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Tiny Tales Volume One: Tiny Tales, #1
Tiny Tales Volume One: Tiny Tales, #1
Tiny Tales Volume One: Tiny Tales, #1
Ebook110 pages38 minutes

Tiny Tales Volume One: Tiny Tales, #1

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About this ebook

Do you think that you have no time to read? This pocket rocket has you covered.

One hundred snapshots. One hundred unmissable tales of intrigue, humour, love, woe, surprise, and all themes in between. This wide-ranging collection makes the perfect companion for fiction lovers, who enjoy an unexpected perspective.

Each Drabble (yes that is its real name!) stands alone, and with no categorisation, you never know where the next delectable bite will take you. Each has a unique voice, some louder than others, but all need to be heard.

Every word, every element, every second matters. So, what do you like? Satire? Not a problem. Comedy? All-day long. Tragedy? Darling, must you ask!

The real question is… do you have time for one more?

PublisherG. D. Maher
Release dateApr 30, 2020
Tiny Tales Volume One: Tiny Tales, #1

G. D. Maher

As many authors before have said, G. D. Maher maintains that reading is for everyone, and anyone who says they don't like to read, simply hasn't found a book that speaks to them. The Tiny Tales Series is a collection of tantalising titbits covering a broad spectrum of topics and genres, and as each takes only a minute to read, there truly is something for everyone, no matter how little time there is. Adamant from her teens that she was going to be a high-flying corporate lawyer, a Bachelors degree in Law was obtained from the University of West of England, Bristol. This was not meant to be however, as she found her creativity choked to within an inch of its life. Going from a world where words were used like food on a buffet; excessively and unnecessarily, to one where individual words mattered, was certainly a challenge, but a welcome one. She has a fondness for tea in all its forms, as should any self-respecting creative. When not trying to cram her thoughts into one paragraph, she loves puzzles, crafting, comedy and coastal walks (as well as a fair amount of alliteration!) She lives and works out of her adopted home in Sydney, Australia with her husband.

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    Book preview

    Tiny Tales Volume One - G. D. Maher


    Other Woman

    Now, I've never been a jealous woman, but that bitch Chloe was a right piece of work.

    Thick, dark grey flecked hair, pearly

    whites, and iceberg eyes; I could

    see the attraction.

    She was shameless, regularly coming between us on the sofa, suggesting that they engage in heavy petting... and he obliged!

    I found my photo in his wallet had

    been replaced with a perfectly

    captured image of them together.

    The last straw came when she looked

    me dead in the eye, smirked, and put

    her head in his crotch. He just smiled.

    Seriously Peter! The dog has to go!


    The Crossing

    Two minutes to the train. Come on pedestrian crossing. Work in my favour. Why are these lights taking forever to change? I can't miss this train.

    Green... amber... ready... What the hell!

    A firm push on my shoulder sends my bag flying and me unceremoniously into a bush. Jumping up to see in whose direction I should shout PRICK! I see no one. Not a soul. Gathering up my loose change and makeup I missed the crossing. I missed the train. I missed the train derailment which killed everyone in my usual carriage.

    I didn't believe in angels. People change.



    He’d always been a man's man, but after watching a horror classic last night, he feared turning on the TV and seeing the signature static screen. There being any truth in it was slim, but he could not risk it. The problem was, the Rugby World Cup was starting. Bracing, he slowly pressed the power button.


    The noise he produced was unearthly, as his wife ran into the room.

    Sorry babe, I think I knocked the aerial whilst cleaning. You ok?

    Of course! he snapped, his pale face and wet leg saying otherwise.

    No more horror films for him.


    On The Run

    We're going now. Pete wasn't usually

    so brusque with his beloved, but the neighbours were asking questions.

    "We could be truthful... we’re

    not wicked people," choked Sara.

    "They won't understand. Remember the persecution in Persia and the hatred in

    Haiti? We can't risk it, Sara. We can’t."

    The river overflowed as Sara filled her suitcase with photos. Seventy years they had managed to live this life. Now, it was over.

    Right, we are now Millie and Victor Blossom. Newlyweds. You know the drill.

    Hair colour transformed, ears brought forward, nose lengthened, accent adapted.

    Being a God on Earth sucked sometimes.


    The Penthouse

    Peter ascended the elevator to the last room on his cleaning schedule. The penthouse.

    He enjoyed lording over the city,

    pretending he was a millionaire

    and admiring the harbour below.

    First though, he must open the curtains

    and crack an air freshener.

    Stale much.

    A thank you note on the bed with

    A $100 bill. Wonderful woman. The kitchen was a breeze. The bathroom door however was jammed. She should have reported

    it to management.

    A little brute force and the door was open.

    The headless body in the bath had seemingly received a little brute force of its own.



    Please leave me alone! I appreciate you can’t hear me well, with my high pitched, whiny voice, but I don't

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