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The World's Deadliest Snakes
The World's Deadliest Snakes
The World's Deadliest Snakes
Ebook59 pages27 minutes

The World's Deadliest Snakes

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This work examines the world's deadliest snakes through an examination of twenty-five separate species.  It provides a direct analysis of each snake's venom toxicity, aggressiveness, and potential for causing human deaths.  

PublisherLarry Slawson
Release dateSep 9, 2020
The World's Deadliest Snakes

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    Book preview

    The World's Deadliest Snakes - Larry Slawson



    MAY 2020


    Throughout the world, there exists a number of highly-venomous snakes capable of inflicting serious harm (or death) to the human population at large. From the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake to the infamous Black Mamba, this work examines the 25 deadliest and most dangerous snakes in the world, ranking each specimen according to their potential for inflicting fatal bites.

    Selection Criteria

    In order to rank the world’s deadliest snakes, a number of basic criteria was necessary for the extents and purposes of this work. First and foremost, each of the snake’s discussed below are ranked according to the overall potency (and toxicity) of their venom in relation to humans. Secondly, overall aggression and the number of fatalities produced by these snakes (annually) is also considered. This element is crucial to consider as some less-venomous snakes (such as the Saw-Scaled Viper) are known to kill more individuals than their highly-venomous counterparts in other parts of the world. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the average amount of time between bite and death is considered with the assumption that no medical treatment or care was taken by an individual. This final criteria is vital for the extents and purposes of this work as effective antivenoms exist to counteract most of the world’s snake bites.

    While the selection process undertaken for this study leaves room for flaws, the author believes these criteria offer the best means for ranking the world’s 25 deadliest snakes.

    25. EASTERN DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE (Crotalus adamanteus)

    Average Size: 3.5 to 5.6 feet (1.1 to 1.7 meters)

    Geographical Range: Southeastern United States

    Conservation Status: "Least Concern" (Population Stable)

    The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is a species of highly venomous snake that is native to the Eastern United States. Large and extremely aggressive, the Eastern Diamondback is widely classified as a terrestrial species as it spends most of its time on the ground hunting its prey. The snake can be easily identified by onlookers due to its large rattle, yellow, brown, and gray coloration, as well as its unique diamond pattern seen along its back.

    Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Bite Symptoms and Treatment

    The Eastern Diamondback possesses an extremely potent venom that is comprised of low-molecular peptides and enzymes known as crotalase. After biting their victims, the venom quickly goes to work resulting in excessive bleeding, muscle pain and weakness, as well as hypotension (a drop in blood pressure). As the venom progresses into the bloodstream, nausea and extreme vomiting are common, followed by severe abdominal cramps. Without treatment, fatality rates for the Eastern Diamondback’s venomous bite are estimated to be in the vicinity of 30-percent, with cardiac arrest being the

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