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Shiteye Jack
Shiteye Jack
Shiteye Jack
Ebook23 pages21 minutes

Shiteye Jack

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They meet, they love each other, they live happily ... And then one day ...

Translation of the original short story published in French "Jacques MERDEUIL".
Translation by Peggy C.

Release dateSep 3, 2020
Shiteye Jack

Christophe Noël

Christophe NOËL a connu un parcours atypique, pratiquant bien des métiers: ouvrier tapissier, vendeur ambulant, homme à tout faire dans un petit hôtel, surveillant d'externat, aide-comptable, distributeur de journaux, cadre responsable de centre, intérimaire, représentant, chef des ventes, promoteur publicitaire, visiteur mystère, fonctionnaire. Il est aujourd'hui à la retraite.

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    Book preview

    Shiteye Jack - Christophe Noël

    SHITEYE Jack

    (short story)

    Copyright 2020- Christophe NOËL

    Published by the Author

    Translation : Peggy C.

    First publication in French : Jacques MERDEUIL © 2020

    Warning to the reader:

    "If this goes without saying, it will go even better by saying it"

    Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord

    I would like to make it clear that on no account do I wish to endorse the behaviours described in some of my short stories. Neither the racist statements – they do not belong to me, but to my characters, some of which, as you will easily notice, are no genius.

    Therefore, there is no need to enter into any judgement of intentions, nor to mobilise the feminist leagues.

    I am not trying to excuse my characters, however, this collection being fictive, I wanted to stay as close as possible to real life. Some of the subjects have been addressed through the prism of current events.

    My position on this matter is modelled on my life.

    This literary position would be closer to the so-called "realists’ authors such as Zola, Brel, Brassens, even Bukowski and the great Rabelais.

    My heroes have nothing to be envied. They belong to those that you could come across every day on the streets, at work, or on the beach. Nothing to do with the worldly spirit that we find in Françoise Sagan’s work or Proust, just to mention a few.

    It is probably unnecessary to clarify that nowadays the moral censure being substantially modified since the end of the 1960s (although making a return in a roundabout way, the bourgeois being self-righteous), certain comments or certain situations can be judged as rude. As to myself, I would rather refer to it as greenness, and

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