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Reflections of a Gypsy: More Poems by Tom Yeager
Reflections of a Gypsy: More Poems by Tom Yeager
Reflections of a Gypsy: More Poems by Tom Yeager
Ebook124 pages37 minutes

Reflections of a Gypsy: More Poems by Tom Yeager

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About this ebook

This book covers the life changing events that have shaped who I am today. Writing this book has also given me a chance to reflect and learn from my experiences.
In this book I share my thoughts and feelings with affection. The book is divided into five sections: Poems From a Gypsy: Family Memories; Reflections of a Gypsy; Friends I Hope to Meet in Heaven; and Political Issues Made Personal. I hope sharing my insights and growth will be meaningful to you. Tom

PublisherTom Yeager
Release dateAug 29, 2020
Reflections of a Gypsy: More Poems by Tom Yeager

Tom Yeager

Tom began his journey riding and jumping horses when he was eleven and became a state champion and a lifetime horse lover. Then realizing that he needed to learn more than just the horse world, he started writing poems at Occidental College as a way of learning to express himself. After finishing college he lived in Kyoto Japan teaching English to children and businessmen. When he came back to the United States, he became a management consultant and business owner. Tom is now retired after selling the company and lives in California and Saigon. He spends his time riding horses, enjoying sushi, writing, and traveling the world.

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    Book preview

    Reflections of a Gypsy - Tom Yeager

    Most of this book was written during the coronavirus pandemic. The bad news about the coronavirus pandemic is that many of us were unable to travel since countries either closed their borders or required a two-week quarantine to get into the country. The good news was that I was able to work on my writing every day and stay focused on publishing this book.

    While writing the book I was reminded of the words of Mark Twain that inspired me and are inscribed on the walls of his home and museum in Hartford Conn. When in doubt tell the truth.

    Quote from Mark Twain at his home and museum in Hartford, Conn


    A quiet autumn day at Gull Lake in the Eastern Sierra Mountains of Northern California

    Photo taken by Tom Yeager.


    This book is dedicated with appreciation to my mom and dad for all they did to give their children the best lives that they could.

    Mom was very much dedicated to social justice and she gave me, my brother and sisters the gift of empathy for people. My father was very hardworking to provide for his family and wanted his children to be mindful of the needs of others. These poems and thoughts are written in their memory.


    this book is my attempt to share

    parts of my life with my family and friends

    in hopes they will not have to look back and wish

    that I had shared more with them about myself

    I have missed my mom and my dad

    and talking to me about their life experiences,

    they carried so many answers to the grave

    that I would have wanted to hear

    my dad only told his family what he wanted them to hear

    and would not share very much,

    even though I did my best to talk with him

    but for the most part was left feeling empty

    I learned many things from my mother and father,

    not by what they said, but by what they did,

    this book is my best attempt to share

    my life and my secrets with affection






    Poems from a Gypsy

    Little by Little One Walks Far

    Old Friends

    To Live in Hope or Die in Despair

    Working Out

    Happy Father's Day in Saigon

    Life in the Fifth Most Friendly Country

    Family Memories

    Never Be Late

    Saying Goodbye to My Dad

    How Do We Forgive Each Other?

    An Unspoken Conversation with My Dad

    Best Memories of My Father

    Come on Home Tom

    Best Memories of My Mother

    My Brother and Sisters

    Family Secrets

    Reflections of a Gypsy

    I Had A Dream

    Looking Back on My First Grand Adventure

    Learning to Be A Mechanic

    College Dreams and Disappointments

    Domo arigato to Mrs. Kano and Japan

    The Lost Connection

    Discovering My Potential

    Treasured Years

    Work Your Fingers to The Bone and What Do You Get?

    Thank You for the Memories

    Get ‘er Done with ‘Gator’

    My Teaching Dream Ghost Story

    Journey from Warrior to Gypsy

    Heart of A Gypsy

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