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Luck Rarely Knocks
Luck Rarely Knocks
Luck Rarely Knocks
Ebook247 pages3 hours

Luck Rarely Knocks

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About this ebook

Nothing frustrated Emery Winston more than watching his friends and co-workers being threatened. It was time to take the fight to the source. Although it meant fighting on foreign soil, he had the backing of some powerful allies who would hopefully give him the edge he needed to even the odds. This fast moving mystery will keep your interest and have you wishing you could join in.

PublisherDan Allex
Release dateSep 14, 2020
Luck Rarely Knocks

Dan Allex

Dan Allex (Dan Kubicek) was born in Austin, Minnesota. I am retired and enjoy exploring the mountains of Colorado after moving here 5 years ago. My hobbies are golf, fly fishing, pheasant hunting, skiing and reading.My wife and I had lived in Las Vegas, Nv. for twenty-five years, and recently relocated to Denver to be closer to our son and his family.I enjoy telling a story, and I hope people get some enjoyment from my books. Visit for more information about the upcoming mysteries and the author.Books in print are available now at where you can order direct for less.Take a look at Chisago Creek, my latest book. It is a Minnesota mystery that is a page-turner. If you visit to Austin, stop in and browse at Sweet Reads, my favorite bookstore.

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    Book preview

    Luck Rarely Knocks - Dan Allex

    Chapter 1

    Emery Winston had never set foot in Albania. He’d had no reason to. This time he did. Cold rain pounded the airport windows. Having lived so long in Las Vegas, rain was out of place and maybe even hostile, to him. Winston tried to get that word hostile out of his mind. He was supposed to look like a happy tourist that was on vacation.

    Emery casually scanned the crowd searching for his CIA contact. He looked for a woman in her thirties wearing a blue New York Yankees baseball cap and a green windbreaker. Following instructions, Emery wore a Green Bay Packers cap with jeans and a blue sweatshirt. There were few distractions in the sparsely decorated Tirana airport. Most of the people were taking the same route he was. He saw some passengers from his flight heading toward the restrooms, so he went with the flow. Once he was beyond his gate he decided to wait at the first available restroom.

    He thought he saw her standing by the water fountain between the men’s and women’s restrooms. They nodded to each other, shook hands, and she said How about those Packers!

    Winston’s rehearsed reply was: Only at Lambeau.

    The code phrases matched. They smiled, now at ease, and walked to the exit. As they headed to her car Emery introduced himself using the name on his ID packet: Jed Herschel.

    She replied, Pleasure to meet you, Jed. My name is Cassandra Diakos. Call me Cassie

    That’s not Albanian is it?

    You‘re right. I’m from a small village in Macedonia that is very close to Greece. My family has lived there for almost two hundred years. Where are you from, Jed?

    Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Ah, Sin City.

    "You’ve got it.

    As they passed through a crowded stretch, Cassie made a point of saying, Jed, I hope you enjoy your vacation in Albania.

    Once they were alone, she said quietly, I know a small restaurant, one hundred percent safe and debugged, where we can talk more about your visit.

    Good. How’s the food?

    Excellent. They even have cheeseburgers!


    Yes, my friend. They do, and they are exceptional.

    Then roll on. Are you hungry?

    Always. As Cassie drove to the cafe in her Toyota RAV 4, she monitored her rear view mirror. A taxi had been behind them for the last three turns. Hang on, she said, swerving across two lanes to turn right, then right again. They got some honks, but they lost the taxi.

    Good move, Cassie. Did we have someone tailing us?

    Yes, my friend, she said. I am sorry, but someone thinks we are important enough to follow. Unfortunately, there are factions in this country that have a habit of following me, and others in my unit. It is no secret that I am part of the special operations unit, the Wolves. But I’m sure you know my history and where I fit with the CIA.

    Cassie took another quick turn as her car bottomed out when she wheeled into the restaurant’s parking lot. Emery had been holding his breath while clenching his teeth. The car came to a sliding stop and his new friend announced, This is it. Time to eat!

    Emery exhaled deeply, took in a healthy breath to fill the void, and said, Nice drivin’, hotrod!

    Cassie smiled and said, Hotrod? I’ll take that as a compliment.

    It was. How in the hell did you learn to drive like that?

    From Steve McQueen. Did you like Bullitt?

    Emery grinned as they walked into the backdoor of the Albanian Americanized restaurant and added, What other U.S. actors do you like?

    McQueen first and second, Clint Eastwood. I loved Dirty Harry.

    Cassie, I think this the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

    Her reply wore a devious smile. Believe me, cowboy, this is no Casablanca.

    Chapter 2

    Cassie was told that the American that she was meeting was searching for a notorious Albanian gangster, but that was the extent of her knowledge of his mission. In the back of her head she had an idea about why Emery was here, but she wasn’t paid for making suppositions. She had a history of following orders to a fault, but also had enough intuition and common sense to improvise if the situation required.

    So far Emery liked her style. She was confident, cautious, and personable. He had done a background check on Cassie, and what he had found was impressive. Her father was Macedonian and her mother was born in Greece. It was no accident that Cassie ended up with the career she worked so hard to develop. Her father had spent eighteen years in the Macedonian Army through some of its most challenging years up to the birth of the Independent Republic in September, 1991. Its independence from Yugoslavia was heralded as a great step for the country, but not all agreed.

    Cassie had two years of college at the prestigious University For Information and Technology St. Paul the Apostle in Ohrid, Northern Macedonia, where she was enrolled in the Business and Social Sciences College. She was specializing in Political and International Studies. It was her father who had steered Cassie toward the military, and she enlisted in the Army of the Republic of Macedonia after the end of her second year at the university. Cassie’s mother was not pleased so she voiced her concern about her daughter’s choice of careers. Her mother was not aware of her husband’s active role that was instrumental in Cassie being groomed for a special forces branch of the military called the Wolves.

    On March 1, 1994, Special Forces Unit (6th Squad) was founded within the Army of the Republic of Macedonia. The unit’s mission was to provide fully organized, trained, and equipped units for performing special operations and specific conventional assignments. These could be independently or in cooperation with other units of the ARM and other coalition forces. That could be in all weather and land conditions, in peacetime, crisis, or war so as to support peace and to prevent conflict as part of the overall efforts to support internal security and foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia. In 2001 the unit became a part of CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit).

    Cassie started training with the Wolves when she was twenty years old as one of only two women in the unit. Now at twenty-eight she was highly decorated because of missions completed in Macedonia and abroad. She was still classified as an officer with the Wolves, but during operations against terrorism Cassie had crossed paths with CIA agents several times. It was a natural blend when the CIA recruited Cassie with the full approval of the Macedonian Army to help them on special assignments. Her new project had the potential to be one of her most interesting yet.

    Emery Winston (Jed), was an Iowa-born farm boy. He was introduced to hard labor at the age of five. His family’s farm succeeded because of the efforts of he and his two brothers, his father, and his mother. It wasn’t an easy life, but it was all theirs. Emery and his two brothers grew up with frames that were muscle and bone. At 6’1", 195 pounds, Emery was the smallest of the boys and the oldest. The Winston boys still held most of the sports records at Cedar Falls High School. In athletics there was nothing that the boys didn’t excel in. They also did well in academics and none of them had ever experienced a report card that had a grade lower than B.

    Of the three boys, it was Emery who had the knack for hunting and shooting. At eight years old his grandfather gave him his first gun, a bolt action .22 rifle. His grandpa’s idea of gifting the boy a rifle with a bolt action to reserve ammunition didn’t work like he expected. Emery was so efficient working the action that he still managed to burn through bricks of ammo, one after another. The Winston’s rarely hunted for sport. They hunted to keep food on the table.

    Emery could have attended any college on scholarships in both academics and athletics. Instead, five years after the last soldier came home from Viet Nam, he enlisted with the Marines. It didn’t take the young man long to stand out when he went through basic training with ease. When his group got to the rifle range Winston’s targets were shown to his fellow enlistees as examples of what could be accomplished. In a few hours on the range the sergeant in charge had Emery working with the recruits to show them his technique for making tight groupings on bullseyes. He thought it amusing that he was teaching his shooting style which was something that he had taken for granted—sight in your target, control your breathing, and squeeze the trigger like it was a delicate flower. He told his buddies that once those three things became natural then they could advance to the most important part of developing excellent marksmanship—practice, practice, practice.

    It took only a few days before his trainers realized that there was very little about Emery Winston that was average. He was cut out of the herd and shuffled into the Marines’ Special Operations training so he didn’t get bored.

    Emery served for eight years in a variety of challenging situations. The natural transition for him was sniper training where he was introduced to telescopic and laser sights. He had never shot a handgun because his dad and brothers only used long guns. He took to pistols with a fascination that allowed him to excel after only a few times at the range. Once again his superiors recognized his ability and he was drafted onto the Special Ops Pistol Competition Team. He became proficient with everything from a bow and arrow to a rocket propelled grenade and whatever was in between.

    One of the sports he held trophies for at Cedar Falls High was wrestling. He was the state champion his junior and senior years so his training in basic self defense was also a breeze for him.

    Winston worked equally well with a team or on his own. If he had a choice, he’d go solo. Many of his assignments were classified, and even though most rewards were silent, he and his teammates got tremendous satisfaction from being some of the first military personnel sent into a hot spot to assess the situation. In most cases, their mission was to neutralize the threat.

    When 911 came, he had already been retired, but still was staying active being co-owner of a private security firm called Black Arrow. They specialized in protecting corporate executives that were required to be in areas of the world where terrorism was flourishing. Nowadays that could be almost anywhere. The firm was one of the best for training in all aspects of personal, home, and corporate defense along with security. Emery made a point of operating within the guidelines of the law, but was known on occasion to bend it to suit his needs. This mission would prove to be one of those times.

    Chapter 3

    Cassie chose their booth carefully. She was looking for privacy, but also wanted to have a clear view of the front door. It was a habit—one that had served her well. Her new acquaintance looked like he could take care of himself, but still she was assigned to him which meant Cassie was his guide, protector, and teammate.

    The cheeseburger was not one in paradise, but it could have been worse. Even though it was fresh, Emery couldn’t recognize the seasonings that permeated the meat. He liked the cheese, but it also was unusual. Even though he tried to eat healthy, he didn’t consider himself a health-nut. He preferred to vary his diet which could include some chips, dips, hotdogs, ice cream, and an occasional caramel roll. Sometimes he’d have a beer or a shot of Blended Canadian Whisky, or both. Winston liked vegetables, but never thought of buying any.

    The salad that Cassie ordered looked fair, but even though the burger was not what Emery was accustomed to, it still looked better than the salad. A cold beer would have rounded out the lunch, but it was critical to have his mind sharp for the afternoon ahead of them.

    How’s the cheeseburger?

    You know, I think it’s not bad. At first, the seasonings threw my off, but it’s growing on me. As hungry as I was, I could have eaten a doorknob.

    I wouldn’t call that resounding praise. This restaurant is our best chance of getting a good meal and still be inexpensive. Plus, it has passed our security parameters so we can talk freely. So tell me, my friend, what can I do for you next?

    Accompanying the question was a smile that was penetrating. It took Emery off-guard and left him momentarily stunned. Cassie studied his face as he searched for words. She had only met him, but she thought she could see a slight blush coming over him. He had a boyish charm that intrigued her.

    Winston shook off whatever had him in a daze and responded. "I need a sidearm. A pistol that will be easily concealed. Ideally, I’d like it to be a ‘throwaway’ that is untraceable.

    Although I don’t plan on staying here for an extended vacation, I’ll need a place to stay that is secure.

    Cassie saw his demeanor change from shy to a determined, confident professional. She replied with, Let’s go see what we can do to fulfill your needs. I have been given only a sketchy outline of why you are here. Your credentials are impeccable and I have been instructed to follow your guide and help you anyway I can. I don’t need to know your specific mission, and I would prefer it that way. You tell me what to do and when.

    He looked into the haunting dark brown eyes that told him that she meant every word. Emery smiled and said, Where have you been all my life?

    Chapter 4

    Emery Winston stared out the passenger window as his new teammate drove through the streets of Tirana. His mind wandered through the facts that had transpired during the previous month that prompted his drastic response. Second guessing himself wasn’t in his DNA, but he needed to justify his mission, which took only a few minutes. He wasn’t there for a client, a government, or a cause other than his own and that of his friends.

    While vacationing in Northern Minnesota, Winston’s Las Vegas business associates, Dave Johnson and Willard Olson, from a local detective agency, had lent their investigating skills to help an understaffed County Sheriff, Albert Lonetree. While enjoying their fishing trip with their wives in Voyageurs National Park, they discovered two bodies and each one had a story to tell. Because of their investigations, the detectives found themselves ensnarled with local thugs, money laundering, thieves, and ultimately the Albanian mob. Once they realized the seriousness of their situation, Dave and Will called in some help in the form of Emery Winston’s Black Arrow team along with their associate at Eye of the Owl agency ex-FBI Salt Lake City Station Director, Jim Roberts.

    After dismantling the mobster’s organization in northern Minnesota and neutralizing the threat to his friends and associates, Emery was relieved but frustrated. Even with the assistance of the county sheriff, the Highway Patrol, Park Rangers, and the FBI, three of the headpins of the Albanian mob had slipped through their hands and escaped to Tirana, Albania.

    The mobsters were no strangers to Emery and he already had knowledge of their organization that permeated the gaming business in Las Vegas as well. It was only in Minnesota that he realized the extent of the Albanian mob’s stranglehold on gambling and how viciously they protected their turf. Winston witnessed firsthand how the thugs operated with impunity, and how easy it was for them to escape to the safety of their homeland.

    Emery Winston was singled out by the brother and sister team of the Albanian mob’s top-dog, Bekim Hoxha. It was shortly after the sister and her husband skillfully out-witted authorities and exited the continent untouched that their comrades in Las Vegas initiated a full-out assault on the Black Arrow headquarters. The attack was not successful, but the extraordinarily brazen strike was what got Winston determined to initiate his personal war on the Albanian mob.

    His action was not only sanctioned by the CIA, but it was supported and encouraged.

    It was the lack of chatter and Emery’s stoic contemplation that prompted Cassandra’s comment. Hey buddy, how does it go, that American phrase, ‘A penny for your thoughts’. You’re so quiet you’re scaring me.

    Sorry. I’m reviewing a few things, getting my ducks in a row and thinking about where to start.

    My friend, you impress me. I feel like you know exactly what to do. Your choice of including my organization was the best way to go. I’m not sure if I can say this without it sounding braggadocious, but I’m your best bet for navigating through the pitfalls of Tirana. Our next stop is a safe-house where you can stay. I also have a weapon there that you will have at your disposal. I am assuming that you are familiar with a Glock compact 9mm?

    Cassandra, you are a mindreader. Perfect.

    As she crisscrossed through the streets of Tirana, she constantly

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