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Understanding the Prophetic Matrix: The Journey of a Seer, #1
Understanding the Prophetic Matrix: The Journey of a Seer, #1
Understanding the Prophetic Matrix: The Journey of a Seer, #1
Ebook110 pages2 hours

Understanding the Prophetic Matrix: The Journey of a Seer, #1

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About this ebook

Tho a lot of material is written about the prophetic ministry or gifting: sadly, it is hugely misconceived in Christendom for a long time. There are many aspects of the prophetic that are still in the realm of mystery to many. Primarily, it has remained a mystery on what happened during a prophetic encounter. In Understanding The Prophetic Matrix, Ed Brinkman delves deep into the prophetic dynamics to unlock mysteries/secrets of the prophetic, bringing out in a simple but powerful way, insights unveiled to him by the Holy Spirit as he strives to answer questions such as:

  • What is it that makes prophets not to understand the prophetic?
  • Where do people go wrong regarding the prophetic?
  • What are the dangers of receiving and delivering through the prophetic gift or office?
  • Where should the giver of prophecy and the receiver of prophecy be during the prophetic moment? Is it a situation of merit? Must there be a unique 'climate' for the gift or office to operate, or should the giver and receiver be in a special 'place' for the gift to function?
  • What happens if the character is not ready for prophetic utterances?

You will also discover what prophecy is all about and what God's initial plans are regarding hearing from Him through prophecy. You will also gain insight into the design of prophecy for all spheres of society, whether individual, family, business, politics, social, and even the church. Learn why a prophetic word needs to have a season of fulfillment and the giver of prophecy to mature in character.

Release dateOct 12, 2020
Understanding the Prophetic Matrix: The Journey of a Seer, #1

Ed Brinkman

Ed Brinkman was born in Cape Town South Africa. He has been in fulltime ministry for over 30 years. He is the founder and Presiding Apostle/Bishop of Fresh Direction Ministries Int. also known as Teru’ah Fresh Tabernacles for over twenty years. He also planted his first Bible School in 1996, called Transcultural School of Missions. He stayed in Australia for over ten years where he planted a church and Word Schools. He came back to reside in South Africa in 2015, where he planted three more churches up to date. He is happily married to Caroline Brinkman.

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    Book preview

    Understanding the Prophetic Matrix - Ed Brinkman


    To the thousands if not millions of prophets and prophetesses worldwide, some in churches, some outside, functioning tirelessly to bring about what the scripture says, the revealing of the sons of God..., pursuing the understanding of the times... and pointing out the prophetic remnant.

    I'm also dedicating this book to my late parents, Albert Edward Brinkman, who would for hours sit with me talking from the Old Testament (nuggets I still remember and applying in my life as a prophet.  And my mother, Isobel Brinkman, for her consistent prayers and encouragement for me and my ministry. MISSING YOU BOTH DEARLY.

    To my three children Ithiel, Charis, and Chanan (residing in Australia) for their unfailing love and trust in me through the most challenging and trying times. Love you, heaps; ALWAYS...

    Including in this dedication is ‘The Next Generation’ of emerging prophets. May we, as the previous generation, not fail you to pursue your genuine prophetic inheritance. REMAIN FOCUSSED...

    In this dedication, my wife Caroline, for her unfailing love, support, and trust in me. She is pushing me to become better in everything I do to reach my next level and purpose in Christ. MY PILLAR...

    To The Eternal King and all-wise God whose Kingdom I serve, and Savior of my soul, Jesus Christ, whose Testimony is the Spirit of Prophecy. LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING THAT’S WITHIN ME...








    Writing this book aims to contribute to understanding the prophetic in its reception, interpretation, and presentation. I want to write it most simply in other words, in layman's terms, as the saying goes. It is not my desire to undermine or underestimate any other books written on the prophetic but to bring about an understanding to it through my own experience for the last 30 years of moving in the prophetic.

    There is a misunderstanding of the prophetic office and gifts for many years. What is it about this ministry that is making it difficult for people to understand it? Where do we go wrong, and what are the 'dangers' of giving or receiving this gift? Where should the giver of prophecy be and likewise the receiver of prophecy? Must there be a 'special climate' for this gift to operate, or should the giver and receiver be in a special 'holy place' to contribute to the functioning of it?

    It is vital to know what prophecy is and what God's initial

    plan was and still is for people to receive from Him through prophecy. It is

    essential to know and understand whether the prediction is a Rhema word for the 'now' or 'later.' Is it only for the believers, or can prophesy also be a 'blessing' for the sinners? Through this work, I pray that we will see what prophecy is not.

    My focus on writing this book is to shed some light on dark revelations, whether on a personal, individual, family, business, church, city, or country-level of prophecy, even in the marketplace and world affairs matter. It's also essential to know that a prophetic word has a 'season' to mature and a character (soil) to develop. So what happens if the 'soil' is not 'ready' for the prophetic utterance? All of these questions and more are what I am endeavoring to address through this book.

    I'm hoping and praying that by the time you finish reading this book, you will have an in-depth and more precise understanding of the prophetic gift and office. May all misconceptions be removed. The reason for this book is to reveal that our absolute faith and trust in not only on our calling but that our selection and appointment are also crucial to complete it. My prayers are that your journey through this book will bring more insight and revelation and that it will inspire you to flow in the prophetic if that is what you wish for or just to broaden your understanding. May this gift be a blessing to you and prosper and establish you in person or ministry or the marketplace.

    I will use some keys from the Life of Nehemiah to shed some light on the prophetic development. Much like Nehemiah, you may have a call on your life for a specific season and time. You might not even be aware of it, or you are knowledgeable of it, but not ready for the 'job.' I trust that you will find direction through this book as I prayed that it would stir the prophetic in you as you engage its content. I also reflect on some dynamics in David, Joseph, Sampson, Elijah, and a few others.

    I am using the Life of Nehemiah to illustrate how, by the Grace of God, it is possible to accomplish the Prophetic Mission. The Bible says that God already had his mind on Nehemiah; however, he needed to get his attention, but ultimately his commitment and his consent that he has something to contribute. Nothing will change the status quo unless somebody is willing to do something about it.

    The book of Nehemiah opens with a need, a desire, and a cry for help. While people are crying, Nehemiah is doing what he has been doing for a long time. For Nehemiah to get to chapter six, he had to adjust for the call. We tend to think that we can just walk into what we think we know is the call, hence making heavy mistakes on our journey towards it. That preconceived ideas we sometimes have with regards to the calling is our biggest mistake. Thank God Nehemiah had none. God was about to enable him for the task.

    As Nehemiah chapter one opens, we notice that he had no idea of the situation's gravity.  All he was doing was serving in the king's palace. Often, we are doing something that we are familiar with, and then it might be challenging to make adjustments. Let me take you on a journey as we study the Life of Nehemiah. He is about to embark on a calling that he never knew existed. We call this calling a selection by grace. The innocence of him in this story is what got my attention. His authenticity is another remarkable feature of his character. He was not sitting around doing anything. It all happened during a busy schedule on his daily chores in the palace. He knew responsibility and was not looking for a better job with more money. He also was not a lazy man. However, one question will change the cause of his life forever and those who came into the assignment.

    I pray that this book will answer most of your unanswered questions, especially concerning the prophetic. This book is an introduction to understanding the prophetic better. Another book on the prophetic is in the pipeline as an advanced tool for the 'Understanding of the Prophetic.'

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