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Becoming a Girl
Becoming a Girl
Becoming a Girl
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Becoming a Girl

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Max learned a deep secret of The Girls Club when he slipped into one of the club's unique female skins meant for a wealthy new member and transformed into a bursty hot blonde girl. A search for clues that could tell if his new sexy female body was a one-way transformation or if he could turn back before what he did was discovered, have so far been in vain. But posing as Maxine at the club has let him experience how much he truly enjoys being a girl in the steamed up secret members-only rooms in the back of the club.

Now, even more, determined he sets out to learn the full secrets of the club and the answers to his questions. But discovering those may come at a high price, which put him in great jeopardy, but maybe also opens up for a whole new world of possibilities and life-changing options.

One thing is certain, the gender bending isn't over, and things are heating up when he finds out if attempting to seduce his hot female boss is a good idea, or if developing a romantic crush on his best friend will bring any good. Even more so, he'll learn that being a beautiful blonde may be good, but perhaps there's an even more alluring possibility.

Note: This is book 2 in The Girls Club series and continues where book 1 ended.

Release dateSep 15, 2020
Becoming a Girl

Daniela R. Lovejoy

Daniela R. Lovejoy is a successful multi-genre writer of erotic romance titles spanning Lesfic, Genderbenders, and BDSM. She lives near beautiful nature in the Northwest with both forest and coast within walking distance, and have written stories ever since her teenage years.Nowadays, she likes to mix the erotic and romantic in equal shares while sometimes adding sci-fi, paranormal, or fantasy elements. Now sharing her original stories with the world, she hopes to entertain, arouse, and maybe scratch an itch. Check out her ever-growing catalog of titles.Never miss out on when Daniela publishes new stories, sign up for her newsletter and receive an all exclusive FREE copy of A Magical Night, a sexy story only available to her subscribers. Copy-paste this URL:

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    Book preview

    Becoming a Girl - Daniela R. Lovejoy

    Becoming a Girl

    Romantic Suspense, Gender Swap

    The Girls Club (Book 2)


    Daniela R. Lovejoy

    Distributed by Smashwords


    © 2020 Daniela R. Lovejoy

    All rights reserved. This book or any part of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of the author.

    The content of this book is intended for adult readers.

    All the characters in this book are over the age of 18.

    This is a work of fiction and all characters, names and locations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

    Stock photos and models used only for cover illustration purposes.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Words from Daniela

    Other Titles by Daniela R. Lovejoy

    Chapter 1

    I’d just grabbed the keys that would grant me access to the locked door in the members-only area, and now my best friend James had spotted me come rushing down the stairs from Antonia’s offices.

    I’m new here, and I think I got lost looking for the ladies’ room, I tried with a cute voice and embarrassed smile toward him. I turned and slammed the bottom of my high heel into the edge of the last step of the staircase and tripped. I stumbled to my knees, landing on my palms, flinging my purse over the marbled tiles. The knock made the keys fly out on the floor between us.

    I rushed to my feet, ignoring the pain in my limbs. Snatched the purse strap and reached for the keys next, but too late, he’d already picked them up.

    I don’t think these belong to you, he said, holding them before me. There was no denying that, now, my best option was to tell him the improbable truth and hope to convince him.

    James… I know this sounds unlikely, but I’m Max, your friend!

    Miss., I don’t know your relation to Max, but I think you have had a bit more than you can handle tonight. Our hostess is strict on rules, and I don’t believe she’ll be happy if she discovered that you have been snooping around in her office tonight.

    Please, James, it’s really me, Max! It’s all because of what I found in the boxes I’d to deliver, and there’s a locked entrance just behind the members-only door. I need to access it with those keys from her top drawer to make things right… I tried desperately, but he wouldn’t listen and just interrupted me.

    Miss., get someone at the reception to call a cab that can take you home safely. Now I’ll return these. If you refrain from making more fuzz, I’ll not tell her about this incident, which I’m sure you’ll regret tomorrow, when you think more clearly again. He vanished past me up the stairs with a swoosh.

    It was utterly hopeless; he didn’t seem to hear a word I said. I wasn’t sure I’d believed myself either if I’d been in his shoes. We occasionally saw tipsy women in high spirits babbling nonsense. A sense of resignation crept into me. Perhaps I should accept this new situation. I enjoyed this new form of life; it just came with huge unforeseeable consequences when discovered. I sat down on a couch in the nearby lobby, the pain in my knees from the fall became more noticeable again. He came rushing back down but didn’t see me this time. It was getting so late his shift was over. Too bad it couldn’t have been a few minutes

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