the micropyle, or little gate, (the opening for the entrance of water); 2, the two cotyledons or seed leaves attached above the hypocotyl; and 3, the epicotyl (plumule) or bud between the cotyledons (Fig. 14).

    The cotyledons may be thick and serve only for food storage (pea); they may be thin, leaf-like and serve as foliage leaves from the beginning (castor-bean) or they may combine both functions (squash).

    In monocotyledonous plants the endosperm is always well developed and the embryo comparatively small. In corn, for example, the embryo consists of a shield-shaped structure; the cotyledon (and scutellum), an upward pointing, sheathed plumule or bud and a downward-pointing miniature root. In similar seeds the cotyledon absorbs food from the endosperm and transmits it to the growing point of the embryo. Normally a period of rest follows the maturity of the seed. During this time growth and development of the embryo are at a standstill although internal chemical changes may occur. (Fig. 15).

    Certain seeds (wheat, corn) consist largely of endosperm. In cocoanut the endosperm reaches enormous development, the hollow center containing milk being the central cavity of the embryo sac surrounded by the closely-packed endosperm cells which form the edible portion. Endosperm is rich in food materials (starch, sugar, protein and fat) to supply the young embryo.

    Immediately after fertilization the new embryo cell divides and produces more or less extensive tissue through subsequent and continued growth and re-division of the daughter cells. Gradually the various parts of the embryo found in the mature seed become discernible. In the developing seeds of many plants the embryo makes such rapid, vigorous growth that the endosperm has little or no chance to develop. What does form is broken down and the food material it contains is used by the embryo. The result is an exalbuminous seed in which the cotyledons are usually gorged with the food (bean—Figs. 14 and 15).

    11. Secondary Effects of Fertilization.—The stimulus which fertilization imparts to the ovule and which results in the development of the seed is also transmitted to associated tissues. A few days after blossoming, apple and tomato flowers that have been fertilized have stalks more turgid than those not fertilized, and those of Japanese honeysuckle turn from white to yellow. Rapid changes also occur in the ovary wall which develops into the fleshy part of the fruit. In the strawberry the stimulus is carried to the receptacle of the flower which becomes fleshy and later edible. In the pineapple the entire inflorescence becomes fleshy to form the fruit.

    In various fruits (banana, pineapple, and seedless apples, pears, plums and grapes) which never or rarely contain seeds the ovules never develop but the stimulus given by the proper pollination of the flower is usually required to develop the fleshy parts of these fruits.

    12. Limits of Cross Fertilization.—Though most species of plants prefer cross to self fertilization there is a limit beyond which they will not cross. There must be a definite affinity between the two parents. Except self-sterile varieties (Brighton grape) and inter-sterile fruits (certain sweet cherries), seed plants in the same species nearly always cross. Those in different genera but in the same family sometimes do. Those which belong to different families rarely if ever do so. If the plants concerned in the process are closely related the act is termed crossing; if more distantly related, that is, belonging to different species, it is hybridization.

    FIG. 15.—Germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

    13. Seed Dissemination.—The three important agencies in seed dissemination are wind, water, and animals. Wind plays an important part in transporting light seeds—often long distances—especially those with appendages which buoy them up (willow, poplar, thistle, dandelion, milkweed, sycamore). It also helps carry heavier winged seeds that whirl or flutter in the air and thus check descent more or less (maple, elm, tulip tree, boxelder, basswood, ash) carrying them several hundred or thousand feet, depending upon its velocity.

    Water transports seeds that float readily (apples, walnuts, acorns) much greater distances than those that sink (chestnuts, hickory nuts). It also transports seeds carried by wind and by animals, therefore is the most general distributing agent of the three.

    Animals carry seeds in one or the other of three ways: either attached to their bodies (burs and various species of Bidens or beggar-lice); second, in their intestines, where the juices of digestion fail to break down the protective seed coverings (blackberry, cherry, pokeberry, plum); or, third, by burying them for later use as food and then failing to dig them up. Squirrels are perhaps most active in this third way.

    Man is the greatest of all seed distributors. Purposely he collects seed in all parts of the world and transports it to places where he wants to plant it; unknowingly, he carries weed seeds in bedding and packing, on ships, trains, autos and airplanes. He may accidentally or purposely mix such seeds with valuable ones and thus introduce them where the shipments are distributed. The progress of the race westward from India, Assyria, Palestine, Egypt, Mediterranean countries and Northern Europe to America and Australasia may thus be traced by weeds as well as by cultivated plants carried by man.

    Seed transportation is conducted upon an extensive scale by hundreds of wholesale and retail seed merchants in all parts of the world. Seeds such as acorns are difficult to transport long distances. Usually thick-coated and bony seeds require moist, confined air; thin-shelled ones, dry conditions. For shipping to or through the tropics seed is usually sealed in tin cases or oiled packages. Most seeds, however, sent through ordinary cool climates, after being thoroughly air dried, need be placed only in cotton sacks, large paper packages or manila envelopes. Apple, pear and other small seeds are often mixed with powdered charcoal which absorbs excess moisture.

    Species difficult to ship in seed form may often be more satisfactorily transported as seedlings either actively growing in Wardian cases or dormant as nursery stock. The former method is not much practiced; the latter is the favorite method of nurserymen.

    FIG. 16.—Screen to separate seeds from decayed pulpy fruits. Frame 16″ x 5′. Wire mesh 1/8″. Fruit crushed by hand is worked through with water into tub. After good seeds sink, pulp is poured off, seeds re-washed and spread out to dry.

    14. Handling seeds of Fleshy Fruits.—Seeds of many fruits must be freed from their fleshy or pulpy coverings before they can be stored or planted. When there is no danger of injury to the seeds, the fruits may be crushed or ground; for instance, apples, the pomace is mixed with water, stirred vigorously and often for one to three weeks until the pulp has partially fermented. After the seeds sink to the bottom the pulp may be poured off, the seeds collected, rewashed and dried.

    Soft fruits (blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry) are often so treated (Fig. 16) though they are perhaps as often handled like soft fruits (tomato, cucumber, melon)—merely crushed under water, the pulp poured off, the seeds washed and dried. Practicum II.

    Chemical treatment of the coverings is sometimes needed to separate membranes and seeds (persimmon). Seeds are sometimes soaked in weak caustic potash solution (a stick to a pailful of water). Fresh wood ashes, lime and lye also help to free many seeds of their resinous coverings.


    15. Spores.—Propagation by spores is so nearly akin to that by seeds that the two are usually classed under the one head seedage.

    Spores are asexual, usually one-celled, reproductive bodies of flowerless plants. A striking difference between them and seeds is that they contain no embryo. While reproduction of plants from spores is not dependent on sex, as in flowering plants, the process is akin to it.

    The black or brown spots (sori) of many ferns, (Fig. 17) produce hundreds or thousands of spores. These germinate on moist surfaces and produce small plant bodies (prothallia) which develop the sex organs (archegonia and antheridia) and these in turn develop the sex elements (gametes) which fuse, the fusion body developing into the fern plant.

    FIG. 17.—Part of fern frond showing sori which produce spores.

    Spores are of interest to the horticulturist because they are employed in the propagation of ferns, mosses, and mushrooms. Many plant diseases are spread by their means (apple scab, wheat rust, black knot of cherry, downy mildew of grape).


    16. Asexual Reproduction is the development of new individual plants or animals without the function of sex. Among seed plants it is performed by means of buds either still attached to or separated from the so-called parent plants. Each new individual plant possesses the characteristics of its parent except in cases of bud variations or sports, in which there are more or less distinct differences. The various asexual methods, natural and artificial, adopted and adapted by man are of special value in propagating named varieties of many fruits and ornamentals. Some plants (Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, tarragon and horseradish) no longer produce seed under ordinary conditions so must be propagated by asexual methods.

    17. Natural and artificial methods.—All methods employed by man are adaptations or improvements upon natural methods, instances of which may be found in nature. For this reason they should hardly be called artificial, though often so termed.

    18. Natural methods of propagation differ in the three general classes of plants. Annuals and biennials all propagate themselves by seeds, of which they usually produce abundance. Except in special cases (as in increasing stock usually by cuttings of some specially individual plant) they are not propagated artificially by any asexual method; first, because the abundance of seed obviates the need of doing so, and, second, because few of them can be so propagated.

    FIG. 17X.—Propagating ovens. A, Home made. B, Elaborate style. A, Galvanized iron earth tray, a, plants in pots; B, water tank filled by funnel, F; C, chamber heated by lamp, D, b, air intakes; e, removable top.

    Many warm climate plants used for ornamental bedding in gardens (coleus, geranium), though perennials in their native countries, are made to live as stock plants (148) from year to year in greenhouses, though outdoors they are treated as annuals. They are, therefore, so propagated.

    Perennials (including trees and shrubs) may or may not propagate by seeds. Hence, they may or may not be propagated by one or both these methods according to convenience, economy or some other consideration. When they do not propagate by seeds, they do so by buds, of which they generally produce abundantly, either upon the branches and sometimes the leaves, or on roots or other underground parts. Thus, though the parent plant may die, man (and sometimes the plant itself) may take advantage of either its seeds or its buds in perpetuation.

    For instance, the underground stems of quack grass are capable of producing a new plant from every joint. Again, should it be deemed necessary, the California big tree which, at the estimated age of 5,000 years, is on the road to extinction, mainly due to human activity, might be given another 5,000-year start by propagating it from buds or cuttings (Fig. 106). The process might again be repeated 50 centuries later, and so on without limit.

    19. Life cycles of plants.—Every plant normally passes through a life cycle of history. The seed germinates, the plant vegetates, blooms, bears seeds and sooner or later dies. Life cycles vary in duration from a few days or weeks (peppergrass and portulaca) to many centuries (redwood, various oaks and pines). Under normal (or natural) conditions, the duration of the life cycle of any species may vary considerably because perhaps of inherited vigor or environment or both.

    For instance, in a sowing of garden carrots a few plants may run to seed the first season, though the general life cycle of this vegetable is two years; conversely, some annuals, as radish, may fail to seed the first year, but send up flower stalks the following season. Such cases, however, are exceptional.

    So far as known, no plant lives indefinitely, though by the application of certain methods of propagation existence may be continued beyond the duration of the normal life cycle of the plant so treated.

    For instance, the geranium, which is normally a warm climate plant, easily killed in cold climates by frost, may be propagated by cuttings, and thus not only its numbers increased indefinitely, but its life extended by asexual generation. In one sense this is not strictly extending the life cycle of the individual plant, for the original stem and roots are generally thrown away as having served their purpose.

    Because all plants normally reach the limits of their life cycles, some method of propagation is necessary if they are to be perpetuated; otherwise they will be lost. To prevent this contingency flowering plants, usually provide ample seed, though in some cases they have developed asexual methods. Strawberries propagate by means of runners (106); certain dogwoods by stolons (109); black raspberries by tip layers (100); houseleeks by rosettes (111, 114); cannas by rhizomes (108); banyan trees by aerial roots from limbs; mangroves by knees or prop roots; Irish potatoes by tubers (116); and so on.

    20. The term environment is used to include all the external influences that, as a whole, affect a living organism in any way. Among the principal factors that make up environment are heat, light, moisture and food supply.

    21. Duration of life cycle determines the three general groups of plants; annuals, biennials and perennials.

    a. Annuals complete their life cycle in one season or less—oat, radish, cosmos, purslane.

    b. Biennials require two growing seasons or parts of two—hollyhock, turnip, mullein. The root lives through the winter in a cold climate or has a dormant period in a warm or an arid one, and resumes activity when conditions again become favorable to growth. Before the second season of growth closes they mature their seeds and die.

    Apparent exceptions to these two groups are winter annuals, plants which start to grow late in one season, live over winter and reach maturity early the following season (crimson clover, shepherd’s purse).

    c. Perennials live from year to year and produce seed or fail to do so. They are divided into three classes—herbaceous, woody and shrubs and trees. a. Herbaceous perennials (or perennial herbs) have perennial roots but annual tops (asparagus, peony, bindweed). b. Woody perennials have perennial roots but biennial stems (raspberry). c. Shrubs and trees are woody in both root and stem and persist from year to year without definite loss.

    ¹ Taken from University of Missouri publication Principles and Practice of Plant Propagation, by W. L. Howard, now director of the Branch of the College of Agriculture, University of California, Davis, California.

    ¹ Note: To observe germinating pollen place anthers from flowers in a petri dish under a glass cover in a warm place to dry for 24 hours. Then place a drop of 12% sugar solution on a slide. Sprinkle pollen on this drop and invert slide over a Van Tieghen cell partly filled with water (Fig. 8). The cell is made by imbedding a ring of glass in paraffin on a slide. In two to twelve hours the pollen will germinate.



    22. Germination or sprouting is the resumption of growth by the dormant embryo or young plant in the seed. It is complete when growth has ruptured the seed coats and the embryo has emerged.

    Seedlings push through the soil by the extension of their radicles, aided in some cases by their cotyledons. Though in some instances (corn) the cotyledon or cotyledons (pea) remain beneath the surface of the ground, they usually come up above the surface (bean, castor-bean) often turn green and perform for a time the functions of true leaves (maple, tomato, nasturtium) but cease this role when true leaves are developed.

    23. Factors that control germination: viability, water, free oxygen, heat and age and stage of maturity of the seed. The seed of each species and even some varieties of a single species, seem to demand different degrees or quantities of one or more of these factors to produce best results. The most favorable combination of these factors for each kind of seed is, therefore, called the optimum for that species. Presupposing viability, or ability to live, the stages of germination are: 1, Absorption of moisture by the seed. 2, Conversion of stored food under favorable temperature into sugars by enzymes or natural ferments. 3, Stimulation of the embryo cells into growth. 4, Bursting the seed coat by the swelled embryo, etc.

    24. Water is necessary because plant food must be in solution to be of service to the embryo. In practice it is, perhaps, more important than oxygen and heat because too much or too little may prevent germination. Therefore, in practice, it requires careful regulation. Generally it reaches the seed through the soil, though many seeds and spores sprout on any surface moist enough, or any material which will supply their needs.

    In nature there are many variations. Cocoanuts will sprout among rocks where thrown up by the sea, their roots sustained by the milk while searching perhaps several yards for crevices in which to secure a hold and food. Countless kinds of seeds, blown by wind or carried by water, sprout among mountain rocks where both soil and water are in small supply. Long moss (Spanish moss Tillandsia) seeds germinate on the limbs of trees. Mistletoe does this also, but the sprouts become parasitic in the tissues of the trees to which they attach themselves.

    Still water retards germination of dry land species; but little, if at all, of water plants. In the case of buckwheat grown experimentally, most seeds sprouted in 24 hours in running water, but those in still water took two days or more. Doubtless this is because of the differences in content of oxygen, the former containing the larger percent. Morinagu and others showed that many seeds germinate in water and that O2 is the controlling factor. (Note experiments by Zimmerman with cuttings.)

    25. Temperature variations influence seeds in germination less than do those of moisture (Fig. 18). Both, however, should be avoided. Seeds will stand much heat and cold if dry, but if wet, frost may injure them and heat may cook them. In seed storage, every precaution against decay must be observed. Especially must the seed be kept as dry as possible. The room may be even hot, provided it is not damp. This rule applies to small as well as large quantities of seeds. Often corn, wheat and other cereals imperfectly dried before shipment heat in transit and are ruined both for seed-age and food. Sometimes the heat is high enough to cause great losses in warehouses and ships.

    FIG. 18.—Effect of temperature on germination. A. Flat in warm room germinated seed readily. B. Flat placed in ice box failed to germinate bean seed.

    26. Time of sowing outdoors, as well as depth, influences temperature. Seeds planted deeply in spring may rot because they are too cold; and those planted shallow in summer may continue dry and thus fail to sprout. Hence early spring sowing of any kind of seed should be shallower than that of the same kind in late spring or summer. No general rule can be given, because each species has its own preferences; but large seeds may be sown two to four times their diameters and small ones only slightly covered—just enough to hide them from light. Fresh and strong seeds may be sown deeper than old or weak ones, because the seedlings should reach the surface with comparative ease.

    FIG. 19.—Oxygen effect on germination. A. Bean seed failed in puddled clay, it is believed, because oxygen supply was reduced. B, Beans grew when puddled clay was covered with sand which permitted free entrance of oxygen.

    Oxygen is usually in ample supply for germination. It is always present in soils neither tightly packed nor water-soaked (Fig. 19). Water plant seeds (lotus, waterlily) will germinate under water.

    Deep planting is unfavorable to germination, first, because the supply of oxygen may be restricted (Fig. 20), second, because the seedlings may be unable to reach the surface, especially if the soil is hard. Under glass and in sand the same species of seeds may be planted at twice the depth employed in the open. After planting, the soil should be firmed lightly to avoid washing the seeds out when watering. If the soil is hard and likely to bake, a light mulch of old compost should be applied in the rows.

    FIG. 20.—Deep planting effects. Corn seeds planted all at one time.

    27. Light affects germination in various ways, depending on the species of plant. Seeds of many species are indifferent; those of others slightly inhibited (Amaranthus retroflexus—pigweed—and larkspur); others completely or partially inhibited (Phacelia tanacetifolia and Nigella arvensis); still others require it and germinate best without cover, provided moisture is present (mistletoe, Gesneriaceœ). Many that are favored by it need only low intensity.

    Though the value of shading is probably a question of moisture in many cases, it is considered advisable to shade fine seeds and spores while germinating. Nothing is to be gained by the reverse process. When covered with soil they are usually shaded enough, but when sown upon or near the surface they sprout better when shaded at least partially. Parsley, thyme, marjoram and other slow sprouting and small seeds sown outdoors do best under shade (Fig. 21). However, this is more because of controlled moisture than because of light. Paper and muslin are often used for shading. When the seedlings have two or more true leaves shade may be removed. In most cases, it may be said, light is not essential for germination; on the other hand it may retard germination of many seeds (Fig. 22).

    FIG. 21.—Shade for seedlings. A. Brush. B. Lath.

    28. Size of seed generally influences the proportionate size of seedlings, not only as to species but as to specimen. A mere glance at a lima bean would suggest that the seedling would be many times larger than a begonia seedling! The same generally holds true of the larger, heavier specimens as compared with the smaller, lighter ones of the same species.

    Influence of Seed Size. Superiority in germination of large vs small seeds has been shown by M. B. Cummings in Vermont with sweet peas, sweet pumpkins, Hubbard squash, lettuce, beans, parsley, radishes and garden peas. In this experiment large bean seeds gave an earlier product even though it took longer for them to germinate than smaller seeds. Experiments as a whole show distinct advantage in using large and heavy seed.

    29. Very small seeds (begonia, thyme) are merely dusted on the soil in a seed pan sunk in moist sand or moss, water never being applied directly. Sometimes another method is practiced—the water being contained in an exterior section of a flower pot. In each case the water seeps through the porous pot and keeps the soil moist. Seeds the size of celery are often watered after sowing by standing the pans in shallow water until the surface soil becomes moist. By.these methods the watering is quickly done without danger of washing the seeds out of the soil.


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