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It all starts quiet innocently. Two Aussie boys on a night out in Sitges, nearly end up in jail, but as always James gets scent of menace. A call to the BBC, commissions, an in depth expose of James's suspicions, turn out to be life threatening, cruel and true. James's instinct prevails. The past meets the present in ever barbaric way. Enter a new strange group of world guardians and the creation of a near super team. London, Cape Town and most of Spain see some action. PENNY Lane, home and sanctuary, finds its feet in their lives. From the devil to his reincarnation, tests the team to spiraling heights and equal lows. To prevail all needs to be overcome. All you need, love and truth.

Publisherds Eliot
Release dateSep 12, 2020

ds Eliot

d.s. Eliot spent ten years of his life in semi-retirement, building preposterously large structures, teaching himself the art of cheese making. How not to make bad whiskey and gin crafted in the old back yard, before retiring to pursue his true passion: writing fiction.​He released his first novel, Kalgoorlie, in December of 2017. It became the first book in the James and Miceal Series. The plan is to translate the book into 5 languages, and to also develop a screen play for a major motion picture.The second novel, Roma, follows James and Miceal to Rome, where d.s. Eliot holidayed with his late mother and now husband. A wonderful bonding with a hardworking teacher, his mother had lived life in a small town where he was born. Roma was released in March of 2018.​The third in the James and Miceal series, Duras, was released in December 2018. As always d.s. Eliot goes to base, a small village in the south of France that by chance he visited near half his age. It was a cold winter but very much joyous with an infamous castle invasion unbeknown to the owners to this day. It is a hilarious story.James and Miceal don’t let up there and d.s. Eliot follows up with the next of the series Sitges and believe it or not some of the drafts of Nairobi are being penned on the odd break.No matter where he is, or what's going on, he tries his best to set aside time every day to answer emails and messages from readers. You can reach him at:

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    Book preview

    Sitges - ds Eliot


    by: d.s.Eliot

    Copyright 2018 Glenn John Elliott

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    The ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This novel uses UK English.


    To my amazing husband,

    In my darkest, loneliest moment, all I had was you. I felt hope. I felt love. Thank you for the laughter and love that I have enjoyed over the past year. Thank you for your support and help in bringing this novel to fruition.

    Thank you.

    I love you.

    References and Translations:

    •Parròquia de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (translate)

    •The Basilica Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia

    •La Rambla,_Barcelona

    •Vigo / Pontevedra / Santander - Spain

    For purposes of the novel the above three places were used to describe the entry of drugs (Galician corridor) into the European market and not necessarily drug dens.

    •Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya - Australia

    •Paternoster / Malmesbury – South Africa

    Paternoster is a small holiday town. Malmesbury is known for its wine cultivation and sheep farming.

    •Bienvenido: Welcome

    •Hola dos cervezas por favor: Hello two beers, please

    •Habla Inglés: Speak English?

    •Gambas al Ajillo: Shrimp scampi

    •Te amo: I love you

    •Gracias: Thanks

    •Cafe con azucar y leche: Coffee with sugar and milk

    •Buenos días: Good morning

    •Señor/e: Mr./Gentleman

    •Por que: Why

    •Jódete: Fuck you

    •Boet: Brother

    •Moffie maatjies: Gay mates

    •Waterblommetjie bredie: Casserole

    •Malva: Hot baked pudding

    •Barbie: Barbeque

    •Braaied mielies: Barbequed corn on the cob

    •Dominee: Religious minister

    •Fair dinkum: Confirmation of truth

    •Stubbies: Beers

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    Chapter 72

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    Chapter 77

    Chapter 78

    Chapter 79

    Chapter 80

    Chapter 81


    References and Translations

    Other Titles by d.s.Eliot

    Connect with d.s.Eliot

    Chapter 1

    A beach, sun and the Parròquia de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla etched against the sea blue skyline. Two lovers soak up the August sunlight. This is more like it for the two Aussie lads, beer in hand.

    Enough sun and beer, eventually, the two lads head to their pensión around 17:00 for their siesta. It's a bit late but hey, they are on holiday and will settle into the ways of the locals in no time. James and Miceal wake at 19:00. A shower and suppertime in tranquil Sitges.

    James, My love where shall we dine tonight? in his very best French aristocratic imitation voice.

    Miceal, This is Sitges not Paris and we are Aussies, so a pie with a few stubbies will do.

    James, Dear God no, and besides, we are not in Australia but the world renowned gay resort of Sitges, so something a little more upmarket than the humble pie will be in order. As for the stubbies, they will do. Pass me my mobile, it’s next to you?

    Miceal, Catch.

    James, Let me see. as his touchscreen feeds back the data he searches for. Hmm, Parrots no, Beach maybe, Queenz. Oh that is easy. My love you are such a queen! Queenz it is.

    Miceal, Shut it. I am no queen, more like a handsome stud.

    James, Maybe in your dreams. he teases.

    Miceal, I will spank you in public like a naughty school boy. Now let’s go, I am starving.

    They arrive at the Queenz sign, neon blue and purple emblazoned on the front of the restaurant entrance. They are soon seated, the place appears a little empty. A waiter arrives, Bienvenido.

    James, Hola dos cervezas por favor? The waiter places two menus on the table. Bloody hell Miceal he's hot, I could get a job here.

    Miceal, And give up your journalistic murdering job that you currently occupy?

    James, Someone has to take up the slack, and be careful you might be next. he teases.

    The beers arrive. Habla Inglés?


    Well then, can we have Gambas al Ajillo?


    Miceal, What the heck is that?

    James, Well if I'm right, prawns in olive oil with garlic and chilli.

    Miceal, You bitch, you know I smell terrible the next morning after eating garlic.

    James, Yes, I know but you love it and besides you are in Spain, so get used to the idea, garlic is not used sparingly here.

    The tapas starter is excellent, slowly the place starts filling up. The waiter arrives with two more cervezas. Plato principal?

    James, We will share the chicken paella por favor.

    Miceal, How the hell do you know all of this?

    I had an aunt that took care of me as a babe, she was Spanish, guess that’s how I picked up my linguistic skill abilities. Te amo!

    Miceal, Whatever that means?

    The waiter interjects, He said he loves you. Your chicken paella. Enjoy, it is my favourite too.

    Miceal is a conservative eater, chicken is fine yet he is tentative about the foreign cuisine.

    The meal is great until he gets to What’s this? picking it up.

    James, It’s a snail.

    Miceal drops it quite reflexively.

    What’s wrong with you that’s probably the best ingredient in the meal. He pounces on the snail and swallows with glee. Yum!

    The paella is nearly done when the waiter arrives, two beers in hand, Can we settle the bill, the show is about to start? placing the bill on the table.

    James casts an eye over the bill a little alarmed at the expense What show? he stutters sliding the Knowles credit card across.

    Waiter, Tonight we have three acts. I am sure they will entertain you. Please sign here. pointing, as the handheld credit card machine spits out two slips. He signs. The spot on the left is the best. Enjoy.

    James, Okay here goes, Miceal you lead the way, I might not make it. The crowd has swelled and it feels more like a football match at Barcelona FC.

    Miceal muscles through over his shoulder There that looks like the best spot in the house.

    An exceptionally tall Tina Turner arrives on stage, takes a moment to puff her hair then adjusts her dress, Hola. Bienvendo. Bienvendo todo el mundo. Welcome. Bienvendo. The crowd roars in anticipation. A hand in the air silences all, the music rises to the famous Tina’s ‘Private Dancer’, setting the pace for the night.

    Wonderfully delivered, Miceal, My darling you could get a job here! James just pinches his bum.

    Next up three half naked beautiful male studs strut around dancing to ‘Simply the best’ as Tina waves her arms in total glee. Not quite done, when ‘What’s love got to do with it’ comes on and they venture into the crowd touching and teasing to the utter delight of all.

    A hush descends as Tina introduces the main act, Agnetha and Anni-Frid. One blond the other red. To thunderous hoots and everyone singing along they perform Mama Mia, S.O.S and Dancing Queen.

    Tina prance’s back on stage, Gracias, gracias, pero no hemos terminado, una vez especial, diques y no tan caballeros, Vanessa Williams. - Thank you, thank you but we are not finished, a special once off, dykes and not so gentlemen, Vanessa Williams. A gasp and applause as a baby grand piano is rolled onto the stage while, Vanessa Williams, very passionately renders ‘Save the best for last’. As You went and saved the best for last trails off the eruption of sound is like that of an erupting volcano.

    Miceal, Utterly outrageously brilliant.

    James, Am I allowed to say I am speechless.

    Miceal, All of that in a half hour, how could they possibly stop.

    James, Probably to get you to come back tomorrow. Let’s go.

    Walking back to the pensión feels like they are floating along. It was a half hour but felt like a month of Sundays squeezed into 10 minutes it was that good.

    Miceal, I agree it was very good but your analogy, well that’s a little confusing.

    James, You know what I mean my love.

    The night is spent passionately and the two wake quite exhausted in the morning. It’s a slow drag through the shower and a short walk, for cafe con azucar y leche. Miceal, I feel a little weak. after his first sip of sweet white coffee.

    James, Me too. A long silence. Well then what are we up to tonight? Two gay Aussie lads in Sitges.

    Miceal, That’s easy mate, party time. I might add that’s after we have had some lunch and that siesta thing they do here, its growing on me.

    James, Okay touchscreen time, let’s see how about El Café de la Plata?

    The meal is easy tapas, not much drinking as they settle into the Spanish mode life style. Seista passes blissfully.

    At 19:00 the boys are up. James on his touchscreen, Central Bar Café, if that’s fine with you? It’s a bar. smiling. The web says it is a little quieter than some of its siblings.

    The taxi ride is friendly as the driver speaks Inglés, Where are you from? What do you do? it goes on until they get to Central Bar Café.

    James pays, Miceal do they train them to talk so much?

    Miceal, Well maybe this is a case of kettle and pot. Have you heard yourself? You are mostly at supersonic speed. When you get going it’s more like the speed of light and yes I still love you!

    The Central Bar Café is a casual joint by all account, the crowd appears generally jovial nothing hectic. Just the mood for the two lovers. Cervezas at the bar, the music current and the two enjoy the moment.

    James, Do you remember this? I think I was sixteen. his head bopping to the music.

    Miceal, Oh rubbish you old fart, this was popular when we were in our twenties, now get us another Estrella before you give away any more clues to how ancient you are grandpa.

    James, I have feelings I will have you know and let the record show that you are a month older than me, turning to the bar and bar-tender, Disculpe, ¿puedo por favor tener dos Estrella más? – That’s excuse me, may I please have two more Estrella? for Miceal’s benefit

    Miceal, Okay Miss Sensitive I am sorry. Just then a rather ugly looking Spaniard slides into the seat next to James and orders an Estrella. It takes a full two minutes before he hits on James. Hola, my name is José.

    James routinely, Hello mate, I’m James and this is my boyfriend Miceal.

    José does not even break stride, Can I buy you a cerveza?

    James, Sure for both of us, that is. The ground rules laid, the chit chat revolves around where they are from, what they do and some of the fun moments they have had in the short time they have been in Spain.

    José, I am having a party tonight, it would be rude of me not to extend an invitation to you. Show you some Spanish hospitality. My friends are a bunch of hooligans but hey it’s a party. It starts at midnight. he scribbles the address down on a napkin and leaves.

    Miceal, Well that was a little forward, I might as well not have been here. He was all over you! You can of course have him. He is a real gem with that maxilla pointing at you like a hungry vampire in the dead of night.

    James, Yip, as you point out a gem, if you are a vampire lover, which I am not. Couldn’t help himself, after all, I am the hottest catch in Sitges at the moment, so you remember that mate.

    Miceal, Okay, that is true but let’s go to the party, it might just be a heap of fun. What else do we have to do?

    James, I suppose, we best get going, I’d love to catch a quick shower if we are going to be out all night. We can catch a taxi to this address. waving the napkin.

    Chapter 2

    Sitges is not the biggest town so the taxi fee is very reasonable. ‘Ding dong’, the door is answered by a strapping guy even hotter than the one back at Queenz, You must be the Australian guys that José said would be coming around. Please wait over here, I’ll get you a beer, he will be here in a minute. pointing them to seats in the foyer.

    Just on the first sip of beer José breezes down a staircase to the left, Bienvendo my Aussie mates. and hugs them in turn like old friends. I see Berto has taken care of you. Come on let me show you around. carrying on with a fiendish smile I rent this place every year for the holiday season and it is fabulously famous all over the world. They pass a side room filled with young naked guys in what could only be described as an orgy of sex. They all appear wasted and James gathers not from alcohol. May I offer you a taste?

    Miceal, We prefer beer mate, an Aussie thing. very cautiously.

    José, Pity it is a great ride. A little like ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ it’s all the way from Cape Town in South Africa. he laughs at his own joke. James and Miceal exchange glances of concern, this is not their scene at all. They enter a large lounge area with more naked guys strewn all over.

    A sudden eardrum bursting shriek eclipses the loud music beat. He is dead. Manuel wake up, please wake up. Help somebody help! A flurry of activity, Manuel is dead, apparently curtesy of enhanced Cape Town Tik.

    Miceal, James, what must we do? Where is José?

    James, He has vanished, something is afoot here. This is none of our business let’s get out of here and now. They follow the José exit.

    Chapter 3

    A bleak morning awaits the boys after a restless night. Rain pelts down. A very firm bang on the room door followed by ¡La policía abre la puerta!

    Turmoil. Miceal, What do the police want?

    James opens the door, Buenos días officer.

    A policeman steps forward and in terrible English, Señore, you are under arrest for selling drugs and murder! We have the video evidence.

    James, That can’t be, we went to a party that a friend we had met at a bar invited us to.

    James and Miceal get their rights read to them in Spanish and unceremoniously hauled off to the local estación de policía. The next four hours are horrendous for the boys, the language barrier does not allow them to comprehend exactly what is being said.

    You where there, we have video evidence. You run. You sell drugs. You use drugs. You murder. again and again for four hours. James finally has had enough, puts his hands up, Por favor llévenos a un hospital - please take us to a hospital.

    The interrogating office, Por que?

    Miceal, Because we don’t do drugs, period. Find that little fiend, José, he might help you with the death of that poor soul. We were leaving before the incident, we don’t do drugs and decided to leave. he stretches the truth a little.

    The interrogating officer, You are guilty, good idea let us take your blood and confirm that you are going to spend a long time here in Spain.

    Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista is a most pleasant looking place. Miceal, This works fine if we are clean but if there is some hiccup we are in for it.

    James, We are innocent and that’s a fact. angrily.

    Hola. the receptionist waves them through to the emergency entrance.

    Wonder why we are going to the emergency? Miceal asks James. Before he can answer the interrogating officer from the police station answers, Standard procedure, allows the testing to take place within hours.

    James to the nurse in his best Spanish, Toma nuestra sangre y prueba. Somos inocentes. - Take our blood. We are innocent. quiet defiantly.

    Chapter 4

    It takes two full days before they are dropped off at their pensión. Free.

    Please hug me Miceal, I thought this was supposed to be a break from all the chaos of activity and all that pressure in solving the Dubois art debacle.

    Don’t forget the rigours of buying Penny Lane. Yes, it was supposed to be, but this is the real world no holds barred, lets sleep for a couple of days. smiling We can find a pensión in Barcelona, there are a lot of sights we can take in there, relax..generally chill, chill out for a month or so. Maybe then we can start thinking about what we are going to do next. What do you think, my baby?

    James, Okay, can that be a week’s sleep though? Miceal hugs him gently

    Yawning Where shall we go to? Miceal asks.

    James on his touchscreen, There are a couple of options but as you know the recommendation stars don’t always tell the truth. Let’s see, all about the same price range, near to most everything, choose between the following three, my dear boy: Pensión Villanueva, Pensión Laforja or Hostal Plaça Goya Barcelona?

    Miceal, I think Goya sounds more jooj, important, like in a bohemian way.

    James, Cool, we are booked, pack and let’s go. We both know we’ll never sleep so I’ve made a plan. Our guided tour of Barcelona kicks off in about two and a half hours, we can store our gear at Goya.

    Chapter 5

    The tour of Barcelona draws Miceal lips up, in smiling approval of the Gaudi architecture. If unusual is your thing then this unusual is my kind of thing, I like the roundness then sharpness all blending into such unique structures. The crosses all seem to live in a three dimensional space whereas most of the other stuff we have ever seen seems to be in two.

    James, "Well the critics back then would have disagreed with you, it appears from this website that a lot of this would not have been built at all, if they had their way, that is the critics I mean. I think our next stop is the icing on the cake of his work. The Basilica

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