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The Anon Projects: Project XIV, #14
The Anon Projects: Project XIV, #14
The Anon Projects: Project XIV, #14
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The Anon Projects: Project XIV, #14

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Suppose if you will, you could speak your mind and truthfully express your opinions.  The Anon "Anonymous" Projects have been going on since the late nineties. The conversations included in this book are just a sample of what happens when the constraints of society are removed from humans. The Project was designed to seek out truth free from the constraints of judgement.  When someone says I hate or I love these people or race they are confronted by logic.  Logic is the sworn enemy of racism, sexism, elitism and any other ism you can think of.  When asked to defend a point of view logically most people become incensed. You will see many examples of people confronting their internal strife.  An example is 1+1=2. That is logical. What race are you? 1+All of your DNA genetic heritage = Black, no White, no, Asian, = Human. All of your migratory history means you are a human just like everyone else no better and no worse. Enjoy having your racism exposed and proven then having to admit logically you are a human and not a Black, White, Asian, etc. The unassailable truth is when a human says, I'm white, black whatever. They are liars and it can be proven beyond any and all reasonable doubt.  

PublisherMike Andrews
Release dateSep 10, 2020
The Anon Projects: Project XIV, #14

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    Book preview

    The Anon Projects - Mike Andrews

    The Anon Projects

    Project XIV


    Facts Are Not Evil

    People Are

    Project Leader

    Mike Andrews

    Copyright 06-01-2020

    Table of Contents



    The Anon Project began more than twenty years ago.  The one guarantee was that all participants would have their identities protected. The projects consist of many groups made up of mostly left-wing participants. I have been asked numerous times to publish the group conversations. Every time I considered it and started going through the immense amount of conversations from different groups the topics were no longer relevant. I was asked last year to publish again. The impetus was the upcoming election. I started, but again the shear amount of conversations made me stop. It’s not just the number of conversations but putting those conversations in a readable form. I just hit the microphone button and put headphones next to my laptop. That’s the raw data if you will. I then would have to go through and delete references and put Anon moniker for a participant and redacted for names mentioned. I would also have to try and make sense out of conversations where five or six people were talking at the same time. Delete conversations that could be directly traced back to a participant. Trying to figure out what Hebrew or Yiddish words meant. Hint, I didn’t try.

    The difficulties in direct transcription from recordings of group sessions are numerous. Multiple people speaking, proximity to the recording device, speech patterns, background noises. The number of people that say, and uh, umm, ya know what I mean and my personal pet peeve basically. One participant in particular would start off almost every thought with, well ya know basically and throughout the thought say, basically I or basically we.

    One other issue was the participants passionate opinions. This was especially apparent in the African American group. They chose to call it the Black Group. The main reason for this was my insistence that every American is an African American. That will be explained later. The consistent use of the word nigger in this group might make the average person wince. The leaders explained that, this is the way we talk when we are not in mixed company. They insisted the term remain. Their reasoning was black readers could relate the conversations to those they have in their personal lives.

    The Jewish group leaders on the other hand were ok with me not including Hebrew and Yiddish words that I didn’t understand. First of all, there are Jewish participants that do not speak Hebrew or understand all the Yiddish references. Their reasoning was that it’s unfair to readers to force them to stop in the middle of a sentence and look up a word in Hebrew or Yiddish. After reading the raw transcripts they deleted most of the words but left my comments. You will see.

    Other groups wanted their discussions included. I can only include snippets. The security group leader who has all the raw data told me and a few of the leaders that he or she has in excess of 900,000 pages of raw data. That does not include outdated data and data that has not been transcribed.

    The one thing that will become apparent is that I was not present in person or virtually at the vast majority of the group sessions. To be honest I was not involved in the project for long stretches of time. With the exception of the last 18 months I was only communicating with leaders sporadically. You will see references to the leader. That is me and the analogies and logical conclusions they reference are mine. Some analogies are over a decade old but resonate with participants today.

    The sequence is out of order and there are a lot of rants especially in the Post Chinese Pandemic Update. I wanted Wuhan Flu but the consensus was it was to catchy. There is no flow to the text. Just as there is no flow to discussions in real life. In real life you and your friends might start off talking about the storm last night and end up discussing everything from anchovies to zebras at the zoo. That’s the form of this book. I tried to make it flow but reality doesn’t flow either. You will say, Yes that’s it, that’s right to what the fuck! that’s bullshit. In the update I didn’t even try. There are repeated subjects and references from different groups and different sessions. There are repeat subject discussions in the same session. It’s like you are at a meeting or get together and then suddenly realize, didn’t we just talk about that an hour ago? I will admit to one stereotype that I brought up. Please remember every stereotype has its origin in fact. I said, it seems every one of you (the Jewish group) is a Henny Youngman wannabe. They love making inappropriate jokes or comments and then saying it’s ok I’m Jewish. I guess the stereotype is, when Jews get called out, they play the Jewish card and if a gentile says anything, they are an antisemite. The problem was, like I told a very funny person. You can’t run to twitter or CNN and accuse me of antisemitism, can ya?

    I’m not into religion or race. My view on religion is simple. What is the difference between Abraham, Jesus, Mohamed and the guy on the subway platform saying, God told him the world is ending? nothing. They all listened to voices in their head. Logically, people such as this have a diagnosable medical condition, nothing more.

    My view on race is simple and backed by science. We are all the same race. There were two, human and Neanderthal. But like the red squirrel and the grey squirrel one is absorbed. Most likely for the same reason but that’s just an assumption. Neanderthal women could breed with human males and Neanderthal males could not breed with human females. We will never know but that’s my theory.

    The fact is, we are pretty much the same with little differences brought about by migration. Nothing more and the proof is the United States. We are the first true non-homogeneous society.  We do try to attach ourselves to a homogeneous society. People who label themselves as white say they are Irish, German, Russian etc. Americans. People who use the label African Americans and Asian Americans attach themselves to continents.

    Another fact is, we are becoming one people and the desire to be part of a homogeneous society is causing the racism we see today. Now, we are seeing the last gasps of pure racism. The idiotic logic that Americans, by choice or peer pressure, must choose a homogeneous society to be part of is just plain stupid. This, I must disavow my perceived racial heritage is even stupider. I made multiple points that we all have demons in our DNA. The African American group and Jewish group hated me reaching back in history and massacring their victimhood. The Neo-Nutsie Group refused the logic and made a point, or so they thought. That DNA technology is a Jewish trick to prove their superiority. Now Jewish people do call themselves the chosen people that is until some wise ass says, prove it. Hint they couldn’t, just as Christians couldn’t prove anything Jesus supposedly did and the Muslims couldn’t prove Mohamed actually talked to Gabriel in a cave.

    The hot choice today is a perceived minority race or a new fad is double or triple minority race. I saw a t-shirt that said Afro-Latino-Asian.

    The truth is we are humans nothing else. To say or think otherwise is illogical. But that’s an Americans coward power. This term will also become apparent later.


    I do feel the need to logically comment on the current BLM protest. After reading the update and being involved in last years sessions.

    I formed the conclusion, at that time, racist movements were losing steam.

    In my opinion. As the population becomes more and more integrated minority and majority populations will get smaller. Both populations will struggle with this. As more Americans have a cornucopia of migratory history the minority and majority will struggle with trying to maintain a separate racial identity. The current BLM movement supporters are having to reach back over 400 years to find reasons to justify what they don’t have today, a truly racist society. You will see attacks on perceived monuments, people or groups attacked and destroyed. The groups have shown evidence that the Soros group is very much involved in that. They showed evidence that they hired thugs to act as anarchist and are hoping to start a race war that will end up in a communist dictatorship type government. The Mao theory of governing if you will. In the present they just want anarchy, however I pointed out that, the population of the United States is very well armed and the first to die in anarchy are, you guessed it, the anarchist. The population will seek out who they feel started the devastation and destroy them. The dark left group pointed out that these fire starters and instigators are hit and run thugs. That will be discussed later. The next to fall will be the liberal elite that, by their own words and actions, despise law enforcement and the military. When innocents start losing their lives. The populous will turn on the messengers. It should be exciting and dangerous. My personal advice to all Americans who own property is arm yourself. It doesn’t matter what race you label yourself. The aim of the Soros group is communism. First though, they have to have socialism. Before you can have socialism. you must have anarchy. That will become apparent in the upcoming election cycle.

    After listening to the Post COVID-19 update. I concluded that Its a sad commentary on American society that the masses can be moved to support such a false movement by a clearly racist group. Please read the BLM policy agenda mentioned by the participants. It opened my eyes. As the groups point out the BLM movement is smokescreen of police abuse to grab attention that will morph into an Anti-white American, antisemitic movement. Listen and watch for key words and phrases. Racist on both sides will use general words and phrases such as, White Americans, Black Americans, White people, white man.and so on.  According to the dark left and both the Jewish and black groups. It’s going to turn into a full on blame game with no substance along with no accountability. According to them the movement, in its purest form, is a separatist movement with no accountability for African Americans and full accountability for all other Americans. The leaders of these groups said to look at history to confirm this point. The Romans, the Greeks, The Egyptians, The Israelites, The Christians, The Muslims, The Monarchies, The Nazis, The Communist. All had full accountability for the people they victimized but no accountability for themselves. That’s today’s BLM movement, we can do no wrong and whites, Hispanics, Asians etc. are fully accountable. You will see later the proposed plans for an all Black Nation put forth by the dark left BLM liaisons. The premise is to dispossess whites of their property within the new borders. The discussion was pretty much a black and white discussion. I then asked our liaison with BLM. What about, Asians, middle eastern people like Syrians and Iraqi immigrants or Hispanics. The answer was simple. BLM calls for an ALL BLACK STATE!! They gotta go with the whites. If they want a separate state let them create their own. Our nation will have its own borders, its own flag, its own anthem and its own laws. The first line of our constitution will be to create an all black state we must. Well fill in the blanks it’s pretty much to secure the future of the black race yadda yadda yadda.


    Much like most of America I had no idea what the BLM movement was about besides protesting Black people being murdered by the police. Anyone who watched the video of George Floyd’s last few minutes on earth, has to be enraged or you’re not a human being.

    As a long time, unapologetic, cop hater I wanted to rush through the screen and knock that cop off that victim. I was derided for saying victim by a few people, yes white people. My point to them and any person that defends brutality by police or individuals. It’s only a split second to turn from perp to victim or from victim to perp. In this case in took minutes for the cops present to turn from police officers sworn to protect the public to perpetrators guilty of murder. In Kentucky where the cops shot through a door and murdered a woman. First of all, one of the basic facts is always know who you are shooting at. If those cops used common sense and backed away, cleared the building and called in SWAT. Then the man who shot through the door would be sitting jail today. Instead the cops shot blindly through the door and as we have all heard, intent follows the bullet. The best example of this is. A hunter shoots a deer the bullet goes through the deer and hits a child a half a mile away killing the child. The hunter will say I couldn’t see that far away. The hunter is responsible for whatever damage that bullet causes. The intentional pulling of the trigger is the action that caused the harm. Just like the cops firing through the door. They intentionally pulled the trigger. They are responsible for whatever harm their bullets caused. They cannot say, for sure, who they were shooting at. End of story.  Now for the morons in Georgia. That’s stupid from the jump. What crime did this kid commit? Trespassing? They didn’t own the property. There was no crime committed against them. Those clowns rode up on him in a truck and told him to stop. Pardon my French, fuck you!!!! If two white, black or green guys rolled up on me and said freeze. Hell no!! I don’t know who the hell these guys are. I might look like a guy that dumped their sister and they wanna take me out in the woods and shoot my ass. That brother went down fighting and but for the grace of God, there goes I. We all can say that I’m sure.

    I asked the groups do these three separate isolated incidents mean cops are out to kill Black people. They said of course not. It means there are bad cops, there are good cops.

    They were for BLM in the sense that police abuse of blacks would lead to reforms that protect all Americans. Then they were read into the BLM, the leader of the black group put it as a, straight up separatist, racist policy agenda. They said after Bernie lost and with the facts being evident. The one government communist wing of the Democratic Party hijacked the movement to start an anarchist race war. They said, we will see many anarchists coming to fore in the upcoming months.

    I did wonder, why is this narrative of police running amok and murdering black people is so prevalent. Aren’t there other issues that are more important? Like the heroin overdoses and jobs being lost.  I contacted the Media Group leaders and following is their revelations.

    One thing I need to point out is the vast majority of the media group are Jewish. After years of bragging about the numbers of Jewish successes in the media world and the goal of purging white Protestants out of the media world. I proposed this question. Now that this group has gone through the vast number of your faith that control media outlets. From all four major networks to all movie production companies, the all pay cable movie networks and the groupings of cable networks like the discovery family and grouping more and more under a single umbrella. What would you as a group call this logically?

    Anon; I wouldn’t say we control,

    Stop there, you all agreed and just got through listing thousands not hundreds but thousands of Jews in power positions in every single media outlet not only here but in the world market.

    Anon; That’s true.

    Anon; He set us up.

    Anon; Yes. he did. Very well I might add.

    Anon; So, if no one else is going to admit it I will. We have a religious monopoly on the media in the United States. Oh, and by the way, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

    Anon; He’s not wrong, the FCC and FTC have no control over a religious monopoly. There are no laws that address a religious monopoly. The exclusionary behavior clause doesn’t even apply. If it covered the exclusion based on race. That could be an issue in a discrimination case. Exclusion based on religion, sex and race in our field is wide open and obvious.  There is nothing white Protestant men can do about it. We have been letting them go by the thousands. All you have to do is replace them with a minority and you’re good to go. You have the memo on your laptop right redacted.

    Anon; Sure do.

    What memo?

    Anon; The white boy out memo.

    Ok enlighten me.

    Anon; It’s actually a group of internal memos we put together from various corporations. Most are legal memos. That way they are protected by attorney/client privilege. Basically, they are a blue print on how to get white guys outta the company and not get sued. For instance. Outsourcing a group of responsibilities. That way we can fire a group of employees or certain employees can be reassigned while others are let go. You can keep women and minorities. Then ditch the white boys. The biggest and most ridiculous thing we can do is bring in temporary workers from India, Pakistan or any country of color. When they arrive on American soil, they immediately become protected minorities. It’s a running joke how these highly educated well paid citizens of a foreign country arrive here and suddenly they are poor minorities that must be protected from the evil American white man. We go after single educated people put them on temporary work visas. Then repatriate them to offices or subsidiaries in their home country where they can be terminated for any reason. This allows us to terminate any race, sex or religion here. It’s kind of a shell game but allows us to keep cost down. We don’t have union issues because they are temporary workers and they are informed that if they try anything stupid. They won’t have a job here or in the industry in their country of origin. We would love to do this with Mexican and other South American countries. The education systems there are a joke and the government’s in most third world nations are so corrupt. Also, cartels bribing government officials makes it implausible to take advantage of the scheme in those places. Plus, the language barrier is horrendous. That’s why we prefer India and the Asian countries. They teach English.

    Anon; It basically describes a systemic way to rid ourselves of you white Christian boys.

    (Group laughter)

    I see,

    Anon; Don’t get offended. We still need people to deliver our pizzas. There’s a place for white guys.

    Anon; Ya, construction, plumbers, ditch digger. Just not where we rule.

    (Group laughter)

    Anon; To the point, we have monopolized the country and there’s not a thing other people can do about it. Some of you have married some of us but it’s like the Jews that married Germans. They will always be gentiles and their children will be gentiles to the majority of the Jewish community. They will be accepted to a point and that point is when they divorce. A Jew is always welcomed back to the fold where they are protected.

    (They asked this not be included.)

    The other groups were asked about the religious monopoly the Jewish community has on the country. None were surprised that it was factually true. They were just surprised they admitted it. This led to some lively discussions in every group except the Neo-Nutsies.

    I was accused of putting them on the spot and I was. I just wanted them to see that their monopolies affected people’s lives.


    So, what’s up with this full-scale BLM push?

    Anon; Honestly?

    No, lie to me.

    Anon; Ok asshole, it’s pretty much all we have. The purge has been so successful that we can’t use the standard lines.

    Anon; That is so true. We have successfully purged almost every white Protestant male, that’s not one of us, completely out of everywhere. We can’t really go after big corporations because most are controlled by us. (Left Wing Jewish People)

    Anon; And we have been warned to avoid China or risk losing our sponsors.

    Anon; Is that from the Chinese or the corporations?

    Anon; When the corporate reps speak it’s the Chinese Central Committee pulling the strings.

    Anon; My husband works for redacted and he was told that the PRC would restrict their (Chinese) market if any negative media attention was put on them over Hong Kong. Especially through the end of July. They pointed to the NBA and how one negative tweet cost them over a billion dollars.

    Anon; You saw how fast that went away.

    Anon; I know we went into emergency mode at Redacted. I mean it happened in our realm. We were instructed to nix any China protest stories or commentary.

    Anon; The players were instructed to keep quiet as well.

    Anon; I know, I asked more than one player to comment. I was like, C’mon brotha, you be wearing a I can’t breathe shirt and you won’t comment on Democracy protesters getting gassed? Mother fuckers just stood there. I let them off though. I would say, I’m just fucking with ya brother.

    Anon; I was five feet away, tell them what redacted said.

    Anon; Oh, redacted said, fuck bro, don’t pull that shit, them Jewboys are fuckin serious about this shit.

    Anon; That was last year though. It has run its course.

    Anon; The NBA?

    Anon; Yes, but the example is out there ain’t it.

    Anon; Ya, big time. Newsrooms be like China! Nope. We explained our audience is focused on BLM. The message we got was clear. Keep it there!!!!!

    Anon; The dark left people call that the Nike Coalition.

    Anon; What?

    Anon; The corporations that are applying pressure on us to keep the focus on BLM.

    Anon; But why the Nike Coalition?

    Anon; Easy, what corporation makes the most profit promoting the hatred of white people?

    Anon; In our field, Disney.

    Anon; Ok, you got me there. Let me try it this way. What corporation makes the most profit producing in China and selling in the U.S. products that promote the hatred of white people?

    Anon; Ok, then ya Nike. But why Nike Coalition?

    Anon; It’s easier than saying, The corporations that produce products and sell products in China that want Trumps crazy ass out of office before he starts with that profit killing American Jobs Act Bill shit that will kill our chances of staying in the Chinese markets and using Chinese, Vietnamese and pretty much any cheap ass Asian labor coalition. (Explosive laughter)

    Anon; Ok, Nike Coalition it is.

    Anon; Also, Nike means victory.

    Anon; Huh?

    Anon; We on the production side have the bigger issue. We have been instructed by almost all the major production companies not to let any white Protestants on the air if at all possible. I mean we have gone overboard pushing the African American success shows now we are cornered.

    Anon; Cornered?

    Anon; Hell yes. The hierarchy of talent for new productions is African Americans, other minorities, dyed in the wool liberals, non-religious foreign-born talent, non-religious talent, non-Protestant white women, non-Protestant white men. Preferably Catholic. Active Protestants are not to be considered unless approved by upper level management. Whew I was running outta fingers.

    Anon; What about us? (Group laughter)

    Anon; Oops, Jews.

    Anon; I see we get the pinky.

    Anon; I gotta a finger for you personally.

    Anon; Ok let’s get back to it.

    Anon; Well, we have produced so many African American success shows and put so many black and minority personalities in the market. We have painted ourselves into a corner. Redacted did a piece on the income disparity in the African American community. Wow it was eye-opening. It was nixed so fast and redacted was pissed. She went off on redacted and the whole redacted staff.

    Anon; I heard about that, damn the sister was going nuts.

    Anon; No shit, she was like all you mother fuckers can kiss my black ass. To her it was a black empowerment piece. She listed thousands of black millionaires in every aspect of American business. The numbers of black tv personalities and production companies. It was a labor of love. Then for a group of white Jews to tell her it doesn’t fit the current narrative. Damn that set her off.

    Anon; I saw the piece. It doesn’t fit the narrative. All they wanted was for her to wait until after the election. I mean the facts she used about the growing levels black middle and upper classes outpacing the poverty level in the African American community under a republican administration. Damn she was writing Trumps stump for him.

    Anon; When was this?

    Anon; I saw it in late December, early January.

    Anon; So, before the world went crazy.

    Anon; Oh, hell ya.

    Anon; So, the point is moot now with everybody out of work.

    Anon; It is and it isn’t. Putting something like that out there with the current situation would trigger the need for a stupid jobs bill. To keep the upward trend for blacks and other minorities.

    Anon; Oh, I see.

    I don’t, I’m just the logical Gentile.  You see your success in the failure of others.

    Anon; Ok, my Gentile friend. We as a group don’t think like the people we are discussing. We are just expressing the logic of the party.

    Anon; We are doing our jobs as well. You don’t understand the fear of free thinking and free speech in our profession Mike. If it was known we were expressing our true thoughts and feelings about the evil our profession is involved in. Shit none of us would ever work in the media profession again.

    Anon; I would be divorced.

    Anon; Me too

    Anon; Same here.

    Anon; Any deviation from the Democratic Party line and you are gone. You won’t get an assignment ever again. Hell, I’m on the dirt squad. We scour every interview locally, every article, every speech, Now I’m on the celebrity beat, we have people in the archives looking for interviews that someone might have slipped up on.

    Anon; Fuck I know, I got stuck watching every episode of the Man Show. When redacted saw that Kimmel was in that show she went off. She was how is this sexist, racist, perverted piece of shit on the air still? Then redacted said, we got all those late-night POS’s by the balls. She’s right, all we have to do is run some of their routines as sound bites and they will be off the air.

    Anon; He’s Jewish.

    Anon; I know and his cohost was Catholic. So

    Anon; I don’t know, I guess I just felt obligated to point that out.

    Anon; Ok, who is on Trump?

    Anon; I’m on the logistics end of getting Soros group people on the ground at Trump appearances.

    Anon; I’m on the Trump team at redacted but we are having serious logistic issues getting personnel to travel to some of these places. I do know that we are actively trying to.

    Anon; Stop right there. We are not going to discuss anything that might trigger an investigation. So, let’s just back off Trump and Biden right now. Let’s stick with the peripheral activities.

    Anon; Ok, well there is fear among media members about getting COVID so logistics are difficult right now.

    Anon; Man, I feel like I’m at work. With these awkward silences.

    Anon; We can talk about everything. Just not with him around. I know what you were going to say and that’s not something he should hear or be recorded.

    Anon; Ya, I can see that.

    Anon; Anyway, how about the BLM protest?

    Anon; Well, I know we have shifted the narrative completely to an anti-white Christian movement. The copy I’ve seen that’s going to run on the networks will not be anti-police but anti-white. I have seen copy on probably 3000 potential anti-white print ads, commercials, Twitter posts, Facebook pages and post, Instagram post, direct mail, talking points for candidates and talk show hosts both TV and radio or well NPR. They are going all in on race-based documentaries. It’s going to be wall to wall 24/7 white people are evil and must die kinda campaign. It’s pretty funny though. Watching these white candidates call their white constituents racist. I mean everyone knows diversity means get rid of the white folks. The party is warning candidates and everyone in the media not to let any, they emphasized NOT ANY!! questions about diversity. I swear that somebody dropped a dime on our session from last year. When he blew up diversity on us. Redacted said it’s the sob story campaign. The narrative that Black folks just don’t stand a chance during programs showing Black people being so successful. That’s why redacted’s piece on black success in the country fits in right now. I mean like hell, next on growing up hip hop, you won’t believe who’s getting a 499,000 Lamborghini. Followed by, African Americans still have no shot at success in the United States. But stay tuned to see which black NFL quarterback Just signed a 200 million- dollar contract and more on why NFL players are treated as slaves. I swear your words were in my head the whole time I was going through all of the copy. All I could think is damn we are printing the legend like it’s a fact.

    Anon; You are deeply into the party operations. Do they think this anti-white American narrative will sustain until the election?

    Anon; Well, the thought process is flawed in my opinion. The party leaders think that anti-white propaganda will be interpreted as anti-republican propaganda. However, the Soros group are getting upset by the lack of violence. All of the killings have been black on black. The instigators and fire starters are not willing to give up their lives or freedom for the cause. They are posing as anarchist to try and start a violent riot. They say what’s great is they can travel from site to site without fear of being recognized. Everyone is wearing a mask. They love that but, I don’t know how long the Soros Group and Nike Coalition are willing to pay these thugs. One blackmailed them. I did hear that. Luckily, he went to redacted with his story looking for like 25k. They paid him 100k to shut up. What they need is a white guy to kill one or two blacks and then the black protesters will turn on the white ones. They are hopeful that as the weather heats up the violence will too.

    Anon; The convergence of the Soros group and their dream of a socialist state ended when Bernie Sanders lost any chance of getting nominated. You will notice that not much was going on in the BLM movement until then. That’s when the Soros group picked up the baton and began funding the police/white hate propaganda. I really don’t think they looked at the manifesto and it’s totally racist POV. They just needed a forum to cause chaos. The Nike Coalition saw this as an opportunity to jump in with both feet.

    The issue with China withholding medical supplies and they can’t control Trump. They are mostly social democrats and think they can gain so much more profit in the Chinese Market. They also are transferring a great deal of wealth to Israel and pushing Israel to open up to the Chinese labor market. You see they want the United States to be modeled after China. In China the leaders are all multi- billionaires. The market controls China and the billionaires that run the corporations that control the market. That means the multi-billionaires control China. They control labor cost and the military and or police. One National police force sound familiar. They want Trump out. They want a national police force and a national education system. They also need religion to go away. That’s where the Soros thugs come in. Mostly white guys spurring on blacks to protest. The trouble with hiring thugs is they might start burning churches and synagogues. There are Jews but not religious Jews involved.

    Watch for a joint socialist/democratic, fully socialist Democratic Party this fall.

    From what we saw they are going to try and bribe their way to power. Promises and no way to pay for them. We looked at the list and the things they are promising will cost in excess of 500 trillion dollars.

    Anon; Trillion??

    Anon; Yes, over the course of 10-15 years. It can’t be done, there’s no job programs outside of government jobs listed though. That’s the Nike Coalitions one demand, No Jobs Bill.

    Anon; The influx of millions of dollars is keeping the players in place. The issue is the black groups getting the money aren’t willing to share it. They see it as a golden parachute. I mean it’s like here’s 20 million no questions asked. The admin cost most likely will be 19.9 mil.

    Anon; Damn

    Anon; Well it was explained this way. Here’s a 100k for your cousin to do security and 500k so he can hire your other cousins to work an event and so on. Plus, they are minorities so if there are any question’s we will brand it as a racial attack on whatever group. 20 mil can be spent in a week or two. One of our fund raisers said they are acting like it’s Brewsters Millions except you don’t need receipts. (Group laughter)

    Anon; That’s racist.

    Anon; No, it’s not, he’s Jewish it’s comedy. (Group explodes in laughter)

    Anon; That’s been our reasoning for decades!

    Anon; Ok, not Jewish enlighten me,

    Anon; I hate giving Gentile’s any insight into the true superiority reality of the Jewish community. (Group laughter)

    Anon; Then don’t (group laughter) I don’t want any of that, we are supposed to tell the truth in this project and then you shush me.

    Anon; Ok then, tell them!!! It’s your ass not mine.

    Anon; Uh, Anon Project, there’s no way to point fingers at us and say, see the Jews think they are better than everyone else. Even though we know we are.

    (Group laughter)

    Anon; Does that include converts?

    Anon; No.

    (Group laughter)

    Ok I’m gonna push stop right here and the group can decide if you want it included or if you people are trying to run a comedy skit.

    Anon; We are back. In general, there are members of the media and their support staff along with others. That are rumored to be attempting to infect people that have contact with republican candidates with COVID-19. Hoping they can get the candidates or staff infected.  Also, the dark left reported that the Soros group members. Are seeking, for pay, younger activist to be infected with Covid and then attend Trump and other prominent republican rallies to attempt to infect as many supporters as possible.

    Anon; So, it’s not some deep dark secret.

    Anon; No.

    Anon; Well, damn I thought I had the lead.

    (Group laughter)

    Okay redacted, it’s your group, carry on

    Anon; Thanks, sorry for the buzz kill. Those Dark Left people are involved in the trenches. So, where were we?

    Anon; Jews using the comedy excuse to cover up our racism.

    Anon; Oh, it’s obvious. So, we really don’t need to turn this into a soul cleansing experience.

    Anon; Well I’m not Jewish (Converted so he could marry a Jewish woman.) and I have noticed the Gentile racist jokes in many Jewish speeches, lectures and panel discussions. So, you are saying those are intentional?

    Anon; That’s what’s obvious. The first two are scripted. Of course, there is the obligatory, I heard this or the old adage dodge. What’s good about it is. It’s usually to a mostly Jewish audience. So, it’s like this, people talk differently around groups of people that think like they do.

    Anon; So, Jews are straight up racist.

    Anon; We like to say we are social justice warriors. But the truth is we are social justice warriors as long as it doesn’t affect the bottom line.

    (Group laughter)

    Anon; Just look at the Nike Coalition. Jewish controlled companies dominate that group. They will support social justice here. Even if it is a false manufactured movement that at its core is a racist, separatist movement. Then we cower under our beds when it comes to supporting a social justice movement in Hong Kong. That’s a bottom-line decision.

    Anon; I have been told that it’s racist for people of another culture to be forced to adapt to the American Culture like our ancestors did. We created our own schools outside of the mainstream schools in order to keep our culture alive. Correct?

    Anon; Agreed

    Anon; Well the people of Hong Kong have their own culture outside that of the PRC. That culture is being trampled to death by the use of force and imprisonment. I’ll give you a point that was included in a story that was killed in redacted. It was titled China, Israel relations improving over common issues. In the text, redacted pointed out the similarities between the suppression of the people of Hong Kong. A people who were without a country for years and are now being annexed by China, by force. And the Palestinians, a people without a country for years that are being suppressed by Israel and their land being annexed by force. Plus, the greed factor is upfront. China sees Israeli startups and wants to produce their products and the Israelis not unlike American Jewry will make a deal to produce outside their country as long as they can make an extra shekel per unit. Look I’m like most American Jews. I’m a Jew to get me in the door and I’m a liberal to keep me in the building. Aside from that I’m an American. I’m not a socialist yearning for our long-lost Jewish brother Karl Marx to have his dream realized. The reality is if I want the mortgage paid and my kids to have a legacy then I gotta play the game. We all do except at the top.

    Anon; Speaking of Jews at the top, Mike is really upset his favorite show was cancelled.

    Anon; What’s that?

    Anon; Live P.D.

    Anon; We told you last year it was gone.

    Anon; Abrams knew it too. Fuckin dick.

    Anon; Is that a fact or opinion, everyone here knows you hate Dan.

    Anon; It’s a fact that I was told he was told.

    Anon; So, you don’t know for a fact.

    Anon; No.

    Anon; It had to go, the new censorship from the hard left is to bury the facts.

    Anon; Oh my God She used the C word.

    Anon; Yes, I did and what else do you call getting shows like that one cancelled. The only one that showed the truth as it happens. Same reason Cops got cancelled.

    Anon; Don’t go there, I’m warning all of you don’t go there.

    Anon; OH my God, you’re such a corporate kiss ass.

    Anon; I’m not willing to cut my own throat. This is supposed to be about BLM and COVID.

    Anon; It’s supposed to be about the truth.

    Anon; Well then tell the truth.

    Anon; What truth?

    Anon; You’re not Jewish!

    Anon; What the fuck are you talking about?

    Anon; You’re a convert, not a Jew by birth.

    Anon; Oh, kill the messenger huh? I’m Jewish by choice, not by birth. You happy!

    Anon; I’m not killing the messenger. I’m questioning the messenger’s motive. A real Jew would never bring up in a forum like this the things you are wanting to bring up.


    Anon; Wait a fucking second. You are questioning his faith? What the fuck. I’m a Jewish woman born to a Jewish woman to a redacted in New York. We have discussed this subject many times and now you of all people, are trying to censor a fellow Jew by discrediting her faith in our religion. You married a Gentile what does that say about your faith

    Anon; Ok, let’s calm down now. I don’t wanna sound like an antisemite but this sounds like a Jewish problem.

    Anon; It’s not a Jewish problem. It’s about a Jew not wanting other Jews to tell the truth about American Jewry.

    Anon; That’s a Jewish problem.

    Anon; You know something. I’m becoming disgusted with having to lie every time this comes up. Remember what he said facts are not evil people are. Well if the evil we American Jews are perpetuating on this country continues. I don’t think I want to be Jewish anymore. It shakes my faith to the core.

    Anon; Mike can we stop again?


    Anon; Ok, now we have come to a consensus. This is just among the Jewish members of this group though. The subjects we are about to discuss are not meant to disparage American Jewry as a whole. There are many orthodox and center leaning Jews in this country that will be as disgusted by what we are about to reveal as most of America.

    Anon; I’ll get us started where we left off. We have agreed to bring in the leader of the Legal Group to give us the legal definitions so we won’t end up arguing about what is legal and what isn’t. Redacted

    Anon; I know a few of you. I’m redacted I have been practicing redacted law for 34 years. I’m an active Orthodox Jew. The two questions I have been asked to answer are, what is a news organization? and what is censorship?

    Anon; First; Censorship is the suppression of any speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that the material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient. Censorship can be conducted by the government, private institutions, and other controlling bodies. This includes television networks, companies supporting censorship by giving support to the party or parties conducting the censorship and governmental bodies allowing the censorship. The latter is the touchiest one. Usually this required the party that believes they are being censored to file an action. This is usually the time when the ACLU becomes involved. But they almost always go after government censorship.

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