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Seven Days with Joab
Seven Days with Joab
Seven Days with Joab
Ebook44 pages31 minutes

Seven Days with Joab

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Whatever became of Joab, renegade commander of King David's army?
Amidst wars, murders and jealousies, the story of Joab weaves in and out, always intertwined with King David's dysfunctional family. King David followed God and that was partly why Joab followed David. He could see the victories and blessings God showered on David. He wanted a piece of that. He'd also heard that the women adored David. They sang, "King Saul has killed his thousands, David his ten thousands." So, Joab joined David's rag-tag band of followers.
David noticed him. But Joab had a strong personality - headstrong, vindictive, sometimes overzealous. He liked to make his own rules, be his own God, his own judge and jury. In Joab's eyes, David took too long to act and wasn't always fair. Joab could easily see what needed to be done. Family was important, but the enemy was the enemy - no truce, no honor.
So, when did hero worship turn to disdain? Why is Joab called the Judas of the Old Testament?
Joab learned that David wasn't as moral as he had thought. Joab had his own sense of morality buried deep inside his pride. When David involved Joab in his own sin, not once but twice, Joab felt his influence eroding. He could only stand by and watch David and his God battle out the consequences of sin.
As David got older, his body became weak. Joab was still strong. He could foresee a vacuum in the affairs of state. Joab knew that the old king needed to be replaced. What action should he take?

PublisherPauline Youd
Release dateSep 8, 2020
Seven Days with Joab

Pauline Youd

I like to write, read, teach, sing, play the piano, swim, cook, play in the yard, and walk by the ocean. I prefer coloring books to plain paper, summer to winter, daytime to nightime, and morning to afternoon. I like large families, but I prefer to visit with one friend at a time. I love to study the Bible and discuss what God is doing in the world today, but I can't handle really scary adventure novels. I am more interested in people and animals than in rocks and plants. I tutor reading and writing and prefer second graders. I live with my husband Bill and cat Sasha in the center of California.

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    Book preview

    Seven Days with Joab - Pauline Youd

    Seven Days With Joab

    Pauline Youd


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2020 by Pauline Youd

    Cover Artist: Gerald Barlow

    Smashwords license notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    What You Should Know about Joab

    Who’s Who in the Life of Joab (in order of their appearance in the stories)

    Day 1: Joab Meets Abner in Battle, II Samuel 2:12-32

    Day 2: Joab’s Revenge, II Samuel 3

    Day 3: Joab Sells His Soul, II Samuel 11-12

    Day 4: Joab Facilitates a Family Reunion, II Samuel 13-14

    Day 5: Joab Steps Over the Line, II Samuel 15-18:33

    Day 6: Joab’s Relationships Erode, II Samuel 18:33-20:22

    Day 7: Joab Tests his Authority, I Kings 1-2:5;13-35 and I Kings 2:5-6

    Other Books in This Series

    These events in the life of Joab are told chronologically but are not necessarily contingent.

    What you should know about Joab

    Joab had always idolized his uncle, David (who would one day be King David). Growing up with his two brothers, Abishai and Asahel, he often played warrior games – two armies, two commanders (Asahel was too young to be a commander). When they played, Joab always wanted to be David. He didn’t want to take turns with Abishai, his older brother. Joab was a sore loser. He had to win.

    Their mother, Zeruiah, had raised her boys to be leaders. They were fierce warriors, aggressive and competitive. No one could take on Zeruiah’s sons and emerge unscathed. Their loyalty to David was matched only by their loyalty to each other. But for Joab, that loyalty was always tinged with jealousy. He wanted to be the one David noticed. He wanted to command David’s army. He wanted to make a name for himself. He wanted to be David.

    The boys had known for a long time that one day David would be king over all Israel. Their mother had told them stories of how Samuel, the prophet, had anointed David when he was a boy tending his father’s sheep, and it was David who took on the Philistine giant, Goliath, when everyone else cowered before

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