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At The Garden Tomb: The Resurrection Story
At The Garden Tomb: The Resurrection Story
At The Garden Tomb: The Resurrection Story
Ebook47 pages25 minutes

At The Garden Tomb: The Resurrection Story

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About this ebook

The powerful story of Resurrection holds great significance to the Christian faith. For in the heart Christianity lays the incredible resurrection event – the central historical event in the Christian faith:

Without Resurrection, there is no Christianity.

At the Garden Tomb retells the resurrection story in a unique way, focusing exclusively on what happened on the resurrection morning at the "garden tomb" – which was the visual representation of the place where Jesus was buried, the site of resurrection.

It takes a close look at the people who came and those who left, and most importantly, the single appearance of Star of the day – the resurrected Christ Himself.

"At the Garden Tomb" and "The Seven Famous Last Words of Jesus" are both excerpts from my new book "The Long Walk to Calvary".

Release dateSep 20, 2020
At The Garden Tomb: The Resurrection Story

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    Book preview

    At The Garden Tomb - Kemi Owonibi


    And if Christ has not been raised,

    our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith.

    In that case,

    we are also exposed as false witnesses about God...


    And if Christ has not been raised,

    your faith is futile;

    you are still in your sins.

    Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.


    1 Corinthians 15:14-18

    The Long Walk to Calvary

    The Seven Famous Last Words of Jesus


    At the Garden Tomb

    are excerpts from my new book:

    The Long Walk to Calvary


    The Garden Tomb

    is a rock-cut tomb in Jerusalem,

    unearthed in the eighteenth century,

    and believed by many to be the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus.

    While it is a visual reminder of Jesus’ atonement,

    I cannot independently confirm or refute such claim.


    Location: Garden Tomb ][ Time: Resurrection Sunday Morning ][ AD 33; 16 Nisan/April 5.


    The passion week was finally over!

    Following a turbulent Friday which ended in Jesus’ crucifixion and demise, and a Saturday of impatient waiting, Sunday dawned and there was resurrection!

    We do not know when or how the resurrection happened. What we do know is that it happened in the early hours of the morning, while it was still dark.

    This confirmed that reality that while the death of Jesus spanned through the three days, the actual duration was less than forty hours – if you are counting from 3 p.m. on Friday to Sunday morning, 6 a.m. at the latest.

    The powerful story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ was recorded by all four canonical Gospels (see Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; & John 20), because the resurrection story holds great significance to the Christian faith.

    For in the heart Christianity lays the incredible resurrection event – the central historical event in the Christian faith.

    Without Resurrection, there is no Christianity.

    Apostle Paul discussed the significance of the resurrection event as he wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:

    And if Christ has not been raised,

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