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Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella
Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella
Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella
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Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella

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F/F Paranormal Erotic Romance, Drakins of Wyrmarch Novella

Dar’kind Fairy Maura comes to the human dimension on a search and rescue mission. Her success rests on her wits and the skilled aid of her feline tracker, Zelia. Unfortunately, Zelia is experiencing some problems with her shifting. Distracted by the sultry woman in her bed, Maura struggles to stay focused on their quest. If they’re unable to figure out how to gain control of Zelia’s shifting, all hope for their mission as well as any possibility of their future together will be lost. Worse yet, an ancient evil targets Maura. Is Zelia willing to risk all to save the Dar’kind Fae?

PublisherEden Glenn
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella

Eden Glenn

Eden Glenn and her wife "the Lady Librarian" live in the eastern lee of the smoky mountains outside of Asheville, NC on a little piece of land they've named 2 Ole Foxes Farm. Their household is owned by a miniature spotted donkey, a pinto Shetland pony and a couple of riding horses, and two corgis which are lovable nuisances. When she's not writing she enjoys being Garden Goddess, knitting, or driving her Shetland ponies around the neighborhood.Romance so hot it burns off the pages.

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    Dar'kind Promises; A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella - Eden Glenn

    Dar’kind Promises

    A Drakins of Wyrmarach Novella

    Copyright 2012, 2018 Eden Glenn and Up All Knight Productions published at Smashwords


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    Disclaimer: Some of our titles contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices, multiple partner sexual practices. This book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Author nor Up All Knight Publishing will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

    Cover Artist: J.R. Lowery

    First Edition ©2012, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

    Second Edition ©2018, Eden Glenn, Author, Up All Knight Productions

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    About The Author

    Other books by Eden Glenn


    To the Editors and Staff of the former Rebel Ink Press publishing company. I shall you’re your support and unfailing guidance. Thank you for the roots to bring my titles to publication and the wings to go on.

    To my darling Peyton the kitten that chose me to be her human and became the inspiration for Zeila’s transformation. Though she is gone from this plane of existence, she is thought of and missed every day.

    And for my love and my life G.E. the hot lady librarian. Until my last breath.


    This is a side novella in the worlds of the Dragons of Wyrmarch. For faithful readers there are a number of Easter eggs hidden here for you to enjoy.

    Of course I must give a shout out to all my readers. Without you there would be no purpose to writing other than self-amusement. Come on over to my website to say hello and find more of my work.

    Chapter One

    Verucca Toadswizzler cocked her head to consider her dilemma from a different perspective. A large predatory cat sat on its haunches, head level with the wizard’s chest. Verucca tapped her chin with a long pointed finger, knuckles swollen and gnarled from age. You can’t transport to the Earth Dimension in this form. She sighed. This used to be so much easier.

    The animal took great care in licking its paw. Flexing the huge nails, its rough tongue rasped across the bottom of a smooth pad with a lick. The beast’s spotted flanks vibrated in a contented pur.

    Verucca shook her head. No, this won’t do at all. If I send you on this mission this way, you’ll stand out like a Tillyboat in a Jonkanu race. Tillyboats ferried garbage in the Aheron Province, no match for the sleek skiffs in the annual speed race.

    The cat paused in its grooming regimen, its tongue sticking out mid-lick in-shock or commentary?

    Drab robes swirled around the crone’s legs while she stretched her arms over her head. In recent years movement without pain became harder and harder. She’d been old when the royal twins were born and they were men, grown now. She ignored her creaking joints and made grand sweeping motions in the air, accompanied by incantations in an ancient language. She watched the cat stare at her with absorbed interest.

    Cats liked all the flash and sparkle.

    The things I do to entertain you, Zelia. Verucca lowered her arms. Those dramatics weren’t necessary to craft an incantation. How much? Hum, she mused, holding her index finger above her thumb. Then she pinched her fingers until the distance between them shrank to mere inches.

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